Cleaning bad energy: The importance of removing bad energy from the house and body to lead a harmonious life

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Remove Bad Energy from the house with Resins and Palo Santo 2 Habits and tools for cleaning bad energies 3 Protective crystals to remove bad energy from the house 4 Carrying out the cleaning of bad energies in your home body 5 Tips to favor the cleaning of bad energies 6 Final considerations

"The home must be the sacred refuge of life."

John dryden

Our home is an extension of us . Some say that to know how a person orders their thinking you must observe how they organize their space. This is so since we constantly interact with the place where we spend our time. And the energy flows from us outwards and from the outside inwards. That said, it is not necessary to be a Zen master to notice the stagnant energies in the home, and one should take care of the space and remove the bad energy from the house to avoid contaminating our energy.

We will share some basic tips and methods for cleaning bad energy in your home and also your body.

Remove Bad Energy from the house with Resins and Palo Santo

Negative energies continuously interfere, so it is important to maintain a constant flow of energy throughout the environment. The cleaning of bad energies helps restore balance and harmony in your personal life and that of your family. And when you make this cleaning an activity that belongs to your daily routine, it is a perfect remedy to reduce the stress and anxiety imposed by the demands of modern life.

Sage smoke is one of the easiest and fastest ways to take care of stagnant energies. It has been considered a sacred plant for thousands of years for its properties when it comes to cleaning bad energy.

Sage can also be combined with Incense and Copal . Incense is usually given the name of transformer . It is an alternative for those who are too sensitive to sage and have great qualities to purify and remove bad energy from the house. In addition, its sweet aroma has earned it the nickname of liquid gold, and helps us decrease feelings of stress and anxiety. Copal is one of the oldest ways of cleaning bad energy . Large quantities of Copal resin were found in tombs of the Mayan and Aztec ruins. It contains powerful medicinal properties and together with incense help us transform our negative thoughts into a positive mental state.

Myrrh is also a great tool for cleaning bad energy. It is recognized as a great enhancer of any resin with which it burns together, as it is uncommon to use it alone . It has a sweet and soft aroma. It is said that in ancient times, the Myrrh was burned in Egypt to worship Ra, the sun god and in the temples dedicated to Isis.

The Palo Santo is another good influence for your home. This sacred tree will be responsible for filling the space with positive energies with its sweet and relaxing aroma. Unlike the sage that burns very easily, this wood will require a constant flow of air to stay on.

Habits and tools for cleaning bad energy

Adding flowers to the environments also assists us in this task. Lavender is also a good tool to remove bad energy from the house. Its name comes from Latin, and is related to the word " wash " by its use to aromatize bath water. This flower has a fresh and sweet aroma. It is widely used in rituals to purify, since it predisposes to feelings of harmony and peace . It is usually recommended to place a dry bouquet behind the main door to protect the house from bad vibrations. Also herbs such as rosemary, bay leaf are tools to remove bad energy from the house.

Habits like always leaving a stream of air can help the negative energies of the place go away. Lift the blinds and let in as much light as possible. During the day, while the sun is shining, you will have a better chance that your light will infect your environment . Sweep your tickets and clean the dust around your house. As much as it seems obvious, your spirit has a greater capacity to develop in a space that shines.

Become friends with the ancestral practice of sahumo . This is essential and essential for the healing and cleaning of bad energies. Start at the entrance of your house and continue through each of the environments of your home.

Protective crystals to remove bad energy from the house

Once the cleaning of bad energies is advanced, we can also consider preventing them with the use of crystals and stones .

The Amethyst, whose color may vary from dark violet to pale lilac, can provide your home with warmth. In addition, it acts as a filter that absorbs negative energy and transforms them into vibrations of purity and harmony. Selenite helps us in the purification and cleaning of negative energies, especially when they are placed on the windowsill. It acts by blocking the passage of bad energies through doors and windows. This is mandatory for those who want to impose themselves and be selective with the vibrations that enter their home.

Black tourmaline absorbs the negative energies of both spaces and things as well as people themselves. The best way to use it is to place a piece in each corner of the room. This will act as a protective shield to prevent the action of unwanted energies, helping us to remove bad energy from the house . It also absorbs electromagnetic energy, so they recommend locating it near routers, television, computer and other devices to protect you from this irradiation that can be harmful.

This crystal decreases anxiety and depression, so holding it in your hands can help you keep your body clean. You can use this stone to relieve that corner of your house that feels heavy.

Rose Quartz is also another crystal that can assist you in cleaning negative energies. It is recognized as the stone of infinite love and peace, and is closely related to the Heart Chakra . It also has the ability to replace negative energies with vibrations more related to feelings of love and balance.

It is also said that this crystal has the property of releasing sorrows and unexpressed emotions, as well as facilitating forgiveness and acceptance . Help in turn to strengthen the self-esteem and confidence you have in yourself.

The cleaning of bad energies with crystals will depend on you maintaining a weekly habit of cleaning these stones. This is so they are constantly absorbing and transmuting negative energy. For this you can clean them with sage smoke by repeating your intentions out loud, which is said to help program the crystals to amplify their vibes and work to their full potential. Another way to keep them clean involves leaving them under sunlight and moonlight for a period of between twelve and twenty four hours. This will recharge them with energy to help you remove the bad energy from the house and provide you with a pure space.

Carrying out the cleaning of bad energies of your body

If we know that the energy flows from you outwards and from the outside inwards, removing bad energy from the house is not enough if we do not also clean up any remaining negative energy that may have remained in us . In this matter, healthy eating is essential and is a good place to start, even if it is only part of the total cleanliness.

Take advantage when you are cleaning bad energy in your home to get rid of those thoughts that keep you stuck and do not allow you to reach your true potential.

It is always advisable to take time to get closer to nature to breathe its air. Posing our bare feet on the ground is a great way to discharge the energy we carry to make room for the new ones. Deviating from our path a second to witness the landscape a bit clears us of the distractions of modern life . You can take your favorite glasses with you for these walks, while admiring the wonderful miracle that surrounds you.

Getting used to a conscious exercise of breathing, especially if we feel anxious or stressed, is a simple and effective way to restore our mental, physical and spiritual balance, and achieve a state of peace and tranquility. Inhale positivity and exhale the negativity of our body.

Music has great power over us, to the point that when it touches us, we can stop feeling the pain. Our list of favorite songs will help us rest from those thoughts that keep us spinning in the head. Playing a musical instrument will also allow us to participate in the creation and reproduction of this magic of being present in the moment . Try dancing in your room when nobody sees you, even if you have two left feet. You will see how easy it is to shake off the bad, and if that were not enough it is cheaper than therapy !

Tips to favor the cleaning of bad energies

In addition to the tools we have mentioned above, there are some practices that have always been recognized as useful when it comes to making a home renovation .

It is known that accumulating elements can be a very common activity, but each element usually contains an energetic load, therefore you may be being a victim of the effects of energy that has been maintained for a long time. That is why it is advisable not to store things that are not useful in your home . Of course, everyone imposes sentimental values ​​on what they have, but thinks that by keeping you clinging to certain things, you prevent the possibility of giving those spaces to new events in your life.

It is also not advisable to accumulate items that are broken, as this is related to a bad Feng-Shui . Everything that can be repaired, repair it. What not, then has already completed its cycle . Learning to detach yourself can also be a great benefit that you get from this practice.

Another activity that has proven to be very useful for the renewal of energy is to give the furniture in your home a new disposition . In this way your home will remain young and you will avoid stagnating negative energies in the corners and corners of your house. Always remember to keep the environments ventilated so that new air flows throughout the place. At least a renovation of the environment about three times a week is recommended.

For those inherited furniture and antiques that you may have, it is advisable to clean up bad energy so that they do not get to infect your environment with energy they have from before they fall into your hands. Again, incense can take care of that situation.

The plants are incredible allies that you can trust when you want to remove bad energy from the house. They help you to change the air of the place and keep the environment alive and green . In addition, they are extremely decorative and can transform your home into a much more pleasant place to look at and much better to live. Obviously, different plants have different requirements and need different attention. Make sure you know what plants you put in your home and what each one needs to be able to stay healthy.

Final considerations

These different tools for cleaning bad energy are enough to get to work and stop being at the mercy of a contaminated energy flowing into your home.

Living with negative energy can make your day to day a nightmare, and it can favor the fact that you cannot overcome those toxic thoughts that do not allow you to take off towards what you so desire. If you are looking to clear your mind of harmful emotions, here you can read something interesting about emotional intelligence.

Taking charge of your space is taking charge of your life.

Do not procrastinate.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor in the big family of



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