Do you know the Spiritual Function of your Dog? Energy Powers of Dogs

  • 2019

In the comments of various published articles, many of our readers and brothers have asked me to write about the energetic powers of dogs, and specifically, about the spiritual function of your dog . What do you know about these canines?

Actually, the energetic powers of dogs are many, one by one I will expose them in this Text.

In this order of ideas, and before letting you know the nurture of this section, I would like to ask you, do you know the spiritual function of your dog ? I invite you to reflect your response for a moment.

Energetic Powers of Dogs, Spiritual Function of your Dog

What do you know about the energy powers of dogs, and specifically, about the spiritual function of your dog?

Worldwide it has been said that dogs are man's best friends, and indeed they are !

Above all, the dog is a pet of high fidelity and loyalty, I will look for the best way to protect you, warn you of danger and guide you.

They have been used to shepherd, hunt, search for substances, as a companion, protector and for fun. Realities that have been impregnated in the dog for millions of years, and even many of the global mythologies expose the energetic powers of dogs .

From this point of view, man has accepted and recognized the fundamental role of the dog as a guide, guardian, protector and companion.

Let's look at some important connotations :

As Guide of Souls :

It is no secret to anyone that death represents a step from a physical or earthly place to a spiritual place, it is in this spiritual place where the dog still guides and protects the soul of his love.

Hence, dogs are protectors and guardians of psychic domains, and even many have used them as guides in spiritual journeys.

Also, it is true that the dog is deeply sensitive to the non-physical perceptions that occur in the underworld, he observes in advance everything that is natural and inevitable.

It means that he is able to detect when death is approaching a home, acting spontaneously, communicatively and generously, becoming an advertiser of death.

Thus, in Alchemy dogs are associated with Mercury in alchemical wisdom, this, because they are creative and generating symbols of friendship, transition, intelligence and facilitate the flow of the transmutation processes.

Amazing !, right? Do you see how deep your dog's spiritual function is ? And there is still more!

As a Symbol of Prosperity, Wisdom, Loyalty, Luck and Obedience :

There is a diversity of mythology regarding these beneficial and spiritual properties of dogs, however, I want to let you know the most important ideas.

In ancient Egypt " the safe passage of" life "to the future life will be charged with success if it remains under the guidance and protection of the jackal dog Anubis, " remember that this Egyptian god was in charge of ensuring the safe transition of physical life on Earth to other worlds or spiritual levels and beyond.

Likewise, remember that Anubis was worshiped in Egypt as a god, was represented as a man with the head of a black jackal dog, a color that meant the resurrection, the rot of physical flesh and fertile soil.

It would be important that you read about the evolution of the energetic powers of dogs during the course of ancient mythology, "The Dog in Mythology."

Energy Protectors With Healing Power :

Your dog will be in charge of cleaning all those negative energies that by any means reach your home, you or your space, and are even able to sacrifice themselves if the energy that arrives is too harmful for you.

Already in the famous work of Homer "The Odyssey", the faithful, protective and healing story of Can Argos, intimate friend of Odysseus, is told. This story says that Argos could see his master 20 years later, and even, his joy was so joyful that in this last encounter the dog dies of old age.

You will see how in Greece and in the Celtic culture, dogs are seen as guardians of the mysteries that enclose what you and I call sacred. Even more, they were responsible for protecting the soul of the dead by taking them to the underworld.

It is important that you are attentive to the way your dog acts, how it looks, how it is, you may want to express something important.

If it barks into empty spaces, walls or chairs, it is informing you that it is necessary that you perform an energy cleaning in the environment of your home, in the place where you live. Surprised with the energy powers of dogs ?, and I want to tell you more, continue your reading!

If a stranger or even familiar people approach your dog, but he barks at them or shows repulsion and rejection, it is time that you are very attentive, it is possible that the energy load and intentions of this being are not good.

Now, if you are one of those who used to give love, groom and caress your dog, I tell you that your negative and tired energies will be completely discharged, and by the way, you will help him recover all his positive energies after balancing yours.

All this is given by the purity and beauty of your dog's soul and soul, it is faithful until death and does not hold grudges nor is it pending revenge and evil.

Highly sensitive to all types of vibration :

Since ancient times it has been known that canines observe and perceive what is hidden in human eyes, the energetic powers of dogs have always existed.

If you still do not know, I invite you to watch your dog carefully, you will realize that awake or asleep, he will always be attentive to any situation that may occur, his vision has access to other planes of consciousness that the human cannot perceive They also have a highly developed super smell. For this reason, you may see them restless or barking out of nowhere or seemingly no one.

I remember that since my dog left my job he perceived it and began to bark and jump inside the house, likewise, it was located next to the door of my house.

My wife was calling me on her cell phone at the time our dog became restless, and it really proved that I was heading for my home.

Perhaps, these experiences do not happen only to me, I have the full assurance that you also happen often with your pets .

There are many anecdotes that I could tell, however, I wish that we emphasize more deeply on the energetic powers of dogs .

Faced with difficulties and emotional situations, they are the best therapists :

If you have these pets, when you get home, who is the first to receive you? Yes! It is indeed your dog ; he runs to you in order to fill you with kisses and joy, despite the fact that you are not emotionally stable.

Without you saying a single word, you can already know what your mood is, and what are the difficulties you are currently going through.

Here the spiritual function of your dog is of a superior character, by giving you friendly and tender tongues accompanied by surprising, beautiful and delicate movements with its tail, the vibrational waves that are generated will begin to harmonize the environment, and you will begin to feel better.

Are you amazed? You really have reason to do it!

They will teach you to love in a deeper, pure and selfless way :

Without a doubt to make a mistake, cats and dogs are the most faithful, grateful and most loving animals they give you. If you like cats, I tell you that they also have amazing energetic powers, “What do you know about the Spirituality of Cats? Here you will know! The Cat and Spirituality ”

Look how easy it is to verify, the vast majority of dogs are left to die when their masters die, they remain waiting for them, or they simply go to the cemetery where he was buried and remain there. Is it sad? Right!

Actually, they feel that their mission in the physical world has culminated, with the death of their loved ones they find no meaning in their existence.

This may not be a general rule, however, in the vast majority of cases, this is what happens.

Do you have experiences to share with us? I invite you to attach them in the comments.

Look at a stronger detail. It is claimed that dogs meet their own master during the evolution or transition in different lives, it is a fairly strong bond and difficult to break !

They are the ones who choose you :

Within the spiritual function of your dog, this one is important.

In this section I would like to ask you, do you know what your mission in life is? I tell you that your dog knows what your mission is, moreover, he will help you discover and fulfill it. To achieve this, they will protect you, they will be faithful to you and give you all the love you have received from anyone in the world.

Now, and how to know that your dog chose you? The answer to this question is quite simple, simply, because the dog came into your life unexpectedly, and even, even having the possibility to choose from many, you felt a special attraction for which you chose .

Has it happened to you? Tell us your experiences?

In the traditional culture of many countries, the black dog generates superstition, it would be important that you approach texts that explain these realities; however, it is currently a discrimination, a prejudice about the breed or color of the animal. The energy powers of dogs do not depend on color or breed, they all have a highly beneficial spiritual function.

I encourage you to continue loving and respecting your pet, remember that your dog is a being able to help you transcend. Also, keep in mind that the education you receive must be transcendental and quite faithful to goodness and love, never educate it in the harmful parameters of society d!

If you have had negative experiences with dogs, start by analyzing what has been the education you have provided, see how your pet is, how you feed it and what values You have taught him.

How did you find this text about the spiritual function of your dog? Keep in mind that the energy powers of dogs are amazing.

I thank you for your reading, I wish you abundant successes and blessings, A hug of Light!

The energetic powers of dogs do not depend on color or breed, they all have a highly beneficial spiritual function

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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