Cosmic Cross and profound changes - part 2 by: Ana María Frallicciardi

  • 2014

During the next weeks of April the change is raised in all the orders of life, both for those who go through personal situations, as for the collective. The planets show us how to be attentive and obtain the best results for our evolution and well-being.

As of March 30, with the lunar aries in Aries, a movement of intense and contradictory planetary energies begins. You have to be attentive and check on what area of ​​our life the waters of change are agitated.

On this new moon the Sun and Moon are engaged with Uranus, indicating a cycle of 28 days intense, moved, with unforeseen and sudden changes. In turn, this mooning is in Quadrature with Pluto on 13th of Capricorn. J piter from Cancer in Quadrature with Sun-Uranus and opposition with Pluto.

It is so complex to explain these energies in conflict, that we better use some metaphor. This would be as if the main gods of Olympus go out all together to claim their share of prominence in the game of the week, nobody wants to give up their ego rights and control of the situation. Everyone thinks they own the truth, they cross their weapons and their reasons, sure that they will win and suddenly the earth begins to move under their feet, they have no more solid foundations to continue standing and which puppets theatricalizing a learned libretto, They fall off the scene. There is no mask or makeup that conceals the true purpose of every human being.

Mars and Saturn, retrograde, also play on the court, they keep the ball stopped and the rules of the game change without warning. Everyone blames everyone, nobody takes care of anything. Jupiter, he has to exercise justice, but Pluto from the opposite path threatens him and involves him in corruption. Any resemblance with the reality is mere coincidence. The planets, far away in the cosmos, do not even know what humans do. Some volcano is about to explode and they keep hiding the alerts.

From April 6 and 20: It is the moment when the souls in service assume the place they came to occupy in this planetary history.

The Moon enters Cancer and reinforces the aspects indicated above. Let's continuously generate spaces of peace and harmony in our environment. Let's meditate, let's pray. Let us send peace to all the inhabitants of this land… .. It is a time of great social tensions. There is no way out from the old political or economic recipes. The way out is in an integrative and realistic vision of the situation. Can we ask the politicians on duty to have a loving, supportive and generous vision towards the people of their town? Can we ask them to stop negotiating with the mafias and assist from the heart to the people, the humble, to give water and food to those in need? Conscious beings meditate and wrap each ruler in waves of love to remember that they came to this earth to evolve in consciousness and help. Miracles are possible when there is sincere commitment. There is a phrase that comes from a heart in service: "Pray for me."

Sun opposition with Mars April 6 to 12: Tension and change. The self from Aries controls and the others react from Libra. Change of directions in actions, ideas, projects. The others decide not to accompany that path anymore. They discover that there are other possible alternatives.

What do Arians and ascendants feel in Aries with these aspects?

They do not understand anything that is happening to them and this makes them worse, because they lost control of the situation and there is only confusion.

We also include Capricorns in losing control of the situation.

For those who live with these beings, we suggest that they run, do not face situations or try to reason them, Mercury is not present in this game of forces of Titans.

Many of them cannot sustain the energy flow that crosses them. If you want to leave, open the door very large, and do not close it, without endpoints, flowing.

The people who turn years between March 30 and April 19, called Arians, are the ones who will most genuinely show these energies of unforeseen changes. It is not time to do his sovereign will, the new energy puts a brake on the ego and opens the way for everyone to take out new spiritual potentials from within. Students will want to change careers and will not find what to do. Others will want to say enough to what they have been holding and will need time to visualize the new opportunities.

There is a need to change, but the transition time to the new shore will last several months. The picture is clear from July. We wish that they raise their vibration and can hear the voice of the heart, from there comes the new path.

April 15- Cosmic Cross

As the planets converge towards the Great Cosmic Cross of the Plenilunio de Aries,

Sun and Uranus in Aries, opposite the moon in Libra and Mars also in Libra. Jupiter opposite Pluto, and all square to each other in a dance of magnificent stellar energies.

Quadratures are aspects that make reality look without turns or veils, face us with challenges that stress us through the four cardinal points. They show 4 different faces of reality but cannot be defined by any. Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are the generators of the great unforeseen, surprising, irrational changes, from one moment to another things no longer return to the way they were. They also move the human masses towards irreversible social changes.

The planets are not evil as they said before. They are there, radiating, only sometimes they radiate more intensely over our darkness to dissolve them. The end result depends on our human self. It means surrendering the personal self to the service of the Spirit who knows what his task is on Earth in transformation.

The Full Moon is performed with eclipse and maximum power of the Cosmic Cross of April 15, true Easter day. This Easter is a unique Sacred Time to understand what it means to have a Spiritual Renaissance. According to the Hebrew tradition, it means the passage from slavery to freedom. The true Easter day is when the Full Moon of Aries is made (The Hebrews celebrate it on the right day. Catholics celebrate it the Sunday after the full moon).

This Holy Week 2014 are not holiday days to disregard responsibilities. They are a day of meditation and change of course, to be silent and go inward, wondering what the true purpose of the soul is at this moment of evolution.

If you call yourself a work of light, you have the opportunity to go one step further, leave your personal concerns and look around. Assume your planetary commitment. Transformation and change energies are being activated in each individual and in all humanity. Those who cannot understand these transformations react with violence and lack of control, others are confused, others believe that everything will remain the same, which is impossible.

There is a very big challenge to change course in the way of acting (retrograde Mars until May 22). This entails a contradictory and chaotic emotional background.

Eclipses are confrontations of energies with all those things of human nature that hinder spiritual progress, that is, we stay in comfort and routine rather than take the great leap of evolution. They are opportunities to transcend old stories, bring energies to the present and focus on activating new opportunities for our lives.

Let's look at the effort of world leaders to sustain themselves with the power of the old energy. Let's look at the power of the new energy through Pope Francis , how did he achieve it? With patience, humility, years of silent internal work to serve God through his fellows, sense of service and Love, Love, Love, of the true, which is expressed in the simplicity of the look and the smile.

April is the month of definitions. We encourage sentient beings to immerse themselves in their spiritual rebirth. There is no other place to go, the earth is dying if we do not begin the sowing of light.

Open your heart to the resonance of your true Self

Blue eagle

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