Healing Crystals and Chakras: What is your problem and what is your crystal?

  • 2018

In our previous deliveries on healing crystals we discuss the issues of how it can help us to have a personal crystal in our daily life and how to choose that crystal based on intuition, that is, how to train our own sensitivity to allow our crystals to choose us according to our own needs, even those of which we are not fully aware, but whose information and vibration is definitely related to us in a way that our crystals can perceive and, therefore, with which they can connect to lead us to healing integral to our difficulties and progress in our spiritual path.

The crystals and the conscious choice

Despite the above and how, in our past deliveries, we take care to highlight the fact that there is not only one crystal for each person, but, in any case, a more suitable crystal for a specific need, the questions arise: Is it always necessary to choose crystals based on intuition? Or if we are aware of the specific problem, can we make this choice in a clearer and more precise way? ; that is to say, make a conscious choice of our crystals and, still, maintain the connection with them so that they feel and function like those crystals that have chosen us.

I must sincerely say that this is one of the most difficult jobs for every crystal therapist and, therefore, it will also be for those people who do not dedicate themselves to therapy and are only in a personal spiritual search; connect with the crystals that have not made a connection with us first. As a crystal therapist I am forced many times to acquire crystals that I need in my collection to treat specific ailments that do not necessarily relate to me. Establishing communication with them is always an energetic laborious task, which requires great commitment and concentration, however, it is not my intention to discourage readers since it is definitely possible to acquire crystals consciously and connect with them in an efficient and efficient way. illuminating

The conscious choice and the chakras

When we are aware of a problem or a need in our lives, the best way to understand it and therefore, to look for a tool for its healing and recovery, is to determine its root or base: Where does this problem come from? an independent problem or is it derived from a major problem? It is the belief of crystal therapists and of all those people who visualize human beings as integral energy, physical and spiritual beings, that no problem is independent and is always associated with an energy imbalance much greater, of which, if we were to look for the source or cause, we would probably find it in the main vital centers of energy, that is, the chakras.

As we mentioned previously in our first article, according to the ancient belief of ancient students of yoga, who elaborated the theory of the chakras and dedicated themselves to their study, human beings have seven main chakras and 107 secondary chakras. The main chakras are found on the surface of the body along the spine and, with the exception of the first and seventh, they have an anterior and a posterior surface from which they project their energy in different layers to our energy body, vibrating in different frequencies and higher and higher speeds, being crossed by three of the most important energy channels or Nadis: the Solar channel, the Lunar channel and the Shushuma Nadi, or the Central channel, these channels go from the perineum, at the base from the spine, to the crown of the head, and from there they transport the universal energy through our body.

The chakras act as transforming bridges that transport, store and transmute this energy according to our needs, both for our physical body, and for our subtle bodies. A perfectly functioning chakra, with activity to the maximum of its capabilities, is considered to be open, rotates clockwise and optimally metabolizes the energy of the universe; while a chakra that is closed and non-functional, rotates counterclockwise causing current to not flow and interfering with energy metabolism.

This brief theoretical exposition invites us to understand that the chakras are fundamental elements for the proper functioning of our physical and spiritual body. Therefore, they have been studied in crystal therapy since time immemorial, considering basic sources of information for the understanding of most of the problems and ailments of the human being, so, if they block or function improperly Information will not be transmitted. This is why every time we need or decide to undertake the search for a specific crystal and consciously, one of the first questions we must ask ourselves is not what is the problem? Instead we must ask, which chakra does the problem come from?

How to determine our affected chakras

Unlike the choice of our crystals based on intuition, to practice conscious choice we must first prepare ourselves energetically and spiritually and the most positive and effective way to do this is through meditation . For this, I recommend locating ourselves in a quiet place where we can sit comfortably and in complete silence for several minutes, concentrating on our breathing, relaxing and connecting with the universe around us, presenting ourselves as integral beings that we are willing and open to receive the signals and messages that this one has for us. Once we feel in perfect order and light, we must position our hands with the palms facing up, ready to receive the energy and we will begin a semi-conscious exercise to discover which or which of our chakras are affected and may require the support of a crystal .

One of the simplest ways to associate the crystals to each of the chakras is based on their colors. Each of the seven main chakras is identified with a color, which are, in ascending order from the first to the seventh: Red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, indigo and violet or white, where our exercise will consist of visualizing each one of these colors later placing them on our body at the point that corresponds to them, starting first by trying to see the color clearly and then, by locating it where it belongs, being those colors that are most difficult for us to visualize, references for those chakras that may not be They are in perfect working order.

It is important to note that this is not the only exercise that can be performed with the purpose of diagnosing our chakras and there are multiple meditations that can help us, which I would like to describe in depth. However, I have decided to limit myself and make available only the one that worked best for me personally. I encourage readers to continue their search until they find the diagnostic meditation that best suits their needs and abilities.

What does each affected chakra refer to and what is its need?

An affected chakra or a chakra that does not work properly is a chakra with a need and this is the one that we must try to solve through the crystal that we decide to acquire, defining the main needs of each chakra as follows:

  • First chakra: It refers to the need for security and protection of our environment.
  • Second chakra: Need for abundance, power, creativity and courage.
  • Third chakra: It is the chakra of our inner child, it refers to the need for joy and spontaneity, but it can also be related to problems of excess ego.
  • Fourth chakra: Need for love, self-love, compassion for oneself and others.
  • Fifth chakra: Refers to the need for communication and self confidence.
  • Sixth chakra: It is the vision chakra, it refers to intuition, clarity, mental purity and the need to meditate.
  • Seventh chakra: Being the chakra that connects us to heaven refers to the spiritual need to connect with a higher power.

Once we have established the chakra that most needs our care and healing, we can go on to select the crystals that relate to it, either based on the color or, keeping our main need in mind and concentrating on it, letting the intuition guide us and help us find the right crystal for it, placing our trust in the universe and the messages it has for us.


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