Legs Up By Lauren C. Gorgo

  • 2010

September 20, 2010

Well, this article was supposed to be the second part of "Entering the Flow" that I published a few days ago this week ... but I should have known. There is no longer any "linear" order for events, and although I naively thought that I could impose my will against the divine will, the universe took a completely different turn just to show me who the boss is.

This energetic turn, although short and intense, was so unexpected and unexpected, that I literally ended up again in a fetal position wondering how to eat alone, not to mention how to put together the rest of that expired energy update.

If they felt that this last week leaving Mercury retrograde has been unusually difficult ... to the point that they thought they were back at the beginning of this heinous journey ... they are not the only ones. I was officially. legs. above. Completely unplugged.

Just as we were beginning to move SLOWLY towards our new lives, we were collectively overturned by a white storm of sudden doubt, as we plunged deeper into the seas of uncertainty. Some huge waves of disability came bursting on our shores, which may have caused them to question really BIG things at even deeper levels ... questions like: Is this REALLY going to happen? ... or maybe even questions about their long-awaited creations, like: I want to REALLY be doing this? ... OR ... Is this REALLY what I want? ... or Can I REALLY do this?

Not only have we just been dumped by these serious questions and purges of doubt, but we are clinging to the bottom of a boat that is taking us quickly along the edge of the wall of a canyon that we cannot. watch. still. Oh my God.

Naturally, these periods of cleanliness and integration can create a serious downturn in self-confidence. It's like, the more we take root in our lives and bodies, the more serious we become and the less plausible this all seems to us (ouch). But these feelings only exist while we are up to the neck with cleanliness ... once we cross the other side of a period of integration and we can exhale, we catch it ... but in the meantime it is like waking up from a long sleep and wondering how we got here ... and Even more important, how and when are we going to LEAVE from here.

These frustrations of being held have really been intensifying last week ... boiling inside us like a geyser about to explode through the earth and launch into the stratosphere releasing more than a decade of accumulated pressure . These growing emotions (anxiety / oh God the-STRESS / anger / disappointment / discontent / etc.) That have been reaching a critical point, are definitely helping us move forward, and thank God for that because, literally, we cannot See even 30 centimeters ahead of our faces!

From where we are ... and due to the compression of time collapsing on itself ... there is no such thing as predicting the future, so we are all riding the raging waves of the present moment with such focus (and with a deadly grip of "for -favor-god-let-survive-this ”) that the energies now change too quickly to pretend that we know something.

And we really don't know anything ... we have NO IDEA of what awaits us (which is part of the emotion!) More than a barely perceptible feeling that "we are so close" ...

But what?

And that's what it has been all about this week:

1) release more preconceived notions of what it will be, so that we can create what it is, with total freedom ...

2) purge deep-rooted fears that prevent us from accessing our power (which explains those strange noises and pains in the solar / abdomen plexus), and ...

3) witness the growing momentum (frustration / stress) inside that is leading us to a kind of “live free or die” mentality…

... and all this in preparation to go out and be visible to the world again.

This week was designed to shake our foundations in order to loosen up any remaining feeling of disability (do I really have what it takes?) So that we can move towards the unknown with confidence, as we climb onto a larger platform of life without knowing none of the "hows".

The Pleiadian Higher Council (CSP) mentions that the main purpose of this week was "to go deeper into our divine staff as we begin to honor the physical transition from human to divine human." In fact, they say that this whole week has been a extreme balancing act between these two realities (separation / reconnection), which we are now learning the art of mastering.


Because the change is beginning to show SLOWLY in our external lives, much remains to be done to restructure and align our outside world to match our new internal processing. This made the recent disconnection even more overwhelming as we were thrown back to our old separated selves again ... unplugged from our power source, being in the midst of GREAT life changes (and we are still at the end of an intense cellular transmutation ).

For many, this new platform means… or will it mean… moving to a new geographic location (and if they are not moving, you may have just noticed that ALL ROOMS in your home are now the wrong color or suddenly detest your refrigerator), end or start important relationships / careers / business, start new projects / partnerships and find a new or revised physical outlet for the expanded expression of your university. Regarding these changes, the CSP says… “stabilize and prepare for the change.” Luckily, we are now smart enough to know what this really means: “accommodate yourself with a box of donuts for a Jersey Shore marathon (N .deT .: TV series) on TiVo. ”Yes, I said that.

These periods of disconnection, although now they are shorter than ever before, they feel so extreme because we are so close to being completely submerged in uniqueness, that the obvious contrast of separation It is becoming, vibratingly speaking, impossible to bear.

But as I mentioned in the last two updates, we are still flowing and refluxing, becoming familiar and stabilizing in the New, which means that one day we are fully accelerated and handling quantities Demented of energy (you already know those days, suddenly you feel like a superhero with amnesia, thinking that you can do ANYTHING, at the same time you forget the last 10 years of escalation of consciousness, while running in circles, or against the walls, because you are completely unable to take root, focus or sleep) and the next day we fall down, sleeping (integrating) for endless hours as if we had just left some horrendous days at the tip of cocaine.

These fluctuations are not only physically exhausting, but also create varied emotional extremes ANYTHING and NOTHING is possible.

Meanwhile, here at the ranch we finally cross the dimensional portal of the Great Crosses of the summer months (winter for the southern hemisphere) the proverbial eye of the needle and this month we we are establishing in our new grooves, securing our foundations, and beginning to physically restructure our external life as we enter the universal flow of perfect synchronization. We may continue to cross back through the door from time to time (as we did all this week) to revisit the old (I dare to give us a good blow on the back), but the visits will be m sym s short until disappearing.

New Wave of Light

The CSP also wants us to know that despite how horrible it can feel at any given moment, they are, in fact, regulating the amount of light in which each of us lives voluntarily. (go can you imagine what it would be if they weren't doing it ???) and that a new wave of energy is coming that will take us there of the confines of time and space. (I think they may be referring to the equinox (22 / Sept) or 10: 10 or both) but as always, they only give me enough information to go through here "And now. Besides, what really matters right now? Everyone hurts.)

Speaking of pain, I am also hearing that, although we will continue to move forward with less resistance from this week, they are warning me that we could also be returning momentarily to that horrible state of separation again (presumably during one or both of these next two discharges?) ... feeling the distance between our upper and lower selves ... but that this is only a temporary disconnection that, apparently, will complete the reconnection of our pituitary / pineal glands (hence all headaches, sneezing, vertigo, earache, irregularities in body temperature (chills / sweat), deep sleep / insomnia, burning / watery eyes and that sinus guácala).

(It is also worth mentioning ... during this delicate moment of the activation of the pituitary / pineal (known by the outside world as "allergy season"), it is important to stay away from any / all environmental toxins, harmful vapors (such as diesel in exhaust pipes, for example), fragrances with chemicals ... especially petroleum-based ... anything that is not natural, to which they are sensitive, or that may cause interference in the opening of their third eye)

The CSP says that the pituitary and the pineal are finally signing prenuptial and are preparing to merge into sacred union ... that is, the sacred marriage of male and female energies within us, and the recipe / ingredients for transfiguration. Apparently, from this merger onwards “everything will be considered as 'new territory' and the old world will appear to be separated by a demarcation point. This demarcation point represents the completion of the fusion process and from this point forward, our conscious memory will appear to be divided between before and after ascension. ”

(So, curiously, my people ... is this like AC / DC? I am quite intrigued by that notion, and I can't help pointing out the correlation. AA / DA ??? I would love your opinion on that idea ...)

They say that the reason this is being brought to our conscience is to help us (especially the most irreverent of us) to realize that this is a huge change that is taking place and that the experiences that we consider non-essential are in fact of great importance ... and that the longer we have been consciously on this path and worked with these energies, the deeper the external proof of our inner change will be.

Well, I don't think that any of us who are going through this process can doubt the depth of the transformation ... regardless of what we think or create, our bodies do not lie.

And that, I suppose, is comedy in the collective perspective:))

Happy Equinox!



Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author (s), and freely distributed.

He with the proper authorization of Lauren C. Gorgo has all his material in Word file which can be downloaded from his site Think with your Heart.Net in

Translation: Margarita López

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