The Polar Myth: In Search of Hyperborean Loss

  • 2017

Have you heard of the Polar Myth ? According to the polar archetype, humanity originated in a mystical continent located in the Northern Lands . That continent was called Hyperborea and was guarded by demigods who protected it behind high walls of ice. Hyperborea disappeared after a cataclysm, and all its inhabitants disappeared, taking with them their superior wisdom . And yet, the human race has survived to this day. Are we the descendants of those first men? Or is the Polar Myth just a fairy tale to make children dream?

We will approach the myth following the guidelines of Joscelyn Goldwin and his wonderful work.

According to experts, there is a school of thought that argues that the Earth's Poles moved in the past with significant consequences for all the creatures that inhabited them. It also ensures that if the Arctic zone had not been displaced, it would have been suitable for human settlement and it is very possible that it was. So what kind of people would have lived there and what happened to them? Why did they disappear, if they ever existed?

Thanks to Modern Science, we know that the Earth does not stay straight in its orbit around the Sun, but that it tilts at a delicate angle from the perpendicular. But there is a widespread belief that a catastrophe caused its current state, and that one day it will return to the geometric perfection of its origin . Therefore, it is assumed that in early times the Earth was not inclined, but instead turned perfectly upright, with its equator in the same plane as the elliptical; that is, with the axis perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. In these circumstances, the Earth would circle around the Sun in exactly 360 days . There would be no spring, summer, autumn or winter seasons; Every day would be the same. The climate of each zone would be uniform throughout the year. The plants would germinate, bloom and die obeying only their inner rhythms. The characteristic vegetation of each territory would always be present, in each phase of its life cycle, providing food throughout the year for the inhabitants of the ecosystem. On the equator, the sun would rise at six o'clock every morning exactly in the east, it would rise vertically until reaching the zenith at noon and continue its journey to set just in the west at six in the afternoon . Further north or south, it would rise at an angle to the horizon and reach less height at its noon limit. Towards the Poles his angle would be so narrow that his twelve-hour journey would not take him beyond a few degrees above the horizon. But the points for which he would leave would never change, and the duration of day and night would invariably be the same. For this reason, we could call it a “ time of perpetual spring ”, since at present the day and night are only equal in the spring and autumn equinoxes .

In the Poles themselves, unusual celestial conditions would be obtained. The Sun would not rise or set, but half of its disk would be visible all the time, drawing a circle around the horizon once a day. The absence of stations would make the Earth habitable, and even comfortable, up to much more extreme latitudes than today. With heat and cold alternating daily but not annually, in the Arctic and Antarctic regions there would be no nights that lasted for months and in which, like today, all life was lethargic. With the probable help of sea currents and the internal heat of the Earth, twelve hours of sunlight would enable fertility to very high altitudes. Even today, the low sun of the Arctic spring gives rise to an amazing variety of vegetation, insects and animal life, while the Antarctic seas are a hotbed of creatures that live directly or indirectly on it. With the axes upright, this would be the norm throughout the year. There would be no need to spend energy on migrations; Animal offspring could grow at any time of the year and there would never be a lack of food for it. Like the rest of the Earth, with temperate and tropical zones, you would undoubtedly enjoy a Golden Age .

It was in this environment where Greek mythology placed the mythical Hyperborea ( the land beyond the North Wind ), a magical place where the sun always shone, whose inhabitants, who could live thousands of years were eternally happy, free from old age, disease and war.

The legendary Hyperborea is closely related to the Tibetan myth of Shambhala, the lost continent of Atlantis and the underground kingdom of Aghart ha . All of them are sanctuaries of light, where superior beings keep ancestral secrets from the beginning of time.

The Seven Races of Blavatsky

According to Blavatsky's " Secret Doctrine, " Humanity could be divided into seven races that inhabited seven continents:

1. The first continent of Manvantara (a period of several million years in which we are still immersed) was the imperishable " Sacred Land, " which covered the entire North Pole as an unbroken crust. It was the home of the First Race of humans, who were not physical beings, but ethereal. They enjoyed the gift of immortality.

2. The second continent extended to the south and west of the North Pole. In it appeared the Second Race, formed by androgynous and semi-human beings. Most died in the first cataclysm.

3. The third continent was called Lemuria and ranged from Australia to the Indian Ocean. This was the time of the Third Race, a Golden Age in which the gods walked the earth and mixed freely with mortals. In the course of the Lemurian era, the first truly human races appeared that went from being Andr ginas, laying eggs, to having two differentiated sexes.

4. Lemuria was destroyed and its survivors gave rise to the Fourth Race, who lived in Atlantis . The Atlanteans disappeared at sea some 850, 000 years ago.

5. The Fifth Race (Aryan), of whites and copper, emerged in Asia . Blavatsky wrote in his work Isis sin Velo about a vast inland sea that existed in Central Asia north of the Himalayas. In that sea there was an island of unparalleled beauty, which was not reached by water, but by underground passages in all directions. This island was home to the last vestige of the race that preceded ours, and which had a perfect domain of the environment. He was a noble and wise race. They were the Children of God, the Elohim of the Bible, the educators of mankind . Unfortunately, the Nazis appropriated the idea of ​​the Aryan race as a wise and heroic race descended from the North, and their descendants proclaimed themselves. How it happened with many other esthetic knowledge, corrupted and distorted the concept to justify his fanaticism and barbarism.

6. 7. Two other races are yet to arrive before the end of the Manvantara.

In Hindu puranas, which are one of the main sources of Blav a tsky, the Land of Hyperborea is called Svita Dvipa, White Island, directly related to the City of Light of Shambhala. This is the legendary sanctuary Blavatsky refers to when he says:

The Holy Land is the only one whose destiny is to last from the beginning to the end of the Manvantara

Therefore, he affirms not only that the First Race of Men arose in the polar lands, but that these first ancestors still survive in a mystical place, hidden from the eyes of common man. n, more known as Hyperb rea . Some writers, like Julio Verne or HP Lovecraft, immortalized the Polar Myth in their stories.

But what really happened?

Was there a Hyperborean loss? Did the cataclysm that tilted the Earth's axis cause all its inhabitants to disappear? Or are they still hidden, waiting for man to be mature enough to share his wisdom?

Perhaps Hyperborea occupies a geographical space parallel to ours, but is only noticeable to the High Initiates. Perhaps it is an inaccessible physical space, or a spiritual refuge that we can only achieve by raising our consciousness.

In any case, the lost continent of Hyperborea and the polar origin of humanity is one of the myths that has fascinated the human being since the beginning of time, because the idea that we descend from that disappeared Arcadia, where there was no evil or pain, says much of our inner divinity and brings us a little closer to the Truth .

SOURCE: “ The Polar Myth. The archetype of the Poles in Science, Symbolism and Occultism ”by Joscelyn Godwin.

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