How to Use Meditation to Create a New Self

  • 2017

How to use meditation to create a new self

Based on Stop Being You, Dr. Joe Dispenza

As we know, there are innumerable benefits of regular meditation . Among them we can name the physical benefits, such as the decrease in blood pressure, reduction in heart and respiratory rate, also the psychological benefits, such as improved memory, increased concentration and less anxiety, and finally the spiritual benefits, connection with our talents and purpose of life, and feeling of happiness and peace .

But meditation can also lead us to make very deep changes in our life at a quantum level, and to create a new reality. Dr. Joe Dispenza, American chiropractor, neuroscientist and biochemist, author of the book Stop being you ("Breaking the habit of being yourself") shows us, with data provided by scientific studies, the importance of meditation to specifically change our brain, in his physical and chemical form, which he has proven himself and that goes far beyond what we can imagine: he proposes to transform us into new people.

Being new people means being able to leave behind all the aspects that harm us, that limit us and prevent us from growing and evolving . We could become confident people of ourselves, happy and peaceful, who see the world with new eyes, free from the constraints imposed by so many years of listening to the same teachings, repeated messages, from our parents, school, media, The whole society. But how to change if every day of our lives we perform the same actions, pronounce the same words and react in the same ways?

These repeated actions and thoughts always activate the same nerve cells so that our brain functions in the same way over and over again. In neuroscience there is a principle called Hebb's law that says that " nerve cells that are activated together, connect together ." These repetitions over the years have made whatever the thought, behavior or feeling become an unconscious habit .

Dr. Dispenza proposes to dememorize these connections, and create new neural connections through meditation to be able to act, feel and think in new ways to create a new reality. He suggests that we can begin the transformation progressively for four weeks if we meditate constantly and let ourselves be guided by his method of creating a new mind.

Start to meditate

The work of each week is briefly summarized below.

First week:

Open the door to your creative state:

In the first stage induction is practiced, what is called entering the Alpha state, which is the state in which the inner world becomes more important than the outer one . In this state, brain waves lower the frequency and the notion of time and space is lost. It is similar to the state you experience when you just wake up.

Second week:

Stop being the same as ever

The second step is to recognize which aspects of the personality is preventing you from moving forward in your life, and then you must choose a negative emotion to start working with it. Emotions can be resentment, envy, fear, hate, worry and sadness, among others.

Admit and Declare

Here you must leave the masks behind, and reveal your true self, connect with the universal consciousness and admit that who you prove to be before others is not genuine, accept that we have been hiding, and ask that we be accepted with all our defects and imperfections .


The last stage of this section is to let go, let go of the limitations of the mental state and leave it in the hands of the divine wisdom that is unlimited. It is time to abandon the ego and rely on superior intelligence, in the unlimited source .

Third week:

Dismantle the memory of your old self

In this phase, you observe and recognize your old self and decide that you no longer want to be that way . You must identify and notice the unconscious behavior and decide what you are going to change. You will feel great resistance at times, because you will be dismantling the nerve connections that have been linked for years, and want to continue to be so.

Then you must get your command voice from the depths of your being and tell yourself Change! , redirecting your thoughts and feelings towards your new self.

Fourth week:

Create a new mind for your new future

Now is the time to create a new mind, sow the seeds of your new self .

You must ask yourself: How would I like to be? Who do I admire? What qualities would you like to have? How do I want to think and act? How do I want to feel? The answers to these questions will set the way for you to know what qualities you should teach your new self.

Dare to change your life, leave limitations behind and open your mind to infinite possibilities . Start with a few minutes of daily meditation. You deserve it!

MORE INFORMATION: “Stop being you”, Joe Dispenza

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