Rune Mannaz: Mythological legend and meaning of the ancient Viking runes

  • 2019

Man is the delight of man
and a product of the earth
and he who adorns the ships. ”

- Old Icelandic poem

The Mannaz Rune

The use of the Viking runes (from the root ' run - ' of the ancient Gothic, translated as ' secret ' or ' whisper ') mainly comprised writing in the ancient Germanic languages, especially in the islands of Great Britain and the region from Scandinavia, although it eventually expanded to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe during the Middle Ages . According to ancient Scandinavian beliefs, the origin of these runes comes from the gods. It is a gift that Odin gives to men.

These runes were also used for magical purposes . According to beliefs, they have the ability to materialize invocations and spells written on objects. And thanks to the German-Austrian writer Guido von List, and his system of modern divination of armanen runes, the power of the Viking runes has come to us today.

This time, we will talk about the Mannaz rune .

Mythology of the Rune Mannaz

Mannaz (also known as ' madhr ', ' maðr ' and ' manwaz ') is the conventional name of the Old Futhark rune that represents our letter ' M '. And it translates as 'man' or 'person'.

As in the Algiz rune, the Mannaz rune is associated with the deity of Heimdall. This god is one of the most powerful of the Aesir. Son of Odin and nine giant women, inherits these different gifts and is fed by nine different diets, within which the force of the sea, the earth and the sun are contemplated.

He is also in charge of monitoring the Bifröst, one of the nine most important kingdoms of this culture. This is why he never departs from the Rainbow, except to protect the other gods or to host his visits.

Meaning of the Rune Mannaz

The Mannaz rune indicates a stage of internal growth. It tells us about the possibility of redirecting our path to good. And this will lead to significant changes in us.

In turn, these should be able to occur purely. Which implies not losing sight of the point from which you come, the Being that is pure truth. And the willingness to live from clarity and willpower.

The meaning of the Mannaz rune is thus associated with patience and humility as a means to be prudent. These tools are essential to establish an optimal relationship with yourself. You must calm down and know yourself in order to discover your true potential . And only after that you can choose the best path that will take you in that direction you want so much.

When the Mannaz rune is in an inverted position, it tells you that you can find a tendency to lose control in the situations that arise. Meditate on what is happening and on the person you want to be. Do not make hasty decisions.

Avoid judging and be more receptive to what goes on inside. You must break your old habits, but this will help you clarify your thinking.

Learn to accept yourself as you are. Since only in that way will you get to know yourself. Look inside and you will see that this is the place to start looking for your answers.

Well, only those who know can know the world.

Your world.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of

COVER IMAGE: Drakonslair



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