Amazing Red of Light - The Team channeled by Peggy Black

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 No matter what your financial situation, your status, or your age; You are here to anchor a higher state of consciousness and transform the ill-qualified / negative emotions and vibrations that are being spread by those who are unconscious, frightened and feel helpless. 2 We invite you to enter into this transcendental consciousness and the true power of who you are ... 3 Remember that you are pure energy and that your energy goes where you focus; so focus on connecting with this invisible network of other conscious beings of pure energy. 4 The Divine Beings are waiting for your invitation; Always ask for their assistance.
Positive energies flow through the world in the form of beautiful mantras of light.

May 17, 2017

Here we are presenting our recognition and our gratitude. We are increasing our support and encouragement by recalling your personal power and magnificence. We are observing the intense energy of chaos that collective consciousness is presenting.

Remember, you truly chose to be present in these times; you are here to anchor a new reality; You are here in this Dimension to summon it. You are here in physical form to transform and transmute all the dysfunction you are witnessing. You do not lack power.

As a Divine Being of Love and Light, you are truly immeasurably powerful; and you are not alone in this endeavor. We want you to realize that there is an energy network that is being anchored by you and others who are remembering who you are and why you are here. We understand your concern for the welfare of your Beloved Ones and your beloved Planet; This is the key and passion that is summoned as you remember who you are and why you are here.

No matter what your financial situation, your status, or your age; You are here to anchor a higher state of consciousness and transform the ill-qualified / negative emotions and vibrations that are being spread by those who are unconscious, frightened and feel helpless.

Remember that this reality, this Dimension, is energy, is vibration and frequency. This Dimension is made up of layers and layers of vibrations offered by everyone present in this Dimension. Each Human, each individual, brings their energy and vibrations to the mix. Most individuals offer their energy from a situation of misinformation, misunderstanding and helplessness. You are here at this time to energize, visualize and summon a change.

We want you to realize that you have the support and assistance of your Celestial and Galactic Families. Every day there are more individuals who wake up to be aware of their purpose in this momentous opportunity to transform and raise the consciousness of an entire Planet.

We invite you to enter into this transcendental consciousness and the true power of who you are ...

This is the moment! ... We invite you to continue cleaning your personal shadow of repressed emotions; This does not have to be painful, or even difficult. You can lovingly focus any emotional vibration that arises and give it a sound with the intention of changing and cleaning that emotional vibration that you have been avoiding, repressing, or even denying. It replaces what has been cleaned with a higher and more coherent emotional vibration; anchor this emotion with acoustic vibrations ... This is the work of a true alchemist.

You are here to transform all the badly qualified or negative energy you find . Every time you consciously clean out badly qualified or negative emotions in one aspect of your multidimensional energy field, you are also cleaning an aspect of collective consciousness.

We will continue to tell you the importance of this action and daily practice. As the true alchemist you are, you can focus on any aspect of the shadow or collective dysfunction that you are witnessing amidst the chaos; and express an acoustic vibration of that emotional energy; so you can express a frequency or sound of anguish, rage / anger, conflict, judgment. Once you have expressed this emotion in a situation of true transformative power, be sure to summon an emotional vibration of Love, healing, forgiveness or grace; Do it with sound and intention.

Also you who invites. The Divine Conscious Beings of Light and Love are always ready to answer your call and your request for support and assistance; This is an association, the non-physical Beings of Love and Light are waiting for your invitation.

Your Planet is in the process of what you call Ascension; the increase in the frequency of the Planet, the resonance with which all living Beings are tuned, is activating and waking up all the sleeping ones. From the Galactic Center, your Planet is being bathed with higher and higher vibrations. The increase in the resonance of the Planet and the energy offered by the Galactic Center are supporting and helping your personal work and service.

Realize that you are part of an amazing network of Conscious Multidimensional Beings who know who you are and what is the work you came here to do; This network is always available to you, you are not alone in your efforts, quite the contrary. The connection to this network is your intention; The passage or Portal is your imagination.

Remember that you are pure energy and that your energy goes where you focus; so focus on connecting with this invisible network of other conscious beings of pure energy.

If this helps you, visualize or imagine a Sacred Place with which you are going to connect; Feel, perceive or imagine that other beings of pure energy meet you. Practice this, make it a daily approach; You don't need to spend a lot of time in your busy life. Remember, it is about disposition, intention; and to allow it.

Feel, imagine or perceive that other conscious Beings meet with you in this Upper Realm ; rest assured that you are a significant part of the many millions who are also creating this energy network of Love and Light. Wrap your beloved Planet Earth, inhale life into your intention as you focus and bring your clean vibrations to this amazing field that is being created moment by moment in the Higher Dimensions.

You are energizing the Quantum Field of All Possibilities with a future that sustains everyone's life; you are sowing in this influential energy field realities that improve life. Trust your knowledge, trust that your passion for peace and harmony is anchored in this kingdom; and in that it will help the Ascension of Consciousness of all. Each and every one of the people who do this dedicated service and work, contribute to its glorious development.

Remember to bring your problems and limitations to a situation of transformation; lift them using all available tools and processes. This is the time to truly assume your personal knowledge and join others of similar mentality and heart, in their physical or non-physical forms; Together in association, you create a fabric of Light that embraces all Humanity with Healing Love.

The Divine Beings are waiting for your invitation; Always ask for their assistance.

Join other terrestrials who know how to be present in the limited experience while simultaneously connecting with the highest possibilities of truth that they can summon and anchor. The Beings of Heaven celebrate every day your courage to be present in this limited Dimension; Regardless of the circumstances you are experiencing, you are here to transform what you find and witness ... You are an incarnate Divine Being!

We have the deepest gratitude for your willingness to do this work. We are always available to support and help you. Remember to be the one who invites all the Beings of the Realms of Love and Light, with name or without name; Upon your request will come legions of Divine Beings ... Trust this truth!

The team.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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