Creating your own rebirth with the Meditation SA TA NA MA

  • 2018


We are in a time of great changes, in which we are encouraged to seek more our personal expertise.
In these dates of Easter and Easter comes the energy of resurrection, and annual renewal of a new cycle that begins.

This impulse comes from the year 11 (2018), which makes the energy to listen to the voice of your soul, and follow the path of your heart be supported, and doubly empowered with the energies of rebirth.

That is why, I encourage you to do this meditation, in order to facilitate the process of changing habits or mental patterns, that inhabit our subconscious, so that we do not sabotage our conscious action and clean everything that is not aligned with the purpose of manifest, what your soul craves.

Remember that to manifest it outside, you must first work inside.

To work these meditations is done by quarantines; 40 days that you commit to, and that you use 11 or 31 minutes of your day, towards the desired transformation.

It is said that those 40 days must be continuous to complete the process, and if one day you skip it, so that it is well done, it should start again. It is also said that if you can always be at one hour of the day, although if you do it at another time nothing happens.

In these processes, it is very good, to have a diary, to write down how we feel after making them, resistance, dreams, it is how I worked in the formation of Shakty dance, which was based on kundalini.

In my case apart from the fingers, we also worked movements, which will put them lower, since it moves the energy flow more, and you can vary the way do it.

Meditation SA TA NA MA

This meditation is very effective of the Kundalini Yoga created by Yogi Bhajan, which helps in the processes of change and internal transformation.

Yogi Bhajan said that if you can do only one meditation, this is what you should do. While you practice it, you will come to understand that he is your best friend. Anything you need at any given time will be readjusted and aligned to bring balance to your mind and your life. This meditation helps you focus and focus. It is a catalyst for change because it is a very powerful spiritual scrubber. You can move forward a lot because you will be releasing a lot.

This practice helps to change our subconscious programming. We have to clear our subconscious programming so that it does not sabotage our conscious intent. In fact, it is the programming in our subconscious mind that creates our reality.

This mantra is called Mantra of the Primordial Sound, because it is composed of the five primordial sounds: S, T, N, M, and AH. The literal meaning is as follows: Sa means birth (or infinity), Ta means life; Na means death, and Ma means rebirth. Therefore, the mantra describes the eternal circle of life: birth, life, death and rebirth.

Sa: evokes a feeling of excitement and expansion.

Ta: creates a feeling of transformation and strength.

Na: stimulates a feeling of universal love.

Ma: evokes the quality of clear communication.

Yogi Bhajan said that: "Anyone who practices this kriya for 2.5 hours a day for 1 year will know the unknown and will see the invisible."


Ask your Higher Self to help you in the process and visualize that the violet light, envelops your aura, and helps you in the energy transformation.

This is an active meditation that can be practiced at any time, while walking, sitting or lying down, and it has the immediate effect of achieving a notable increase in cerebral interhemispheric coherence.

If you practice sitting:
Sit in easy posture, straight elbows, arms stretched and resting on the knees. Straight column.
Take your mental focus to the point of the forehead. Tune SA TA NA MA. While singing alternately press the thumb with the four fingers. Press hard enough to keep you awake and aware of the pressure. Keep repeating in a stable rhythm and keep the movement of the hand throughout the entire meditation.

SA together by pressing the thumb and forefinger or Jupiter.
TA together by pressing the thumb and middle or Saturn.
NA together by pressing the thumb and ring finger or the sun.
MA together by pressing the thumb and little finger or Mercury.

Jupiter's finger brings knowledge, expands our field of possibilities and frees us from limitations.
Saturn's finger gives us patience, wisdom and purity.
The finger of the Sun gives us vitality and life.
Mercury's finger helps clear communication.

Every time you close a mudra by joining your thumb with one finger, your ego "seals" its effect on your consciousness. Visualize or feel each individual sound entering the crown chakra at the top of the head, lowering through the middle of the head and going out to infinity through the third eye. This is very important and should be done with each sound. It is an essential part of the cleaning process. If you don't do this part of the meditation, you may experience a headache.

Visualization: with each syllable we sing we imagine the sound and energy entering the crown and leaving between the eyebrows projecting forward. This L-shaped path is called "the golden cord."

If you feel very tired do it only in the stretch of silence, and you see visualizing your aura in violet light.

The 7th rallo is the violet, and it helps the transformation and is carried by the beloved Mr. Sant Germain, to whom you can ask him to help you.

For the first 5 minutes he sings in HIGH VOICE. (The human voice.)
For the next 5 minutes it sings in audible WHISPER. (The language of lovers.)
For the next 11 minutes it SILENCES SILENTLY. (The language of the divine)

Maintain the movement of the fingers, the L in the head and the movement of the tongue.
Then 5 minutes in SUSURRO.
Finish with 5 minutes in HIGH VOICE.

It can also be done in shorter times or 5 in 5. Yogi Bhajan advised that during this stressful time it should be done for at least 11 minutes every day.
For the 11-minute version, 2 minutes can be done in HIGH VOICE.
2 minutes in audible whisper.
3 minutes singing SILENTLY.
Maintaining the movement of the fingers, the L in the head and the movement of the tongue.
2 minutes in SUSURRO.
2 minutes in HIGH VOICE.

You will see that mantras like Mirabei ceiba, are divided by sections, and it is very easy to follow.

At the last minute, either the 31 or 11 minute version, listen inside the mantra and experience the L in the head. Do not make finger movements. Optimally this meditation is done for 31 minutes.

Finally, inhale deeply, raise your arms up in the air and vigorously shake your arms and fingers. You can involve the entire body and the spine. Exhale Repeat 1 or 2 more times if you wish. This is an important part of meditation because it helps to move and release energy in the body. Relax for a few minutes before continuing your day. Or relax on your back. If it's before bedtime, just go to sleep.

Meditation with movements

There is the possibility of combining the work of mudras, together with arm movements:

SA- with arms up and index finger

TA- Cross arms and middle finger

NA- Arms resting on the legs and ring finger

MA- Arms joined at the heart with the little finger.

You can do it in the stretch you sing normally, or in the whisper, but in the silence you better not do it to feel the stillness.

And you can do it one day with movements, and others without, as you feel it.

I hope it helps you create the transformation in your life !!!

Isis Brahma spiritual coach

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