Message from Ascended Master Kwan Yin by Agesta

  • 2015

My Dear Little Children of the Light : In the past few days, I was telling you that very soon an angel called VICTORIA would come into action , which would assure you of the Divine triumph. This message is to announce that your time has arrived. You can call him with the Sacred Code 821.

What can this angel do for you? Victoria comes to help them cancel the contracts that are pending. This help is very timely, as I am aware of the difficulty that many of you have in this regard.

On the other hand, Victoria will put them in contact with Earthly Angels who will appear to help them in the most urgent areas. Honest people who will seem like ` ` falls from Heaven '' will cross their paths. You will feel a lot of relief, for each of you knows what your most pressing needs are.

Finally I want to leave you a Sacred Code that will help you be more aware of the Violet Flame. It is 124. If you use it, you will see how this Flame will shine on you with more intensity than ever, and you will no longer want to separate from it.

A few words referring to the "negative thoughts", to finish the message. When you (and I mean those who follow this ascension path) are presented with a negative thought, you tend to think that it is yours. To your surprise I want to tell you that most of the time the thought is not yours. It belongs to someone with whom they are in conflict, and he desperately tries to invade his Energy Field. He is someone with whom they have a valid contract and tries to retain them in the third dimension, looking for a confrontation to create discord.

The ideal is not to get involved in the trap they are setting. Who has the pending contract with you is at a lower vibrational frequency, and does not want you to ascend. That is why it seeks at all costs to “hook you” so that you continue in the clash of duality and the contract remains in force. As you can see, it is a provocation, sometimes conscious and sometimes unconscious, but in order to keep them in a conflict that comes from other lives and which they do not want to give up. Do the children understand the situation? I want to teach them to act wisely. Learn to know me and love me, because I want to serve you with all my love.

I am Kwan Yin, a luminous and serene energy that helps you overcome tension and suffering. ”

AUTHOR: José Gabriel Agesta


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