The Stone Embracing the dance between body and spirit, by Master Jeshua

  • 2011

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

2011 -

Translated from English by Sandra Gusella

My dear friends,

I am Jeshua. Greetings to all of you. You are all beings of light. They have come to Earth to spread your light. In doing this they encounter resistance. They are confronted with darkness. What is this game really between light and dark? What is the purpose of the resistance and darkness they have been experiencing?

Being in the light means being in a state of consciousness in which you realize your unity with all that is. If they are in the Light, if they are the Light, they feel completely free and infinite. They know that they are part of a greater totality and feel that they are deeply sheltered within this infinite network of living consciousness. The Light is your connection to the One.

Light by nature has no form. It is not dependent in any material way. It is free from the restrictions of time and space. You are not the material form that your consciousness inhabits at this time. You are not your body, you are not the flesh and bones from which your body is made, it is not the gender or the characteristics that belong to your current personality. They are part of you, but you are much more. They are their origin, the divine creator.

Your infinite soul has inhabited many different life forms and has experienced a great number of lives throughout the universe. These experiences have enriched you in ways that you still do not recognize. Your sometimes arduous journey through the incarnation is nothing less than the way God expands himself. Your journey through form is significant because it allows all creation to expand and proliferate in new and enriching ways.

I know that sometimes you don't feel that way. You can become overwhelmed by the lack of light and connection on Earth. I know it. I am here to light a spark of remembrance in your soul. If you remember who you really are, you realize that your divine center is still whole and intact despite everything that has happened. Feeling your totality can give them a sense of relief or even a feeling of ecstasy. This is when you know you are finding the truth. You remember the truth of who you are: a divine soul with infinite possibilities. I am here to remind you who you are and to inspire you to bring that awareness into your daily life.

There is no real gap between the human you and the divine you. Your divine being is not somewhere else. For starters it is not located in time and space. If you want to connect to it right now, you can do so by stepping back for a moment on issues that overwhelm your mind and emotions. Imagine that your consciousness becomes bigger, moving away from these issues and entering an open space of consciousness. Within this space there is no need or want, there is only being. It may seem as if this is not going to help you solve any problems in your life, but I am inviting you to simply try. Can they change your consciousness and just observe yourself in a calm and carefree way? Can you be with yourself without judging yourself or interfering? You will find that by doing this you become calm and more relaxed. If your emotions, thoughts or physical sensations drag them out of this calm space, do not worry. Let it be. Watch what happens. At some point you will discover that entering this space of silent consciousness is a powerful tool to remember who you are.

This tool is always available to you. You can stay in touch with your totality, with the space of inner freedom, by always keeping a certain distance from the things that disturb you, or even from those that excite you in a positive way. By keeping a certain distance you keep the living awareness that these things never define you completely, although they are really important in your life. You are more than the emotions and events that perspire in your life. Within you there is a presence that silently but still intensely watches all these events and experiences come and go. This presence is indestructible. It is the source of life itself.

In your life on Earth you chose to temporarily connect your consciousness with the body, a form. There is a reason for this choice. The body is very beautiful. It is an admirable feat that you can focus your consciousness in such a way that it partially identifies you with a body, with the person you are now, man or woman, with all the talents and characteristics that belong to you. However, please do not make the mistake of believing that they are this feature pack. You are the consciousness that experiences you. This knowledge can set them free.

The divine you, your being stripped to the core, is like a wide open space, empty and thus full of vitality and potential. This is the part of you that is God . This is the Home. If you connect to this part, you feel relief, joy and freedom. They feel safe. Being in the dark means that they feel separated from their center, from their connection with the whole. They feel dissipated from the ample interior space that alone can bring them the peace and joy they are looking for. All suffering originates from this sensation of disconnection. It is the most severe pain that your soul can experience.

Understand the purpose of the dark

Why do souls always choose to experience separation? The moment you choose to incarnate and live within a material form your light is limited and restricted. Your consciousness is reduced and you lose your sense of infinity. You tend to lose connection with the real you, the one who is amorphous, free and unlimited. Especially for young souls, who are in the initial stage of their incarnation journey, it is easy to forget and identify with the way they inhabit. It is a sign of maturity when a soul is able to fully inhabit a human body and at the same time understands that it is not the body but the one who experiences it and gives it life. As the soul evolves, awareness is born that there is something transcending the body, the material form focused on time and space. The mature soul opens up to the dimension of the amorphous and begins to recognize that its own essence resides there. By doing this the evolved soul will be able to bring the consciousness of unity into the realm of the material form.

Why would a soul choose to venture into the journey of incarnation? Why did you choose to be confined by the material form, by the cycle of birth and death and everything that comes with it? Wouldn't it have been much happier to have stayed all the time in a state of infinite unity? Ask yourself this question. Some of you might say right now that if it were possible you would not incarnate again. You would tell me that life on Earth is too hard, too dark and that you are terribly anxious to go home and stay there forever. However, I am telling you that your soul chose to experience this life that you are living on Earth just as you chose to experience all the lives you lived on Earth. There is a part of your soul that loves to dance with matter, and I am telling you that this is the most divine, sacred and creative part of you.

God desires to bring light into the material form. The Spirit (whom I use as a synonym for God) created matter for the Light to take shape and be experienced by itself. The creation of matter brought into play the dance of conscience and matter: the dance of body and spirit. The interaction between body and spirit is God's way of creating . You - like a spirit inhabiting a body - are the display of God's creation . As your soul evolves and matures, it acquires the ability to hold the light of the Spirit and express it through a body. The art of living in a body is to manifest the freedom of the Spirit within the material dimension. Anything in the material dimension that is illuminated from within by the consciousness of the Spirit radiates beauty and vitality and adds something important to life. The embodied light is the most precious light that exists. By embodying your soul light on Earth, in the material form, you are expanding God's creation. You are creating something new and contributing something to the totality that would not have existed without your unique presence.

The abundance of life forms that exist on Earth, in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, reflect the desire of the Spirit to manifest itself in various ways. The beauty and variety of life on Earth has evolved from the dance between matter and spirit, between consciousness and form. God yearns to express himself in different ways, because he enriches creation and because it allows all beings to experience beauty, joy and adventure in their life cycles. All beings are sparks of the Spirit. Traveling through different ways and knowing life from many different perspectives brings depth and wisdom to your soul. Even the experience of separation, of darkness, can help enrich creation.

You are God. You once made the choice to descend into matter and make your light shine while inhabiting a limited form. This is not some punishment they have to endure. It is the result of a sacred choice they made as part of God. You really are a Creator. Beyond the resistance you may feel right now towards your life on Earth, there is a deep and constant desire in your soul to bring light to the dense reality of the Earth. Making your light shine on the dark parts of earthly reality, inside and outside, is truly your soul call. If you do this, you experience a kind of satisfaction that touches your heart more deeply than anything else. Even the vision of being up there in heaven in eternal bliss and peace pales in comparison. This is because it is in your nature as a divine being to dance between body and spirit. It is this dance that constitutes the essence of creativity. You, who at times feel discouraged by living in a human body on Earth, will feel joy again not to abandon dance altogether, but to know how to bring your light to darkness.

Darkness and density are part of life on Earth. When you experience darkness or density in your life you feel that the energy is heavy, slow and stuck. You feel a lack of movement, freedom and fluidity. Whenever there is this kind of density, there will be negative thoughts or emotions, which reveals a sense of disconnection and separation. I said before that feeling disconnected from the Spirit, which means feeling separated from your own essence, is the most severe pain a soul can experience. How do you remedy this feeling of separation, which makes you feel emotionally hurt and doubtful of the meaning of life?

Bring your light into darkness

Today I invite you to meet the densest part of you and welcome you with an open heart. In everyday life you experience your densest parts in areas of life in which your energy hardly flows. This can be at work, in relationships, in health or in any other aspect of your life. In this area it is more difficult for you to accept yourself or what life has to offer. They experience that aspect of life as a burden, as something that should not have existed. You feel blocked, stagnant and I invite you to visualize this density as a stone that you carry, as well as the proverbial "overwhelming weight around your neck."

You may feel that the density you experience is due to external circumstances. They may feel that it has been caused by the rejection, betrayal or violence of other people. Or they could say: I don't agree with life in a place that is as dark and dense as Earth is. Understandably, that part of you reacts that way. It is the perplexed and startled part of you that has forgotten the true power within your being. He is a traumatized inner child speaking to them through these negative thoughts. This child feels like a victim, feels abandoned and disconnected. I invite you to recognize the wisest and most luminous part of you, whose sole purpose is to bring that child home . They have to make a choice. Do you identify with the traumatized inner child, or with the bright and whole part of you that is capable of healing the child?

The origin of your suffering does not lie in the density or darkness of external reality. It is in your felt inability to rise above the densest parts within you and to embrace them with your light and true radiance. Feeling victimized by the dense part, you resist it and want to get rid of it. Throwing out a part of you makes you feel torn inside. Your soul will not be at peace until the lost child has returned home.

Imagine that you are carrying a stone around your neck. Take a look and see how heavy or large the stone is. Leave your imagination free. The stone contains all the emotions with which they have difficulties and all their negative thoughts about living on Earth, such as "I am not welcome, " "people do not understand me, " and so on. The stone carries your fear as well as your resistance to life. It symbolizes what has become stuck and locked within you. Therefore, the stone also marks your mission in life. It is your soul mission to bring light to the densest parts of your being.

It is your life purpose to shine light on the hardened and petrified parts of you. Spreading light on Earth is first and foremost to reach inner darkness. As soon as you embrace this inner journey, your light will automatically radiate out to others and inspire you to do the same. You do not have to focus on what needs to be remedied in the world. Focus on your own stone. Do you see a picture of her? What colors do you have? How do you feel when you lift it? Say hello to the stone and hold it with love. Allow your consciousness to flow into the stone and feel the energy within it. Do you feel anger, anguish, or fear? Let the stone tell you its story.

Remember that you, who are holding the stone, are a being of living light. They are total and whole, held securely by the arms of God. Now observe what happens to the stone just by holding it and paying attention to it in an open and welcoming way. It will transform. As you connect to it from your divine center, surrounding it with acceptance and serene understanding, you water it with sparks of light. The stone is lit inside. Your conscience brings life and movement within the stone. It is no longer colder and heavier. It gradually becomes a precious stone. The structure of the stone has changed due to your loving attention. Have a good look and see what color and shape it takes.

Now ask the stone: "What is your gift to me?" What kind of quality do you feel is present in the stone? Feel it from the inside. Is it compassion, is it patience, is it the ability to give up and trust? Is it tranquility, is it courage or is it joy? Receive the gift. At first this stone contained a dark and stagnant energy. After they hugged her with the calm power of your true nature, it became a treasure. It will not be simply neutralized; It will be transformed into a precious stone, reflecting your inner beauty and wisdom. What at first was an overwhelming weight around the neck has become a precious jewel. Lift the stone and see how it shines and shines in a form and color that reflects your unique energy. Let the gemstone enter your body and see where it goes naturally. To which part of your body does the stone go spontaneously? What effect does it have on you? It will have a healing effect on your body and your spirit.

Life continually invites you to turn to your dense, dark and stagnant parts. The dance between body and spirit is like a dance between light and darkness. As soon as you recognize your true nature, dance ceases to be a struggle. It becomes a bliss. As soon as you become aware of the transforming power of the divine you and invite darkness to surface, the dance of light and darkness gives rise to precious jewels that show how light can travel within the densest parts of reality. The jewel is the result of the integration of consciousness into matter, the fruit of the dance between the body and the spirit. Life invites you to perform this dance again and again. Whenever you feel negativity or darkness in your life, please do not judge. Bring the stone to your imagination. Welcome it and connect it to the part of you that is not yet enlightened by your divine consciousness. Take care of the stone. Your loving attention is the key to lighting the stone from within. By shining your light on the dense and dark parts inside you, you embrace the dance of creation and God is born on Earth through you.

© Pamela Kribbe 2011

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