The Healing Power of Harmonic Singing

  • 2012

Human beings have used sound since the dawn of humanity to receive information from their surroundings and to communicate as well as to heal and transform.

Almost all ancient cultures and all indigenous populations believed that sound was the creative generating force responsible for the creation of the universe. In the New Testament we can read: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" (John 1.1). The term "Verb" clearly refers to the sound that is the divine force or creative force of the universe. The word AUM generally known as Om in the Hindu tradition was considered the driving sound of the formation of the universe. Our modern scientists in a typical demonstration of sufficiency suggest the "Big Bang" theory that would undoubtedly be the biggest sound we could stumble upon.

The truth is that our modern western science is the one that provides the most convincing evidence regarding the power of sound over the configuration and transformation of matter, which constitutes the foundation of its healing capacity. We know with certainty as the ancients also knew that the entire universe is made up of atoms. Each atom is made up of a nucleus (neutrons and protons) and an electron or electrons that revolve around the nucleus. The number of each of these particles differs according to the nature of the matter. The spinning motion of electrons creates a rhythm or rhythm that creates a wave, a wave that can be distinguished by our human perception as form or matter. Whenever cadence, wave and form coexist, Sound is produced. This set is called the "Law of the three". It is not difficult to relate it to other groups or trios such as the "Holy Trinity" as well as other groups of three divinities or aspects that also occur in other religions and cultures.

If we compare the distance of electrons to the nucleus of any atom we will discover that it is proportional to that of the Earth to the Sun (approximately 220 million km). In other terms, what our human senses perceive as matter is nothing other than a set of resonant electromagnetic fields closely linked and interpenetrated: in short, a dense manifestation of SOUND (with a lot of space interspersed). All matter is sound and emits sound even if these sounds are mostly outside our limited physical sense of hearing. Our physical bodies are therefore also resonant electromagnetic fields, as are our auras, both generated by the atoms that make us up. The science of cymatics visually demonstrates the way in which sound configures matter.

Cymatics consists in the study of the phenomenon of waves and was "discovered" (as it is also claimed that Columbus "discovered" America) in the 1930s by the German scientist Dr. Hans Jenny. Their experiments showed that if fine powders, sand and steel shavings were placed on a sheet of metal and a vibration of acoustic waves was applied, these particles were organized forming intricate patterns. The different substances are concentrated in the sinuses or depressions of the acoustic waves thus highlighting the place where the sound is denser.

These amazing patterns also known as Chaly figures make up, in the case of harmonious sounds, symmetrical geometric mandalas. In some cases they are not symmetrical, however, their contemplation is fascinating. We are constantly vibrating. Each molecule, cell, tissue, organ, gland, bone and fluid of our bodies has its own index (coefficient) of vibration. The same goes for each chakra and each stratum of electromagnetic field or aura. These energy points and fields are of equal importance to the physical body although less dense. In a sense they reflect the state of the physical body although what is more important the physical body reflects the state of the aura. The science of cymatics proves beyond any doubt that any sound close to the human organism will cause a physical change in the interior of the organism and its electromagnetic fields. This change may only be temporary but while it lasts it may cause certain very powerful and magical factors.

This is the time of healing. Sound therapy is based on this principle of "resonance in sympathy or solidarity". The term resonance refers to the vibratory index of an object and the solidarity or sympathetic resonance refers to the fact that a vibrating object causes a vibration accompanied in another saying otherwise the vibration index of an object equals the vibration index of another object. This is how the cymatics act and this is also due to the fact that some opera singers are capable of breaking glass objects with their voices or that the noise of the vehicles in circulation causes the rattling of their furniture. We have already shown that every part of the body and its fields are vibrating. It is therefore logical that each part of the body is an organ or a chakra has a healthy optimum frequency (index of vibration).

When we are sick it is because some part of us is not vibrating in harmony with itself with the other parts or with the environment. This disharmony or illness can be healed with sound and will (intention) by returning to the sick parties its healthy frequency. By directing the right sound to ourselves or to the person who wishes to be cured we can return to a healthy optimal vibration. Most diseases start in one of the subtle bodies. Our negative emotions and programming thoughts take on a dense form as crystallized energy patterns in our etheric fields. These crystallized patterns gradually penetrate until they ultimately manifest as the most dense electromagnetic field in the body.

Sound is capable of dissolving these crystallizations or potentially harmful energies long before they reach the physical body. Which is nothing more than preventive medicine in its purest state. The sound therapists in whose category I include the sangomas shamans certain monks and all those who regularly use the sound to feel better to help others feel better have many resources at their disposal. Western sound therapists use a combination of acoustic and sacred voice and instruments from different cultures.

A functional knowledge of sound, intention, intuition and energy will cause powerful changes in each level of our being. It is a holistic therapy that acts in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strata. One of the known healing resources through sound is the ancient technique of harmonic singing.

Its origins are located in Central Asia where it has been practiced for centuries by shaman of the Turkic races of Mongolia and Tuva in South Africa practiced by the Xhosa women and in Tibet where yes It is used by lamas. It has also become a beautiful form of musical expression. Known as hoom or khoome in Asianqokolo by the Xhosa or harmonica singing in the west - it is a technique by which a single person sings two, three and even four simultaneous sounds . By means of the intention channeled and using the maximum possible resonators within the body and the skull it is possible to amplify the harmonics (the partial tones that make up the voice) or overtones of the fundamental tone that is being sung. These harmonics are perceived as tones above the low edging (fundamental note of the voice) in the form of sharp tones similar to the sound of a flute or the jingle of bells.

The canth of the grave voice of the monks of Tibet and the Mongols that few Westerners have mastered creates a fundamental secondary bord n either in the pharynx or in the false vocal cords that It allows the amplification of a second harmonic by configuring a total of four simultaneous sounds. It is not simply a form of vocal acrobatics. When emitting them a very powerful wave is formed that acts in diverse levels. The fundamental or low tones of the voice acted mainly on the physical body while the harmonics that we could call the rainbow of the voice acted on the subtle bodies.

These overtones, as if they were laser beams, dissolve and disperse the crystallizations of potentially harmful energy from the aura, thus preventing them from reaching the physical body. Acoustic instruments such as didjeridu Tibetan singing bowls, monocordio gongs and tampura will operate in the same way as the voice does because they all have audible harmonics.

However, the voice is much more powerful because it conveys the intentionality in a more direct way of what is achieved through any instrument. Electronic instruments and devices do not have the entire harmonic record and consequently have a very limited therapeutic potential. Through regular use of sound combined with intention we can begin to vibrate faster at a cellular or molecular level. This is called raise the frequency .

A higher vibration rate creates greater spaces between the cells, which makes them less dense, preventing negative or foreign energies from easily adhering to us. The American medium Edgar Cayce predicted in the 1930s that sound would be the medicine of the future. And the future is already here. Let's raise our vibration to get in harmony with the energies of this New Millennium!

Important aspects to consider:

1. No previous musical experience is necessary to learn the technique of sound therapy or the singing of harmonics.

2. It is not necessary to be sick or in need of therapy to absorb the enormous benefits and the transformation obtained through sound.

Some of the ways in which sound and harmonic singing can help in healing:

1. Relief from stress and anxiety

2. Concentration improvement

3. Improvement of creativity

4. Vision improvement (physical, mental and spiritual)

5. Balancing the cerebral hemispheres

6. Restoring the balance of the endocrine system by vibrating the pituitary or pituitary.

7. Relief of sinusitis and headaches

8. Stimulation of alpha wave activity or deep meditation

9. Increase in energy through stimulation of cerebrospinal fluid (possibly the physical form of kundalini energy)

10. Balance and cleanliness of the chakras and the aura (and corresponding organs and glands)

11. Cleaning the environment

12. Easy access to superior intuition and awareness

13. The cure of serious diseases such as cancers and tumors can also be obtained with frequent practice.

The Harmonic Song / Diffic Song:

This technique consists in the possibility of simultaneously singing two or more musical notes with our voice. Just as white light passing through a prism is separated into its own frequencies - the colors of the rainbow, the harmonics are the colors - the rainbow of the voice.

These pure sounds sound like flutes above the singer's voice. This type of singing results in an extraordinary application in healing and transformation. Sound therapy experts claim that it is the most powerful sound healing instrument available to mankind. This technique has its origins in Central Asia and was practiced by the Turkish races: the Mongols and the Tuvans. They use this form of song to resonate with the surrounding nature imitating the sounds of wind animals in the snowy mountains and several birds. Also through this type of song they communicate with the spirits of nature.

In Tibet monks use "the song of the low voice" to sing their prayers. This harmonic singing technique allows a person to sing 3 or 4 simultaneous sounds, each sound harmoniously related to the fundamental note (i.e. the base note of the voice) and produces a very powerful sound wave that affects consciousness in many beneficial ways.

At present, singers from the East and the West use these techniques to create their own harmonies, however it is not necessary to have musical knowledge. Everyone can learn them.

By NĂ©stor Konrnblum - Source:

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