Sananda ~ Your true awakening will fill you with deep and intense joy

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 We were created by the Mother and Father of the entire Creation, like their Divine Mirrors of Love. Children of the Heart. 2 As human beings, they would like to remember the moments of joy in the illusion. 3 Your Real Awakening will fill you with joy so deep, so intense, that all the memories of the dream will disappear. 4 Seek his inner sanctuary 5 You are all that He is, in no way are you less than anyone or less than God Himself, because God only creates perfect extensions of Himself. 6 Teachers Daily Teachings

We were created by the Mother and Father of all Creation, like their Divine Mirrors of Love ... Children of the Heart.

Channeled by John Smallman, September 24, 2017

Humanity is in the process of waking up after having slept very deeply, and having had countless dreams and nightmares. Some of the dreams have been really pleasant, but the nightmares have left many in intense pain and suffering - and they seem intensely real. When you wake up, the memory of those dreams will fade quickly as you settle into the divine and infinite field of Love, Reality, the state of perfect peace, joy and harmony that you have never really left.

It is your house! And there is no other place.

As human beings, they would like to remember the moments of joy in the illusion.

What you have been experiencing as human beings for eons - really only momentarily - is unreal, illusory, although the moments of joy and happiness you have had are experiences that, as human beings, you would like to remember and probably repeat.

When they wake up, as they will, the understanding they will have will imply that there is nothing of the illusory experience that they would like to experience again or vividly retain in their memories, because what they will experience when they wake up is beyond any joy, happiness or pleasure they enjoyed while they were sleeping and dreaming.

As human beings, living the illusion, some night when they have gone to sleep they have had dreams full of joy . But upon waking they vanished and realized that they were very incongruous. This is because they were unreal when compared to the joys and pleasures of illusory reality that they are experiencing as apparently completely awake human beings.

Your Real Awakening will fill you with joy so deep, so intense, that all the memories of the dream will disappear.

Your Real Awakening will fill you with joy so deep, so intense, that all the memories of the dream will disappear instantly when you embrace Reality, Love, Unity with your divine Source, the state in which you were created so lovingly to experience infinite joy and eternal.

You are, each and every human being who has lived on Earth, awake, alive, joyful, eternal and fully aware at every moment of his presence in the presence of God, of his Divine and infinitely loving Creator - Source, Father / Mother / God ... whatever words work for you to name, define or describe the infinitely loving and infinitely wise Intelligence that is Everything, that is Creation, that you are YOU!

Search your inner sanctuary

There is no separation, you are One with God in every moment of your eternal existence. They are an endless state of pure joy. As human beings, waking up is your purpose and, as we are all One, that includes helping everyone else to wake up. When you go inside, to your sacred inner sanctuary where the Light of God's Love is always present - even if you have put a flimsy and dim veil between yourself and the Light to hide from it - your intention to be only love and help in the The process of awakening humanity is enormously powerful and effective, even if they don't appreciate it or don't feel it.

Your loving intention goes through the veil and becomes One with the divine intention that humanity will awaken . Do not underestimate or belittle the power of your loving intentions, because when you do you effectively sabotage those same intentions.

You are all infinitely powerful beings, the perfect children of God, but you have temporarily hidden your knowledge, your awareness of this objective information of yourself. When God created them He gave them everything He had when He created them One with Him. Everything that he is, he shares or extends completely and unconditionally with all creation.

You are all that he is, in no way are you less than anyone or less than God Himself, because God only creates perfect extensions of Himself.

It is not arrogant, much less insane to recognize and accept that you are no less than your divine Creator, because the Light, Love, Wisdom, Intelligence and Power, in fact all that is God are also you. T .

When they wake up, this will be instantaneous and abundantly clear. However, in their apparently separate state as human beings, that truth makes no sense at all, because their intelligence, their ability to understand divine truth is severely restricted .

While you are going through your process of awakening, all you need to do is open your hearts completely to the field of divine Love, in which all exist, and allow you to permeate your entire being. Do not block it for fear of not being worthy, not being good enough, or because you think God will judge you, condemn and punish you for the faults and sins you think you have committed. These negative value judgments are part of the illusion, they are judgments of what has happened while you slept and dreamed and, as you know from your human experience, what happens in dreams. It is unreal. You wake up and discover that nothing has changed, and the dream fades.

Remember, GOD IS LOVE! That is where you have to focus your attention, because Love is unconditionally accepting the entire creation, which is what it is, and therefore, it is not You can never be excluded !

God is your eternal Home in which you have never been denied entry or rejected, you simply chose to experience more than God, and built the illusion of having that experience. It is an unreal dream state from which you cannot avoid waking up.

Celebrate! You are now in the process of awakening in the Reality that is your permanent and eternal Home. Without his presence the Reality is incomplete, but it can never be incomplete, therefore you must already be there!

Waking up is your human task, a task that you cannot fail to complete perfectly . So, go inside yourself daily and communicate with the Light of God's Love that is always present there, like You, and feel the Love that surrounds you and embraces you at every moment, encouraging you to wake up.

Your dear brother, Jesus

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: John Smallman. (2017). Sananda ~ Your Real Awakening Will Fill You with Joy So Deep and Intense. 9/25/2017, from Love has Won Website:

Daily Teachings of the Teachers

Channeled by Nicole Singer, September 22, 2017

It is important not to evaluate the circumstances,

what you see before you,

for what already exists in the physical.

Remember that everything is a manifestation

of consciousness

And what you see inside, is what you will see

In your outer landscape.

As you become clearer in focus and vision

of your innocence,

a spark will ignite that

will transfer this new perception,

and it will help you create again.

Do not judge the circumstances

or the opportunities

for what is presented to you in your external vision.

It is time for new creations of the heart.

To explore and consider all the new possibilities.

And so it is.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Nicole Singer. (2017). Daily teachings of the masters. 09/25/2017, from Love has won Website:

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