May 2011 Monthly Visions: Moving from the False Authority to Authentic Autonomy by Dana Mrkich

  • 2011

May 12, 2011

I will be honest. I had a hard time getting to the space of being able to write these Monthly Visions this month. Yep, I forgot the advice of the April Monthly Visions to connect with my inner zero point and I was floating outside my Vortex for about a week. How many times have I written 'don't let external events determine your inner reality'? However, something really deflated me on May 1: The official announcement that Osama had been killed, and the subsequent celebrations of patriots waving flags because they had finally taken the wicked out of his cave and thrown him into the ocean, where he belonged. The good SuperMan scored a goal for the team of "Truth, Justice and the American Way of Life *" and the world was able to sleep a little more deeply that night. Hmmm ...

Leaving aside the topic of the debate of 'Is he or isn't he dead? / Has he really been dead for years?', Has anyone heard comment in any of the mainstream media about the amazing amount of data they indicate? that perhaps Osama and Al Qaeda were not behind 11 / Sep., but could there be other forces with other objectives at stake there? Did anyone hear mention in the mainstream media how many innocent civilians, journalists and international troops have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq since the US "War on Terrorism" began. and the coalition? It is estimated that the figure is 303 times the number of people who died on 11 / Sep. !!! We are talking about almost a million people !! (You can find some interesting facts backed by official sources here:

While the masses of the population joined together in a dance of the collective Shadow of 'the evil one is dead', our personal tendencies to project in the Other all that we repudiate and fear within ourselves, were exposed to all light. In reality nothing, whether personal or global, is so black and white. There is no 'us and them'. The story of the 'good' and the 'bad' is rarely as clear as the movies want us to believe. However, on May 1 he showed that we still love a good movie, as long as we all live happily ever after, without any real conscious thought or action or questioning on our part. The true causes of our 'terror' might still be lurking in the shadows, but pointing to someone else we think is 'very bad' makes us feel relieved, as if that somehow exempts us from such evil. Actually, all we are doing is abdicating our responsibility (four words that have come up many times this week) to find the true causes of our problems so that we can, powerfully, find real solutions to our dreams and desires. Why are we doing this? As much as it scares us to live with fears and restrictions, are we even more afraid to really live with real freedom? And in a nutshell, this is really what unbalanced me last week, thinking about how many people on this planet are still unconsciously choosing the illusion of freedom at the expense of the opposite, not only for themselves, but for millions of others. .

However, how can one choose a reality door or perception of alternative reality, if one does not really see it or believe in it, or think that its door is perfectly fine? And who are we to judge anyway? Do not all spiritual teachers say that all doors and choices are good, that each one has his own path to his own destiny? However, there is one thing that keeps bothering me. While I respect everyone's decision to choose the door of their choice, it enrages me and makes me very sad that not everyone can see ALL the doors! None of us can. How is that a fair choice? How is that freedom? It is not and that is why we have all been waiting for this Change for so long. This is known as the time of revelations - when everything that is hidden is exposed and our graduation gift is an increase in vibration and awareness for the entire planet and everything on it, opening us to more doors of reality and perception and choice. . Let it come, I say! I want to see all the doors at our disposal, I want everyone to see all the doors at your disposal! Then choose as you please!

Yes, I know that the whole theme of this huge cycle that we have been traveling karmically has been about experiencing certain doors and being deliberately blind to others… blah, blah…. but we are reaching the end of that cycle now, right? Therefore, I am thinking that it is time for some more doors to fly, for more people. Yes, I know it's happening, it's just that I would like to see it happening much faster and with more desire. Of course, everything happens at the right time - but it certainly includes our own inner alarm clock that is ringing loudly, rising from our spiritual dream and waking us up to a new phase of conscious action. Our awakening has a greater purpose beyond the personal. Our awakening has a collective, planetary purpose, and it is time for more of us to assume that greater purpose.

It is true that the only thing that each one has to do is to be our best and most authentic self, and we will be fulfilling our role in our giant puzzle. Change begins inside, and you cannot change anyone except yourself. However, it is time for all of us to expand what we believe we can do as individual beings. It is time for all of us to expand our concept of how influential and inspiring our individual actions and thoughts can be. While we are not responsible for changing others, that can only happen from within, we are all responsible for our own way of taking this awakening to a slightly higher level, if we feel called to do so. By this I mean, if they work for a magazine, for example, and feel an impulse to publish a certain story, but they are sure that the editor will say no, do not give up before even trying. Present the story, and even if they don't get that story published, they might get something that looks like it. The point is, we all have to stop submitting ourselves automatically to external authority, and begin to follow our inner autonomy.

On the positive side, regardless of which side of the fence the conspiracy theories are in, one thing is becoming very clear: most people do want freedom and peace and I think that collective desire will take us there. Some of us could arrive in a harmonious way, others in a more challenging way, but certainly being united in a common desire must count for something when it comes to co-creating a different type Of future.

There is a story of a very positive little boy who, upon entering a room full of manure, smiled broadly, saying: With all this m # *% @ Surely there has to be a pony around here somewhere! So too, with all this heavy Shadow intensifying not only globally, but in many of our personal lives, an enormous amount of truth and light must be entering creating that Shadow!

The best way to deliver all the power, control and responsibility of our lives is to believe in lies. The problem is, what happens if we have created a lie for so long that we simply assume that it is the truth? How to stop believing a lie if we don't even know what it is? How do you even decipher between what is true and what is not? Asking someone to tell you the truth is not necessarily going to work, since they could be totally convinced that what they are saying is true even if it is not. This becomes dangerous when they are in a position of authority, be it their father, teacher, doctor, priest, or the presenter of the nightly news. We rationalize: Well, this person that I see as my authority, or authority on the matter, said so, so it must be true. Unless we were lucky enough to be raised in a conscious environment, we have never really learned to think with our hearts, feel with our souls, perceive with our energy. On the contrary, they taught us to completely ignore those things and 'do what you are told, stop questioning everything, or you will get into trouble with that kind of attitude'. If we learned to do those things, we will soon begin to see the difference between truths and lies as clearly as if a neon light was going on above someone's head.

With the 'Apocalypse' that is now coming towards us like a speeding train (this is a good time to remind everyone that Revelation means 'lifting the veil', 'revelation', 'what has been hidden is exposed' ), we are currently experiencing a personal and collective carpet lift. While the positive side of this time of revelations is that many truths are being discovered and are about to be discovered, the other side of the process is that all the lies that have been swept under the carpet are rising like a suffocating dust storm. New lies that do not want old lies to be discovered are emerging from nowhere. Old lies that thought you had died a long time ago are suddenly before you again.

Deeply rooted family beliefs that their cells may have carried without their conscious knowledge could be facing them in some way or another. It could be openly and directly or subtly through the blockages that are still found and that are intensifying now. We are becoming aware of where we are still clinging to the beliefs / lies of our parents or grandparents, such as: "You can never give yourself that luxury, " "You cannot make a living doing that, " "Come back to reality, " "Who do you do you think you are? ”, etc.

The good news is, for those who are beginning to think with their hearts, feel with their soul and perceive with their energy, anything that is not authentic will be as clear as the ringing of a bell. Everyone has their own body signals when they hear something that is true, or not true. Some of us experience the truth as a tingling in our body, our heart beats with emotion, an internal knowledge of "yes" this is true, or an inexplicable general feeling that is as strong as recognizing the difference between a train track that fits on your site or not. Some experience lies as a lack of energy, such as the voice that says it is hollow or disconnected from something, such as a lump in the stomach or a general feeling of discomfort or coldness. Each one is different, but in what we are all the same is this: your body knows the difference between something that is true for you, and something that is not. It's really, really, time to start listening to your body!

In these times of 'revelations', we can expect to be confronted both by great truths and by great lies or distortions of truth. It is time to take responsibility for how we choose to respond to what we hear and see. We have to think twice (the second time with the heart, if not the first) before believing what they tell us just because it comes from someone 'with authority'. A word of warning: if you choose to see and perhaps share what you feel is true, they could be considered crazy, conspiracyist or leftist hippies, all to imply that you simply have no common sense, are antipatriots and simply do not understand how it works. the world. The irony is that they could stand there with a truckload of real and intelligent evidence supporting their case, but such is the absolute power of the 'authority' that people will ignore a truth unless it is made 'official' by someone of authority'.

It is time to put aside our addiction to false authority, and turn inward, to our authentic autonomy. If we believe that the cuckoo or the evil man in the sack outside of us can threaten our lives, we must also believe that there is someone outside of us who has the power to improve our lives. We are the ones who have the power to change our lives. We are the ones who are going to determine what our world will be like in 2013 and beyond. As the Hopis say, we are the ones we have been waiting for.

* NT: "Truth, Justice and the American Way" is the original Superman motto, which in Spanish said: "fighting for Truth, Justice and Freedom".

© Dana Mrkich 2011. Permission is granted to freely share this article on condition that credit is given to the author, and the address is included.

Translation: Margarita López

With the proper authorization of Dana Mrkich, your material translated into Spanish can be downloaded in Word file from the site created in

He is grateful to the people who share and distribute these messages as they are published, with all the corresponding credits, as they reflect their own transparency by spreading the light. Unfortunately, other people do not act that way and modify or eliminate credits, thus preventing their own readers from accessing the sites where they could find more information. It is worth remembering that all the individual sites that he hosts have been authorized by the respective channels / authors and contain all the material with their authorized translations.

We are in a new energy, creating a new world. Let us be aware of our choices. Do we want to continue creating skills and unease? Or do we prefer collaboration and integrity? Please, honor the work of each person who does his part so that these messages arrive, respecting all the credits. Thank you

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