Christ Maitreya. The Return of Christ Spiritual Channeling of Henrique Rosa.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The Return of Christ. Spiritual Channeling of the Lord Cristo Maitreya. 2 You must unite and love one another as I love you so much, because whoever works for the Light works for Unity and Christ Love, which is always adding and multiplying, as well as helping to liberate souls, and those who work for Darkness is always diminishing and dividing, contributing to slavery and manipulation. 3 Great transformations and purifications are taking place in humanity. 4 It is time to put aside fanaticism, dogmas, concepts and prejudices, taboos and ideologies, whatever they may be, and seek union in the Great Consciousness of the Solar Christ. 5 Therefore, all those who sincerely seek the path of love and brotherhood of Christ, who essentially resides in the soul and mystical hearts, will awaken their latent potentialities and live the Christ Love. 6 Today, a part of it is emerging in the new horizons of eternal life, putting into practice true Love and Christian Brotherhood in everyday life, where everyone can live and work as brothers. 7 In essence Christ, I am in all hearts, minds and pure souls who seek the Light of the Father, the Son and the Mother. I am in every triad awake in every soul. 8 Prepare My Paths, where I will have to pass to get closer and closer to the hearts, minds, consciences and souls of all human beings.

We want to share with you a beautiful Channeling made by Henrique Rosa, a channeled message from Cristo Maitreya!

The Return of Christ Spiritual Channeling of the Lord Cristo Maitreya.

This Channeling was translated from the Portuguese language, if you want to see it in its original version, we invite you to enter here.

A new state of consciousness is emerging in humanity and will slowly penetrate all the hearts that open to the forces of the Solar Christ .

A New Light is dawning in the souls of those who are already on the Path of Light and will lead them directly to spiritual liberation and initiation. This is the moment when everyone will feel the need to turn inward and review all human and spiritual values, the way they have lived, what they have believed.

It is a time of much meditation and reflection on the words of all the enlightened ones who have passed through humanity or who live today in physical bodies, with the sole purpose of helping to save and liberate souls, not their human bodies.

The forces of darkness are grouped around dying values, around those who still live within the great illusion, those who place fanaticism, intransigence and greed as positive factors in this era of transition to the age of Aquarius, the era of union and Light, in which the Principles of equality, freedom and fraternity will be the fundamental tensions.

I am already working through millions of consciences that, through their own struggle, their renunciation of finite, transitory and material things, have embraced the paths of freedom, brotherhood, justice, universal love, peace, harmony and respect for the superior values ​​of the spirit of truth, of divine light.

Through their spirits, souls, minds and consciences, my vibrations of the Solar Christ guide the new apostles and workers of Christ ; some very active and dynamic, some silent and even anonymous are erecting my New Energy Temple¹, which is beginning to build on the hearts, minds and souls of all human beings who sincerely and honestly seek to serve the Light, and Do not serve yourself from the Light .

Many transformations are ongoing in the world, and believe me, children of my luminous heart, however terrible your storm may be, it will always be fleeting, and shortly after a great storm a new day will come with a magnificent sun that will shine in your lives, providing everything you need to live within the Spirit of Truth. (Christ Maitreya)

The most powerful igneous energies of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, are already spreading throughout humanity, teaching, transforming and transmuting by the action of the Divine Light, cornering and diluting darkness, slavery, injustice and hunger, even expelling them from inside and outside of man and this beautiful planet, this cosmic house where everyone is serving and evolving.

You must have Faith² in the Consciousness of Christ that can dwell in your hearts and expand the feeling, the conscience, the mind and the soul, until each one reaches his own spiritual enlightenment and becomes an Initiate into Divine Light .

You must unite and love one another as I love you so much, because whoever works for the Light works for Unity and Christ Love, which is always adding and multiplying, as well as helping to liberate souls, and those who work for the Darkness is always diminishing and dividing, contributing to slavery and manipulation.

The great transformations are emerging from the inside out and from the top down. They begin within you and then externalize around you. They come from the subtlest planes, from the purest and most complete dimensions to the densest of the third dimension.

Many things are about to happen and all those who are surrounded by the Divine Light, those whose souls have already awakened the Inner Light, will be the “chosen ones”, so that everyone has the opportunity to be saved, liberated and chosen for the construction of the New World and the New Order .

All those who have made the eternal vows of service to the Divine Light and universal evolution will join in a final effort so that everyone is aware that the type of life they lead on the physical plane is false, illusory.

Much of humanity is generally directed towards material, human, finite life, giving very little importance and devoting very little time to the things of the soul, to spiritual sublimation and perfection, without the awareness that the life of the soul is eternal, infinite, the only one that should be the main objective of existence and evolution.

It is not enough to say that they are Christians, spiritualists, esoteric students, if their hidden intentions do not reveal the action of expanding their esoteric knowledge so that they can better serve the Light, instead of using that knowledge for the greatness of their limited human egos .

Great transformations and purifications are taking place in humanity.

It is time to separate the straw from the wheat. It is time for the 'great harvest' where the pure of heart, mind, feeling and soul will be separated from those who have only been impeding true evolution, both individually and from humanity and the planet itself.

I will be in the spiritual heart, in the souls of all those who give themselves totally to the service of the Christ Light, and whatever their religion or mystical-spiritualist organization, I will turn them into "mystical pillars" of my New Energy Temple .

Grow in Faith 5 and always observe that no one violates the spiritual treasure that is stored in your souls, the fruit of all past existences.

He will only guide you to rise or fall on the vibratory scale of universal evolution, since this treasure is the synthesis of all his works.

Join together so that the stronger your strength, the better they can protect each other, because the strongest can protect the weak; This can only happen if everyone knows how to take the right step towards the geometric center of their soul, the Christ Love. (Christ Maitreya)

They must sublimate desires, passions and vices and surrender to the Great Consciousness of Christ so that everyone can rise to this consciousness and, as it expands, can be eternally in tune with the vibrant frequencies of the Solar Christ Consciousness and of the Cosmic Christ .

It all depends on you, whatever your tonic or line of work, any religion, belief or spiritual or social organization to which you belong .

It is time to separate human divisions and build unity in the name of what everyone has in common: spirit, a soul, a mind, a feeling, a conscience ; They have no affiliation, no religious, mystical, philosophical, social, political or even scientific labels.

All have the same divine attributes and, therefore, the same duties and rights to develop and expand them to better enjoy them in spiritual salvation, enlightenment and liberation from humanity.

It is time to put aside fanaticism, dogmas, concepts and prejudices, taboos and ideologies, whatever they may be, and seek union in the Great Consciousness of the Solar Christ.

This cyclical moment of humanity and the planet is as fundamental as decisive for the future of all souls, embodied or without body. All of us who live in the great unity of bright and intelligent consciousness 6 are working to save and liberate everyone, but most are not interested in illuminating and liberating the soul, mind and conscience. .

Unfortunately, only a minority in humanity have embraced the cause of saving and liberating as many souls as possible that they are still under the influence of darkness.

Remember, the internal intention will mark the course of your path and you must be sincere and honest so that the soul can awaken its own Inner Light and thus free itself (Christ Maitreya)

We talked and they didn't listen . They did not assimilate our words and intentions; therefore, our teachings are not experienced in the practical field of their lives. Our teachings are read but not understood or do not want to understand them.

We can only hope that the great transformations reach humanity and awaken souls on the threshold or in search of the Way of Light and the awakening of Christ Consciousness .

Therefore, all those who sincerely seek the path of love and brotherhood of Christ, who essentially resides in the soul and mystical hearts, will awaken their latent potentialities and live the Christ Love.

There are no evil men, there are men who are not prepared for Love, Freedom, Fraternity, Justice, Peace, without adequate awareness and feeling of the real values ​​of life and evolution .

Maybe because they had no opportunities, no help or instruction. There are no evil souls, in essence all are good. Yes, there is a lack of wisdom and awareness of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light. There is a high understanding of what true life is, what is true in each and every one. Missing love and brotherhood among men .

True spirituality is lacking in hearts . There is greed, greed, envy, hatred, injustice, many social, economic and political imbalances that privilege the richest in human society, who do not hesitate to enslave, annihilate moral and spiritual values, using everything for their benefit, without worrying with those who are hungry and have no right to have a roof, a doctor or a school to educate themselves.

In humanity there is still a lack of awareness, sensitivity and solidarity . Many call themselves Christian, civilized, religious, spiritualist, esoteric, but when we look into their hearts we do not find true Christian, civilized, religious or spiritualistic values : they are immersed in the darkness of selfishness and individualism. (Christ Maitreya)

It is not bad to be rich, it is not bad to help those who have nothing. It is wrong to deny help to combat misery, hunger, injustice, to deny help to mental, spiritual expansion and the real evolution of humanity towards the Divine Light.

When men abandon their attachment to material goods and turn them into a lever to take new steps in universal and spiritual evolution ; when the hearts, minds, consciences and souls of men are sensitized and spiritualized; when "our daily bread" is the same for everyone; When life is led by the soul and the heart, there will be no men who think they are evil, and everyone will be fully aware that they are part of the same family called humanity .

Today, a part of it is emerging in the new horizons of eternal life, putting into practice true Love and Christian Brotherhood in everyday life, where everyone can live and work as brothers.

This portion seeks its true Inner Path, its authentic spiritual realization and enlightenment, and thanks to it the human world is changing. There are so many changes that you simply do not see those who are not interested in recognizing the great Christ transformation .

Your older brothers, whom you call Masters, have never abandoned you! Their souls have fallen asleep for a long time, and personalities have formed under the educational errors of a civilization that worships "economic power, " as a distorted view of the true life that has led to humanity. (Christ Maitreya)

Gradually, the soul of human beings is waking up and slowly begins to direct their mind, their brain, their heart and control their personality. More and more are more up, awake; therefore, the earthly world and its humanity are in the process of transformation and sublimation .

You must not lose hope for the future!

For the first time in the history of this humanity, a future is being built without fear, without dogma, without prejudice, without hatred, without mud idols, without imbalances of any kind. A tomorrow of harmony, balance, peace, justice, love and universal brotherhood is being built, where everyone will be aware that humanity is their largest family and with Christ Love, the love that comes from the soul, will follow its true path, towards the Light, the true Kingdom .

The moment in which humanity lives is very important. Gradually, spirituality will solidify its pillars in the world and in humanity ; therefore, I returned to take my human brothers back to the Father's House and bring the Kingdom of God7 back to the hearts, minds, consciences and souls of all beings so that there is peace, love and universal brotherhood among all Men of good will.

I am already among you, not in the way you live, but in other ultra-dimensional ways. Do not forget that I told you two thousand years ago: "In my Father's house there are many mansions . " 8

Essentially Christ, I am in all hearts, minds and pure souls who seek the Light of the Father, the Son and the Mother. I am in every triad awake in every soul.

I speak through the souls, minds and hearts of those who are already directed to My Light, the Light of the Solar Christ and the Cosmic Christ. Through these, my wisdom and energies come to you more easily, so that you too can be yours, and through them all who seek the Light of Eternal Truth can ascend to the Mystical Heart of the Solar and Cosmic Christ .

Gradually, I am entering and setting My Christ Light in the inner sanctuaries of each of my human brothers who wants to open the doors of their inner sanctuaries so that I can also dwell in them, be with them and sanctify their living temples, which are the set of dense and subtle bodies.

Then we will be One with the Father, we will join the Infinite Being to also be an active and conscious part of the Infinite and live eternally for all the universes and dimensions of Life .

Listen to my silent voice that speaks to your hearts within your minds and souls . Listen to my silent spiritual steps approaching each one of you so that everyone can walk towards the Infinite Creator Being . Take my mystical hand extended for each of you. (Christ Maitreya)

No more spiritual stagnation, no more darkness. We will walk together towards the Divine Light of the Great Father-Mother .

Accept my Word of Christ and let me guide you to spiritual redemption and liberation so that your inner Christ can awaken in your soul . And in truth and conscience, you will also be the Son of the Divine Father-Mother, and you will be truly free.

Prepare My Paths, where I will have to pass to get closer and closer to the hearts, minds, consciences and souls of all human beings.

Be my workers, my messengers, my heralds and my new apostles, because there is much work and service to do. Hold in my hand, we will walk together, towards the Eternal. Together we will build the Works of God the Father and God the Mother on earth, and together we will return to the Divine Kingdom.

Let us make the earth a true abode of Light, Love, Peace, Justice, Wisdom, Harmony, Balance, Freedom, Truth and Universal Fraternity of Christ . Let us bring spiritual awareness to those who have lost it, the Light to those who are still in darkness, peace to those who do not have it, wisdom to those who seek it.

Let's eliminate hunger, social and economic injustice, and implement the new Aquarian education led by the Light of Christ, in soul, mind and heart. We transmute hate in love, war in peace, misery in abundance, misunderstanding in understanding, imbalances of all kinds in equilibria, harmonies, order inside and outside of all human beings, regardless of their beliefs, their social, economic or Educational

My return comes through the mystical heart, the Christ Light that shines in the soul of every human being, the Holy Spirit, the Mother, awakens in each mind. These will be the first 'spiritual pillars' of the New Kingdom of Light on Earth . A New World Order will emerge, led by the heart, mind and soul illuminated by the Love of Christ and the Universal Brotherhood . Then we will be together today, tomorrow, the eternal. Everyone will form a great mystical family and walk the Paths of Light and Divine Love .

So I will be in you and you will be in Me, in Unity, in Universal Life, in the Eternal . ”


¹ "The Most High does not dwell in temples made with the hands of men, as the prophet says." Acts 7:48

² "But that Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach them all things and remind them of everything I have told you." John 14:26.

³ From the soul to the personality.

4 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5: 8

5 "Faith consists in a firm confidence in what is expected, in the conviction of what is not seen." For Hebrews 11: 1.

6 The same as the Hidden Government of the World, the Hidden Hierarchy, the Greater Hierarchy or the Great White Universal Brotherhood.

7 "The Kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

8 John 14: 2.

Spiritual Channel, Message from the Lord Cristo Maitreya: Channeling of Henrique Rosa.

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

Source : From the book “O Fim eo Princípio dos Tempos o Despertar de uma Nova Luz”. Portal Editor.*RHhQ2zEvHQ*5GMB4Kfr1rgbq*ayH1vkOzgfr5l7H1vO*bfica5A49EQJb9mIHKDZePqjdQQR5JxvQub5fB7Dx5cCSJYsppertvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd

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