Bioenergetic Health by Ana Maria Oliva Comments by Gisela S.

  • 2018
Table of Contents hide 1 Bioenergetic Health by Ana Maria Oliva 2 What am I trying to do right now? 3 Science does not work with beliefs. 4 What does science do? 5 Like the story that sometimes I tell of the spider, of the scientist who has a spider that is taking legs, and says spider come, and the spider goes and when there is only one leg left to the spider, and tells spider come, the spider goes jumping and comes. And when the last leg starts and says spider come and then the spider does not move. Conclusion when spiders tear off their legs they become deaf. 6 Symptoms vs Diseases vs. Compensation mechanisms 7 What is fever? It is a disease? Do not!. 8 We call diseases things that are actually mechanisms of the body to solve or solve problems. 9 What science model do we come from? 10 It is that nobody has explained to me the power that my way of living exerts on my health, on the habits of life, on the beliefs. 11 What are they telling us? What does the theory of quantum physics mean or what does the paradigm shift mean? 12 But we are at that point where we don't know very well, we are seeing changes in the economy, in politics, in education. 13 The energy paradigm (the integrative medicine Wheel) 14 When I talk about energy I am talking about the electromagnetic field, why? 15 What is the difference between thinking that I am broadcasting at low frequency or that I am broadcasting at higher frequency? I'm broadcasting, period. 16 In this energetic paradigm, we are told that reality has three elements: matter, energy and information. 17 How to evaluate health today? 18 Everything is a matter of perspective. 19 But of course if you understand that the human being is an antenna, you forget in some way the biochemical part and you focus on the electrical part. Everything changes. 20 It is another way of looking at the disease by simply measuring the transmembrane potential. 21 And we can speak to the body in three ways:

This article will consist of a conference held by the doctor in Biomedicine and Industrial Engineering, Ana Mar a Oliva on bioenergetic health. Studying and researching on various topics, I came across this great woman who, in simple and humble words, manages to transmit scientific and millenary wisdom to us. It gives us, in a nutshell, the current landscape of science and medicine and the keys to bioenergetics.

Bioenergetic Health by Ana Maria Oliva

The objective is to share with you this experience that I am living and that we are launching, that we are creating, that we are giving birth, as they want to call it and that I think it is worth it… I have to always start from the philosophical concept behind what I make. Maybe because maybe I also have to remind myself, not to lose myself, not to forget the motivation for which I am doing things . Because sometimes one enters the maelstrom of everyday life, and in the end we end up losing the north, so I also remember myself:

What am I trying to do right now?

I am trying to distinguish the camels from the shadow. I like this image ... because where I think I am seeing a camel I am actually seeing only the shadow and the camel is different from what I expected to see. And I think that right now, related to the world of health, of medicine, of therapies, we are at a point where we run that risk of sometimes staying with the shadow instead of looking for the camel, which is What is real. The shadow is nothing more than a mirage in some way, of some reflection of that. And obviously we are working with the human energy field ...

With this image I start asking: "what do you see here?" And people say to you: "an eye". Someone sees a little further and sees the reflection of a building in one eye, someone even says that he sees the reflection of a tree in front of a building over an eye ... I put it because what I want to talk about is something that is not visible.

We are going to try to go, that little step beyond the obvious, beyond the obvious, what we are used to, we enter a world of energy, it is a world that we do not see, but although we do not see it we can measure it and work with him. What happens is that the fact that we do not see it can sometimes be an inconvenience for some belief systems, but it is a matter of beliefs. And entering the topic of beliefs, I want to make a little reflection.

I am going to take the luxury of doing this reflection and I do it for the following, at this moment it is very easy to discredit any work, it simply goes without saying that it is not scientific . I don't believe in energy, there are people who tell me I don't believe in energy, and others tell me I believe a lot in energy. Either you find them continuously, and I tell them: “you know what? I don't believe in energy, as I don't believe in cats . ” Well, they already put on your face: "She is crazy to come". "I don't believe that in cats, do you believe in cats?" Well, no, I don't have to believe in cats, cats are there, I can touch them, feed them and I can play with them , I don't need to believe in cats, I see them, I play I do not need to believe in energy because it is something that is measurable. I can believe in what I cannot see, and in what I cannot touch, and in what I cannot measure and what is an act of faith, but we are talking about science, not beliefs, and

Science does not work with beliefs.

And another thing is that scientists are human beings, and every human being has their packages of beliefs incorporated, by the simple fact of having a brain and having been educated, we have no other.

But one issue is me as a human being what beliefs I have and another thing is what science is dedicated to . Of course, this science model, and the science I am working on is a minority . Let's say it's the limit between majority science and minority science, or hidden science, or what they want to call it. Sometimes it is the limit, for many people it is the limit between science and non-science, science and esotericism, so I need to claim that place within science so that we do not forget, again, what we are doing, why and from where.

What does science do?

Science doesn't care about what I study, it worries about how I study it. And the scientific method, its pillars are based on observation . I observe and through those observations, when I have collected enough, following the correct method, trying to make them blind, in the sense that I do not know, I cannot manipulate that information. It is about drawing adequate conclusions, or let's say logical to those observations that I am making but science can never limit what we study, following the method. If I want to do a doctoral thesis of the effect of the moon eclipse on snail mating, as long as I make the scientific method impeccable, nobody can tell me that it is not science. The problem is when the observations or when we do not have enough statistics or we have made them biased, or we have not followed the appropriate protocols, or we draw the wrong conclusions .

Like the story that I sometimes tell about the spider, about the scientist who has a spider that is pulling his legs, and he says spider come, and the spider goes and when there is only one leg left to the spider, and he says spider come, The spider goes jumping and comes. And when the last leg starts and says spider come and then the spider does not move. Conclusion when spiders tear off their legs they become deaf.

It is a parody in some way, but it is indicative that sometimes we draw the wrong conclusions from the correct observations, so science has its mechanisms to regulate that . Whenever one wants to publish in a magazine there are reviewers who are responsible for seeing that you have followed the appropriate method, they do not know what you have done, they simply observe the protocols that you have used and that of those data that you are showing, with that discussion that you are making the consequences or conclusions make sense. That is what science is about.

So since I have to deal with that horse continually, if that is scientific or not scientific, I am forced at this time to start with what is science and what is not . Because I do not admit that you tell me that what I do is not science, because what I do is based on the scientific method, in series of observations, that grinds to your belief system, because it grinds at your system of beliefs

No one is obliged to believe in science, nobody is obliged to believe in bing bang. It is a theory that tries to describe what happened, in this case totally unprovable as well. Well they are theories, science proposes theories, and a theory is not the same as a reality and is not the same as a truth . A theory is a theory, it is a model by which I try to understand what is happening, and not even understand why. I wish we could understand, we try to describe what is happening and hopefully predict what might happen . And there we have all the laws of physics that tell you that if you throw a ball with this force and inclination etc. it's going to get you there and that's what science does in some way, so I always want to remember that. And that if we are working on a model of science, which is not the majority, does not mean that it is not science . It is.

Symptoms vs Diseases vs. Compensation mechanisms

We enter again to distinguish the camels from the shadows . We are accustomed in the West in these two hundred / three hundred years, let's say, that in history the scientific method, as such, and medicine as we understand it , to label things, and to put names of diseases and we go to Eastern medicine to they do not exist diseases there are imbalances and these imbalances are manifested with symptoms . But the concept as they have it, we don't have it, and we have reached a point where I think we have to make this reflection. Well let's see the most basic thing, fever .

What is fever? It is a disease? Do not!.

It is a body repair mechanism . It is a mechanism that the body puts in place to solve a problem, do I have to treat fever? It depends, if you exceed a value, if it convulses or does not convulse. But at this point although we know that fever is not a disease, it is something that the body is doing, starting to repair, we block it continuously . The same arterial hypertension is not a disease, it is a mechanism of compensation of the system. The system is compensating, my body is compensating something, which may be a resistance that is too large, because there may be an inflammation. You need to pump harder and if I give the pill to the person to lower the pressure, the body will go out on the other side to try to compensate for what is decompensated . I do not say that it does not make sense, I just say that we observe how we are doing it, they are observations, at no time will I say what needs to be done. I just think out loud, things that I question myself, because

We call diseases to things that are actually mechanisms of the body to solve or solve problems.

Good and the same as observations and causes. It is one thing to observe that this is happening and another thing is to say the cause of that . These are small reflections that I always do and that I think it is interesting that other people get to be done at another time. And above all, those people who believe they have the truth of science and others do not. I also think that a scientist above all would have to be humble, because all the scientific method is based on the fact that I don't know and how I don't know, I start an experiment to try to understand A little more . Then, first of all, it would have to be an attitude of humility.

We are in this moment, for my magic, the story in which things are changing and we see it every day, in all areas of life ... I like this image because it reflects very well this moment in which I don't know if I am up or down, which is what happens to us, it is a moment of much confusion, a lot of confusion and it is a moment of, good to discover where I am and what I am doing, from where, because, how, and In what way . Well there we are.

What science model do we come from?

Of a totally mechanistic, Newtonian model, where everything is determined ..., it is like that and there is no more and if I throw that ball with a force and with that inclination I know exactly where it will fall, it is totally determined, that also leads me to a philosophical concept of destiny in which I cannot flee. It leads me to genetic determinism, to the determinism of microbes, it leads me to many philosophical determinisms that are associated with that determinism, say, of science. It is a model that is based on quantity, on the independence of things, that is, there is an object here and I am holding it at this time but in reality this object has nothing to do with me, they have lent it to me and between you and I have a vacuum that is inert in principle. And the mechanistic model we come from is based on that, it is based on trying to divide everything into smaller parts to try to understand how they work by believing in some way that we are a sum of parts. Believing that the respiratory system has nothing to do with the urogenital, to say the least. Believing that my eye and my liver are not related . So that is the model we come from, and this has its medical aspect that leads us to the predominant surgical and pharmaceutical approach, at that time and others, which is that of non-responsibility. It takes us to biology, to that war of biological robots in which the strongest survives, to blame those outside things like microbes or DNA, which is not from outside but we also blame it because we don't We can control it. In education ..., there was a point where the only true answer is one, things are either true or false and if you are wrong you are penalized because there is no possibility that there is another answer in the left hemisphere, we no longer learn the list of fat kings, we learn other infamous lists of lots of things that is pure left hemisphere and nothing more.

Well these are the fundamental ideas of this paradigm, for me the most interesting and to emphasize in the medical part of this paradigm, or the part related to health, is that it is a system that leads us to focus on the disease . Western medicine focuses on fighting the disease, totally contrary to Eastern medicine that is based on sustaining health and optimizing health . It leads us to focus mainly on the symptoms and not on the causes, it often leads us to cut the cable that makes us jump the alarm, instead of looking for what is happening and also leads us to, for me this is A very important point, which is the lack of personal responsibility . In other words, people usually go to the doctor to solve their problems, or go to the psychologist to solve their problems, or to the osteopath to take away the pain.

When I started to do therapies twenty years ago, and I sat there people, I consulted them, what do you think I can help you with? I said good: do you know that this treatment has side effects? side effects ?, but how ?. If this energy, does nothing. Yes! It has side effects because it can make you realize that you have to change things in your life, are you willing to change something in your life or not? Because if not, you have chosen the wrong therapist, if yes, and we realize that there is something to change, I can accompany you in the process. But that lack of personal responsibility also comes from how we have been educated.

It is that nobody has explained to me the power that my way of living exerts on my health, on the habits of life, on the beliefs.

Nobody has explained to me that what I believe in is what I become and what my body becomes . As we do not have that education, it is normal that when something hurts me I will take that pain away. No, look, you should stop eating so much sugar, yes, yes, yes, yes. But it is the same because in the end eating sugar is nothing more than an emotional response to a probably affective lack that I am having and I try to channel on that side. We return to the same, but I am willing to accept my responsibility for my own health, nor will I accept the power that I have to change things in my own life.

Well then, medicine, as we know it so far, is excellent in acute cases, it has improved the quality of life tremendously, it has allowed us to continue living people who otherwise would not have achieved it, we have achieved spectacular, amazing achievements, but there are certain things that we have not yet been able to solve and that is the world of chronic diseases. We have not been able to solve them, there we still have a lot to learn about what is happening, as well as most of the diseases are obviously chronified because the body has not been able to respond but because the mechanisms that we are applying for alleged healing, either. Or because healing one thing spoils another, it has a side effect sometimes worse than what they are trying to compensate in some way.

So there we are at that point where, of course , the value of the work we are doing is recognized and always recognized from my side , but there is still a lot of work to be done and what to learn about ourselves, about what is happening, about how we live and about that responsibility we have over our own life.

And that's where it comes in too, for everything new that is somehow appearing, new, eighty years ago, the new physics theories appeared. ethics, of modern physics,

What are they telling us? What does the theory of quantum physics mean or what does the paradigm shift mean?

It means that the observations before had not led to these conclusions, now we have other tools that allow us to observe more things, and allow us to reach other conclusions and therefore establish other models that do not have to deny the previous one but add up. In other words, the behavior of Newton's laws continues to explain everyday reality . If I take a ball that follows Newton's laws, but there are other things that Newton's law does not explain to us and that is where I need other theories, with the infinitely small or with the infinitely large. So there is a paradigm shift, the only thing that means is that we have made other observations and we have drawn other consequences and other conclusions and we are creating other models, models that are not the truth, because I do not have to believe in quantum physics, It is a theoretical model, which explains certain things.

And above all that allows me to start thinking differently and make other observations and make changes in my life that take me to another state, for me that is the interesting thing about that model.

So this energy paradigm changes everything, absolutely everything . Where everything was based on the objective, now we rely on the subjective, where before we rely on independence, now all are relationships, where before it was an inert vacuum, now that emptiness is the whole, because it is the quantum vacuum that is the basis of everything that exists . Then turn it over, exactly to the model as we had seen it, with the difficulty that it is not intuitive, because it is very intuitive to think that if I touch harder the ball will go further, but it is not intuitive to think that by the simple fact that by observing I am modifying the reality that I observe, it is nothing intuitive.

So that leads us right now in which the theory from physics is very clear, well more or less clear because we already know that certain physicists think one thing and others the opposite and all are bright because everyone has their belief systems and each one observes from his angles the reality therefore he draws different conclusions and that is respectable and everything is science .

But we are at that point where we do not know very well, we are seeing changes in the economy, in politics, in education.

I do not know what results they are having, it is too early to talk about results, but I was tremendously surprised by the Jesuit initiative to change drastically in I do not know whether a school or several simultaneously, as several stages, several years or courses simultaneously the pedagogical model. Wow, bye there is something that is moving importantly because the Jesuits are the Jesuits, I have a lot of respect for them because they know a lot, so they put these initiatives in motion, says something is changing very deeply.

In medicine too, what happens is that as in all the moments of change are moments of much chaos and much confusion . Well then, we have to keep an eye on and clarify what we are saying at all times, and perhaps because I have been a teacher for a long time, I place more emphasis on that, that is, we are going to define again what we are doing.

The energy paradigm (the integrative medicine Wheel)

Some have designed this wheel of integrative medicine as saying we will generate a different model in which we all have space within a medicine. Although the word medicine is a word that is mostly reserved for doctors, but in reality medicine is anything that improves health.

Then the part where I work would go into what is called energy medicine. But there are many things that are energy medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is also energetic medicine, homeopathy is also energetic medicine, there are many things inside that is in the part that I am working on because as you know it is the electromagnetic field, so, I always do that qualification.

When I talk about energy I am talking about electromagnetic field, why?

Because it is the only part of the energy that I can measure at the moment with the scientific tools we have available. I do not say that there are no other energies, but let's say otherwise. When we have to talk about science I have to limit myself to the part that can be measured, observed, drawn conclusions, from those observations. And that is the electromagnetic spectrum that is usually represented on a scale of increasing frequencies or decreasing wavelengths, it depends, because it has different bands

If one accepts very easily that we emit, that our heart emits (energy) to a hertz (Hz), more or less is the heart rate, it is extra low electromagnetic field frequency Ethical . Our brain emits in a more variable range, say, it depends if we are very fast or relaxed or sleeping but it is also extra low frequency .

If we accept that we emit heat and heat is a manifestation of infrared radiation, because people are allergic to think that we also emit in other bands of the spectrum, what is the difference?

What is the difference between thinking that I am emitting in low frequency or that I am emitting in more high frequency? I'm broadcasting, period.

But it does seem that it generates some kind of resistance when you tell people that we all emit light, no! How? No! That is esoteric, no! That is science . What happens is that it is a minority science, or simply known minority. But the light is still the same category, or the same quality or the same type of electromagnetic energy and nothing more. It is not an esoteric thing or anything strange, it is simply an electromagnetic field at a specific frequency .

In this energy paradigm, we are told that reality has three elements: matter, energy and information.

And therefore if we want to make a real assessment of people, we should have tools that allow us to value matter, energy and information since they are the three elements that make up reality.

How to evaluate health today?

Biochemistry, biophysics, anatomy and bioenergetics.

Mostly by biochemical, blood, urine, analytical, we look for markers, which have indications of certain pathologies. We use biophysical measurements, blood pressure is a biophysical measure, that is to say physics, the pressure adapted to the human body, we always put the bio in front to indicate that they are biological measurements, because in the end we are measuring it. Or with chemical markers, physical markers, such as blood pressure, the rhythm of the heartbeat. Anatomy, of course, if there is any injury, if there is any malformation, we are assessing here. And also bioenergetic, although it is not the best known, but it is what I am working on, and it is a way of assessing health . Of course, the best is that the more data we have, the better. One thing does not exclude the other, the more data you can gather the better. Within this bioenergy paradigm, I haven't invented anything yet, but there are many scientists who have invented or discovered many things. Some from theory others with practical applications ...

Everything is a matter of perspective.

I discovered a key a little while ago, I was able to download it, set it. Last month in January I was at an oncology congress, in which the majority were Jews and oncologists and I don't have any of those two requirements. I had to make an exhibition at the beginning and another at the end, the first one I did it my way, as I am and, after listening to them for two days, I said I'm going to skip everything I had to say at the round table, and simply I will make a reflection, because for me it is key.

It was very key in that context of radiotherapy, but for me, I have realized that it is key in absolutely everything, and I am very happy to have been able to find it in some way.

Most human beings understand that we are a body ... the body is a biochemical sack, it is a sack of biochemical reactions, we understand life as metabolism, we understand very well the part of reactions, of biochemical parameters, that we have very clear. If I understand that and I am doing radiotherapy for example, I am having an antenna that emits in front of a body, which is biochemical . So there, I'm interested, because of course the more power better to kill those cells selectively. I'm going to look for tools to better focus and hurt the surrounding tissues as little as possible, but the more power I can give it, the more easily I will destroy that tissue because I understand that it is an antenna in front of a biochemical sac . I use that expression as a cartoon.

But of course if you understand that the human being is an antenna, you somehow forget about the biochemical part and focus on the electrical part. Everything changes.

Of course a cell, you can understand it as a bilipid membrane, with its proteins, transmembrane ... we understand cells like this ... but you can understand a cell as a spherical capacitor .

And they know, and doctors know that for a cell to be healthy you have to have a trans-membrane potential, that is, a certain amount of electricity accumulated between those two walls that are dielectric . Two walls say conductive with electric in the middle, and there you have a capacitor, and for them to be healthy they are minus twenty millivolts and if you are sick there are fifty to put a value and a cancer cell has twenty.

It is another way of looking at the disease by simply measuring the transmembrane potential.

Energy / power versus frequency:

But if I am able to turn it around and start to understand that the human being is an antenna and therefore, for example, in radiotherapy, in that case, it is another antenna. I'm not going to focus only on power, I'm going to focus on something else that is much more interesting, which is frequency, because we are antennas. It is not only necessary to shout to be heard by my cells, not only does it take power to warm and burn and cut and dissolve, and disintegrate, I can speak . And that totally changes the movie. It totally changes the movie because then I have other very different tools to be able to speak to the body .

And we can talk to the body in three ways:

Shouting, words or whispers.

And the body happens the same, we can hit it with a shoe that means giving it a lot of power and the body will respond by stress and respond and many times I will solve things because the body by stress also It works. Many times the currents that are applied, in order to improve a case of contracture or facilitate eh, the bony synthesis goes to zapatazos, that is, they are using energies much higher than the physiological values gicos, pero eso viene porque entendemos que el cuerpo es un saco bioqu mico y si yo le grito me escuchar mas f cilmente, pero si yo soy capas de entender el lenguaje, ya no hace falta que grite, puedo hablar, puedo utilizar valores fisiol gicos para comunicarme con el cuerpo.

Es decir, si el magnetismo de fondo la tierra es 500 mili gauss, que es el magnetismo normal de la tierra, yo puedo utilizar valores de campo magnético alrededor de 500 mili gauss para hablarle al cuerpo, no hace falta que utilice 7000 mil gauss que es lo que estamos utilizando, claro que puedo responderle así al cuerpo ya veces es muy positivo pero es una respuesta muchas veces de tipo estrés .

REDACTORA: Gisela S., editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.


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