The 10 best mantras to meditate on and its benefits

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Mantras to meditate 1.1 OM (AUM) 1.2 OM AH HUM 1.3 OM MANI PADME HUM 1.4 Other mantras to meditate 2 Personal mantras

A mantra is a sound or phrase that has an impact similar to that of meditation, as it helps to still the mind. There are various types of mantras to meditate, which may have a religious or personal development significance.

A mantra elevates spiritual energy. Its sound generates pure thoughts, positive emotions, it is good for health, for relationships. In addition, it provides multiple benefits, but the condition is to recite them or sing them regularly.

Mantra originates from the script and means protection for the mind . Man means mind and tra is protection.

Mantras to meditate


Om is a sacred sound of Hinduism . It is the combination of three sounds (a, u, m), which in turn have different meanings and interpretations. This is the trinity of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, it means the Universe, the absolute, and it is the vibration of the Universe.

This mantra for meditation can be sung or recited at any time, it should only be done in a quiet place . It is ideal to do it before or after a yoga or meditation session.

Singing the Om mantra quickly for several minutes activates blood circulation and activates the body. Reciting it slowly helps to relax and reduce stress.


Om Ah Hum is a Buddhist mantra that commonly precedes other mantras. When singing it, the place where you are going to meditate is cleaned. Its sound is a blessing, it helps increase awareness and concentration.

"Om" is the highest expression of consciousness, "Ah" is the symbol of the primary state of the spirit, the mother, the feminine aspect, is also the unborn, the essential state of the Void. "Hum" is the smallest and most indivisible sound unit and is the descent of Om's universality to the human heart.


Om Mani Padme Hum is one of the mantras to meditate of greater power and one of the most famous of Buddhism. Its meaning is translated as "The jewel in the lotus" or "Om the jewel in the lotus Hum", but each syllable in turn has its own meaning and each of them represents the purification of the 6 kingdoms of existence.

This is the mantra of compassion . It has the power to align the chakras and purify the negative karma. In the teachings it is said that there are so many benefits of reciting this mantra that this explanation would have no end.

Other mantras to meditate

  • OM YAMANTAKA HUM PHAT (Eliminates negative mental patterns).
  • OM SANAT KUMARA AH HUM (Mantra for strength and courage).
  • OM HRIM BRAHMAYA NAMAH (Mantra to improve mood and for happiness).
  • OM KLIM KRISHNAYA NAMAH (Mantra of peace, courage and power).
  • ALMANAH MARE ÃLBEHA AREHAIL (Mantra for protection).
  • OM SRI SARASWATTI NAMAH (Mantra for lighting and intellectual development).

Personal mantras

A mantra can be created by anyone to meditate or simply to recite at times when they need to be calm or stronger. Some simple words or phrases such as "Peace", "I trust myself", "I accept and approve myself", "I am here and now" function as mantras that can be recited or sung at any time.

You can even recite mantras to meditate that have no meaning, simply in order to stay focused, quiet the mind and encourage good emotions.

As we have pointed out at the beginning, the important thing is to do it regularly, but the mantras must also be read, recited or sung keeping the attention on the sounds, without paying attention to the surrounding noise, to the external objects or to the thoughts themselves.

Seen in The Mind is Wonderful, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

5 mantras to meditate

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