The Energies of July 2007 - Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, as you move towards the opening of the Lion Gate of 2007, which will take place from July 26 to August 12, the powerful energies of the last solstice of June 21 continue to intensify.

As you know, dear ones, this is the time when the Earth begins a new cycle in its spiritual evolution. It is what we could call the celebration of the planetary "New Year".

At this time the sun is aligned with Sirius in the sky in the early morning in the northern hemisphere, an event that the ancient Egyptians knew as the "helical dawn" of the star Sirius.

The "two suns" of the Earth line up in the sky, in what supposes the opening of the Sirian star portal, when evolutionarily powerful energies and codes are transmitted from the Sun of the Blue Star of Sirius to the Earth of the Blue Star . But, dear Lightworkers, this time, in 2007, they are not only starting a new annual cycle as indicated by the opening of the star portal; They are also entering a new cycle of time that will take them to that moment which the Maya called "Cosmogenesis" or creation of the new Cosmic Day.

This is expected to happen in 2012 according to the galactic "time account" of the Mayan calendar. At this point in the present they are entering a new nine-year cycle that will be completed in 2016. By then they will have experienced Cosmogenesis, which we could call the Co-Creation, with the Source and the Spirit, of the new Cosmic Day.

Yes, dear ones, it is not only Earth that is moving towards a cycle of rebirth and renewal, so are the Galaxy and Cosmos itself. Nevertheless, their job as inhabitants and children of the Earth is to wake up to their true work as co-creators and be prepared to co-create the New Earth with the Source. That's what they are here for; the choices they make now will determine what they will create with the Source. It is time for you to release all illusions and begin to create from absolute truth and light. Know, dear ones, that as the light intensifies in your galaxy and on your land you will only take root and survive creations of light and unconditional love. Everything based on fear and exploitation will be revealed as it is and rejected by those who seek peace, love and joy for their lives. Dear souls, what a gift it is that, for the first time, you, humanity, as human angels, have the privilege of co-creating with the Spirit.

What they choose and believe in this time will lay the foundations of the New Cycle and the New Earth. Therefore, we cannot stress to you enough that NOW is the time for you to choose life, love, peace, joy and beauty. Now is the time to affirm Who They Are and to believe from that essence. Earth awaits your choices, you are the creators. We in the angelic kingdoms are here to support your choices and your creations. We rejoice when we see the positive and loving choices they are making in their work as co-creators of the New Earth.

Therefore, in this month of July, when you enter the new energies, we see that many of you will be guided to go to certain places and perform love rituals. Many have chosen July 7 as the time to honor the energies of 07 07 07 and the opening of new stellar portals in the process of "galactic reconnection" of the Earth. Others have chosen July 17 as their time for global reconnection, having been led to it by their internal guidance. We ask you to honor those moments, as they are preparations for the powerful energies of Cosmogenesis and Renewal that will break through the Lion's Gate in late July and early August. * Create in Perfect Balance through ** the Union ** Sacred *** Dear Ones, in June they honored the Divine Feminine and the energies of the Triple Goddess. In July and August, the Divine Feminine advances to meet her Divine counterpart, the Divine Masculine, to create the "sacred flame" and the perfect "fire", also known as the "Twin Flame."

This is indicated in the skies of his world by the Sacred Union of both energies at the helical dawn of Sirius, since Sirius represents the energies of Isis, the Great Mother, while the Sun represents the masculine energy of Ra-Herakuti- Osiris. In his Sacred Union the perfect balance between Passion and Creativity is produced to co-create with the Spirit. And as she goes into Leo's sun sign, the Goddess manifests herself as a Goddess of Fire, passionate, warm and sensual, the perfect forging for the final transformation of Cosmogenesis. Dear Lightworkers, the energies will be intense, electric, passionate, turbulent and creative! Stay in your center of Peace and Light and be calm and serene. They walk their path with Grace, Dignity and Unconditional Love.

Everything is changing and being reborn at very deep levels. The elementals are making love passionately while being reborn at subatomic and deep levels. Dear ones, they are no longer the beings that were ten years ago. You are different, the Earth is different. They are brighter and brighter, they are the Human Angels that are reborn a New Earth and a New Society. Flow with those energies of Peace, Love and Joy. * New Work, New Contracts and the "Fourth Wave" * Dear Lightworkers, most of you have already completed your "contracts" corresponding to the precosmogenetic period. Now they are moving to get new contracts and a new job for which they have been prepared and trained. For many of you, this means entering into unions between soul mates to work "as a team" within a relationship or "Sacred Union." These loving, passionate and creative energies will be an integral part of the way they experience the New Earth and the new energies in this period that leads them to the moment of Cosmogenesis. Therefore, for many of you this is the time to move to your full potential and allow the world to see who you really are. It is time for them to express their power and to let their light be seen. As the energy of the Lion Gate spills over the Earth, there will be a massive awakening that we will call the `` Fourth Wave ''.

Those of the `` Fourth Wave '' are not of the Lightworkers' family as you are, but people as Suddenly you wake up who you are, They will seek for the family of the Lightworkers to help them and they will want to join it at this time. They will be nervous and disoriented by what will happen to them when energy precipitates the events in their lives. Dear Family of Lightworkers, your job will be to help them shine their light and live their truth, to show them that humans can be abundant and balanced in the new energies. You have been prepared and trained for this time for many lives and millennia. This is the time of Awakening. It is the time of Creation. It's time for Cosmogenesis: a New Cosmic Birth and a New Reality.

* The Energies of July * The Sun will be in Cancer, a water sign, until July 23, when it will enter Leo's fire sign. The gentle and affectionate energy of Cancer will give way in Leo's Gate to Leo's burning passion. The New Moon will be in Cancer on July 14. The water moon is soft, peaceful, deep and loving. Here the Moon is in her own home, in what represents an optimal moment to plant seeds of joy and feminine love, as well as to celebrate the love and power of her inner Goddess. The full moon of July 30 will be in Aquarius, with the Sun in Leo. The Full Moon Aquarius, at the time of the Lion's Gate, carries all the energy of the New Age.

It is a powerful time. Respect and honor these energies with meditations and rituals of light. Mercury will be back until July 9, allowing time for reflection and meditation before moving back to the powerful new energies. Both Jiter and Pluto are retrograde in Sagittarius, while the Galactic Center is 26 degrees from Sagittarius. These planetary alignments are providing the galactic power that constitutes the engine of these profound changes and transformations. Dear ones, the New Day has arrived.

We wish them the best in their creation of the New Earth. Because this is their destiny, and it is time for them to wake up and express Who They Are. Because they are Children of the Stars. They are the Divine Essence in Human Form. They are powerful creators. They are.

Now is the Moment!

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in, site in Spanish of Starchild (c) 2007-8

Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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* Thank you Paloma Fernández Fernández !!! *
* Surge ** the New ** Earth **: ** The Cosmogenesis ** and ** the Gate ** of the Lion of 2007 *
* Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn *

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