New Galactic Cycle and the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, message from Sananda

  • 2017

Through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 18, 2017

Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. The next Wednesday, May 24, is the first day of the 64th day in the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar: Alluminated Unity Consciousness . When one chooses to act in resonance with the Ninth Wave creating Unity Consciousness, the point of singularity changes so that all waves become accessible so that we believe in resonance. Nine is the number for Cosmic Completion. It is the first day of the 64 days of the Mayan Tzolkin. There are waves in the Mayan calendar that are NIGHTS and others are DAYS. Ultimately, it explains a significant time when complete changes in the paradigm can be consolidated as a new reality.

The 64-sided Tetrahedron and the Flower of Life are the seeds of the fundamental geometry of the space-time vacuum fabric itself. It is the Divine Plan. It is expressed in the main religions and ancient knowledge throughout the Earth. There are 64 codons (strands) in human DNA, there are 64 runes in the Mayan tablets of the Law of Time, the 64 Hertz are the third octave above Schumann's resonance on Earth, 64 is the number of cells we have before they begin to fork (differentiate) shortly after conception, 64 is also encoded in the description of the Tetragrammaton in the Hebrew Bible, which are the 4-letters: YHWH (meaning God in Hebrew), there are 64 generations since Adam to Jesus (according to the Gospel of Luke), there are 64 forms or manifestations of Lord Shiva in Hinduism, and 64 is the smallest number with exactly seven divisors (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64). When you resonate with the Fundamental Divine Plan for All Life in the Universe, you enter Unity Consciousness. The 64-sided tetrahedron is the Merkaba that is combined with the octahedron cube that spins the black hole, or the singularity. It is the Divine Feminine merged with the Divine Feminine in Creation. It is in All That Is. It is what is called God.

It is the balance of the vector when the female and the male merge, which spins all things: protons, atoms, cells, storms, seashells, leaves, planets, stars, galaxies, super clusters, clusters, universes. It is the cube-octahedron inside the tetrahedron 64 that creates the twist in the double helix tissue where DNA is seen throughout the Universe. It is the Connected Universe. Where We Are All One. It is the Consciousness of Totality.

The Divine Plan for All Life has been seen in quantified subatomic particles and forming Super Clusters of Galaxies, from the smallest to the largest, such as the infinite, highly organized energy found in the whole. You are a Singularity that interacts with the energy field, called emptiness, always present in Space. The quantified infinite energy is in each cell.

DNA replication when turned on is seen in its geometric form. Mystics and scientists do not understand the template of human DNA.

May 24, 2017 is considered an important paradigm shift in the Galaxy and the beginning of a new era for Humanity and Planet Earth.

On May 25, you enter the New Moon in Gemini, which continues the great transformations that are going on, especially in your relationships with others and with yourself. In March Venus was retrograde, challenging their relationships. Now this Gemini New Moon after the first day of the 64-day cycle of the Mayan Calendar is an opportunity to establish new intentions based on the lessons learned during the last weeks. Check it out before it arrives and plan your course for the next 13 weeks before the total solar eclipse. Gemini is opposite the Galactic Center, and by 26 degrees to Sagittarius on this New Moon. The galactic energy waves will be powerful and we will begin our journey to another time of great energy in August and then again in December.

The full moon of June 9, with its fixed star in Sabik within the Constellation of the Ophidium (Ophuichus) that represents Saint Germain, enters an era in which the unconditional love of the violet flame will become a daily task to As our banks, governments and religions begin to dissolve very quickly from the old to the new. They will feel like jumping timelines, letting cooler heads prevail. As you hold the light and increase your knowledge during the following weeks, you will feel upon entering the New Moon on July 23 the energy of wanting to rebel against authority in the spirit of starting something new. New Atlantis in the United States of America will be the Master Plan as it had been marked in recent centuries. It is a time to contemplate your desires and the actions you will need to take to fulfill them.

As you set your intentions during the New Moon in July, consider that the Lion Gate (which lasts 8 days) begins on August 8. July 26 is the Planetary New Year. This is the time celebrated by the ancient Egyptians and the Maya. Remember, the Earth revolves around its Sun, which moves forward through Space at a speed of 3, 000 km per second and as the Planets follow the Sun, they are making this huge spiral through Space. Our Sun revolves around the Galaxy of the Milky Way at 828, 000 km / h. You are always, standing on the Earth, spinning through the Galaxy at the Speed ​​of Light. It is a constant change of information with its backdrop challenging them every moment to keep up with the constant change. That is the spiral of the new and full moons and the swirl of the Constellations and Planets around the Earth. July 26 is the New Year as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic Evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun, the Sun behind the Sun : Alcyone.

On August 7 there is a Lunar Eclipse, full moon, which is a kind of final purge of bad habits and old schedules. The Lion Gate continues on August 8, for several days, and is the alignment with the Galactic Center, with the Cosmic Center, which allows energy As rarified bring change, as it does every year. Through these few days of alignment they will be in phase through the Light Codes that will be downloaded next year. or. For those who have done the internal work, it will be a relief to have the spatial memory to write the next chapter. For those who fall behind in their duties as well, in the acquisition of new knowledge and in the integration of the cleaning made available from March to July, for those who are afraid of change, it will be a moment awkward The other Citizens of our Galaxy and the Cosmos connect directly with the Earth to help her in everything she needs. The New Moon of August brings a Total Solar Eclipse. It is called the Great American Eclipse because of the Path it makes through the United States where it will be seen, and where the shadow of the Moon will be cast.

(You can view the trajectory at:

The Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 is very special. On the New Moon there is no moonlight that shines on Earth. Then the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth casting a shadow on the Earth. The Moon stands between the Sun and the Earth for a couple of minutes. This suppresses the male energy / left brain for a while, so the female / right brain is flooded with instinctive and intuitive energy. This is your opportunity for a Cosmic Restart. For those of you who do not have much spiritual life, who do not believe in God, who do not meditate, these are your two special minutes to nullify your left brain and allow the right brain to do what it does best. Just because you don't have a spiritual life, it doesn't mean you have to be left behind. It will be taken into account, but it must be ready. Allow improvements in the form of Light Codes to load your DNA at the time of the Total Solar Eclipse. You will be better after that. It is a great gift. Those of you who are well in your spiritual lives, let this moment be of inspiration, where you can overcome the fence of limitation, that which prevents you from going completely to several higher levels and towards the New Earth. At this time we will reach the next level, where Divine Government and Full Abundance for All will find their Way to reach the Physicist in due time.

This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 18, 2017.

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Original in English:

Translation: The Light Journalist.

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