The Arcturians home message - walking along the center path - part 2

  • 2015

Our Dear Ancestors:

We, the Arcturians and all members of their Multidimensional families, are aware of how long they have served their mission to assist Gaia and her humans who are lost in the illusions of the three-dimensional Earth. We are aware of how challenging your mission can be.

We also wish to remind you that all the great Masters of the Earth endured years and years of defeats before they were recognized. In fact, many of them were recognized only after his death / his return home. Therefore, we remind you that you are in good company.

How many Saints and Teachers have gone through what you are experiencing? Yes, our dear Ascendants, you are also on the Path of the Saints and the Masters. Remember also that all mankind has the right and the ability to walk that path as well. YOU, our dear family, have the great job of convincing humanity that she can create that reality.

There are many who are quietly on the Path of Saints and Teachers because they are also on the Path of Ascension. In fact, all mankind can choose that Path in this NOW. Along that path there are many disappointing moments, of discouragement, anger and fear.

There are also joyful, happy moments of Unitary Consciousness and Unconditional Love. For finding the Path of the Center that resonates in the midst of all three-dimensional dimensional polarities is difficult and increasingly challenging in a world in which darkness is apparently winning.

We are talking to you today from the navy of spaceships of the highest dimensions that surround your world. The name of this ship is difficult to pronounce in its human language, so we have translated it into something that sounds like "The River Of Light" or "The Riviera."

This ship is actually what you would call a Nodriza Ship because of its size and because it serves as a caring mother for many generations of inhabitants. We, the Arcturians, are no longer limited to a physical planet; instead we wish to travel throughout the Multiverse to carry out our Mission of surrounding pre-ascending realities with our Arcturian Corridor to assist them with the planetary Ascension process.

Our Corridor is a huge frequency network that serves to protect nascent realities from the hardness of those who do not wish to release the polarities of the third / fourth dimensions. Within this Protective Corridor many of the members of our "Outbound Team to the ascending planet", in your case the planet Earth, there is a level of protection for those who have expanded their consciousness to the fourth and fifth dimensions.

The Earth is a planet of free will, and there are still many who choose freely to remain in the positions of a "Power Over Others" that they have maintained since the fall of Atlantis. Therefore, the ascending Earth has many conflicts within its planetary system. Factions of power over others do not want to give up the control they have had over the population - and they will stop at nothing to maintain their position.

However, as they have used nuclear devices that have damaged other planets and dimensions, we have been able to disconnect all those devices. We have also cleared their huge underground cities that they have created so that they could carry out their plan to destroy the surface while they remained safely underground.

This might seem to the kind-hearted members of their reality an impossible scenario, and we wish it were so, but in order to reveal the highest Light the darkest of the dark must first be brought to the surface for humanity to be aware of it. Unfortunately, the brainwashing campaign of power factions over others has been very successful and many continue to sleep in the illusions of the third dimension.

Due to the nature of the free will of the Earth, there is not much we can do for those who choose to remain in those low frequencies of reality. In order for us to fully assist humanity, we must work from within assisting those who are ready and willing to release their three-dimensional habits in order to expand their consciousness to their Multidimensional I.

Look, the source of the need to have power over others is born of NOT having power over the Self. Therefore, the inability to have power over the self is based on a limited state of consciousness. Those who are limited only to three-dimensional consciousness have a very narrow perspective of reality.

Hence, they cannot understand that the energy they are demonstrating will eventually return to them, "but those who have ruled through the darkness seemingly get away with it daily, " you could say. If I do something against another, it seems that it comes back quickly to me .

Your observation is correct. Those of you on the path of Ascension have expanded your consciousness to the higher frequencies; therefore, energy comes back to you quickly. Please be aware that this immediate return also occurs when you demonstrate Unconditional Love and send Multidimensional Light.

Those who remain trapped in the dark only demonstrate a power over others, which is a form of fear. If they don't do that first, then someone else will do them to them. This way of thinking is very fearful and limits your awareness to the dimensional realities of the third and lower part of the fourth. The darkness seems to be winning, perhaps, but you can get out of this game totally out of that frequency of reality. In fact, that departure is known as Ascension.

Meanwhile, there are still many humans on Earth operating within the confines of three-dimensional thinking. The three-dimensional consciousness is the primary state of the planetary evolution in which the inhabitants continue to learn that the energy they send outside creates the same energy of energy. back to your reality.

As the majority of the population has not yet mastered this basic Law of Cause and Effect, the few remain able to rule over the many. One of the main reasons for this happening is because the dominant state of consciousness remains three-dimensional, governed by the illusion of time.

Therefore, the energy that goes into your world takes time to return to the one who sends it. In addition, the lower the state of consciousness, the longer it takes for the cause to return. Therefore, the Dark that resonate with a very low state of consciousness do not see the effects of the energy field that they send for a long time.

On the other hand, those who are on the Ascension path who have expanded their consciousness to the higher frequencies of reality are preparing to transmute to 5D, which is free of all the time As you are preparing for an instantaneous manifestation of your thoughts and emotions, the effects of your causes are happening faster and faster.

You are like fetuses preparing to leave what appears to be the security of the womb. They want to live in a totally different reality, a lot beyond the knowledge of an infant being born. Just as an infant is very fragile during the birth process, you are very fragile during your rebirth process.

There is something happening to your body that you do not fully understand. In addition, you are receiving flashes of realities that are totally different from what you are experiencing within the “matrix.” Yes, our dear Ascendants, you are within the matrix of our Arcturian Corridor awaiting the NOW of Your great transition.

Unfortunately, because your thinking is still linked to waiting, a time-bound concept, you have the experience of "waiting for something to happen." However, as your consciousness continues to expand, your sense of time will be transmuted to Your experience of NOW.

Within that NOW you will know that you are ascending because you will know that you are no longer who you have been and you have no idea who you are becoming. During this experience your best choice is to assist others. By assisting others you settle yourselves in the body of Gaia and maintain your consciousness at the highest frequencies by sharing what you have learned.

If you see the lives of your Saints and Teachers, you will notice that their lives were not easy. These Ascendants knew that they would not return to live within the holographic projection; therefore, they wanted to share what they had learned that had allowed them to return to their true Multidimensional I.

As these Ascendants were moving beyond their "personal conscience, " they were able to rise above the illusions of the third dimension. As Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance are the pillar of Ascension, they were above all feeling of being a victim. They knew that they were the creators of their reality, even when their Ascension was preceded by a great personal challenge.

Their thoughts were not for themselves, but for the innocent, those who had not woken up and who had become so trapped in the web of illusion that they could not perceive how the energies they sent to others would feel when they returned to them. As one must know the Universal Law inwardly before he can perceive it in his own reality, those who have not awakened were easily caught in the three-dimensional disappointment sent by the Dark.

We, the Arcturians, often refer to the "Dark" as the "Lost" because they have lost themselves in the darkness of power over others. Most of them were not born as the Lost, but were lost due to their family systems and external realities. Many chose to enter these families in order to help, but eventually succumbed to family indoctrinations.

We send our Unconditional Love to these Lost and we will be there to assist them when the energies of power over others return to them via the Law of Cause and Effect. However, since their consciousness is usually very low, it could take many of their years before they receive the energy field they have been sending to others.

What is happening in your NOW is that there are higher frequency energy fields entering the current body of Gaia and that they are expanding the resonant frequency of the planet to those of the highest dimensions. This process has had to be slow and constant so as not to cause great damage to the planet of Gaia.

Those of you who have expanded your consciousness to encompass the highest dimensions will be - and are - the First to experience that "something in your reality has changed." You know of this change because you feel a protection that was not there before. This protection is that of their highest states of consciousness.

Although the apparent darkness is gaining in many areas of reality, what is really happening is that the darkness is becoming obvious to you who are moving beyond your influence. You know it because you can perceive the resonance patterns of those who embrace the darkness and mistakenly perceive it as their Light.

What is happening in your NOW is that the polarities of Light and darkness are becoming more obvious to you because you are perceiving 3D from the highest perspective of your Multidimensional Consciousness.

We know that it is difficult for many of our Exit Team members to see how many are being deceived by the darkness. We also know how difficult it can be to remember to send Unconditional Love and Violet Light to those who appear to be destroying their world.

We wish to inform you that Gaia will no longer tolerate a polarized reality in which the darkest polarity has ruled too often. Therefore, She is releasing the density of Her three-dimensional resonance. Those of you who have expanded your consciousness will move with Gaia to His 5D expression of the New Earth.

In other words, Gaia has regained her own inner balance and is releasing the same "three-dimensional network" that assisted her by preventing her from falling off her axis during the fall of Atlantis. Those who exist in "time" will remain in the matrix of the 3D Earth, while those who expand their consciousness to 5D and beyond will join Gaia in the New Earth. The 4D Astral Plane will exist in the "intermediate place" to unify and assist those who wish to ascend, but need "time" to expand their consciousness.

You, our dear family and friends who have taken earthly vehicles to assist with the planetary Ascension, are facing many challenges. However, because of your expanded awareness, you KNOW that the best way to help yourself is to help others.

You are all Multidimensional Leaders that will open the Portals to the New Earth, while you are left behind to assist others to go through them.

Unconditional Love to ALL of you,

Your Galactic and Celestial Family

Channeled by Suzanne Lie


The Arcturians home message - walking along the center path - part 2

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