Saul ~ Love is complete acceptance and complete forgiveness without conditions of any kind

  • 2017

Channeled by John Smallman, 07/17/2017

As all the channels are telling you now, great changes are underway across the planet, which will bring abundance to all, and that no one will be left out. All debts and responsibilities will be erased, and the stress and anxieties associated with them will dissolve, since everyone finds that they can afford to live well and stress-free . The time of immense disparity in living standards is coming to an end.

This does not mean that everyone will live in similar circumstances - the “one size fits all” approach - but everyone can choose the environment that suits them best and create it for themselves. If that sounds "out, " I can confirm that it is, but it will happen and every reason for conflict will fade away.

The conflict is not natural ! For humanity it seems normal and inevitable because it is driven by the ego, and you all have ego, the aspect of yourself that experiences separation and the consequent terror that that imaginary state induces in you.

The illusion, that structure, is now in the process of being deconstructed because the human collective has chosen to wake up from their dream

Each of you is One with the Source and also with each other, and that can never change, therefore separation is completely impossible . But the illusion is a construction that you have created to experience separation, and because you have the power of God within you, you were able to build a very convincing structure. That structure is now in the process of being deconstructed because the human collective has chosen to wake up from their dream . The experience of separation has expired, its expiration date has passed and you have collectively decided to stop committing to it. It only exists because you keep it when you commit, when you stop doing it, as more and more of you are choosing to do, it will disintegrate again into the nothingness that came from it .

You are spiritual beings participating in a very temporary physical experiment to see how it could be, and you have decided that you do not like it . It's a bit like visiting a clothing store and trying on clothes, and, finding that nothing suits or likes you, leaves the store. When people who visit a store are insufficient to make a viable business, it closes its doors, permanently. In the same way one could say that the illusion "is closing its doors!"

To continue with the example of the clothing store, all of you, without exception, dressed yourself with human bodies. This would help them to submit to the experiences they decided before incarnating, the most appropriate to provide them with situations, difficulties and problems that would teach them the lessons they chose to learn as human beings . For some of you these have been extremely traumatic, while it may seem that others lead enchanted lives.

However, there is no injustice here, lives are not karmic in the sense that they have to suffer the suffering and pain that were imposed on others in previous lives.

In Love you planned and put into effect a human life that was for your greatest good and that of others.

Love is complete acceptance and complete forgiveness without conditions of any kind.

Their natural state is Love, and they are permanently and eternally embraced by Love wherever they are . When they are not in human form they are fully aware of Him, in human form the majority are not. In Love they planned and put into effect a human life that was for their greatest good and for the supreme good of all those with whom they interacted as a human being.

As has been said so often: " There are no accidents, and there are no coincidences . " Everything that happens during their human lives are responses planned to cover every eventuality that may arise . As you will understand, these plans are very detailed and were designed wisely by each of you with the unlimited help of your support team in the spiritual realms. The spiritual realms are real, eternal, while their human lives are temporary, short-term - by the way - and end as planned and calculated at the exact moment.

However, all of you are affectionately cared for and supported at all times. When doubts arise, remember this, then go inside to be embraced by the Love that resides within you waiting for your acceptance and concession.

Many believe that loving is being weak. That is a very harmful belief or opinion to hold on to, and yet billions do. As its history shows clearly this only leads to conflicts after conflicts after conflicts.

Their egos delight in conflict, although they do not enjoy the pain and suffering that results. The pain and suffering then justify the judgment and punishment that are pleased to impose on those who blame for that pain and suffering. It is basically a closed circle situation in which everything that causes fear, pain and suffering is repeated endlessly, and from what seems to be no escape.

Love heals all wounds. Love is within you.

But, of course, there is an escape route, an exit, and that is to commit wholeheartedly to Love. Love changes everything. Love heals all wounds. Love is the infinitely relaxing balm that everyone seeks but does not find outside of themselves . Love is within all of you, in abundance, but you choose not to see it, not to commit to it, because your egos persuade you that you deserve and need compensation from others for the pain you have inflicted. to you or your loved ones.

When you truly commit to Love, completely and unconditionally, your needs for compensation and restitution collapse . You realize the intense pain that others experience, the intense experience of separation and abandonment that you experienced yourself, and your heart opens in love and compassion for them. As I said: Love heals , and when you allow it to heal you, your only and most intense desire is to share and extend that Love to all others. That is what is happening at this time and causing the essential changes in attitudes and behaviors that will awaken them all.

Love is THE most powerful force that exists . All others are just abuses and bad applications of it. You may be wondering how can it be? Well , there is only LOVE! It is the vital force that flows through all living beings. All living and conscious beings have free will and can use their vital force as they choose when they are physically able to love, to comfort, to influence, to manipulate or to abuse others. When they are not physically, every sense of separation, threat, fear, danger and abandonment does not exist because it is unrealistic and the unreal can only be physically experienced.

Being human, being physically fit, is just a moment and a completely unreal experience . When you choose to commit only to Love, which is all that is real, your apparent needs for defense, for a safe environment, for protection of any kind of disease, attack, manipulation, punishment, no acceptance, rejection or even death will be gone because in Love you already have everything you could need or want . There, in that state, you are One with God / Source where there are no needs, there is only infinite creative joy!

With a lot of love, Sael.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: John Smallman. (2017). Saul ~ Love is Complete Acceptance and Forgiveness Without Conditions of Any Kind. 07/19/2017, from Love has won Website: -kind

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