What is the Facelift or Facial Energy Rejuvenation process of Access Consciousness?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Have you ever felt that you have to be perfect, thinner or taller or in a certain way? 2 So what is the Facelift or Energy Facial Rejuvenation Course? 3 How is this Access Consciousness Facial Energy Rejuvenation process different from other alternatives? 4 What will you learn in an Access Consciousness Facial Energy Rejuvenation class? 5 How long are changes noticed? 6 What will you learn in the course? 7 Who can take the Access Facelift Course? 8 Are there prerequisites to take the course? 9 What is the duration of the Facelift course? 10 Where can I find a Facelift facilitator?

Facelift or Facial Energy Rejuvenation is a class given by the Access Consciousness facilitators, which consists of a process that combines the touch of some of the points of the head, which is used to run the bars and other techniques. Recall that with the term of bars, Access Consciousness, we refer to the 32 points located in the head that by stimulating them lightly, judgments, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, etc. are released.

Many times, and more than anything in our current society, we feel that we do not like our face, we do not feel comfortable in our body and this is because we see, we really see each other, in a way that distorts . That is, the information that our eyes send to the brain is not consistent with the way in which our brain processes and interprets it since this way of processing and interpreting is loaded with prejudices, beliefs, feelings, limitations, etc. In this way, we feel fatter, older or thinner than we really are. If we always observe or rather in most cases, these interpretations are loaded with a negative or derogatory mark on our person or on what rests our eyes. This is how there is always a distance between what one sees and how it really looks or the real conditions or dimensions of our body. With this process, precisely, it seeks to demolish each of these "veils" that distort the true vision of our real body.

Most of the time our gestures or the behavior of our body is not consistent with who we are due to the large amount of judgments we have about our body. All this negative that we tell ourselves every day, all the judgments we give our minds about ourselves, is what favors and reinforces aging . The idea of ​​this course is to release what limits our possibilities, and one of the things that are achieved with the bars and through this course, is to try to eliminate these limitations and points of view that we have accumulated since we are babies . In other words, to free ourselves from all those things that have been told to us since we are children, giving us the possibility to free ourselves and love each other much. It is a process that allows us to free ourselves inside and out.

Throughout life and more than anything from the first years of life, one is buying the views of their parents and makes them their own . For example, everyone asks who do you look like? Your father or your mother? Your grandmother, uncle, aunt? and that is how other people begin to project their expectations, ideas, emotions, etc. on us. how are we going to see each other for example, or what are we going to be in the future or how is our personality going to be etc. Thus, for example, it is said that such inherit such or not of such a relative and that are points of view that we are buying and we are loading our backpack, since what they tell us in more important than we can tell ourselves . What happens is that when we are small we do not know what are the social standards that the society in which we are uncertain and in which we live are managing, so to be able to speak the same “language” as the others we begin to buy those standards, we begin to make them meat and in relation to that we are located on this or that side, inside or outside the norm. Once we make them our own, we begin to judge ourselves on how beautiful we are or not, how intelligent or slender we are, etc.

Have you ever felt that you have to be perfect, thinner or taller or in a certain way?

Surely your answer will be affirmative, because internally we want to be accepted by others, so from a young age we learn to cling to those qualities or behaviors that please others of ourselves, regardless of whether we feel either doing what or such thing or being or possessing certain characteristics. By freeing ourselves from all this baggage we begin to be, to flow with our true selves, with our essence and what others liked about us ceases to be a requirement of existence . We learn to disidentify ourselves from what helped us to attract attention, from what gave us courage and existence in the face of another. That is the wonderful thing about this process, which is a path of self-knowledge and acceptance, of oneself with all that is.

So what is the Facelift or Energy Facial Rejuvenation Course?

Access Consciousness Facial Energy Rejuvenation is a wonderful process that can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and can create very similar effects throughout the entire body. If done repeatedly, at least 20 times, it has practically permanent effects. It cleanses the limitations that prevent the body from feeling young and vital as it works with the body's cells to restore, revitalize and rejuvenate.

How is this Access Consciousness Facial Energy Rejuvenation process different from other alternatives?

This technique differs from others in that it is friendlier, more joyful, softer, more cheerful and is easier to apply both in you and in and for your body.

What will you learn in an Access Consciousness Facial Energy Rejuvenation class?

One of the wonderful things you will learn will be knowing how to use energies to lift and rejuvenate your entire body through soft, enriching, comforting and relaxing touches on your face and neck.

In all types of Access Consciousness classes two practices are carried out and two are received, in this case, a complete Facial Energy Rejuvenation.

How long are the changes noticed?

The time is totally relative to each person, it depends on the desire you have to release the limitations and clean all those views that you have bought for years.

What will you learn in the course?

You will learn to use the Access Consciousness questions
You will learn the meanings of some of the Bars® and the famous “Liberating Statement” ® (phrase that cleans even deeper along with the questions of Access Consciousness ™)
You will learn to run the Access Facelift ™ Process along with the 28 Access® Body Processes that include Access® Facial Energy Rejuvenation

Who can take the Access Facelift Course?

The course is designed for anyone who wishes to improve and take care of themselves and increase youth, longevity and vitality in their body. Any person who is willing to expand to the consciousness and energy required to change the reality of their body with ease and simplicity.

And, of course, it is also aimed at all those who wish to professionalize as Access Facelift practitioners.

Are there prerequisites to take the course?

There are no requirements to take the course, you just have to feel like having fun and learning about yourself.

What is the duration of the Facelift course?

A full day.

Where can I find a Facelift facilitator?

Entering the following official page of Acess Consciousness you can find a facilitator in your country: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/

EDITORIAL: Gisela, editor hermandadblanca.org

Listen to the full talk in the following video:

SOURCE: Zoom made by Fernando, Itzel and Berenice on the Fernando Diego YouTube channel.

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