How the magician manages to put order in chaos

  • 2016

A COURSE OF MAGIC. Unit 1. The mind Learning object 2. Systemic thinking

The magician, fortune teller, shaman, sorcerer or sorcerer, used enchantments, magic words to invoke the spirits of nature, or to unleash mysterious forces. The exorcists and healers still deserve some credit, especially when modern medicine cannot cure, or even relieve a person suffering from a serious incurable disease. More recently, some mathematicians, taking inspiration from Chaos Theory, have established some calculations that allow "anticipate" and, consequently, anticipate the crises of a person suffering from epilepsy.


  1. Establish differences between personality, mind and soul.
  2. State the obstacles in the learning process.
  3. Establish relationships between disciplinary work and systemic thinking.


When the shadow has responded, the work continues in deep meditation. The lower light is projected upwards; the upper light illuminates the three, and the work of the four continues.


Jerrica Benton is a shy singer in front of the cameras used by the pseudonym of Jem, a nickname given by her deceased father. It shows how we all have a jewel, given by the Father, that projects the hologram that we really are. Jem and the holograms, is a movie released in 2015 based on a television series.

After watching this movie or some other one that deals with personality such as The Mask (with Jim Carrey), answer the following questions.

  • Why does the word person mean mask?
  • What is the importance of the name for our personality?
  • What is the true I of the people?
  • How important is the word synergy?
  • How do holograms help you understand the essence of personality?
  • What is the jewel that is hidden in the heart of a human being?

When considering this second rule we must observe that a conscious relationship has been established between the soul and its reflection, the man on the physical plane. Both have been meditating. One of the goals of daily meditation is to allow the brain and mind to vibrate in unison with the soul, as she seeks to profoundly meditate to communicate with her reflection. . Hence the need to ensure that this reflection is clear and not a mere shadow: to give light to the shadow.

The word shadow refers to the counterpart of the physical manifestation of the soul, also called the Dweller in the Threshold. That shadow has been created since childhood from the unfounded fears of adults, in the dual concept of goodness and evil, of angel and devil.

Every child has to go through the comments and judgments of others, from the father and mother, and perhaps a critical aunt or a grumpy uncle, until teachers, brothers and companions. Both praise and criticism remain archived on the shelves of memory and contribute to the self-image that one has in adult life.

How have you been shaping your self-image? Does it look more like a mask or a hologram?

What fairy tale has influenced your life?

ACTIVITY ONE: The body-mind.

You, silent and subtle, between each atom,

You live between each cell.

To transform past patterns we must know what they are made of. The body seems to be composed of solid matter that can be broken down into molecules and atoms, but quantum physics tells us that each atom is more than 99.99% empty space, and that subatomic particles that move at blazing speed through that Space are, in reality, bundles of vibrant energy. The essential matter of the universe, including our body, is thinking antimatter. The emptiness that exists within each atom beats visible intelligence. Geneticists primarily locate that intelligence within DNA, but only for the sake of convenience. All cells contain completely unique forms of intelligence, the rhythmic contraction of a cardiac cell is completely different from the electrical discharges of a brain cell or the sodium exchange of a renal cell. The specific intelligence of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems acts as the main control of the body.

Without the sensation there is no hormone, without the hormone there is no sensation. The revolution in mind-body medicine was based on the aphorism "energy follows thought": wherever a thought goes, a chemical element accompanies it








The lower self sees itself

Made of cells, tissues and organs.

Limited in spacetime

Driven by biochemical processes: instincts.

He sees himself as the Thinker.

Driven by the images of the intellect.

The Higher Self sees itself

Made of intelligence impulses.

Unlimited in spacetime

Powered by electric vibrations: intuitions.

ACTIVITY TWO: Cognition and the learning process

The cognitive is what mediates between stimuli (inputs) and behaviors (outputs), that is, what happens within the black box. Cognition is the set of activities by which all information is treated by a psychic apparatus, upon receiving and selecting them, transforming and organizing them, thus building representations of reality and assimilating knowledge. It is the product resulting from the coding, storage and manipulation of information by the central nervous system. The cognitive system performs the processes of attention, perception and memory.

The attention works as a filter by selecting the scale of stimulus analysis, to finally guide the behavior. In the perception, the information that comes to the senses with the previously acquired knowledge is actively integrated. Information is stored in memory and retrieved when necessary.

obstacles and cybernetics

What is automation?

Concern, uncertainty and doubt are the three primary obstacles that prevent us from making efficient use of the power contained in each intention.

End talking about cognitive science.

Basic skills: creativity, decision making and problem solving.

But while cybernetics focus on organisms, leaders focus on organizations.

ACTIVITY THREE. The mind and the awakening of consciousness.

As much of our internal programming is unconscious, we overlook the fact that the most powerful influence we can exert on our learning simply comes from our conscience.

Consciousness has two components, attention and intention.

The balance between order and chaos is achieved through organization. Organizing means “assembling an adequate work order”, and “systematically arranging and arranging”, this implies the mastery of two energy rays contrary to power and order. The organization of a system is an activity that can be carried out only by intentional units with a common purpose.

Systemic thinking pays special attention to organizations: intentional systems that contain intentional parts that fulfill different roles or functions, and that are themselves parts of larger intended systems. This approach reveals three fundamental interrelated problems of organizations: how to design and manage systems so that they can effectively serve their own purposes, the purposes of their parts, and those of the larger systems of which they are part. These are the problems of self-control, humanization and environmentalization respectively.

Genetic engineering and artificial intelligence…

Disciple is the one that fits the discipline of converting your behavioral habits into intelligent actions, through systemic thinking, it is the one that passes from instinct to intuition through intellect.


Judith Sills, Excess Baggage.

Deepak Chopra, Bodies without age, minds without time.

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