Proof of God - Kryon

  • 2016

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

I've said it so many times: I know who is here. For those who are listening, I am in Athens, in Greece. There are approximately 400 people present; Many maybe never saw this before. The linear mind does not usually accept it, so many are sitting there with folded hands and arms crossed, eyes open to see if it is real. And for them, I will tell them that their expectations are what will create what is real. If you have hoped that this would not be real, it will not be for you, because you have free will; This is how the Spirit honors humanity. Think about it; Think about it : you can think what you want, there will be no superior control that tells you how to think, because God is benevolent. You can spend your whole life without ever believing in this.

There is an environment, a very beautiful environment of angelic beings that surround all life on the planet, including you. You're never alone! You get out of here and you think that all this is ridiculous, that you will never go back to a meeting like this, and that environment of angelic beings will go out with you, get in your car with you, because they belong to you. You never noticed or felt them. We have said it many times: it is not judged at all. You live your whole life until the very end and never believe any of this. Free will is honored. Dear ones, this is the God we want you to know. Bigger than anything they've been told, maybe. But first they will have to believe that it is real.
I know who is here; Here are shamans. They have helped people across the planet and healed many. I know who is here. Ancient soul, I want you to feel the energy and tell me. I honor you; I know who you are; I celebrate your life and what you have done on the planet. That means the Spirit knows who you are. We use the words Spirit and God as equivalents.

Some of you wonder if God even knows you. I'll tell you something: we don't just know them; you are part of the Creative Source; They are here on the planet for a short time and we miss them when they are not. This is a beautiful system, dear ones.

There are problems that have brought this building. There are issues here, I feel them, I know who is here. Some are afraid, some are frustrated, have tried everything but one thing; Maybe it's time to open that door inside themselves and see if what I'm telling you is real or not. I will tell you that there have been thousands of people who achieved this understanding and changed their lives forever.

Listen to this statement: God is not external; God is internal. They have spent their whole lives looking outside, looking for God, and all the Masters of the planet have said that God is inside. Some even told you that you are the children of God. We have already said it: if they are the children of God, God loves them! Tonight I will talk about the logic of these things. What if God is real and knows their names? Have you ever considered that? They could say, "Well, I believe that." But they are living in the same fear and frustration they had before. Do you really understand it? God knows their names! Each of you has a choice and is beautiful. Without changing anything you can believe, how about you enhance God's presence on this planet and understand that there is a system by which the Creator is in you? The Creator is in the trees, on planet Earth, and in you. Why should they be different from nature? Why do they build their own separation from the Creator? The reason is that they don't believe it.

The lack of self-esteem is very common; That is because they have endured so much old energy on this planet. It's hard for you to celebrate your life. Every human has a choice. Accept the linearity that God is outside of you, or enter into a quantum explanation, a multidimensional explanation that the Creator exists in every cell of your body. I want to ask a logical question; My partner spent 45 minutes explaining how consciousness is energy. Human consciousness is energy . You saw the science that supports it, so here goes the question: Don't you think that tells you who you are? If your way of thinking can change Physics, does that not tell you that within you there is more than what you thought? Perhaps there will come a time when they can change the matter itself with their thinking. Could they be so powerful? Could they be powerful enough to heal just thinking about it? Did you know that there is a lot of research that says yes? Have you heard of spontaneous remission? How the body cleanses itself of a disease, almost immediately. Let me tell you something: that is a miracle that has happened from within, not from outside. That is the cellular structure affirming the inner God, and it can happen to you.

Every problem that exists here can be solved; there are attitudes that can change; they could begin to have a compassionate consciousness; They could begin to see God in others. This is the basic thing we have taught from the beginning. Those who listen to the messages have heard it again and again, but here in this building the idea may be new. Is it possible that they can open a door inside their heart and find the rest of their life? Did you ever think that they were a piece and a part of the Creative Source of the Universe, that you can literally take the hand of the Spirit when you get out of here? This is not a belief system. What do they think about themselves? Not about the system that surrounds them. The system within themselves, which knows them so well that it is always saying: Are you ready? Are you ready?

Today the synchronicity has brought you to this place. They are sitting in those chairs and some were brought by others; they did not know what to expect; Some just came to take a look. This may be the only time they receive this message. Dear human, it is not by accident that you are here. I speak in general to ancient souls; You are the ones who come for a day and listen. An ancient soul has been on this planet over and over and over again for thousands of years. They come here with issues and problems. Dear ones, there are solutions for everything you have brought. Nothing is too difficult for God! If they are part of the Creative Source, do they not understand the link? Maybe they should consider it. Imagine a hand that has always been extended to you; some call it the Higher Self . It really is you we call it the t / God, your part from the other side of the veil, maybe a link with your very soul. God is love! God is compassionate. God is benevolent. God does not set requirements, and you have free choice to take that hand or not. Isn't it time for some of you to stop suffering? Human beings do not come here to suffer; there may be joy and celebration in their lives. No matter how old they are, how old they are. There is an alliance between all humans who hear this and in this room. The alliance is that everyone has come from the same place.

The Masters have told you this; the ancients have told you this, and in this new energy it is time for a change.

Dear ones, we are just giving you the information, we are not telling you that this is what you should do. It is an invitation to attend a beautiful party, a beautiful banquet of consciousness, which has been prepared for you for years, in which you are the guests of honor. Can you perceive the aroma of healing? Don't they smell the scent of comfort? The absence of worry or fear . Sit at this table; Let's celebrate a love party. That is the invitation and ancient souls begin to feel it.
Now we are finishing; Some have felt this, others have not. Here there has been an energy for them to feel, so that they can participate in it. Do not sweep or push anyone. One by one, knocks on the doors of their consciences and says: Is it real or not?

So much so we love humanity. You are free to agree or not. But if they do and open that door and take that hand, they will hear a great voice that says: Welcome home!

Get out of here different from how they came.

I'll be back.

And so it is.


Proof of god

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

I want to spend a moment celebrating this occasion. Many asked my partner: What is it like to channel? Dear, my partner is not here. This is not a possession of your body; It is a beautiful fusion of your body.

Channeling is not new on this planet. Recently we have said it, so that you understand what it is. It has existed here for centuries; It takes place in so many ways, we have told you that art is a channeling. The magnificence of literature, of musical compositions, and can be seen in the sculptures, and when they ask those artists where that came from, they cannot tell them. It came from somewhere else. And this message too.

You look in your scriptures and see deep things; beautiful statements of love; they can feel them, sometimes they jump from the page when they read it. Tremendous wisdom. And you embrace them and say, "This is the word of God." You understand, right? which is the word of men and women under the influence of God. All messages are delivered to humanity through humans. And it is appropriate that it be so. Even the Master of Love was a human. Again this has to do with your free will. Dear ones, what do you think of this so far? I ask you again: Can you feel the reality of this?

Some will never go to a meeting like this, because I know who is here. I say it again: are you going to see this as an opportunity for something different, or not? What harm can make you open your heart for twenty minutes? Twenty minutes. And release it to say these words: "Dear Spirit, if you are real, show me!" Do you think God would miss the opportunity? (Serie). You will feel chills, perhaps an emotion or two, as you begin to realize that there is something more in you than what you thought.

I would like to title this particular message as the logic of God . I would like to do that, because it's funny, as you will see. Dear ones, how can you prove that there is God? It is very interesting to see the planet Earth as it is today. You finally have a monotheistic Earth; It took a while. Now, there is a recognition that there is only one God. Almost every civilization on the planet says there is a God. If they did a survey on humanity, asking them: Do you believe in life after death? 80% would say yes. Here is an entire planet that understands that there is something else. And you have been like that for some time; However, they cannot prove that there is a God. There are many who tried.

But think, for a moment, why you believe what you believe. Some will oppose this message, here and now, because this is not what they believe. And we ask you: Well, what is the anchor of what you believe? What do they cling to, they can't let go? And I tell them what it is: that their parents told them that. More than 90% of all humanity gets into the box that their parents entered. They are born in a culture that does certain things, and they do them too. Very, very few ever questioned him. They even reach a point in your life where a ceremony is held, when you accept it, but you haven't really done much. When children see what their parents do, it is important for them to imitate them. Throughout the planet there are believers by default. Oh, they are passionate, because all around them are. How many of you really tried to analyze it? Is there a god? How can they know? How can it be tested? All these questions are asked because you know there is something there. 80% of the Earth believes in life after death. They know that when they leave there is something else, but they don't know what. They have what they have been taught since they were born, and that becomes their anchor. Not because you have analyzed, or tried, but because it seems to work, and you follow the custom. I am here to ask you to make it work.

Let's talk about the intellectualization of God. I'm in the right place for that. Greece is known as the seat of thought ; the monuments here, a celebration of thought, of philosophy, of science, of many who had great things to say, speakers, poets, with clear thinking; That's why they are known. It is a good place to examine God, isn't it? Well, it has already been done. And I want to point something out; I want to show you something. It is very difficult to talk about trying God.

Let's talk about one of the great philosophers of all time, right here. Here, the academy of Athens. 2, 400 years ago Plato, who was a great thinker, who until today is studied for the ideas he had, apparently well above other human beings. He is one of the few philosophers whose everything he did is still intact! You can read today what he had to say. Here is a man who even believed in Atlantis. He gave them some things to think about. What did he say about the soul? This great thinker decided that the soul had to have three parts. Before moving forward, it is interesting that even today important spiritual systems have divided the soul into three parts. They will find it everywhere. In the past we told you why. That was a correct perception. If they use the numerology of 3, it represents a catalyst. The soul is a catalyst. A catalyst of you, of your other lives, and of those around you. It is the most precious thing they possess.

Plato saw three things, and if you consider them they may be a little disappointed, because he called them in linear terms, reflecting civilization, not God. The greatest spirituality he could conceive imitated humans. It could be said that it was the beginning of a philosophy that said that God should have human attributes. Therefore, there would be judgment and disappointment. And there is neither. There are reasons for this: I call them "the wall." A wall of reason. I just told you that one of the greatest philosophers in history, who lived here, was wrong. And the reason is this: even the greatest thinkers on the planet use their linearity to reach conclusions. You cannot measure a multidimensional God with a linear thought. If you did a multidimensional experiment, you could not use linear thinking to solve it!

I ask you something; My partner talks about this. Did you know that time is in a circle? Do you know that you travel both ways? But if their concept of time is one-way and one speed, they can never compute anything. Do you understand what I say?

I already said this before. How do millions of colors explain to someone who can only see 13 shades of gray? It can not. That is the wall. But there is something very interesting that I want to discuss with you, since it is a time to discuss. Could they prove God in a multidimensional way? Even if you are not multidimensional, it would have to be personal, right? Not something that can be put into graphics, not computations. Something they experience for themselves. And many have done that.

I will give you an example of what I am trying to tell you. You are next to a person without sight; This person sees nothing at all. They are outside and it starts to rain a little. The sun rises, even when it is raining. And the most beautiful rainbow they have seen appears. It is so bright and beautiful that it takes your breath away. They look at the person without sight and say How I would like to describe this to you! Violet is so beautiful! And the person without sight smiles and says: I am like you, my friend, and you can do better than you: I feel the rainbow. The mixture of rain and sun that has risen on my skin; I perceive each color, and it reaches the center of my soul. And all you have is your eyes. The man without sight has just proved that the rainbow exists.

This is very difficult to describe; The language is linear. What they hear now is the best they can do; the words are lined up, one behind the other, for a period of time this enters your ear and then your brain makes it. It can't be more linear than that. And yet, when the Spirit speaks to them, it is almost like an intuitive explosion of information all at the same time; All at the same time!

God's language is love ; the compassion, benevolence, beauty, and rainbows that you can feel. It has nothing linear. That is the wall. No amount of intellectualism will break that wall. It's always about emotion.

I will say it again: Mom, do you love your child? Right now: do you love your son? Try it! No, not with what you have done, not with what you are going to do. Try it! I give you 15 seconds. You can not. There is nothing you can say. How are you going to prove your love for your son? You know it exists, oh, it does exist! It's arrogant, it's beautiful, it makes you cry; The child is the love of your life! And you can't prove it, right? Because it is multidimensional, like the love of God!

I can tell you all day: God loves you! And the intellectual will look up and say: `` Try it. '' And he will leave dissatisfied. Because you get nothing linear; because God is not human, he does not think like a human or act like a human. The language of love is God. And then, we sat here to give you a basic truth; If you want proof of God, open the door, because it is within you, and it is perfect.

It is a simple message, very simple, but we give it very often. Humanity has a tendency to believe that God must think as human, and it is not so. Dear ones, you have gone through three dispensations. One has experienced it, one is here. And they all have to do with God, history has called them relative to God. In the scriptures, everything before the Master of Love was called the dispensation of the Law. As humanity began to grow, the Master of Love came and the dispensation of love began. It was so important that humanity recognized it, and even changed its time account and started it again. The designation "before Christ" and "after Christ" is related to that change. And now it's happening again. This is the dispensation of responsibility. To find the Master of Love within you. Why is it there; the very thing that was taught on this planet 2, 000 years ago, which resides in you. They are a part of all that is.

Seekers on this planet are not intellectuals; They are the ones who wait and listen. And if they listen and wait long enough, they see something. What is in the trees and in the grass is also in the human being ; It is a beautiful symbiotic relationship between humanity and everything around it. It is part of a larger system of Creation; The human being is the greatest of all.

This message is not in conflict with other messages that are pure and loving regarding God. It simply expands you, so that you can control your life, control fear, disappointment, frustration and anger .

Could it be clearer? Could it be possible to prove God by analyzing it? Do you love your son? Test it! (Serie).

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll





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