What is an indigo child? How to raise them and what to do with the attention deficit…

When talking about Indigos, we can talk about children, teenagers or adults. The first generations of Indigos arrived a long time ago, in a way they have always been, because they have never left; Indigo vibration has simply been asleep and now it's time to wake her up. For three or four generations the number has been increasing gradually until the generation that is now in childhood, which is the great critical mass, vibrates totally in the Indigo frequency.

Many of the people who are Lightworkers are Indigo or Indigo-Purple, their mission being to prepare the way and raise awareness. The Indigo-Purple have both types of integrated energies, being able to work with both the current vibrations and the ones they are arriving with. The function is to be an energy bridge from ancient to modern vibration, helping in the process of vibrational change, since you have the gift of working with both parties.

Adult Indigos have to prepare the way, whether working with parents or educators, with New Education, or working with children, teaching them how things work on a physical level, to make the incarnation as traumatic as possible.

Below I present 10 of the most common features of an Indigo child

1. They come to this world with a feeling of royalty (and often behave as such).
2. They have the feeling of "deserving to be here" and are surprised when others do not share that same feeling.
3. Self-esteem is not a big concern for Indigo Children (they often tell their parents "who they are" - the children).
4. They have difficulty accepting absolute authority (authority without any explanation or without more alternatives)
5. They simply will not do certain things; For example: waiting in a row is very difficult for them.
6. They get frustrated with systems that are like rituals and that don't require creative thoughts.
7. Often they have better ways of doing things, both at home and at school, which makes them as rebels, dissatisfied with any system.
8. They seem very antisocial unless they are among children of the same class. If there are no others with the same level of consciousness, they often become withdrawn, feeling that no human being understands them. School is for them a place where it is very difficult for them to socialize.
9. They will not respond to the discipline of "guilt" ("expect your father to come home and find out what you have done").
10. They are shy in expressing to you what they need.

There are basically 4 types of Indigo Children. Each with a purpose:

The Humanist: The first is the humanist Indigo who is destined to work with the masses. They are the doctors, lawyers, professors, merchants and politicians of tomorrow. They will serve the masses and are very hyperactive and extremely sociable. They will talk to everyone, always in a very, very friendly way. They have very defined views, with a slightly clumsy body, and very hyperactive. Sometimes they will crash into a wall because they forgot to put the brakes. They don't know how to play with a toy, but they will take out all the parts they contain and probably won't touch it again later. If you want them to clean the room, you will have to remind them many times, because they are so distracted. They will go to the room, start cleaning until they find a book and then they will sit down to read, because they are fierce readers

The Conceptual: The Conceptual Indigo is more interested in projects than in people. They will be the Engineers, architects, designers, astronauts, pilots and military in the morning. They are very athletic children. They are controllers and the person they try to control the most is their mother if they are children, and their father if they are children. This type of indigo has a tendency to addiction, especially drugs, during adolescence. Their parents should closely monitor their behavior patterns and when they begin to hide things or say things like: `` Do not approach my room, '' is when the mother needs to check her room.

The Artist: The Indigo Artist is very sensitive and his body is small, although not always. They are more inclined towards art, they are very creative and will be the masters and artists of tomorrow. Anything they dedicate will always be oriented towards the creative side. Within the field of medicine, they will be surgeons or researchers. In the field of the arts, they will be the actors. Between the ages of 4 and 10 they will be involved in no less than 15 creative activities, they will dedicate 5 minutes to one and then abandon it. So I always tell the mothers of musicians and artists: Do not buy the instruments, better rent them. The indigo artist can work with 5 or 6 different instruments and in adolescence they will choose one and become a true artist.

The Interdimensional: The fourth type of indigo is the interdimensional. They are bigger than the other guys and at the age of 1 or 2 years and you can tell them anything and they will tell you: I already know it or I can do it, or don't bother me. It is they who will bring new philosophies and new religions to this world. They can become bully and boastful because they are much larger and because they do not fit into any of the 3 previous types.

Children of these four types believe in themselves. They do not feel fear. So if you want to tell them that they are doing something wrong when they think they are not, they will believe that you do not know what you are talking about.

So parents are encouraged to set limits but without having to tell their children: `` Do not do this. '' Instead, say well, why don't you explain to me why you want to do this, let's sit down and discuss it. What do you think will happen if you do that? When the child tells you what he thinks might happen, ask: It's okay and how do you think you're going to control the situation? And then they will tell you how they think they can face the problem. You will have to let the young indigo do what he is going to do, otherwise he will not participate, he will withdraw, unless he is a Humanist, and he will not speak with you again about the affair.

Adult Indigo

Maybe you can be an adult indigo? How to know?

The first thing is to ask your intuition, which has guided you here, with which you already know part of the answer.

Have you had or do you have any of the characteristics that Indigo Children usually show?

• Do you have concentration problems? Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD?

• Is there some chaos in your life and you don't know why?

• Do you live at ease in that chaos?

• Is it difficult to be in a job that is not varied and with constant changes?

• Do you live in constant change?

• You only feel at ease with people of your same vibration

• You think that everyone has the same skills as you, so when they don't do things the same way you do, you don't understand.

• When your boss tells you to do something, you almost always have a better way of doing it.

• You learn quickly but when you know enough you get bored and leave it.

• If something interests you, you put the five senses and concentrate until you get it.

• Attending school cost you a lot, although if you were passionate about the subject, you would absorb everything like a sponge.

• You have had problems with authority, always questioning it.

• Troubled teenager.


Each day the number of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit (ADD) and Hyperactivity (ADHD) increases, reaching almost epidemic proportions. It seems that it has become fashionable.

I do not doubt that there will be cases that meet the neurophysiological characteristics for this diagnosis, but sometimes, I wonder:

Why in certain methods of Education, as in the case of the Waldorf Method, is there a substantial decrease in the incidence of this diagnosis?
Could it be that this method based on respect for individuality, on the integration of the individual with the environment, is more focused on the essence of the human being than on the accumulation of knowledge about the family, society, nations, the world that Does our traditional education system offer and why does it have another result?

A whole subculture has been forged around this diagnosis leaving only two acceptable treatments for the scientific community such as medication and behavior modification, replacing the dialogue at home with Did you take your pill? With this approach we try to simplify the problems of life and give chemistry the power to solve everything, we place the focus inside the child, not outside, contracting ourselves in the presence of the “problematic” situation in our family environment, but not we put on your shoes, how you feel, what this situation is contributing to, how we can approach it from a more comprehensive framework to know what this situation is warning us.

A child may have trouble putting and holding attention reflected in his behavior for many other reasons than an Attention Deficit disorder. It may be that school activities seem boring because they are monotonous, repetitive, without creativity, rigid, taxable, leaving no room for novelty and their way of learning does not conform to that of school or because at that time, their family is going an economic, emotional crisis, or because you are allergic to milk or hypersensitive to certain foods that contain dyes, artificial flavor, sugar or because your temper does not align with that of your parents because your level of consciousness is more expanded than theirs and perceives reality from a more holistic, less fractional point of view. Therefore, there are thousands of children whose individuality is being reduced to a diagnosis of disorder, controlled by a drug, labeled as "problem children" because they do not adapt to current school rules, nor to the authoritative discipline of certain parents.

The indigo child is very frequently, within the school setting, diagnosed as a child with ADD / ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This diagnosis includes the characteristics of hyperactivity, impulsivity, lack of attention. From the point of view of indigo frequency instead of hyperactivity it is proposed that he is a dynamic, energetic child, instead of impulsiveness creativity and spontaneity are valued and the label of lack of attention is considered as an attempt to decrease his individuality, since the indigo does have the ability to concentrate and sustain attention but only in what is of interest to him and how his cognitive ability generally points above the norm, (often manifested in intellectual coefficients that dot above 130) are bothered easily, you get bored with the repetitive if you have no more than one stimulus, with the monotony of a single subject because your multi-dimensional perception enables you to capture, process, inter analyze information from different sources at the same time and respond better in environments where you can participate in projects or in places where multiple simultaneous information is handled.
For example: You can do homework, listen to music and watch TV simultaneously.
The element of novelty and creativity is your ally in paying attention, not routine, monotony, because part of your brain is stimulated by the new stimulus.
If we allow environments that have activity centers, where they can touch, arm, draw things, collect, interview people, act and experience the classes, we will find children who will not show diminished differences in relation to “normal” children but rather They will overcome. The question is in the environment and in the approach to the environment, not in the child.

The hyperactivity of the indigo child is, often, due to an energy overload that has to be released by moving, so these children learn easily and quickly on the move, for example: at home, they learn dancing, reviewing the lessons mounted on stationary bicycle, reading in rocking chairs In the classroom, it is suggested to teach with movement for example: to teach dynamic spelling, in movement, sitting on the vowels and standing on the consonants.

This aspect is totally opposite to the traditional academic where it is required to remain still to hear the class, where the source of information is primarily the teacher, where there is a chronological sequence to do things (linear mind) when they require multiplicity (tactile stimulation)., auditory, visual simultaneously) but where the sense of touch is the predominant of the three, since being the largest organ of our body it is through which they discharge greater condensation of energy and by which they capture as tactile antennas, of there his tactile hypersensitivity and his need for movement.

Their impulsiveness is often a product of their ability to capture the information that is articulated as that which is thought simultaneously and run over and intervene, costing them to wait their turn to speak because they have already perceived the energy content and they only have to reaffirm it by articulating it.

These children have a different way of thinking, of processing information, of paying attention, of behaving, but in their essence they are intact, complete, healthy and rather enlarged in their capacity, so they are not children who suffer from medical disorders. Indigo children labeled with ADD / ADHD have trouble fitting into the traditional education system and are therefore medicated to adapt them. But that is not your mission. It is not to adapt to the current education system but to change it. They alert us that our education system does not offer the necessary conditions in terms of the true education that we need to prepare and operate in a higher octave of consciousness, in another dimension.
We could make the simile with the canaries that the miners kept inside the mines. When the oxygen level went down, the Canaries fell dead from their bars alerting the miners to leave the mines. It is possible that these children who are being massively diagnosed with ADD / ADHD, labeled as child problems, are the “miners' canaries in our time” who are alerting us to transform our classrooms, our educational system in a dynamic, novel environment, exciting, participatory.

What these children really need is from adults around them that remind them of their power, do not minimize them, respect them, do not label them, hear them, do not diminish them and teach them strategies that validate their contribution, to solve multiple problems forms but that these strategies can be contacted from your heart according to your perception style!

Remember that true education is not the accumulation of knowledge but applied wisdom. Knowledge is lost over time, wisdom is never forgotten. Let these children bring us their wisdom!
This issue is quite delicate, there are few centers where they can affirm or deny if your child is add or adhd diagnoses many times given by doctors (etc.) are not always well given, please if your son or daughter have been diagnosed with attention deficit or have problems at school, contact me here we will guide you.


1. Be creative when setting limits.
Make room for additional physical energy.
Incorporate this into most situations (such as teaching, setting limits and getting homework done).

Allow the child's strengths to set the limits, and not vice versa.
You might be surprised at what an Indigo can do. Test the limits safely!
Most of all, ask the child to help you set the limits. In fact, many indigos will be very pleased to set the limits for themselves, with the help of the adult.

2. Without giving these children the responsibilities of the adult, treat them as adults and partners.
Give these children adult explanations, the word when making decisions of all kinds and especially many options!
Don't talk to them from above.

Listen to them! They are wise, and they will know things that you do not know.
Respect them anyway, as they would with their own parents or with someone very close, a dear friend.

3. If they tell you that they love you, but they treat you disrespectfully, they will not trust you.

They will not believe you love them if you do not treat them lovingly. All the words of the world will fall on deaf ears.
The way they manage their own lives and manage their own family is direct evidence for the Child ndigo about whether they love them or not.

4. Interacting with the Indigo Children is a job and a privilege.

They will discover you in all the deceptions. Don't even try!
When in doubt, they should not only ask the same children, but also other adults, who have experience with Indigo Children.

Do not forget to take time to observe the Children. Indigo interacting with each other there is much to learn there.
Don't forget: They not only know who they are, they also know who you are. The face and gaze of the Indigo Children do not give rise to error, they are very old, deep and wise looks.

His eyes are the windows of his feelings and his soul. They can't seem to pretend as others do. When you hurt them, they will be disappointed in you, and they may even question the sabidur a having chosen them! But when you love them and recognize what they are, you will open up to yourself like nobody else in life.

All children require intense and personal care, attention, time, encouragement and guidance from adults. In general, adult-child interaction needs to be emotionally loving, loving, calm and intellectually clear and stimulating. The verbal and nonverbal messages sent to them should express joy and welcome as if they were the happy guests in our lives.

Many times adults feel and speak in ways that make children feel as if they were not welcome; as if they were bad, or a burden or a hindrance.

These kinds of negative messages are extremely harmful to the growth, learning and struggle and creativity of children who see adults as models and as their support. Children interpret these messages as: I am a bad child, or I am not loved here.

These painful messages of fear diminish the ability of children to respond and can cause serious atrophy in their development in general.

On the contrary, the messages of joy and welcome are interpreted by the children as: I am a good child; My world is positive and affectionate. This attitude increases children's confidence and opens up internal motivations to grow, learn, fight and create.

Developing Trust and Distrust in Children

Trust in children develops when they feel in their bodies and in their spirits that their basic, physical, emotional, intellectual and creative needs are covered by the people who they care and especially for the adults responsible for their young lives.

The messages sent by adults should be more pleasant than painful, and should be based on love and not fear. Through trust, the mat of mutual connection is woven and is respect between children and adults.

Here are some examples of messages of pleasant or unpleasant tones. The details may change for different ages and situations but the most important message is the interaction.

The following are moments where you can make a difference:

1. Your girl covered in mud enters the house sobbing. She wants to be hugged, seeks refuge from a world that disturbs her.
An unpleasant, negative adult attitude: “Don't touch me with your dirty hands. You are a mess. Get away from me".
A pleasant, positive attitude: “When you wanted me to hold you, I was thinking that my clothes were going to break but you are more important to me than my clothes. We are going to wash ourselves. Would you like to find your favorite book and we settled down to read it on the couch?

2. Your child approaches you when you are going through a critical time in your life.
Negative attitude: You roll your eyes as the child approaches you and you think, here comes another problem, or here he / she is again. Oh no, no more work for me. His body adopts a defensive attitude, his shoulders stand up, he clenches his lips as if preparing for a fight.

A pleasant attitude: You gently put your hand over your heart and think about the love that you and your child need from each other and that you can share. Allow your body to relax and your eyes to soften, now you can clearly send a message of love: You are welcome to my life.

3. Your child constantly asks questions or needs instructions repeated more often than desired.
A negative attitude: With an abrupt, disinterested and disgusted voice you send messages like: You really bore me! Get out of here, or, I don't want you here. These phrases constantly used, can make the child feel that he is not loved.

A pleasant, positive attitude: Think of your voice as an instrument to teach and do practices that help you modulate your tone and speech. When you are very angry and stressed, inhale twice deeply to revitalize the oxygen in your body so you can think more clearly. Then try to speak more smoothly by decreasing the speed with which you do it.

4. Your children loose in the world, out of control.

An unpleasant, negative attitude: “Don't get on that skateboard! You could break your neck like the TV girl. Get off before you end up in a hospital. ” Or this: “Do not talk to strangers. Dangerous people lurk everywhere. Call me as soon as you arrive. ” Their attitude of continually waiting for the "worst" to happen fills their children with fear, widespread restlessness or a constant physical response to danger. These negative emotions fill the body with specialized hormones for fear and struggle that can lower the immune system, causing diseases such as earaches and digestive problems.

A pleasant, positive attitude: I know that before we talked about security and being careful with strangers. Do you want to ask me a question before going to the concert with your friends? I know you'll be fine because you're cautious and know how to take care of yourself. I know you act with your head and your heart. Remember, you can always call me almost if you need me or if you just want to talk to me. It's okay? If you affirm positively the actions you want to emphasize, you are reinforcing them as habits to your child.

5. You broke a promise you had made to your son.

An unpleasant, negative attitude: “Stop whining because we didn't go with your cousins ​​to the fair. It's enough. No one took me anywhere when I was your age. ” Here, you have refused to discuss the reasons - no matter what they may be - that made you break your promise. This makes children think that we care about adults, or that adults should not be trusted so they should not be taken as models.

A pleasant, positive attitude: “I was so busy in another matter that I completely forgot to take them to the fair with their cousins. I'm so sorry. Come, let's talk about our feelings about this situation.

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