Guardians of the Earth - Online Training, beginning February 16, 2019

  • 2019

Weaves the bridges that unite Beings of Nature and humans and immerse yourself in the magic of regaining the connection n

The path of the Guardians of the Earth is a path of self-knowledge, expansion and real awareness, where unions are formed with the spirits of nature, elementals and beings of Light that inhabit the world around us.

Formerly, a long time ago (before ties broke) humans and beings in the natural world worked together in collaboration. At that time we had an intuitive connection with all life forms.

During that time the doors that separate the worlds were open, but they closed through our disconnection, so the invisible worlds ceased to be real to humans.

This road structures its teachings along a 7 month and 1 day tour. It will help you discover your gifts and talents, build your strengths, discover and balance your weaknesses, help you out of the world of illusion and disconnection.

When we work with beings from other planes and kingdoms we are collaborating to strengthen the relationship between the material and the spiritual world, thus also strengthening the connection between us the Divine Source and Mother Earth and all of nature

His path is the path of the heart through the integrity, truth and purity of the heart.

It is a path of commitment and true awareness that has no setback, after which your vision of the world around you and the Earth, changes, as well as your way of feeling it, regardless of when of your evolution and consciousness you are always going there

During the course you will learn about the elementary forces, as well as a daily routine that will help you keep the bridges between worlds open for when you want to travel them, in which you will have the access key.

Through connections our understanding and connection with nature will increase and our perceptions will grow closer to the truth, your wisdom contains the imprint of life in its purity that can repair the lost or damaged in our kingdom, the human kingdom.

It will make you more aware of the realities that you don't see now but exist there, in the same world you inhabit. He will learn to listen to them and work with the energies and powers that govern the Universe and manifest the form, generating a space in which We Are All One of respect, union, trust and love. Where communication and cooperation is possible.

What will you learn during these 7 months and 1 day?

During these 7 months you will learn about these Beings, Beings of Nature, Fairies, the elementary forces, the people of the hidden people. And with that you can open yourself to the perception of these beings.

· We will make different connections to recover the link with the beings of Nature, Fairies, Devas, elementals and the people of the hidden people.

· We will make tunings to connect with your frequency learning to communicate with them.

You will find those who will become your guides and allies in this great adventure. They will accompany you and help you as you begin to walk between worlds.

· We will discover sacred places, natural entrances, portals, your place of power.

· We will learn to offer, to consecrate and dedicate our tools and works.

· We will learn to weave magic, to perform rituals of dedication and blessing, they will help you find your own method of divination.

We will know the forces of nature, the elements and the importance of each one in our existence.

We will learn to receive the healing of the elements, and a concrete method of healing that the Earth Guardians give us to work in the balance of the body, mind, emotions and spirit. This technique can be applied to you and others.

· We will discover how to create sanctuaries, generate sacred spaces and purify places.

· You will know how to connect with the Guardians of the Earth and receive their messages for you or for other people.

· You will discover how to cooperate with them, helping each other and helping our planet Earth.

You will celebrate life and much more since as I said this path has neither backward nor end, until you can become part of "The Guardians of the Earth"

The cost of the Online Course is € 111 per month.

This course is only held once a year, do not miss it !!!


Recover the link with the beings of Nature, Fairies, Devas and elementals, the people of the hidden people

During the duration of the training you will receive a special tuning that will open your channel to communication with these wonderful Beings, being able to take your messages to other people both in groups and in individual sessions.

So you will also learn to develop a complete session or reading to be able to work with other people and that they can receive their messages through you and what they want to transmit or what everyone needs to know.

These Beings have a special ability to make us see our shadows, in this way they teach us what is in imbalance in us so that we can become aware and bring it to balance. They teach us what we do not see and show us the Truth hidden behind the world of appearances.

They are great Masters and their teachings have no end, they continually break our obsolete mental schemes to reveal to us what it is, and not what we believe it is.

We will carry out enough practices so that at the end of the training you feel with the necessary security to work with them in this way too.

It is time again to resume the connection and return to collaborate with the worlds of light that surround us

There are places where this connection is maintained, such as north of Scotland, (in the Findhorn community). This community is known for its almost miraculous orchards and gardens, since it is in very difficult terrain and conditions, without chemicals or fertilizers, and with the special collaboration of the Fairies, Elves, Gnomes ...

Also in Ireland, construction companies and governments collaborate to make buildings and roads with those they call "the little people" or "the hidden villages", since they better than anyone know what are the best land to build free of movement Earthquakes and other Earth currents.

This is a call for all those who seek authenticity and want to rediscover the magic of life, for all those who feel that behind every thing in nature there is a spirit that gives it life.

If you feel the truth in each of the words you have read here and want to make the loving commitment to be a "Guardian or Guardian of the Earth" this course is for you.


Our online training is carried out and developed from various supports:

· A monthly meeting through Clickmeeting or another platform - virtual classroom (if you could not be at that time you would be given access to the video course of that meeting since it is a very important part of the material and the implementation, since this modality is at your own pace and you could be at the moment it is taught or if you prefer (by subject of schedule or other matter) you can access later through the video-course, in this way at no time would you miss anything.

· Through a private Facebook group that allows us to be connected to each other generating a kind of virtual classroom. Being a secret or private group, no person who is not part of the training can have access to the messages with you and my comments. Here you will upload your thoughts and experiences in reference to the work done, in this way everyone will share with everyone how you felt during each of the works.

During the course we integrate the theoretical learning, together with the practical part through meditations, the energy works, connections, initiations and experiences in the physical plane.

You will receive the day of the theoretical and practical material course both to read and to develop during the month through your personal practice. Therefore, each month and through the course of these 7 months you will be completing a series of concrete works that will be related to the material with which we work that month.

The knowledge you gain during the training through the theory is important but the really important thing is to bring the theory to the practical part and to be lived from the heart through s of the works that you develop, the Earth Guardians have countless gifts for you, but only through commitment, involvement and a pure heart are they accessed

It is advisable, although it is not necessary that, even if you carry out this online training you can move to live the last day in person, it is very special. If for any reason you could not, it does not matter, you can still do it.

After the course, if you wish, I will add you to the working group and Facebook practices so that you can consolidate with the connections and communication, being able to take messages from the Guardians of the Earth to other people .

The cost of the Online Course is 111 monthly.

This course is only held once a year, do not let it escape !!!


If you want more information get in touch

+34 661 628 011

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