Summoning your Spiritual Force: Great Water Trill

  • 2014

Why am I not living as I want to live? Because I have no partner? Because everything happens to me? The more desperate we are for answers, the more we block the way; they can only enter when you are receptive, and it is not because the universe really wants you to suffer, it is because we do not really let them in.

(photography by Pedro Luis Palencia)

Have you ever read a book while talking on the phone about another topic? Impossible and if you want you can do the test, (talk at the same time and read) or do not follow the thread of the conversation or the text ends up being unrecognizable; that's the same thing that happens, until you sit still you will face off what you need to see, until you calm down you can see the things you need to see ...

And you know what happens when we can't see and hear the answers? We enter the worst of the circles that at the end of the day becomes an addiction ... We look in others for what we apparently cannot give ourselves . We begin to ask and seek advice from friends, brothers, tarotists, seers, horoscopes and we never sit down to breathe and ask what really happens to us.

One of the biggest blockages is not knowing what place we occupy in life and as a consequence we blame everyone. But really everything that happens around us is a direct reflection of what is happening within ourselves. And to retake your power requires small but constant changes.

Surely if you already have time in this to look for you, meet again, polish, organize, attract, change, improve, leave negative states, be abundant; Then you will have a wide variety of books, Gurus, pages or internet blogs or favorite authors from which you have extracted much of what you know today and would love to ask you Do you apply everything?

Well, a disorganized mind wants it all!… And don't worry that we can all fall into this range, but there are times when it is better to clear ourselves, let go to start again in the place where you are.

And as I said at the beginning when we don't let the answers in, it's because you're not inside your area of ​​attraction, or as Esther Hicks calls the vortex, being in the vortex means being in tune with the state in which you want to feel; You feel unlimited, you feel clear, satisfied with your life, you love yourself, you respect yourself, you love everything you are. When you are in the vortex everything works perfectly, everything is fluid and you know how to direct your life, everything comes to you with love and abundance ... When we do not attract it, it is because we are not in that vortex and the network has not been filled enough for the action of what you want. This has to do with what happens with you vibratingly, maybe what happens in your now does not make it easy for you to prepare the network and stops blocking the result. The question you should ask yourself is: Do I like how I feel when I want what I want? Do I like how I feel today? Do you believe in the content of what you want? Do you feel prepared to receive what you want?

If you answered any No then you are not in your vortex or vortex and you need to enter there, in that area where you feel immensely happy, complete, loved, etc. What to do ? During 15 minutes of your day you will begin to feel wonderful moments of you, begin to feel how loved, beautiful, wonderful you are, you begin to feel full, loved, integrated, waking up every morning feeling abundant and happy to be in your own skin ... When you start feeling that well-being, you are already in your Vortex and in that state you start to fill your network with everything you want because it makes you feel good ...

Remember that we ask through how we want to feel because that state captures the emotional vibration resonance of what you are looking for, in a few words you became a vibratory equal to what is in your vortex.

Who you are? You are what you feel when you are in your Vortex. The vibration of what you are and the vibration you want are in the same place. The network will start to fill up and your job will only be to recognize the relationship between that and what happens with confidence in your belief. You are your own expansion: The better you feel the best you allow, when you feel good, you allow things to happen….

Aligning your vibration will immediately come what you are and allow yourself because they are in your network.

For example: It's easy to feel good, it's easy to feel loved, it's easy to feel admired, it's easy to feel myself, it's easy to appreciate what I see, it's easy for me to move in the day, it's easy to be who I am, it's easy to do the job What I want, it's easy to decide the best for me, it's easy to share, it's easy to talk and listen, it feels good to trust, it's easy to know who I am in a relationship, it's easy to give and receive, it's easy to love, when I'm in a relationship I feel comfortable, I feel at home, I feel powerful and loved, etc. etc. -Esther Hicks-

Are you already in your Vortex?

And to clean your energy; apart from making your 15 minute moment to enter the vortex; I leave you some tapping exercises (tapping the meridian points), efficient to clarify issues in your life. I will not go deeper into the subject since it would require me the whole article, I will only tell you how to do it to remove your layers. But you have to get to the root of what keeps you from your purpose as chronic emotions. For this you can check Dr. Carol Look of Emotional Freedom Technique.


1) You choose a topic to work on, for example, an emotion, a blockage, a belief or a problem of abundance. And you go inside asking when the problem started, identifying the origin of the blockage. Who has it in your family ?, If it is a pain or illness, what happened ?, What event led you to smoke or feel abandoned, what emotion or event is related to your food addiction, etc. etc. Great job if you know how to give deeply to the root of your back pain, maybe your desire to smoke is connected with a girl event that you felt abandoned to feel gratified and accompanied. The body keeps everything you can't imagine. Because we hold too much, we drink too much and then we don't know how to let go!

Drop everything you can here and start asking yourself all the questions. The body speaks to us every moment. If you want you can go to the article READING THE BODY to give you some idea of ​​your intention or statement that you will then have to compose.

2) You measure the scale of the intensity of the feeling, belief or abundance of 0-10 (0 no discomfort and 10 strong discomfort) or simply take note of how you feel.

With the topic you want to work on, you make a statement to install new patterns, for example you want to work with a lack of money, the prayer always has to start with:

Despite although that is to say: Although I have these blockages with money, I deeply and totally accept myself as I am.

Even though I feel confused, I choose deeply and totally feel clear and valuable.

Although abandonment has begun to appear as pain in my back, I accept myself as I am.

Although I feel panic when speaking in public; I choose deeply and totally feel safe and strong.

Although I feel abandonment, I deeply and totally choose to feel loved and contained.

Even though I have this anxiety about smoking, I choose to feel calm and peaceful.

Although I am overweight, I choose to feel protected and nurtured every moment.

Even though I feel lonely, I choose to feel deeply and totally loved and protected.

Although the emotional lack has been shown in my way of eating, I choose to feel deeply and totally loved and appreciated.

Although anger has shown in my drinking, I choose to feel calm and connected.

Although my vulnerability has been shown in my knee / back pain, I choose to feel loved and understood.

Although my insecurity has been shown in my work I choose to feel clear and creative.

Although my fear of maintaining stable relationships has been shown in my way of spending, I choose to feel complete and accepted.

Although my fear of commitment has begun to show in my life I choose to feel deep and totally safe and supported.

These are more or less the intention set up statement you have to put the feeling of how you want to feel but you have to go to the root of your belief. These are some examples of how you have to go deeper, we all have layers and masks, therefore the hidden emotions about your problem changes.

3) You start tapping each point while repeating your set up statement your installation statement that you are going to work.

Complete each exercise with a deep and slow breath to help move the energy.

NOTE: You don't have to do both sides with one side is enough. And you will tap as you say your prayer about 7 times per point.


1) Karate Chop, you look for the inner side of the hand as the karate pose can be done in either hand.

2) Top of the Head, center point of the head (Governor vessel)

3) Eyebrow, internal eyebrow point (Bladder meridian)

4) Side of eye, to the sides of the eye external part (meridian of the gallbladder)

5) Under Eyes, Point under the eyes (stomach meridian)

6) Under nose, under the nose Point known as emergency (Glass gonernador)

7) Chin, Chin directly below the mouth in the hole (Conception vessel)

8) Collarbone, Clavicle, clavicle principle two centimeters below. (Kidney meridian)

9) Under arm, under the armpit near the chest. (vessel meridian)

10) Top of the head, center point of the head. (governor vessel)

And this complete is a round.

At the end of the round of tapping approximately 2 to 3 full rounds, you measure the intensity of the original emotion. How do you feel again from 0-10. These exercises are profound because you connect your block with the emotions of the event. and you test if the pain, or feeling has subsided but you still feel sad or angry again you make the round of pounding with the following example: Although I still feel a little sad, deep and totally love and accept myself.

This is not one day for others, but it is a good start. You can do it for 1 month and see how your body's energy has been unblocking.

"Knowing how you really want to feel is the most powerful form of clarity we can have . " (Danielle Laporte) And with this we summarize the principle of everything, not doing things in reverse, we usually ask that until the right moment arrives we will feel a certain way, until we have the boyfriend, the body, the car, the dress I will feel good ... and here to attract everything you want you must start to be clear and make your intention or statement in the right way.

And well if you are interested in astrology, I want to comment that we are under an astral transit of the most beneficial and unusual, and in astrology it is called “Great Trill” because it involves 3 planets in signs of the same element in this case it will be in the water element, (passive, ying, negative polarity. Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) indicating that everything that has to do with emotions, our body (we are composed of 75% water) cleansing, flowing with events, receiving and Containing will be very important, imagine all that water can do: clean, flood, raze, what happens to us when the water is extreme?

We drown in it but we can swim, and this is to realize that we are in a moment of spiritual cleansing, cleaning that asks only the will to flow, your soul came to do more than we are giving it, we drowned in small puddles when our origin is the ocean, the vast…

Powerful feelings can emerge from nowhere and with full force to be eliminated and find our container (body) clean of the ballast we have been grabbing without releasing. Our intuition will be much stronger, we will be more sensitive than usual.

And well this trill represents the fluidity, emotionality, intimacy, intuition, connection, release, purification, nutrition, sensuality, psychic perception . When the energy does not circulate, it stagnates creating blockages in certain parts of the body, chakras; and it manifests itself in altered psychological states such as anger, irritability, anger, confusion because we don't feel well. Our kidneys that are usually connected to the water element, accumulate unconscious fears, inherited genetic beliefs draining our energy.

And well this great trill is conformed by Saturn (the limits, structure, organization, materialization, reward after work, consequences, authority, the teacher, lessons, karma, reality) in Scorpio (deep, intense, matters related to sex, death, darkness, rebirth, regeneration, transformation, jealousy, the mysterious, secret themes, processes and waste has to do with Apana Vayu -air for scrap-) All these issues together will become more evident and it is possible that they go out to the light to be eliminated consciously. Saturn in Scorpio confronts us with our sexuality and our need to survive above all. The darkest motivations of our psyche, will emerge so that we can become aware of what we are really capable of, regenerate our spirit by driving the release to relieve our burden, it pushes us to manage pain and losses without resisting.

Scorpio is an intense sign and with its acute way of taking things makes the person through their attributes get thawed emotions long archived in our psyche, showing together with Saturn that it is time to consciously work and concretize everything you have desired for all your life.

Saturn will make you feel the scorpion venom giving you the opportunity to observe and feel where so much bitterness comes from, so many dark emotions without sharing, passions and obsessions and as a consequence HEAL.

We all know, although not all of us recognize the power of contained anger, and its effect on our health. Often, depression, anguish, skin reactions, excessive activity and / or work, addictions, are directly linked with a personality unable to recognize their emotions. And this will be the time to recognize them.

Neptune (Metamorphosis, the eternal, Soul, Mission, purpose-vocation, our dreams, lose ourselves or merge into a superior force, the unreal, fantasy, compassion, spirituality, unconditional love, empathy, psychic, sensitivity, martyr, sensitive, healer, confusion, the unclear, distortion, disease, dissolution of limits, the poet, the musician, the seas, the deep, unconscious, addictions, drugs, unity, the whole, mental or undiagnosed diseases, channelers, psychics, seers, hospitals, psychiatric, churches, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, cinema, music) in Pisces his regent house so that Neptune is great, managing his belongings or subjects in the way he knows how to do it, through love and unity.

Although Saturn and Neptune are totally opposed in energies in this trill they complement each other's work by giving you the tools to realize your golden dream by eliminating addictions, eliminating fears of being incarnated in a body and having physical needs, that is, Neptune seeks unity and the transcendental that the physical body sometimes hinders. This is a very Neptunian issue to lose ourselves towards something greater, superior and often through drugs etc. But here you face your realities in the healthiest way possible, a dream or a course of life will become clear a purpose will fulfill its goal, a service will give its reward. It is a matter of taking off the veil to recognize that your abilities are to be exploited towards a greater good. In honor of this, perhaps your healing streak could go out, of service to some support center towards the most disadvantaged (children, elderly, homeless animals, help centers such as rehabilitation, asylums, home, shelters) We will feel more sensitive towards the call of our Soul, our mission or vocation will be more than evident leaving behind a work that no longer feeds you spiritually, turning you towards your greater purpose that has been preparing you for this moment. Why Saturn supports it.

Saturn and Neptune working together will make it evident the need to see the inner structure, the support you have in your spiritual life, as well as see that you apply it to your daily life, Neptune really doesn't care how you apply what you have learned, (unlike Saturn) it will make you feel very subtle in how you feel, or you will get lost along the way with the confusion of not knowing where you stand. Its time to wake up! The bubble breaks slowly but it breaks, so if you have not worked on yourself, you do not even know what you have to eliminate in your life, then the ground is prepared to occur in surprise and without warning.

Jupiter (greater abundance, adventurous, explorer, higher education, philosophy, religion, growth, expansion, prosperity, the NO comfort zone, open mind, benevolence, generous, luxury, luxuries, university, guru, teacher) In the sign of Cancer (home, home, emotions, the familiar, the inheritance and its roots, the known, collect everything, nutrition, motherhood, mother, womb, breasts, moon, emotional movements that fluctuated from one point to another, family tree) Jupiter after being in gemini mental sign reaches the water sign and here it is at ease in exaltation of his greatest attributes and what Jupiter wants is to give us all the confidence to expand the cancer area in your letter, there will be women who find time to give birth to their true personality, with the help of Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces subtly pushing this absolute trust, all s Water flames will be favored above all cancer, pisces and scopion but do not worry that we all have these signs in our natal chart you just have to look where the grade 4 -5 of these signs. And if you have a home planet near much more, because it will stimulate you to get the best.

Jupiter expands the project, and will require more money than you initially designated, but magically, someone willing to make this dream come true will appear, be it a home purchase, a trip to study, a restaurant, start your studies of nutritional coach, work, the beginning of your life project, the readjustment will come if you are exceeding yourself, but surely we can work with these energies Since the one that comes to make the small revolution or cuts is the planet Mars in cancer and here joins this great party, putting salt and pepper, also It helps us to activate the sleeping talents, giving you an extra push, if you've been accumulating too much in any area related to these signs, I'll let you see.

To Mars (action, cuts, surgery, hard work, war, action, activity, precipitation, head, leader, beginnings, blood, muscles, exercise, he likes to work hard, strong, young, school sites) and being in such a feminine water sign his action will be the same but less aggressive; Everything you find archived, stagnant, more like emotions, things you no longer use, there will be an astral clean, from physical, emotional, psychological in your body making your diet much lighter by cutting heat, if you have too much of something that you no longer use you will also have to take it out. Everything that remembers old love stories from years ago like photographs, letters, emails, dried flowers in books, the napkin throws flower, the cork from the wine bottle of your second anniversary, the stuffed animal, everything this, you need to take it out and give it space for new energy.

This also includes surgeries of cysts or benign tumors (womb, breasts, glands) the surgeries will look more than ever; breast augmentation because jupiter in that sign working superficially and mundanely expands the breast)

Now we have Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in cancer in grades 4-5 indicating more creative beginnings in your life, we are being spiritually stimulated to leave behind the negative energy from past cycles. Old emotions free us and lead us to our great purpose, this great trill of water gives voice to your Soul, your superior being, your highest vibration, to join you yourself and gather the denied parts of yourself to take the most appropriate path for your evolution. Although it is a smooth transit and without major shocks. Many will feel this trill but they are in their highest vibration too erratic, difficult to cope with, seeking to cloud their senses ... The best thing is that I find you with the best disposition, but hey we have already been feeling it since the end of last month.

This great trill of water will feel stronger from July 17 to 22 but it will take effect for a long time, since it is a spiritual process in which we will all be touched empowering anyone who wants to realize their dreams, we are having the support universal.

Another fact for people born between the years 68 to 73 is to feel that their lives have become chaos through disorder and chaos, discussions etc. We will find moments of readjustment to start somehow clearer, you can see yourself modifying your diet, starting another job, separating you from what is no longer useful or growing, the will will be fierce since ERIS asteroid in your letter and Uranus are having a conjunction at 12 degrees of Aries and a square or tension with pluto (not applicable), disruptive, surprising energies, seeking to emerge for a new beginning and order. So don't be scared that this is always for good. It could be that you also find a way out through feeling EXCLUDED within a group, your family, friends, an association where you invested a lot of time. And let not very pleasant feelings of revenge or competition come to the surface.

On the other hand to have access to our great strength, I have seen how beneficial when we make use of the Kaali asteroid our female Pluto by transit in the sign of scorpion (in the last grades), although it really does not make aspects with the great trill (but it will ) is showing that all this cosmic force is introduced in a way that separates the smoke from the haystack. I tell you a little ...

This asteroid is named after the Indian goddess, Kaali. In the Tantric tradition she is known as the Universal mother and Shiva as the Universal Father. It is the Kundalini force, the most basic and primordial energy of all human beings including the cosmos. “Energy force” “transformation energy”

All the energy of the dark side of the feminine divine consciousness is transcended to have access to true compassion. Kaali, cosmic is the emptiness through which we can be reborn as divine beings, free from all sense of separation from ourselves, and that this energy is eternal.

This energy is known as the force that moves everything that exists, without this energy there would be nothing, it is our most primitive, raw, and powerful force. Therefore Kaali makes us see our power of creation, conservation and destruction. (shakti)

The Energy of Kali is uncontrollable if we are not aware. In his mythology ... Once Kaali destroyed all the demons in battle he got drunk with his blood, and began a victory dance. And all the worlds began to tremble under the impact of their dance. So, at the request of all the gods, Shiva asked Kaali to give up this behavior. However, she was too intoxicated to listen. Therefore, Shiva was placed on the floor like a corpse among the dead demons in order to absorb the shock / impact of the dance he emitted with his steps, until a little aware he realized that he danced up Shiva carrying him almost to the death.

On the other hand Kaali can be very feared for its forms and how they represent it as a blue or black goddess with several arms, with its tongue out, and red eyes. In India she is very revered for her great power that she grants.

If you look closely, destroy the demons that are often our own fears, everything that does not make us grow, the representation has many interpretations, not only see how horrendous its image is, it has an intention, BE IT HIMSELF.

Integrating Kaali

Kaali makes us face our fears, everything that is deeply buried in the darkness of your unconscious, everything that paralyzes your divine strength will have to be observed and brought to light. The most basic fears that paralyze us, as I explained in the Tapping exercise. Observe why you are controlled by something that is not stronger than you.

The energy of Kaali, brings us to the totality and unity recovering the pieces, strength or energy of yourself that you have delivered others. Work with impotence, anger, masks and layers that we have created so that the negative emotion does not appear.

Kaali protects us with an instinct, and that is to present dangerous people or places. It protects us from astral attacks or low vibration energies.

To work with this energy, yoga is ideal in all its variants, especially kundalini yoga. Breathing control exercises.

Have Grounding, work the energy of the chakras, Click this article

Work with the energy of unconditional love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness. Find the way in which these pure energies manifest through service.

It brings transformation when you recognize and accept everything from you.

The dance with drums and a little bit out of sync brings the energy of kaali.

Here I leave you a little meditation of Kundalini for the heart center, which helps to balance the frequency and quality of this center. Allowing the mind to focus giving compassion and humility.

Sit in easy posture or in a chair, with your back straight.

Do the mudra of the lotus flower ; the hands located at the height of the heart and separated from it 10 centimeters. The sides of the thumbs, the tip of the little fingers and the base of the palms touch each other, the other fingers are separated to form the petals of the lotus flower. Focus your eyes towards the tip of your thumbs.

The breath is deep and slow. Feel like exhaling, the exhalation touches your thumbs. Time 11 minutes.

At the end of the 11 minutes .. Inhale deeply, hold the air for 10 seconds, exhale and relax.

The postures where we integrate the muladhara / base chakra and the heart or Anahata chakra are highly recommended. Through my power and my roots I connect with the awareness of love and compassion. Through who I am I show my best. Purifying my fears I cross the bridge to my true self.

Breathes with control, called Pranayama connect the head with the body and the bridge is the Vishuda chakra throat, indicating the release of stagnant emotions difficult to speak to have access to a creative inspiration at the service of you and others. By releasing emotions, our projects are clarified, and our head (mental, thoughts) and heart work together harmoniously. It has to do with the UDANA VAYU Expression.

Wherever Kaali is in your astral chart and makes some conjunction with some natal planet greatly empowers the planet in appearance, for example I have Kaali in conjunction with my moon in natal scorpio, and for me, I find that all forms of Negative emotion or energy maintained for a long time quickly destroys the protection of the aura, that is, I am more willing to attack, to get sick if I am not aware of this energy.

Kaali intensifies the other planet and the characteristics of the sign where it is located, bringing blessings and protection, divine energy. Attraction, mystery, strength, magnetism, access to subtle, sexual energies, transformation force. A kaali in the ascendant is one of the strongest and you become a shaman of your destiny handling extreme energies. Also when making contact with the sun, it makes the magnetic person and with ease of transcending and managing basic forces and being bridges to make To others walk good destinations, they can be spiritual coaches, astrologers, yoga instructors, sexual coaches, kundalini teachers, tantra and meditation.

And since everything in this world everything has a polarity, we will also find kaali as an abuse of energy, arrogant and with a feeling of superiority, or feeling all powerful, it also gives you access to darker energies. And if you do not have awareness of this energy, you tend to attract powerful but dangerous people with not very clear jobs and with whom you tend to have intense relationships difficult to live. Within the category of kaali there are also rituals with hallucinogenic drinks, concoctions that make other planes work like ayuahuasca, etc. Note: there will be a tension between kaali at 4º of Sagittarius and Neptune at 4º of pisces moment NOT very suitable to experiment. I have seen when kaali makes an appearance with a home planet or is strong, the person tends to have moles on the face or body.

Find Kaali with the number 4227 at

Y bien con este gran trino de agua puedes utilizar a kaali que ahora está emplazado en escorpio a 29º y seguirá su recorrido a Sagitario en sus primeros grados. Haciendo que la fuerza est entre estos dos signos de intensidad para mantener una mente m s amplia, tener una b squeda donde tendremos avances, si tienes un viaje hacia alg n lugar ex tico para avanzar en tu espiritualidad est m s que aspectado, retiros, trabajos interiores, retiros de yoga, b squeda de silencio interior y clarificar, iniciar estudios en materias que has querido profundizar, salirte de la zona c moda, buscar expandir y tomar fuerza. Empoderarte hacia el hombre o mujer que deseas mostrar al mundo. Donde transita kaali ah est la fuerza bruta de sanaci n donde podemos tener acceso.

K aali podr a ser confundida con Lilith pero son muy diferentes. Kaali es la fuerza c smica para tener acceso al todo. El coraz n astral

Y bien siguiendo con este resumen astrol gico Urano hace su movimiento retrogrado a partir del 17 de julio al 17 diciembre 2013, y con Urano retrogrado volver a tocar los puntos de eventos que han sucedido desde marzo 2013, aqu la energ a es evidente trabajando en destruir los obst culos del porque a n no has avanzado, liberado hacia lo que te hab as prometido desde el a o pasado

Te cuento un poco Urano regente de ACUARIO est vinculado con la rebeli n contra la autoridad establecida y la introducci n de nuevos conceptos . En un nivel personal, se asocia con el cambio y la ruptura de lo establecido, introduciendo algo inesperado, y tal vez extravagante, en nuestra vida. Descontento con lo existente, Urano quiere alterar y mejorar la situaci n en b squeda de su visi n ideal. Un tr nsito de Urano act a como un despertador que nos arranca bruscamente de nuestro sue o. Si bloqueamos o reprimimos los cambios que nos pide Urano, entonces nacen las Furias dentro de nosotros, y bullimos de resentimiento hacia aquellos por quienes nos sentimos restringidos, y es posible que nos enojemos incluso con nosotros mismos.

Sin embargo, incluso en medio de crisis y dificultades, la energ a uraniana nos ayuda a entender por qu estamos sufriendo y en qu consiste la lecci n que estamos destinados a aprender. Urano nos conecta con nuestra voz interior y nos permite penetrar en una dimensi n de comprensi n superior, la intuici n. Este planeta rige el rayo, la electricidad, lo novedoso, el rebelde, el cambio, lo no establecido, los tabues. Con urano la fuerza que despierta es para estar alertas, si has vivido situaciones restrictivas, muchas culpas, mucho orden pero infeliz, no esperes a cambiar los resultados ser an incre bles.

A su vez tendremos a mercurio directo a partir del 20 de julio dando bandera verde en todos tus planes y entrando al signo de leo el 9 de agosto . Concluyendo que la luna alcanzar la fase llena en el signo de acuario el 23 julio a las 13:15 (Hora M xico) momento de electrizar tu camino.

Si eres alguien que hace yoga, y tienes muy claro tu camino; este gran trino de agua no hace m s que flexibilizar lo que ya tienes en tu aprendizaje y disfrutarlo, no tienes nada que esconder, solo fluir

Aprende a recibir lo que deseas, ya desechar lo que tu alma no necesita. Para todo hay tiempo! Y recuerda que en el silencio la realidad es encontrada

No me hagas caso en todo lo que te digo solo ponlo en pr ctica. Feliz trino!!

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Fotografias de el baul de sadhu, Pedro Luis palencia.,

foto de portada

Sofia Randall Arizpe

You swore


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Convocando tu Fuerza Espiritual: Gran Trino de Agua por Sofia Randall Arizpe

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