7 Tips to Start Next Year with Positive Mind

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 When we perceive life with a Positive Mind, we better fulfill our tasks and objectives in it. 2 1. Daily Gratitude 3 2. Stay Concentrated 4 3. Stay Active 5 4. Eat, Drink and Sleep Well 6 5. Help Others 7 6. Heal Wounds from the Past 8 7. Follow Your Passion n

We are completing another year, and it is necessary and very wise to start next year with the Positive Mind . If they could not put it into practice this year, no problem, we are always on time to do it .

When we perceive life with a Positive Mind, we better fulfill our tasks and objectives in it.

"When the brain is positive, it releases neurochemicals called successful accelerators such as dopamine and turns on a part of the brain that allows you to perceive more possibilities and process more information, " says Achor.

On the contrary, if we are negative our brain will be closed to find new opportunities and it will be more difficult for us to fulfill what we set out to do.

"Your brain is three times more creative when it is in a positive state, " says Achor.

And although the ideal would be to maintain a positive mind throughout the year, when we are approaching these final months, it is especially critical, when we begin to reflect on the past and set our goals.

We should not worry if things did not go as we expected, but if we can reflect on what we can do so that it does not happen again.

That is why today we are going to leave you some practical tips to have a Positive Mind and start next year with the best energies.

1. Daily Gratitude

First of all, we advise you to have a pencil and a notebook on hand at your light tables, so that every time you wake up, write down two or three things for which you are grateful . These things that point, are positive things in their lives and deserve to be grateful to the soul.

2. Stay Concentrated

If we are constantly thinking about many things at once, it will happen that several times the negative energy will consume your positive attitude . Find a balance. Try activities such as yoga, meditation, going for a walk, taking a walk, etc.

3. Stay Active

When we propose that we will be concentrating on finishing our daily activities in a successful way, we will all be immune to negative energy. If you had a day that did not end very well, it is time to go out to exercise in the park, go jogging and breathe actively, before going to sleep with the burden of negative energies inside us.

4. Eat, Drink and Sleep Well

We know that poor nutrition can be synonymous with stress, anxiety or depression . Lack of sleep can cause irritability, anger and hostility. Not eating, drinking or sleeping well is directly related to our way of facing life, it is very important for our mental health and our positivism.

5. Help Others

So many times helping others makes us feel that we are a fundamental piece in that person's life and that it was necessary to help him so that he could move on. Sometimes, the best way to stay positive is to help others stay positive. If the group around you is positive, it will be easier to stay positive.

6. Heal Wounds of the Past

Release the negative experiences of the past that accumulated in your souls . Look in the mirror and say out loud what bothers you and let go, let it go. It is no use to keep saving those experiences in order to move forward with our positive plan.

7. Follow Your Passion

Following the line of writing things to see them better, write three things they love to make and three positive changes they would like to see in the world and understand them with their lifestyles to see if they match.

These tips can be used daily throughout the year. Seeing as time goes by, what things they have already achieved and in this way their brains will feel the success by moving it into a positive mind and giving them the possibility to continue reaching the rest of the proposed goals.

SOURCES: Buddha World; www.entrepreneur.com

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