The Enneagram: sins and virtues

  • 2013

Summary by Fernando String from different sources, private notes and published texts.
The main purpose of the enneagram is to discover the type to which we each belong, thus discovering our compulsion and learn to work on it, in order to ultimately achieve our freedom, healing and approach to God. It is a journey of self-knowledge.

GEORGE GURDJIEFF: Russia 1877. The Fourth Way. Knowledge of the teacher perpetuated to us. The Enneagram entered western culture through the Gurdjieff Schools, who worked with Sufis and other traditional esoteric knowledge schools in the East. Later it was developed by Oscar Ichazo, Bolivian and founder of the Arica Institute, a student of yoga, zen ... who developed an application to the psychological study of character. Gurdjieff's teachings are delivered on the fourth level of our Order.

The enneagram has a long but veiled history. It is believed that it originated in Afghanistan, almost two thousand years ago; perhaps in the early years of Christian influence in Persia and then infiltrated Muslim circles after this religion invaded Central Asia and the Subcontinent of India.
Until the present century it has remained strictly as an oral and secret tradition only made known to the followers of Sufism. What is known in the West of the Enneagram began with George Gurdjieff, although there is no written description of that work.
Oscar Ichazo is credited with the knowledge of the Sufi enneagram in academic circles, first in Chile, where it originated and then in the US. Ichazo was educated in Bolivia and Peru and was introduced to the Sufi tradition of the enneagram by a man whose name he preferred not to reveal. Some years later Ichazo attracted the attention of some members of Esalen (California), among which were Claudio Naranjo, O'Leary, Helen Palmer and other prestigious psychiatrists who currently teach such knowledge. The enneagram system was first introduced publicly in the Religious Experiences Course held in 1971 at the Loyola University of Chicago and later in various seminars and workshops throughout the planet in which it has been possible to experimentally verify the validity of this system.
The Enneagram model is applied to delineate cosmolytic processes and the development of human consciousness. It is a diagram, of a nine-pointed star, that can be used to trace the process of any event, from its beginning and through all the stages of progress of that event in the material world, but our approach It is psychological and is applied to the study of human character.
The main purpose of the enneagram is to discover the type to which we each belong, thus discovering our compulsion and learning to work on it, in order to ultimately achieve our freedom, healing and approach to God. It is a journey of self-knowledge. The compulsiveness of a personality is experienced as a basic force that leads us as a fixation to react irresistibly, especially when it remains hidden, without recognizing ourselves. All this due to certain guidelines or mandates assimilated and introjected in our childhood. You never trust anyone. If you don't take power, you lost it. The most important thing is to hide the feelings. We are not in a perfect world . I am not worthy, I am not worthy of being loved, I do not deserve love. It is like the impossibility of becoming what we are authentic and truly.
The discovery of this compulsion implies a breakdown of the carefully hidden defensive strategy that a person has developed for their own safety and a meaningful existence. When this force or compulsion that directs us has not been directly confronted, it has a great influence on the decisions we make about what we have or not to do and how to think about ourselves in relation to others. s.
According to the enneagram system there are nine types of human personality or nine characteristic features. What is tried is not to leave our main feature but to observe it to combat the automation of our lives.
1. THE IRA. The Perfectionist-Resentful
The type uno is anger or anger, understood in all its variants and nuances: irritation, frustration, dissatisfaction, resentment, impatience, disdain intolerance, resentment
The high ethical and behavioral rigor of the 1 with the demanding expectations that he has regarding himself and others, makes him perceive immediately and suffer the difference between the ideal and reality. Despite all their efforts and their tireless work, reality and relationships remain very imperfect and leave much to be desired. The 1 clenches his teeth to disguise his dissatisfaction and mask his anger, which causes him discomfort and disgust, because it makes him give an overly human and imperfect image of himself. He is convinced that educated people do not have to be angry and his dissatisfaction is manifested and somatized in the tension of his face and in the tone of his voice.
The 1 is a pressure cooker, whose contained and controlled rage, can manifest itself in various forms, such as:
Superiority: Irritation to the limitations of others can translate into attitudes of professional, aesthetic, intellectual, behavioral superiority.
Criticism: constant inclination to instinctively detect errors and negative aspects of people, as well as systematically point out things that do not work, both inside and outside.
- Perfectionism: excessive concern for details, due to their obedience to abstract norms and authorities, their obedience to abstract norms and authorities, their obsession with mediocrity and their impatience with themselves and with others.
- moralism: tendency to impose their own criteria and judgments, adopting a tone of sermon and reprimand in relation to the behaviors considered wrong, moralism often degenerates into guilty attitudes.
- Supercontrol: the tendency to stiffness and lack of spontaneity. The tension caused can make it difficult to distension, disturb sleep, complicate digestion and cause ulcers, gastritis, etc.
The ones have their good exit achieving the serenity of the heart through the practice of attitudes such as the following:
- Educate yourself in the affirmation of what is good and positive in yourself and in others, without being tormented by what remains incomplete and imperfect.
- Be aware that there are different ways of doing things, without absolutizing your own and belittling those of others.
- Transform anger into positive energy, without the need to judge or justify it, but by channeling it into the service of justice and truth.
- Be patient and appreciate small efforts without regretting the mistakes made or missed opportunities.
- Learn to laugh at oneself, dramatizing one's mistakes and relativizing the anguishes.
- Value the importance of things objectively, without making a mountain of a grain of sand, nor of a flea an elephant.
- To console oneself with the idea that the salvation of the world does not depend on one's own efforts and trust in providence.
- To live creatively with their own limitations and imperfections.
Critic of himself and others. Convinced that there is only one correct way. It feels ethically superior. He often uses words like "I must" or "I have to."
The evolved ones can be moral heroes with excellent critical ability. The One were good children, they learned to behave, to be responsible and to do the right thing. They learned to control themselves severely. Straight independent and perfect workers. perfectionism They are against things as they are. They believe they struggle to improve something. They look like very fair people and of great morality. Very little acceptance of the other. They try to accommodate their partner to their expectations. They are “perfect and neat” housewives. Puritanos: they are more papists than the Pope. They have a firm voice and pronounced chin, very firm voice. They correct what is wrong, they look at the stain, not at the suit. They are dedicated to demanding and strict charitable causes. They demand respect. They ask for JUSTICE. Afraid to get carried away, to passion. Aristocrats tidy and clean. The word that CONTROL. It is a non-acceptance of nature. It is realistic, strong convictions, prejudiced and rigid. Duty is above pleasure. Interest in regulations, standards. They have the compulsion to say "how it should be done". They take hold of reason, innate advocacy.
2. THE PRIDE. He who gives
The original sin of the 2 is pride, which in the Christian tradition has often been considered the most serious of all sins. The 2 believes to be encouraged in their service for the highest reasons and do everything without second intentions. In practice, it is quite difficult for you to observe yourself inwardly and perceive your subjectivism. The apparent altruism of this personality is the legitimate way he has of living his own selfishness. In a sense, 2 is convinced that he has no need for others and that others, on the other hand, do need it; He is convinced that he does not need God, but God needs his help to save the world.
Pride, which prevents introspection and global acceptance, not partial of the truth, can manifest itself in various ways:
-The hypervaluation: tendency to overvalue one's own merits and to believe that any problem can be faced by counting on one's own abilities to manage crises and come to the aid of others. The 2 has a great need to feel necessary and / or indispensable in the lives of others.
- Emotional hypersensitivity: excessive sensitivity and anxiety in the face of criticism or evidence of being rejected. When he feels hurt, the 2 closes in itself and becomes aggressive. From time to time, envy appears as an expression of their need to keep people in their environment dependent.
-Heddonism: pursuit of pleasure and all kinds of gratifications, including culinary, to compensate for the lack of affection and tenderness.
-The seduction: use of techniques, verbal or not to attract the attention of people who arouse their interest or admiration.
-Projection: recurring method of attributing to others their own feelings and needs, as a justification to honor them through their own service and availability.
The positive way out of the "proud" is to practice humility that is nothing more than a healed and sanctified pride. Looking naked is like looking naked in front of a mirror feeling gratitude for what it reflects, without proudly exaggerating one's feelings, imagining them greater than they are and without underestimating themselves by refusing to accept what is there.
Humility is practiced through attitudes such as the following:
- Accept your own limitations, needs and feelings,
- Recognize that the motivations themselves, when it comes to helping others, are often mixed with substantive personal demands.
- Realize that when anger or resentment erupts it is because there are repressed or unsatisfied needs that ask to be taken care of.
- Learn to be yourself, rather than strive to please others.
- Loving oneself regardless of the practical utility that one can suppose for others.
- Let oneself be loved by others, without yielding to the need to buy or gain their affection with their own efforts.
- Rejoice when people become independent and self-sufficient.
- Find spaces to be alone with yourself, as an opportunity for deepening inside.
It requires approval and affection. Seeks to be loved and appreciated by becoming indispensable for another person. Delivered to meet the needs of others. Manipulator.
The two evolved are genuinely considerate and solicitous people.
The two have a tremendous need for affection and approval. “Will I find you friendly?” They want to be loved, protected and feel important in the lives of others. During their childhood these people gained love and security by satisfying the needs of others. Therefore they are very intuitive to capture the need of others.
The proud person feels so wonderful that he does not need to exhibit himself, but his greatest need is the attention for which he seduces: he gives each one what he wants. He promises more than he does. He is attracted to emotions and caresses, needs people to hug and contact. It is a give to receive a being in the other to be paid attention. Like princesses. She is a good girl but it can be fatal. He seduces with total innocence "I know I am wonderful, but I do not want to."
3. THE VANITY. The organizer. Falsification.
Deception or lies is the capital sin of 3, a personality that seeks success in everything it does for which it tries to beautify and manipulate reality. The 3 uses a lot of tricks to mask the truth or to sell their own ideas or products. He is a master of the art of manipulation that he uses instead of honesty, because he is convinced that lies are a way of transmitting the truth, because he believes that everything that works is true.
The tendency to deceive, more or less evident, can manifest itself in the following ways:
- The orientation to success: 3 is instinctive and competitive by nature and is not interested in more than the results. He knows how to print immediately the appropriate progress to advance both in the professional field and in the relationship
- The art of manipulation: it expresses itself in its instinctive ability to arouse the admiration and favor of others and to present its projects convincingly when it comes to getting all kinds of support.
- Pragmatism: his philosophy of life is oriented to action, to specific positions and strategies. What is practical is true for 3 and there are no objective truths.
- Sexual attraction: this personality uses its special social and communicative skills to arouse attention and gain sympathy, convinced that every emotional conquest is a new success.
the ambiguity Tendency to live in two different ways: the most visible is that oriented to the outside and is made of appearance, image and adaptation, the other has to do with the inner world and is more genuine, private and protected.
The good start of the organizers is to integrate the virtue of truth, which is cultivated through the practice of attitudes such as the following:
- Be transparent and play with the cards face up, without hiding behind the profession, the position or the image.
Be aware of the masks and tricks that are used to manipulate your neighbor or yourself.
Pay more attention to the feelings and needs of the heart, without instinctively projecting into the action in the projects themselves.
Know how to perceive the differences between action and feeling, especially in interpersonal relationships.
Recognize the discrepancy between the public image you want to give and the private world you want to hide.
Do not allow effectiveness to be the main criterion for assessing situations and people.
Confront with humility the mystery of the cross and failure as paths to the truth of things and learn to say I have been mistaken, disagree.
Looking to be loved for your performance and achievements. Competitive. Obsessed with the image of winner and with comparative status. Master of appearances. They may appear to be more productive than they really are. They confuse their real being with the identity of work. The three evolved can be effective leaders, good presenters, captains of the winning teams.
The Three were children who received awards for their achievements and since they were loved for their achievements they learned to repress their own emotions and acquire the trait that guaranteed love. The idea was to work hard to achieve recognition, assume leadership positions and win, being very important to avoid failure. They show optimism and well-being, abandoning their emotions and working to obtain external rewards. The climber, the executive, the superwoman that comes to everything.
They are very active and avoid free time if it does not make them climb or get good results. Your self-esteem depends on your performance. His family life is an advertisement: We travel together, we talk a lot with the boys, we play tennis . Interpret the required professional image. Competitive, passion for success. They feel that they are only what they appear, a woman can identify with her beautiful form, her way of dressing (her mask). Very perfect but alienated. I do not know who I am, but I will achieve what I propose, I must be the best to be taken into account. Arrogant, ambitious, enthusiastic, energetic, dominant, neutral, controlled type, cold emotions, gestures studied. She is wrong alone, needs to be admired. He does not lose the forms, he only shows his sadness in intimacy.
4. THE ENVY. The Romantic Comparison
Envy, the capital sin of the 4 is a feeling caused by the desire to have what is not within one's reach. It is born of perception of the lack of something or someone. This feeling can assume a sexual connotation (the desire to maintain relationships with someone), social (the ambition to belong to a privileged class or to play an important role), material (the greed of physical goods, houses, clothes, food ), intellectual (the attraction for educated, learned and stimulating people).
Envy can manifest itself in the following ways:
Poverty of the personal image: Envy starts from a dissatisfaction for what one is or what one has, the individual has difficulty accepting and reconciling with himself.
The competition: the fear of meeting someone who could be more attractive and interesting that he leads to 4 to start a competition to not lose the battle. The struggle can be placed in the field of the image, of the dress, of the style of life, of the weapons of seduction used to conquer someone's attention.
- Emotional intensity: to feel alive and special, the 4 seeks everything that is deep, beautiful and painful, and rejects routine and vulgarity.
- The pairing with suffering: suffering is an ally because it creates intensity of feelings, richness of life, exacerbated sensitivity and greater depth in the encounter with others. Sometimes the 4 marries suffering suffering in the role of victim or misunderstood.
-the search for affection: overcoming the feeling of emptiness, loneliness and abandonment occurs through the search for someone who really loves him, to achieve that relationship can be made dependent on the other.
The output of the "four" consists of knowing how to discover balance and harmony through the practice of attitudes such as the following:
- Serenely accept the dissatisfaction of one's desires.
- Learn to be satisfied by healing the tension between the attraction for what is not there and the repulsion for what is.
- Live the present, without being carried away by the nostalgia of the past or looking for imaginary compensation dreaming of a wonderful future.
- Not giving in to complacency, but channeling one's own energies into constructive actions, developing their own social capacities.
- Assess with serenity and openness what is unique and exclusive and what is normal and ordinary, both inside and outside oneself.
-Transform one's wounds into compassion and understanding for the sufferings of others.
- Recover the balance of one's sentimental life.
- Love and accept each other, learning to be a good company for oneself.
Attracted by the inaccessible; the ideal is never
Be present in the here and now. Tragic, sad, artistic, sensitive, original; concentrated on the absent lover, the loss of a friend.
The four evolved are creative and can help mitigate pain in others; They are committed to beauty and passionate life: birth, sex, intensity and death.
From their childhood, the Four remember abandonment and as a result suffer from a feeling of lack and loss. They stay focused on lost love, on impossible love. They get depressed frequently. Some accept it fatally, staying in long periods of self-isolation, others fight against depression through frenetic hyperactivity, although there are some that can deepen the darker side of people through art. The melancholy creates an atmosphere of sweet lament, making the four feel intensely alive in these emotional changes.
They keep a safe distance, not too far away so that family nostalgia does not turn into despair. He is afraid of being abandoned again. They are in the comparison. "He has something that I lack." They look for powerful beings to mate, protective people. They tend to despise who loves them and they feel: "How little is worth that person who appreciates me, being as I am so little valuable"
Lack, need to be filled with something outside. They are in the complaint. Physical features, marked frown, lack of body volume, original image, witch face. They attract love in need of more. "He is thrown to the ground to be lifted." "Suicide attempts to get attention." They are never happy with their partner. They try to expand their culture and knowledge to emulate others, becoming very refined or artistic. They don't settle for being like the other, they also want to cut off their heads. There is a certain relationship with homosexual ways. They are jealous “If they love me, they are not worth enough. Critics and scathing
5- THE AVARICIA. The Observer-The Denial
The 5 tends to retain everything for itself. After having built his intellectual heritage and his personal world with effort, he is not willing to deprive himself of what he has or what he knows for fear of being impoverished. Greed manifests itself in different contexts: in the intellectual field as a tendency not to communicate one's own knowledge and intuitions; in the emotional sphere, as an inclination not to share feelings and to stay emotionally distant; in the social sphere as resistance to get involved and spend time on superficial things; in the material realm, as excessive attachment to loved things.
The specific modalities in which greed can be expressed are the following:
- Autonomy: 5 has a special need for exclusivity and independence, has a great capacity for survival and manifests an austere lifestyle.
- Accumulate knowledge: this personality is distinguished by its special predilection for expanding its intellectual heritage through reflection and discussion even on abstract concepts and by reading interesting and stimulating topics.
- Emotional distancing: this tendency is noticed in the limited level of emotional self-awareness, in the feeling of vulnerability in the relationship with people at the level of feelings and in the fear of emotional involvement and the consequent danger of dependence.
- The flight of commitments: 5 feels uncomfortable when making long-term commitments, because they could deprive him of the necessary freedom and independence. You can for example refuse marriage because the birth of children would require you to spend time and energy that you are not willing to take away from other vital spheres of your existence.
- Leave it for later: He prefers to observe and think to act and tends to defer the action and renounce the protagonism itself.
The output that the "four" have for their growth is to cultivate the virtue of selflessness that is practiced through attitudes such as the following:
- share one's knowledge without fear of impoverishment.
- not assume that one's way of thinking is superior to that of others, but be aware that there are different types of intelligences.
- take the initiative to reveal one's feelings to establish intimate relationships.
- get involved in the action and with others in order to reduce one's isolation
- strive to work in a team, without just trusting your own resources.
- let life be a teacher, rather than relying on the mental reference schemes themselves
- stay in touch with the body itself and direct the energies towards action.
Maintains an emotional distance from others. Protect your privacy, do not connect. You feel overwhelmed by the commitments and needs of others. It is isolated from feelings, people and things.
The five evolved can possess excellent decision power, they can be great intellectuals and monks.
They are shy, closed and introverted people, they like to live isolated or alone, far from emotional tensions. They often disconnect the phone and are separated in groups.
As children, the Five felt invaded, so they keep their space and privacy. The outside world is perceived as invasive and dangerous, so settle for what little they have before risking leaving home. And what they have is great imagination and great thinking ability. They will find ways to avoid contact. They live their own lives as spectators, trying not to get involved. They feel a great need for affection but they are paralyzed to get closer to what they live disconnected from their emotions creating a mental link with the world. They are the lonely wise.
Greed for Time or energy (not just money). It is a close not to give. "If I give what little I have, I'm left with nothing." He gets tired of social life but in his retirement he enjoys every relationship with memory. He feels lacking, retains what he possesses. Agrede by the withdrawal of love. He prefers to be free of obligations, runs away from commitment. He prefers to trust himself. They keep what they feel, they don't cry easily. They have social behavioral problems. It is walled so as not to be invaded. No movement, like catatonics. Disconnect from the other by disconnecting from each other. Intellectual order. Inaccessible. He feels trapped by everything.
6. COBARDIA. He who doubts.
The radical sin of 6 is fear, a sen
feeling that arises when a threat is anticipated and that may be due to external or internal causes. The threat or sense of danger may be real or imaginary and may be related to present or future realities. 6 is a specialist in devising catastrophic scenarios and is a prisoner of his own mental traps.
The fears that torture him have different names: fear of change, fear of making mistakes, fear of the unknown, fear of loneliness, fear of criticism, hostility, deceit or betrayal ...
Faced with these fears, he finds security and refuge in the external authority and in those institutions that represent firm points of reference for his action. The Sufis defined the Catholic Church as a church constituted by types 6, they thought effectively that the Roman system was excessively based on fear and had led many people to be afraid of God, clergy, mortal sins, of themselves and of his own body. Especially in the period that preceded Vatican II, the Church, through faithfulness and obedience to its absolute and indisputable truths, presented itself as an ideal place for insecure people.
The fear of the 6 can assume various manifestations:
The chronic uncertainty: 6 hesitates, not because he is confused about the tasks he must perform, but because he questions his own abilities. They often lack personal confidence, doubt themselves, hesitate to make decisions and tend to constantly gather new information so as not to run the risk of being wrong.
Dependency: The recovery of personal security occurs through the faithful observance of rules and regulations and obedience to authority, while unstructured situations cause anxiety.
Suspicion: The 6 does not easily trust people and tends to doubt the intentions of others. Pay attention to doubt the intentions of others. Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal messages or hidden meanings, distrust and criticize those who transgress and are always alert to prevent possible dangers.
Intolerance in the face of ambiguity: this personality has a need for clarity, to call things by name and does not support the idea of ​​ambiguity, so it can be rigid and inflexible to aspects or interpretations of the truth that do not match their own or that seem doubtful and ambivalent.
The search for friendship: 6 avoids the danger of being rejected by promoting a positive image of oneself through hospitality, kindness and kindness sometimes sinning as obsequious or exaggeratedly faithful.
La salida del seis est en desarrollar la virtud del valor, que puede cultivarse mediante la practica de actitudes como las siguientes:
Consolidad la propia autoridad interior.
Aprender a correr riesgos ya tomar decisiones para ganar confianza en uno mismo.
Crecer mas en los valores de fondo que en las normas o en las instituciones.
Privilegiar la acci n, en lugar de obsesionarse con elucubraciones mentales te idas de miedos y peligros a menudo imaginarios.
Responsabilizarse de las propias opciones y acciones, sin esconderse detr s de la autoridad.
Expresar con claridad las propias ideas sin dejarse llevar por el miedo o por la duda frente a las posibles reacciones o criticas.
Promover la propia autonom ae independencia, tomando decisiones en sinton a con los propios valores, aunque puedan contrastar con el parecer de los dem s.
Ser audaces, no tener miedo a tener valor.
Temeroso, obediente, lleno de dudas. El pensar sustituye al hacer, teme hacerlo por temor de ser atacado al exponerse. Es leal a la causa, vacila, se siente perseguido y se rinde cuando le acorralan. Al sentirse acorralado sale a enfrentar el terror de forma agresiva.
Los seis mas trabajados pueden ser excelentes miembros de un equipo, soldados leales y buenos amigos. Trabajan en una causa de la misma manera que otros trabajan para su beneficio personal.
Los Seis, de j venes, recuerdan haber temido a las personas que ten an poder sobre ellas y haber sido incapaces de actuar por sí mismos. Para aliviar esta inseguridad tratan de encontrar una figura protectora sólida o ir en contra de la autoridad. Brindan lealtad a una institución protectora como la Iglesia, una empresa.. Son en extremo leales, encuentran en el grupo su identidad y su seguridad. La duda, incapacidad para decidir, miedo al castigo. Su vacilación deriva de su inseguridad.
Son paranoicos, se sienten vigilados. Son bastante tímidos, depende del subtipo (6-belleza, 6-Fuerza o 6-conservación). Lucha contra el miedo. Obediente con los de arriba, autoritario con los de abajo. Necesita apoyarse en otro, busca la alianza por temor a la propia indefensión. Tendencia a controlar sin permitirse el instinto o la intuición. Los hombres Seis tuvieron problemas con el padre. Tienen un nivel muy alto de culpa. Una vez tomada una decisión, aún continúan con la duda. Los Seis Fuerza necesitan demostrar su poder en cualquier situación para prever que nadie se le vuelva en contra, por miedo.
7. LA GULA. El epicúreo-El escapista
El pecado de los “7” es la destemplanza. No se trata solo de una avidez limitado a los pecados de la gula, sino de una inclinación general al exceso ya la inmoderación.
El Peligro esta en idolatrar el placer, un peligro especialmente presenta en la actual sociedad del bienestar, que alimenta la cultura de la gratificación y de la satisfacción inmediata de deseos y apetitos diversos. El pecado de destemplanza puede expresarse a nivel cultural, en la necesidad de asistir a cursos, de vivir nuevas experiencias, de hacer viaje. A nivel físico en la necesidad de satisfacer al cuerpo con los placeres de la cocina y del sexo. A nivel social en la exigencia de establecer nuevos contactos, conocerá otras personas y vivir nuevas e interesantes aventuras. Si el 4 tiende a jijarse en sus carencias, el 7 considera que nunca ha experimentado lo suficiente.
La tendencia a excederse puede manifestarse de las siguientes maneras:
– El permisivismo: orientación instintiva a satisfacer las propias necesidades concediéndose la libertad de obrar de acuerdo con el deseo del momento
– El narcisismo: amor desmesurado a uno mismo, que puede traducirse en el exhibicionismo y el protagonismo o en la necesidad de aparecer como superior a los demás intelectual o socialmente.
– La seducción: el 7 puede valerse de su encanto social para resultar agradable y ganarse la benevole
ncia, el apoyo y la admiración de los demás.
– La falta de perseverancia: el entusiasmo demostrado ante los estímulos y las novedades se traduce en abandono frente a las dificultades, a menudo los 7 escurren el bulto cuando hay que sacrificarse, ser tenaces y seguir adelante.
– La rebelión: se da en el 7 una actitud de oposición a la autoridad, especialmente cuando esta puede turbar su optimismo o ejercer algún tipo de control sobre su libertad y su imaginación.
La salida de los “siete” consiste en interiorizar la virtud de la sobriedad, que se cultiva mediante la practica de actitudes como las siguientes:
– valorar cada momento con todo lo que de bueno y creativo puede ofrecer.
– llevar adelante los compromisos adquiridos, sin buscar evasiones, distracciones o cambios.
– escuchar al que sufre sin necesidad de pintar las cosas de color de rosa
– saber discernir prudentemente las prioridades. sin dejarse llevar por el impulso del momento.
– no imponer el propio ritmo ni el propio humor a los demás, sino saber adaptarse a las circunstancias ya las personas.
– amar y celebrar la vida y su aspecto gozoso, pero no a expensas del lado oscuro de la existencia.
– aceptar la enfermedad y las cruces cotidianas como aportación a la propia maduración humana y espiritual.
– experimentar el silencio y la reflexión como ocasiones para acceder a lo profundo de las cosas y no quedarse en la superficie.
Locuaz seductor, busca el placer, evita el dolor. Gastrónomo, simpático, aventurero pero evasivo del compromiso y de los límites. Abierto, compañero divertido, no termina lo que empieza, hace planes pero no los ejecuta. Vende su proyecto pero embauca a otros para que lo realicen.
Los buenos sietes pueden ser buenos teóricos, renacentistas, elegantes y amables.
Los Siete en su infancia eludieron el miedo escapando por medio de las infinitas posibilidades de la imaginación. Suele haber un padre al que se han revelado. Se acercan a las personas para tratar de atraerlas y desarmarlas con su encanto. Adictos a la planificación ya la diversión. Confunde los proyectos con la realidad es un soñador un fantasioso. No tienen límites y sientes que la vida tampoco los tiene. Ansia de satisfacción. Búsqueda del placer, que es una huida del dolor. Complacientes. Capacidad verbal extrema, charlatán. Vendedor, embaucador, tramposo, encantador, poder de persuasión. “No hay . La vida es juego. Son bastante payasos y les importa la popularidad. Utiliza la astucia, es listo. Es generoso, nunca renuncia a nada, es dulce. Su lema es “más y . Tipo gozador. Es narcisista, posee gustos exquisitos y una atracción por las experiencias cumbre. Rehúsa el compromiso o si lo hace no suele cumplir, y aunque parece poco fiable suele ser muy responsable en el trabajo y lo hace con gusto.
Es optimista y siempre ve abiertas futuras posibilidades de éxito.
8. LA LUJURIA. El mandón
El pecado original del jefe es la arrogancia y/o la lujuria. Ambas tendencias nacen de la pasionalidad y en el exceso.
La lujuria es el deseo vehemente de placeres carnales. La arrogancia es la pretensión de estar en la verdad, de imponérsela a los demás o de afirmarla sin amor. Aun manteniendo abiertas ambas tendencias, tomaremos en consideración especial la arrogancia como expresión de poder que puede manifestarse de los siguientes modos.
– El control: exigencia de dominar las situaciones, vencer en una competición, imponerse en un enfrentamiento directo, hacer respetar el propio espacio y las propias opiniones.
– El predominio de la acción: la identidad de esta personalidad esta vinculada a la acción ya los resultados concretos, con el peligro de descuidar o infravalorar la importancia de los sentimientos en las relaciones.
– El sarcasmo: a veces el 8 puede recurrir a actitudes punitivas para hacer valer su superioridad como el sarcasmo, la ironía, la intimidación y la humillación.
– La contestación: frente a las fuerzas que obstaculizan su voluntad y sus convicciones, el 8 puede oponer resistencia rechazando la colaboración, provocando el conflicto, denunciando la injusticia y asumiendo una actitud rebelde.
– La intensidad: la determinación y la aparente seguridad del 8 puede significar falta de sensibilidad a su propio mundo afectivo, inclinación a enmascarar su vulnerabilidad y falta de respeto para con la dignidad y el valor del otro.
Lo que deben aprender los jefes es interiorizar la virtud de la sencillez, que se cultiva mediante la practica de actitudes como las siguientes:
– Dejar que el niño que todos llevamos dentro se manifieste y pueda expresarse.
– Aprender a ser queridos y no temidos por los demás.
– Hacerse mas capaces de expresar el aspecto tierno y vulnerable de la propia naturaleza.
– Ser mas atentos y sensibles a los sentimientos propios ya los ajenos, sin tratar de negarlos o esconderlos.
– Convencerse de que nadie es autosuficiente y de que una sana dependencia de los demás es señal de humanidad y madurez.
– Reconocer que cada cual tiene su parte de verdad que ofrecer y no pretender imponer la propia.
– Aprender a adaptarse a las personas ya las situaciones sin pretender ejercer el control sobre las cosas.
– Ser pacientes con el prójimo, reprimiendo el impulso da formular juicios apresurados y sumarios sobre las personas.
Tiene que tener el control. Hace demostraciones de fuerza, le encantan las luchas de poder y los enfrentamientos. Forma de vida excesiva: demasiadas cosas, sexo, trasnochador, ruidoso. Da la cara por sí mismo y por sus amigos, combativo, extremadamente protector.
Los Ocho evolucionados son excelentes líderes, poderosos. Tratan de proteger a sus amistades de cualquier peligro.
Los Ocho describen una infancia combativa donde los fuertes eran los respetados y los débiles no lo eran. La sólida coraza del Ocho protege el corazón de un niño dependiente, prematuramente expuesto a circunstancias adversas. Para protegerse captan de inmediato las intenciones negativas de los demás. Encuentran su identidad como justicieros, enorgulleciéndose de su deseo de defender a los débiles. Su asunto principal es saber quien tiene el poder para ejercer su propio poder sobre la situación y mantener el control. Si los ocho se encuentran en una posición subordinada, minimizarán el hecho de que la autoridad posee control sobre su
comportamiento y abusarán de los límites y de la interpretación de las reglas, hasta tener claro cuales serán las consecuencias. El Ocho siempre considera que la verdad siempre surge durante una riña. Los ochos no permiten que se cuestione su propia opinión. En lugar de buscar alianzas o acuerdos, su estrategia es la total usurpación del poder. El modo de liberar la sobrecarga de energía que tienen consiste en excederse, crear problemas, interfiriendo en la vida de sus amistades, excederse con la comida, el sexo o las sustancias.
Intensidad sin medida. rebeldía. No sienten culpa ni miedo. Primitivos pero no rencor, pena o vergüenza. Posesivos, celosos, agresivos, competitivos. Llevan la verdad hasta el escándalo . Gusto por los peligros, temerarios, niega las normas sociales, intolerancia a la frustración. Son la pura acción. No pide para no arriesgarse a una negativa, lo arrebatan. Atropelladores Rechaza la autoridad, rompe con todo obstáculo que le impida realizar sus deseos. No aparece por los psiquiatras.
9. LA PEREZA. El mediador
La pereza es el pecado capital del 9 que tiene el peligro de abandonarse a la inactividad y dejar para ma ana lo que tendr a que hacer hoy, o de dejarse influir por el humor del momento o por las decisiones de los dem s. Los pecados del 9 son por omisi n y tienen que ver con cosas que no se han hecho, con oportunidades que se han perdido y con cualidades que se han reprimido y se han mantenido ocultas. Prefiere dejar a otros, evitando los conflictos y no afrontando los problemas. La pereza puede asumir las siguientes manifestaciones:
La resistencia al cambio: predilecci n por las cosas habituales y rutinarias, agresividad pasiva, tendencia a la resignaci n.
El olvido de si mismo: dificultades para la introspecci ny para la conciencia de las propias necesidades, renuncia a los deseos para responder a las e expectativas ajenas, tendencia a desacreditarse, necesidad de pasar inadvertido.
La compensaci n: tendencia a colmar la inercia mediante actividades compensatorias, como la dependencia del alcohol, de la comida, de la televisi n, de la lectura o de un hobby. Trata de narcotizarse para no enfrentar las situaciones dif ciles
La distracci n: inclinaci na despilfarrar las energ as en intereses del momento, sin objetivos de fondo hacia los que orientar el propio esfuerzo.
Intensidad a trav s de las pertenencias: La imagen que el 9 tiene de si mismo est mediatizada por sus contextos de pertenencia, como la familia, el ambiente de trabajo o el grupo de amistades, que contribuyen a definir las funciones y la identidad. Y sobre todo est la b squeda de fusi n con la pareja para compensar la d bil identidad personal.
La salida para los mediadores est vinculada a la capacidad de desarrollo de la virtud de la diligencia, que se cultiva mediante la practica de actitudes como las siguientes:
asumir la responsabilidad por los dones recibidos, implic ndose en la vida y con los dem s.
encender el fuego interior de la motivaci ny apretar algo mas el acelerador.
afirmar el propio valor y dignidad, conscientes de que no es posible amar al pr jimo sin amarse a uno mismo.
desarrollar la pasi n por la vida, sacando a la luz las propias energ as y capacidades.
expresar las opiniones propias y afrontar de manera constructiva los conflictos y las diferencias, evitando hacer creer a toda costa que todo es paz y armon a.
establecer limites y plazos en la realizaci n de los proyectos, sin perderse en infinitas distracciones o casas no esenciales.
aprender a centrar la atenci n tomando la iniciativa, estableciendo prioridades y tomando decisiones.
Obsesivamente ambivalente, ve todos los puntos de vista. Conoce las necesidades de los dem s mejor que las propias; agradable, manifiesta la ira en formas indirectas. Los nueve evolucionados pueden ser excelentes pacifistas, consejeros, negociadores. Los Nueve fueron ni os que se sintieron ignorados durante su infancia, no se sent an escuchados y las necesidades de los dem s eran m s importantes que las propias. Se adormecieron y olvidaron sus verdaderos deseos procur ndose peque as comodidades y sustitutos para el amor. Aprendieron a anestesiarse ya olvidarse de sí mismos al darse cuenta de que sus prioridades probablemente no serían consideradas. Pierden el contacto con lo que quieren al fusionarse con los deseos de los demás. Tienen dificultad en decir que no y sienten que al entablar una relación ni siquiera se han preguntado su necesidad sino la del otro. Se encarga de mantener la paz, de mediar, de estar de acuerdo con los otros. No discuten nada, enseguida asumen la opinión ajena. Son lentos se pierden en los detalles y dan rodeos. No llegan al grano de la cuestión. Sin embargo toda esa tolerancia guarda dentro de ellos un volcán de rabia a punto de erupción. Contienen la ira pero la expresan como terquedad o agresión pasiva.
Es un adormecimiento psíquico, no quieren ver ni trabajarse. Pereza de ser, de sentir su interior, Pereza a la intensidad. Su depresión es resignada. excesivo conformismo. Aspecto sano, como el campesino satisfecho, Sancho Panza. Tapan la realidad para no enfrentar el dolor. ” La vida es simple, no sé porqué la gente se complica”. Ni siquiera se da cuenta que sufre, está narcotizado. Se suele evadir a través del hacer cualquier cosa inútil. Aparenta no tener problemas, si bien va experimentando un empobrecimiento. Adopta valores del entorno.

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