Emotional conflicts are a trigger for cancer. ” Joan Vidal Jové

  • 2015

Today I found by chance this interview with the oncologist Joan Vidal Jové in the blog “I am like” and the truth has struck me. I want to share it with all of you. I also recommend visiting the blog I am like, it is extremely interesting.

Does healthy eating cure cancer?

Yes, because a conscious diet causes changes in the disease. It can be nuanced, it can change the direction and direction. It is scientifically proven that it is so. Studies also ensure that between 60 and 70% of people who follow a proper diet prevents the onset of cancer.

Is it known what causes cancer? Could stress be one of the causes?

The why of cancer is not known but the how of the disease. With regard to stress, it must be said that it is the time it takes to make a decision. The rabbit, for example, is made to escape. The wolf, to fight. The gazelle runs off when it sees a lion, because it starts all its resources to flee. While doing so, you can catch an infection, but it has saved your life. To people, stress should make us decide, either immediately or planned. The stress that immobilizes slows our immune system.

How does the disease work?

Malignant cells cooperate with the immune system. It is as if they said: "Now you will work for me." That is why it is so important to know how the person's immune system is before starting any cancer therapy, because, if not, the same system can grow malignant cells. From here, a personalized chemotherapy.

The reason for the disease is unknown, but you are talking about some of its causes, such as emotional conflicts.

Yes, because emotional conflicts are a cancer trigger. An emotional conflict is a trigger if there is also a toxic environment, a predisposing genetics and an acidic internal environment. We have scientific evidence.

I will give you a concrete example. I had a patient who developed breast cancer. I talked to her a lot, we studied her case, until she told me she had been through an emotional conflict. He wanted to have a son but his partner didn't. That situation, which did not know how to tell anyone until one day he told me in the consultation, could have been one of the causes of the disease. Solving it has an impact on the occurrence of possible recurrences of the disease.

But in life, every day, there are emotional conflicts. We all have at all hours.

Yeah right. I would say that life is planted with emotional conflicts that make us grow. And we have to face them, we have to verbalize them. The real prevention so that an emotional conflict is not a trigger for cancer is to face it and to do so you have to breathe, meditate, pray or, ultimately, make yourself available to a technique that makes our interior emerge. Yoga has neurotransmitter effects. It would also be a good practice. The consequence of everything has to be love and the ability to decide. I do not agree with "love and freedom", because we are not free; We are products of decisions.

“An emotional conflict is not a cancer trigger if we face it and verbalize it”

So, if I understood correctly, is cancer prevention eating healthy and meditation (or knowing who we are)?

Yes. It is no longer time to pay attention only to doctors, because now the truth of what is going well for us and what we do not know. Doctors have to listen to patients and then we have to translate it. I give you an example. We can read all the studies we want about coffee contraindications, but only we know how we feel after drinking. I take one or two a day, because I like it and I don't feel it feels bad.

Let's go back to food. What does a conscious diet mean to prevent cancer?

It means that it is important to eat consciously. No matter what type of diet we do, but let's follow one, because if there is conflict, if there is illness, we have to make nutritional and emotional intervention. To address the emotional conflict, we first have to identify it and we have to disconnect it from the organism. You have to address it and clean it. And now I give an example of what I say. Studies on patients who had a skin tumor revealed that these same people had suffered abuse in childhood. This fact, a conflict that they had not addressed, added to other causes (in medicine there is never one) had resulted in skin cancer.

What does it mean to avoid an acidic internal environment, and also avoid toxics and inflammation?

The internal acidic environment is what is created if we eat a lot of meat. To avoid this and achieve an internal alkaline environment, a diet with vegetables is required. The toxins to avoid are preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, pesticides. Foods stored in cold stores generate toxins. And finally, the inflammation to be avoided is the consequence of having ingested toxins. Our body defends itself, gives an answer to the intake of toxins, which is inflammation.

Tell us the diets.

I comment three. The first is the monthly Kousmine cleansing diet. It's about following this rhythm:

Days 1, 2 and 3: diet of vegetable liquids (freshly made juices, vegetable and vegetable broths and infusions).

Days 4-10: raw vegetable diet (Budwig cream, juices, oilseeds, fruit, etc.).

Days 11-30: cooked vegetable dishes.

Breakfast: infusion, Budwig cream.

Food: salad, legumes, cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, etc.

Snack: infusion, fruit.

Dinner: steamed vegetables and fruit.

I explain what Budwig cream is and how it is prepared. This cream basically consists of flax and quark oil (special elaboration requirement), which is always prepared minutes before taking it.

To do it, mix although you can take more than two tablespoons of flax oil with a cup (250 ml) of 0% fatty requisition. The mixture has to be done well, with electric batter or beating hard for 10-15 minutes. Of course, the mixture should not be heated later.

Once the cream is made, you can add fruit, the one you like the most, and bits of nuts (the one with the least peanuts). Then, everything must be mixed again. You can even add water until you get the texture you like best.

If you did not find oil, buy flax grain. Put four or five large tablespoons in a coffee grinder and grind it. Then, add the request and beat it again.

The paste must be consumed within twenty minutes of its elaboration.

The second is the Gerson diet, which is high in potassium, low in sodium and accompanied by a detoxifying treatment. The third is the Quinton, centered on seawater.

Whichever diet we choose, we also have to take into account nutritional supplements (omega-3, selenium, vitamin D, antioxidants and circuit).

The circuit?

The turmeric is a spice that must be taken when the disease is being treated. To have a relevant effect, you have to take 8 g daily. If not, it can also be taken in nanotechnology.

But why is this spice so important?

Because turmeric inhibits cell growth factors.

Liver clearance is a prevention against cancer. How is it done?

To make liver cleansing, it is necessary to eliminate foods rich in saturated fats, that is meat (pork, lamb and veal), butters, lard, cheeses, sausages and eggs (maximum two a week, and that are biological) .

It is also necessary to eliminate foods rich in preservatives and chemical additives, pre-cooked, processed foods.

Eliminate sugars quickly absorbed. On the other hand, it is advisable to use natural sweeteners, such as stevia.

Also incorporate liver cleansing foods: watercress, all members of the onion family, endives, artichokes, asparagus, arugula, radishes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Species: turmeric, basil, bay leaf, cardamom, marjoram, cumin, fennel, dill, ginger, black pepper, horseradish, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, angelica root and gatuño.

Incorporate cereals of integral composition: oats, barley, brown rice, kamut, spelled, rye, wild rice, red rice, quinoa, couscous, millet, corn, buckwheat.

Incorporate flax: in the form of oil or ground seeds (linwoods).

And for the most prepared, I also recommend fasting.


Yes, skipping one meal a week - a meal or a dinner - replacing it with a glass of water (it costs very little). The frugality that this entails is gratifying in itself.

And for those who are more prepared, the fast of the prophet: eat one day yes and another no. It costs more and is only recommended for committed, prepared and willing people.

What other foods do you recommend as preventive and curative?

Three, specifically. The first: the soursop; the second, the kalanchoe; and stevia, which I had already mentioned, that can be taken in all its forms. Even a child can take with yogurt or milk to eliminate refined white sugars.

Is it true that cancer cases have skyrocketed?

Yes, because we eat worse. There is also another way to look at the statistics, which is what I adopt: there are more cases of cancer patients who are cured, because in 2012 there are the same number of deaths as many years ago.

I also want to add another idea: in our society we are overdiagnosed. Recent studies in the Nordic countries show that initial prostate cancer cases do not need surgery. Observation has the same effects as aggressive treatment, that is, healing. I say this because I think there is an alternative concept to cancer treatment although there is no alternative to chemotherapy.

Do we summarize everything?

Yes. The human being is nourished physically, emotionally and essentially.

The physical prevention of cancer, with respect to food, involves avoiding an acidic environment, toxins and inflammation.

Psychic and essential prevention involves developing emotional conflicts and prioritizing our core values.

Debugging is a fundamental tool.

Essential fatty acids, antioxidants (vitamin C) and turmeric have a preeminent role in antitumor nutrition.

Soursop, kalanchoe and stevia are plants with useful antitumor properties.

One last question, which makes us an assistant to the conference:

What water do we have to drink?

I recommend drinking water of weak mineralization, or tap water that has gone through a reverse osmosis process.

Interview conducted by Trinitat Gilbert,

Source: www.soycomocomo.es/invitado/joan-vidal-jove-cirujano-oncologo/

Emotional conflicts are a trigger for cancer. ” Joan Vidal Jové

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