The Seven Laws of Synchronicity by Eduardo Zancolli

Table of contents hide 1 First Law: The Cause 2 Second Law: The Condition 3 Third Law: The Organizer of Synchronicities 4 Fourth Law: The Manifestation 5 Fifth Law: The Meaning 6 Sixth Law: The Effects on the Soul and its Destiny 7 Seventh Law: The Purpose of the Force

The sicronicity appears to be the force of nature that responds to the attraction of the soul, when its energy has increased, to help us connect: the world of matter and the world of spirit.

Within that force of attraction we could describe to talk about its apparent functioning.

First Law: The Cause

Synchronicity is caused by the activation of, consciously or unconsciously. This gravity is activated when there is a transcendental dilemma for the evolution of the individual that cannot be answered by the available knowledge, by its rational logic. Different subatomic particles have been described to refer to different forces and functions. For example, he is described as the one who acts in the Law of Gravity. If I had to describe a particle born from the force generated by the activation of the soul, I would call it. This activation of the soul, with its great emanation of, generates a large amount of energy that will lead to the formation of a synchronicity (perhaps through these, like RNA, messenger of DNA in the realm of genetics) .

Second Law: The Condition

The manifestation of a condition, in response to a deep dilemma of alm, would not make sense if we were not enough to realize its existence. The most appropriate state to identify it is that of. Finding that this state facilitates the perception of the signals that will be presented to show us a new path. It is important to get carried away by these tracks and not block them. We must get carried away by him and be open to the unknown (uncertainty). The usual obstacles are presented through the logical-rational mind; from our interpretation of the facts from linear time, that which we believe we have trapped in our clocks; and the will to avoid living something that we will then be afraid to tell others because of, as usually happens to all with mystical experiences. We must meet or place ourselves in a position where we are.

Third Law: The Organizer of Synchronicities

Having activated the energy of the soul and placed in a state of alert-intuitive without waiting for a result, something, from a plane higher than our understanding, begins to organize the event that will materialize, almost magically, within. It would seem that the synchronicity has been produced by one, just as a tourism agency would do when planning a trip tailored to our requirements. To give another image of the, we could compare it to a film director or a novelist, organizing the scenes that will come next and in which the general plot will unfold.

Fourth Law: The Manifestation

Activated the energy of the soul, increased personal gravity, with an alert-intuitive attitude and organized by the event, then comes the moment of manifestation, of one. She, manifesting in the world of matter, as in the case of virtual processes, produces tremendous emotional mobilization. In turn, it brings us the ones that we will later need to decode and understand the response of what was required by the soul.

Fifth Law: The Meaning

Synchronicity contains that for that particular soul dilemma. It is the person who experiences it, and nobody but herself, who can. The meaning, contained in the coincidence, answers something that would be almost impossible to be answered in a more effective and real way. This type of response has the advantage, over a purely abstract and intellectual knowledge, that it comes from the experience of an experience. We have the clear feeling that the event and its meaning seem to be connected to a network space or that custom designs, demonstrating tremendous intelligence and power over the world of matter and knowing, without doubt, the purpose of our individual soul .

Sixth Law: The Effects on the Soul and its Destiny

You could say that, through synchronicity, he tries. A destination that most of the time we don't know. Everything in nature, including our own life, seems, like the quantum leaps of subatomic particles (the only way it has to change orbit). The meaningful response produces a quantum leap with that individual consciousness, which allows a temporary reunion with its predetermined individual path. From that reunion the individual restructures the values ​​for his life. It will remain with minimal changes, almost at rest until the next evolutionary leap.

Seventh Law: The Purpose of the Force

If, as it seems, you must also use some medium to achieve your goal: the progress in the evolution of human consciousness. One of the means he uses to achieve his mission seems to be: a form of creative communication that connects beings, directly, with that of the spirit of nature. Perhaps, the language we have in common with the higher orders. The immediate objective of that force, synchronicity, is to manifest itself to many people in order to be understood and (the color of the mirrors with which we look and decode reality). Its objective is to awaken us so that we align our destinies in the same direction as that of the evolution of the universe. We were born from nature (we are not another thing that its own atoms organized to house consciousness), and swimming against it only produces suffering and disease. We have reached a point of no return, and dangerous if it is not well used: here on earth together with the forces of nature, and today we have already obtained the knowledge and power to exercise it.


In short, synchronicity seems to be the way in which he (the one of totality) seems to manifest itself almost miracle in matter and senses (that world that we humans consider him). It is one that wishes to help us unite through those we see separated (seen from the inner experience and that of the senses): the world of spirit with the world of matter. Synchronicity has an unquestionable effect on the soul. But what role does the soul play? It seems to me that the soul is everything that lies between those two still unconnected worlds. It seems to me that the soul is the instrument that will achieve the coupling, that which will provide intelligence to all matter, which it will achieve. Does that force want to show us its creative power or does it want us to convince ourselves of our own creative power? Could we call that energy released by the soul:? Supossely Yes. Synchronicity works using another time, a time different from what we have caught in our clocks: a time in which past, present and future are confused. That seems to be what we could call almachronicity.

Excerpt from the book The Mysteries of Coincidences by Eduardo Zancolli

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