Saint Germain teacher. Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part I.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Maestro Saint Germain. Channeling of Henrique Rosa 2 May the Great Trine Light be with you! 3 There is no one who can build your path, because it is an individual process and, with the Aquarian Era, which is an era of group action, it becomes easier. 4 But what is evolution? 5 What does every soul crave? 6 In this period of time, the soul passed to the personality part of this experience so that together they lived the continuity of this construction.

We want to share with you the Channeling made by Henrique Rosa, beautiful message from Master Saint Germain !

Saint Germain teacher. Henrique Rosa Channeling

This Channeling was translated from the Portuguese language, if you want to see it in its original version, we invite you to enter here.

May the Great Trine Light be with you!

Listen to Master Saint Germain:

The theme we bring today is about the Way of Light .

Many are the paths drawn by men, some lead us nowhere, others lead to pain, suffering, illusions, wars, hunger and misery, but the path that all the Masters teach is that It is traced and built by the soul itself, also known as the inner path, the Path of Light that, life after life, the soul threshes and builds.

Master Saint Germain explains that: In each incarnation, the soul works by flattening the ground, covering holes, bridges over chasms, removing harmful herbs, building its path.

There are incarnations, however, in which the soul is lost and does not build anything, however in others it manages to relate the walk and continue the construction of its path ; there, he realizes that parasitic boils spread and grow in much of the way and that he needs to work twice to clean again stretches that had already been taken care of. Be aware that he was careless and did not give continuity to its construction.

There are other lives in which he not only stopped caring for the road but also destroyed the road itself, mainly the one he had already built in the last incarnations, digging trenches and wells, because he let his personality take the reins of the road or divert it of the same. ( Master Saint Germain)

Then, one of the goals of reincarnation is the construction of the path for the soul ; many are rebuilding it because the road was partly destroyed. And no one can build the path of another soul ; It can, yes, help you by giving you faster elements, tools, techniques so that you can build or rebuild many kilometers in a single life.

There is no one who can build your path, because it is an individual process and, with the Aquarian Era, which is an era of group action, it becomes easier.

In the groups, everyone helps each other and the group experience makes it easy for each one to keep an eye on himself because it is necessary to always be attentive, as it is also necessary to be always studying, practicing, taking care of the expansion of the mind, of the feeling, of the consciousness of the virtues, of the qualities to reach the top of the mountain.

The soul threshes a path to reach the top of its mountain, where it will receive a new mystical Sun, a New Light that will illuminate it. ( Master Saint Germain)

Today, much of humanity lost consciousness of this inner path, the Path of Light, even though there is much talk about this path in all parts of the world.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness that it is the soul that builds that path, obviously with the collaboration of his personality, with the help of other souls, of other personalities, but it is the soul that covered the holes, build bridges. This progress on the road is also called evolution!

But what is evolution?

It is not more than the construction of that ascending path !

Hence, a soul before reincarnating is already programmed, if so it can be said, to clean a part of the road, plug holes in another part and try to build another part, because the goal is to move forward, this is what That is evolution.

Therefore, the Way of Light, is born in the heart of each one, because it is the only way to build and not deviate from the path and allowing the soul, through the cardinal farm Coach directs life, once she can donate her energies, her forces, her instruments to continue building her path .

Therefore, the path is individual within a group path, because only each soul lived its previous lives, and then all souls possess many conquests to donate for the benefit of all other souls. ( Master Saint Germain)

The path is odd because each soul builds it within the characteristics of the Lightning of its Alm, of the rays that the personalities had, of the experiences they had, of their works, actions and works carried out at the service of their fellow men. and of humanity, life after life.

But personalities are educated to follow the paths that are most interesting to them and that, generally, are the paths of desires, of vices, in which material things are seized, losing the awareness that they possess a soul, that they exist because of her and not in function of conquering only material goods for her pleasure. There is nothing wrong with the fact of conquering material goods if they become instruments for the construction of the inner path, the path of the soul .

What does every soul crave?

To connect with the sources of wisdom, the sources of energy and the group work with other souls, because in this way it can be helped as well as can help. In the group it will have more strength and everyone will help each other, everyone will monitor themselves so that the failures and mistakes are not dramatic about to prevent the evolution of other souls and, at the same time, create obstacles in their own way .

The Aquarian Era is bringing what existed in the past, the awareness of the importance of the Way . Many ancient peoples were concerned with post-mortem life for what they knew about the importance of the Way ; hence, they did their best in each incarnation to complete the plot they had to build during existence, so that they could continue after disembodied.

In this way, it was important to build earthly life, but also to prepare for disembodiment in order to sign a new base that could serve the next life, so that it turns to a physical life with conditions to continue the soul's journey .

This was important, everyone helped everyone to walk as quickly and as consciously as possible; All experiences were valid if they will bring more energy, more strength, more experience, more knowledge to each one. The ancient traditions were based on the construction of this path, therefore, one of the concerns when reincarnating was that the new personality found the path that the soul had already followed, because for the personality this is not visible, having no information, nor awareness of this.

In those villages, education in the first twenty-one years and even up to twenty-eight years was given to raise awareness about the path that each one was already building, threshing, and that in each existence should continue. ( Master Saint Germain)

This was fundamental, that is why the great works in the world began from the age of twenty-eight, because it was the necessary period for the new personality not to evolve just, but also to become aware that the path that the soul and its other personalities did should continue, because the soul is the possessor of creation experience in the path of construction.

In this period of time, the soul passed to the personality part of this experience so that together they lived the continuity of this construction.

When we talk about the Way and in the spiritual and esoteric means there is much talk in them that is referring to the path that each soul is building. There is no path made by another soul that can be threshed by someone.

Who ventures to thresh another's path, sooner or later must travel twice as many kilometers to return to his path, because he must start again from where he stopped. So, it is an illusion that religions teach, since they create paths that multitudes follow.

Perhaps, the path of a religion is a group path that many souls follow, but for most it is not the individual path . A large part of those who follow the group paths find their individual path in them as well, but eventually concludes that they are on the wrong path .

Spiritual Channel, Message from Master Saint Germain: Henrique Rosa .

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

Source : "Journal of Esoteric Sciences . " A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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