Convey respect to our children: 8 keys

  • 2014

Fundamental to a healthy and peaceful coexistence, the value of respect is one of the most important that as parents we should transmit to our children. Teaching them first of all to respect themselves will be vital in their learning, as a natural way of respecting, then, the different points of view and feelings of others, even if they have A different way of seeing the world. In the course of this long learning journey, our behavior as adults and our attitude towards life will be extremely important.

The value of respect could perhaps be summed up in some fundamental rules that we should keep in mind when facing the arduous but rewarding task of educating our children.

8 keys to convey respect to our children

1. Never disrespect
Disproportionate punishments, insults, shouts, threats, humiliations As parents, we must keep in mind that they are constantly learning from us and, therefore, our behavior must be consistent with the values ​​we intend to convey.

2. Set clear limits
Our children arrive in the world without a clear concept of good and evil, aspects that they develop in a very different way depending on the environment and responses that surround them. The norms of their education should be clear and concise and always according to their age. Our children must learn to act with respect towards others, not to save themselves from a kidney or punishment, but by understanding and internalizing that their behavior can cause harm to themselves as well as those around them.

3. males without generating dependency
Kissing, caressing, hugging, listening, telling them several times a day how much we love them, but not forgetting to encourage their autonomy so that they have sufficient tools to face a harmonious development. Aggressive, rude, extremely dependent, disrespectful children are generally a reflection of the educator's mistakes.

4. Create a good weather
Good weather is everything. Children are true sponges and look much more in body language and in the environment than in what we say, with them the contradictions do not work. Our busy life full of haste and tension does not help in educating our children in respect and other essential values ​​for their maturation.

5. Give them your presence
It is very important to dedicate quality time to our children, without mobile, press or television. A child who feels valued and heard will be more respectful.

6. Be empathetic; put yourself in his place
To foster respect and communication, as parents we must be extremely empathetic and take into account the motivations and needs of our children.

7. Respect yourself and demand respect
If we do not want our children to become little tyrants, spoiled and disrespectful, we should not tolerate disrespect. If our son gets angry and insults or hits us, it is absolutely essential that we show our discontent and demand the same respect we have for him.

8. Practice with the example
- If we are wrong, we must admit it and apologize.
- We must be educated with our children, using the formulas "please" and "thank you" when we ask for something.
- If your room is closed, we will gently knock on the door before breaking into it without permission.
- Let us convey respect and concern for the environment, animals and people in general.
- Let us express openly with our children our opinion about disrespectful behaviors that we observe from other people.

A child educated in respect, love, communication, understanding, motivation ... will undoubtedly be an essentially good and honest adult who is, in short, one of the main goals that as parents we should set ourselves

Written by Josefina Llargués, an enthusiastic defender of healthy habits


Convey respect to our children: 8 keys

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