The Many Names of Fear

Our spiritual journey has two aspects, healing and growth. The healing aspect includes resolving karma and our belief that we are separated from the Source. The aspect of growth can occur once we can heal any aspect of our karma, no matter how insignificant we think it is. This releases another level of separation and allows us to take a step closer to reconcile duality and reconnect to the Source. Our fears represent the tools of learning in our spiritual journey but without understanding they can become the focus of our life. When we understand the many names of our fears and the countless and different aspects they take, we have clarity in the work of our soul's desires to heal and then the fearful unknown becomes a known quantity. This gives us direction and more importantly, it gives us a choice because we now know what we are afraid of and why.

We enter each life with wounded souls on an energetic level and with each life we ​​give ourselves the task of discovering the source of these wounds and healing them. We do this through the experimentation of our fears. We can have many fears, conscious and unconscious, created in this life or brought from previous lives. We can even be afraid of our fears and if we are not aware, our fears can come into control and direct every aspect of our life. While it is contrary to our spiritual nature to have fears, it is part of our material or worldly experience to have them. Our fears and what they have done to us, made us do ourselves and others, avoid or evade, direct ourselves, change our way of life, have important clues to what we are thinking and doing in this life.

Fear, as defined on a spiritual level, is not what we fear, it is the result of an emotional trauma that was so painful, powerful and meaningful that it created a belief that we were disconnected from the Source, that God had abandoned. At that time, the belief in separation, that we were less than our spiritual being, imperfect, unworthy and unworthy of love, was printed in our soul energy design on the material plane. As this is a challenge to the spiritual law that states that we are perfect and divine beings, deserving of all good things and being loved beyond measure, our soul experiences a journey to help us heal that wound and take us back to the totality with our divine nature.

Generally we cannot clearly remember the lives of emotional trauma that we have experienced, they tend to be small and incoherent thoughts that remain in the back of our mind and occasionally arise. For example, someone who is afraid of open water has drowned or lost in the sea or even experienced death from drowning of a loved one. Someone who is afraid of heights may have been thrown by a precipice as a punishment or sacrifice, or had been forced to jump from a precipice to his dead to escape his persecutors. Someone who is afraid of large animals like lions may have had a life in ancient Rome where they were forced to fight and were killed by one of these animals.

These parts of our past may seem so removed from our current reality that the scenarios described above may seem unlikely, until we have an experience that fills us with an unmentionable horror that comes from a place that is so deep and unknown that we have no idea of what to do with that, where it comes from or how to overcome it. When it is time for us to confront these fears something happens in our current reality to help them get ahead of our thoughts. When we are in panic, we become highly emotional, feeling “driven” by people or events is an important sign that we are connecting to an ancient fear. Unfortunately, without the ability to detach ourselves and appreciate the situation from a different perspective, we enter our fears, act on them and they take control.

That does not mean that someone who is afraid of heights should do a bungee jump or that the person who is afraid of lions should get a job in a circus as a lion tamer. It means that we have to look at what is beyond the fear, of the emotional wound that we experience as a result of the trauma because this is what keeps the secret of our fears. These emotional traumas often include anger, in the loss of our life or of someone we love, in an unfair situation in which we had no control, in not being powerful, feeling rejected, financially and emotionally destroyed, physically abused, or because our life was destroyed by a betrayal, an enemy or a friend. The anger that simmers for lives can be very destructive, for ourselves and others, once it explodes in our lives. And as part of our healing journey we must face this anger and release it. Then we make a dark journey towards our fears to discover them.

And when we make this trip to fear we may get more confused. If what we fear is not what we really fear, then what do we fear or how do we find out? To do this, we have to look at both aspects of our fears, the conscious and the unconscious. Our conscious fears, those we recognize, such as fear of water, have important information about our unconscious fears. It is our unconscious fears that feed our conscious fears. So every fear we have has two components, what we know we fear, like water, and what happened to create that fear, an emotional trauma from past life that involves water. These are simple examples but they are very important. When we tell the Universe that we want to move forward in our lives and remove the blocks to our healing and transformation, we open the door to allow these fears to arise, for they form the basis of these blockages. In essence, we establish ourselves to raise our fears and the Universe helps us to do so.

When faced with our fears we have another choice to make, what we will do with fear in this life. What we have done in the past we have already repeated, usually many times. And every life that is dedicated to healing this fear becomes another opportunity for healing. The emotional residue we leave behind does not disappear, we simply take it to the next life. The choice is simple, understand and overcome fear so that it can be healed. Or stay as your victim, live its consequences and take the lesson again in another life.

Our choice is important because it will repeat the lesson if we cannot learn it, in this life and in the successive ones. And in this time, the Lightworkers, we have accepted this task, freeing and healing fear, for ourselves and for the entire planet. By healing our fears we clean up the energy residue they have left on the planetary grids and help others heal similar fears. So what we choose is important. But we have to be ready to make the choice to face and heal our fears and if we are not ready or have more things to learn from them or we are not in a place where forgiveness is an option, then we will simply repeat the lesson until let's be in a position where we can do those things.

Whenever we are confronted with a situation that challenges us on an emotional level, where we feel powerless, helpless and out of control, we are finding a fear. We can give free rein to our life or we can remember our task and know that we are powerful, spiritual and divine beings who have come here to heal us and the world of fear, to end duality, to free humanity from the slavery of fear. and bring heaven to earth where there is no fear and we can all experience the expansive energy of unconditional love.


About the author

Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. It also channels the energy of the Uriel Arc. Jennifer has helped many people through the Change with their unique insights and advice, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, a center of growth and spiritual healing online and dedicated to the messages and teachings of the Uriel Arc. Information about Jennifer's books, online seminars and services is available on her website, or by email:

** The contents are copyright 2004-8 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. It may circulate completely or partially as long as the full copyright notice is displayed, the appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the message.

Translation: Xitlalli Contreras

Jennifer Hoffman's Email:

Voicemail: 480-894-1675


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