Religion and aliens, what's beyond belief

  • 2017

What can religion have in common with aliens? Do you think there can be life outside the Earth? Since ancient civilization, these questions are on the table, because it was they who began to question this issue since the first time they looked at the stars. Well, the answer depended on your own beliefs. Let's see today what is in common between religion and aliens .

Religion and aliens, is anyone there?

And the way to understand the meaning of life depends on different religions. Also in this sense it is worth seeing what things are possible, or not, something that is determined by the dogmas of these religions.

Catholic Church and Orthodox Church

The Vatican has its own observatory, and they have already made it clear that they would be open to the existence of extraterrestrial life for quite some time . They claim that simply believing in the existence of life outside of Earth would not be incompatible with Catholic beliefs. Of course, the whole institution itself admits the possibility of alien life, but these would not be beings like humans, but would be less advanced and very servile.

The Orthodox Catholic Church is even more closed with respect to the existence of aliens.


Judaism in its sacred book, the Torah, already raises the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life . Specifically, he says that "although there are stars beyond the one that illuminates the Earth, everything that is created in the universe exists only for the purpose of serving man, either physically or spiritually."

For them, while God created the Earth and its creatures in order to serve humans, there would also be the possibility that new human generations would live in new lands not yet discovered to ensure their existence .


The Koran is the holy book in a religion like Islam. Well, this book does talk about the possibility of life outside the Earth, although this life would respond to the power and guidance of Allah . The aliens spoken of would not have a Muslim religion, and would live in parallel worlds guided by their own prophet.


The position of Mormons is the most open regarding the belief that extraterrestrial life could exist . They consider that it does exist, but that the human being has not yet found it. For them, these beings that inhabit unknown planets would be sensitive and of a marked rational thought. This religion has made clear and without a doubt its position in this regard.

Hinduism and Buddhism

Religions based in the East, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, and that do not have a clear holy book, have a much more open basis, especially in certain aspects such as reincarnation and karma. Therefore, it is not surprising that precisely the Hindu and Buddhist are perhaps the least skeptical about the existence of extraterrestrial .

For Hinduism, the existence of creatures that come from outside this planet is entirely possible . For them, people are ordered according to castes, so they would have to see to which these beings belong, if they are inferior or superior to humans.

With regard to Buddhism, to say that in this sense they have a much less structured belief, and it does not remain alone on Earth. For them, their dogma can be applied to any universe, so this is where their stance would come with regard to alien life, to known beings or not. That is, religion and aliens are fully compatible.

Whatever religion you have, you are free to have your own beliefs and, although religious people are less likely to accept the existence of intelligent life outside the planet, they are still free to accept what science discovers. So religion and aliens are not at odds .

Seen on Vix, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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