The White Selenite Crystal Consciousness

  • 2019

This bright white clear crystal aligns all the chakras of the human body, including the upper chakras on the crown chakra. It is aligned with the elements of water and starlight (spiritual).

Greetings from the crystalline consciousness of the white selenite!

We come to inform humanity that we are becoming the most indispensable crystal that anyone can own and use in their daily lives. We, the selenite crystal stone, automatically and quickly clean any negative energy and dissolve any blockage of energy in the ethereal body that penetrates the physical body.

We bring the Light of the higher realms and connect easily with the material realms. We are the "initial" crystal for so many activities because we never need to be cleaned due to the strong vibrations we have.

We are available in many shapes and sizes. We offer towers, palms, chopsticks, pendants and even small bowls of selenite that are carved to contain jewelry or sacred objects.

We can clean and purify all these objects and rid them of the lowest vibrations. We offer instant cleaning . We also magnify and preserve all the positive energies of the objects we wish to keep protected and purified, such as gold, silver and natural gemstones.

Holding our crystalline stone in your hands quickly sends purifying energy to all the energy meridians of the human body system and helps create the necessary openings for the higher spiritual chakras . Once opened, these spaces bring the energies of the Divine Being and a strong connection is established when this happens.

You must place the selenite crystals on the pillow or around your resting area and around the head, as this helps prevent the auric field from being invaded by lower vibrations and energies when your body is asleep.

This practice in itself makes us invaluable!

Our crystalline being has a shine, a beautiful luminosity and helps offering the same qualities to every human person who sustains or uses our stone. Whatever our form, we provide healing, cleansing and purification to each individual and their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, astral and etheric bodies to create a transformation at each level of their being.

Our powerful vibrational frequency helps open the crown chakras and the soul star and beyond. This gives clarity to the individual, because any dishonest energy is cleaned of the system.

Those who work with crystals often neglect us, perhaps because we are easy to obtain and therefore, we do not have the same value as other more expensive crystalline stones . But we bring qualities that only create positive results for people who work with our stone.

We convey the quality of the grace of the kingdoms of grace to all who work with us and bring blessings and healings to all levels of their being. When a person is anxious, all he has to do is hold one of our stones or a stick and sit quietly until the balance is restored.

Working with us, you can clean and balance any energy you don't want to keep in your personal auric field.

We are an "indispensable" crystal and each individual will notice a great improvement in their auric field and at all levels of their work with us. As the vibration of the planet continues to increase and move towards more enlightened and refined dimensions, more and more people will begin to use us in their continued spiritual growth.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to share our truth about how we can serve humanity.

TRANSLATOR: Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the

SOURCE: Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

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