The Uroboros snake in the Mayan civilization: Part One.

  • 2017

"The Snake Uroboros, who eats his own tail ..."

The Uróboros is a symbol that shows a serpentiform animal that engulfs its own tail and that forms, with its body, a circular shape. The uróboros symbolizes the eternal cycle of things, also the eternal effort, the eternal struggle or the useless effort, since the cycle begins again despite the actions to prevent it. On the other hand, the Mayan civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Mayan peoples, which stood out in America for its glyphic writing, the only fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian American continent, as well as for its art, architecture and mathematical systems, astronomy and ecology. Not surprisingly, expert Eric S. Thompson tells us in his monumental "Maya Hieroglyphic Writing":

One is perplexed by the dominance over formidable numbers, implied in the various terms for the superior units that have survived. Surely no other people with a comparable level of material culture have had such a concept of immense numbers, and a vocabulary, to handle them. ”

In this article, we are going to study how the Mayan civilization uses the myth of the Uroboros snake to explain the mysteries of the Universe, from ancient times to the present day.

Evolution of Consciousness

All seekers of Truth know that human consciousness is evolving. Science has recorded this evolution for long periods of time. But in recent years, modern man has begun to accelerate his evolution in such a natural way, that most of mankind has not even noticed. Many of you have the feeling that time is accelerating, and at the same time human evolution is also doing it.

In the late eighties, the editors of the Encyclopedia Encyclopedia launched an important discovery: if we take all the knowledge that humanity had acquired since the beginning of our civilization, which It began with the Sumerians about 6, 000 years at C and we continued until 1900, the same amount of information would double in the fifty years between 1900 and 1950 .

During that period of fifty years, we have assimilated as many bits of information, thinking in computational terms, as we did in the previous 6, 000 years. Nothing similar had ever happened in all known history.

The knowledge curve of 10, 000 a. C. to our days.

Then they discovered that between 1950 and 1970 approximately, again humanity learned as much as we did in the previous 6000 years, this time in only twenty years. Then the learning curve continued to grow from 1970 to 1980, and we learned again the equivalent in amount of data, at the first 6000 years . And that trend maintained its acceleration until approximately 1986, when it doubled again.

There was a time during the eighties, when the information collected from space and Earth was flowing so fast, that NASA could not even download it to their computers. They stayed eight or nine years behind the input of data they were collecting. They had to wait until the hardware and software reached the learning capacity of mankind.

Today, we stay in a straight curve . We are now assimilating the same amount of information that we learned in the previous 6000 years in a few weeks interval. It seems impossible, but it is the truth.

The Sanskrit Vedas, composed in the middle of the II millennium BC, speak of this time we live now. They talk about how we have learned about electricity and magnetism; They mention that " man will learn to fly in the sky with metal boxes " - that is literally an appointment. And then in a single day, the Vedas say, we give up. Like a child who grows too fast and gives up his teddy bear, mankind does exactly that - grow fast and then give up his beliefs. This can make belief difficult. in the ascension itself, but life is full of surprises.

From the Mayan point of view, high technology is not an ignorance of an advanced civilization, but the signal of a civilization that is about to advance . What is the use of technology to people, when they discover that the human body and human consciousness are capable of doing everything that technology is capable of and much, much more? Wouldn't we leave external technology if we discovered that interior technology is far superior? The Maya believe that this understanding will change us forever.

When we look back at ancient cultures, we realize that humans are now very different from what we were, say, 2000 years ago . That is quite obvious: not only because of our modern technological toys, but we are different in the way we perceive the reality that surrounds us, what we think is reality and what we think is within this reality. The Mayans believed that at this time, human beings would be about to go through a change of great magnitude, a change of consciousness. Right now we are becoming something new, a new species with a new way of perceiving reality.

The change in human Consciousness began on December 21, 2012 and that is the beginning of the change we call Ascension . Human consciousness is approaching a fixed point in time, when human evolution will experience a tremendous acceleration, and will jump to a new level of consciousness . Then we will become something bigger than what we now call human.

With this understanding, we can understand what the Maya explained about the change we are about to suffer. For this, it is essential to understand what a ceremony is for the Mayans, since it is within the ceremony that our ability to ascend will be rediscovered.

The ceremony

In the ancient world, the ceremony meant much more than the inhabitants of the modern world can even begin to understand. Ceremony means direct communication and living bond with the Great Spirit, Mother Earth, Father Heaven, and all Life everywhere . The ancients believed that before any harmonious change in the human world can take place on Earth, a ceremony must take place. The ceremony is what unites our hearts, the Heart of the Earth, the heart of the Sun and the heart of the Universe with everything that exists.

When the people of the ancient world entered a ceremony, they entered a sacred world of infinite possibilities . The Mayans predicted that during the period of time spanning 2012 to 201 6 , humanity would enter chaos at a very deep level. But it would not be the end, but the beginning. Are we facing the end of the human time cycle and the arrival of the end of the world? Or is it the beginning of a new cycle of great beauty and hope? This is what we have to discover.

If we focus on the end of the cycle while looking at the world around us, we see that in modern times, just now, all things are beginning to degenerate and break into primary levels, exactly as the Mayans predicted long time. Take, for example, global warming and the destruction of the environment rapidly approaching a probable Ice Age (thanks to Science, we know that massive warming would occur first followed by a new glaciation) that would eliminate most of life on Earth. The global financial system is on the verge of total collapse. Diseases such as HIV / AIDS, H5 and H5N1 viruses, and other diseases threaten to become global pandemics. There are more than forty wars that are happening right now - in addition to the refugee crisis and acts of terrorism. Our globalized world remains ignorant in the face of the many crimes and misfortunes that millions of human beings suffer every day. Approximately four billion people live on less than two dollars a day, and 25, 000 children starve daily. The human population that exceeds seven billion inhabitants continues to expand to the point of destroying all life on Earth simply by existing.

We could go on, but we all know that the times we live in are precarious, so to speak.

According to the Maya, all this chaos was predicted a long time ago . We are reaching the end of a very long cycle, and chaos always reaches its peak when the cycle ends . It is part of life and death. It is a natural phenomenon.

The Maya said that this chaos we are experiencing now will be followed by a profound change. Something much more powerful than anything we have experienced so far, is about to appear on Earth. It is time that we all listen to what is coming and prepare ourselves inwardly. It is not time to continue living as if everything were normal, because it is not. But what is about to replace everyday reality will be much, much better.

That extremely beautiful and positive change will bring a message of great hope.

But we must remember that at a time like this, when a page of history is about to end, and civilization is in crisis, it all depends on how humanity is able to assimilate its experience, knowledge and wisdom in a body of consciousness that leads humanity towards a better future.

If this future experience is sustainable, then we will survive; if it is not, we will follow the path of the dinosaurs and sooner or later we will become extinct. It depends on us. We have the power to change our future now. In fact, the here and now is the only place and time possible to make this change.

When we talk about the arrival of new consciousness, there is a primordial, or secret, understanding of how this consciousness manifests.

A leap of such magnitude in consciousness can only be sustainable if the consciousness of the ancient world is combined with the consciousness of the modern world.

Simply put, we live both in the ancient world and in the modern world simultaneously, and that symbiosis can be difficult. These two worlds need to understand and absorb each other's knowledge and wisdom, or neither will be able to move towards a higher consciousness. This requires cooperation.

The ancient world is ready to move in this moment. Most of the tribes of the entire world are ready for change. But the modern world has not yet understood the need of its ancestors, the need of the ancient world.

Why are our ancestors important for our survival, and above all, why is our survival important for our ancestors?

We will know the answer in the second part of the article.

I hope you enjoyed this revelation as much as I do, and that your reading is useful and enlightening.

SOURCE: “The Cosmic Cycles come full circle” by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

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