Back to Your Nutritional Origin

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Balance and kingdoms 2 The role of the human kingdom 3 What happened? 4 What has the change brought about: evolution or adaptation? 5 External and internal consequences of adaptation 6 Steps to change towards your origin 7 The keys to change and success 8 Reflection

Walking from Consciousness

The organism, for its operation, the only thing that it needs from the external matter are the nutrients and to obtain them precise of the foods. Everything can be food, since everything contains and is composed of nutrients: plants, leaves, trees, fruits, fruits, animals, humans ... everything created contains them in one way or another.

It seems easy, then, to obtain the nutrients we need from anything found in nature, but in what format are the nutrients found in each supposed food? What nutrients does each created being, plant, animal or human need? Where does Nature plan to obtain the food that will nourish it? Does any of them help us? Can we ingest any plant, fruit or animal?

To clarify these questions, we will speak very briefly about the equilibrium on Earth and the beings that inhabit it.

The balance and the kingdoms

All the content of the Earth is designed for interaction, so that one with another is balanced and forms a complete harmony. The material functioning of the Earth is, therefore, molded by equilibria. Thus, everything healthy is governed by balance and all beings to be healthy need that same balance, in addition to their own, all of them forming the harmonic state designed at the origin of creation. When an equilibrium is repeatedly broken, degradation of the unbalanced part begins, which affects the rest and, consequently, decomposes that harmonic creation, but the unbalanced will always tend to rebalance late or early.

Except for the mineral, the other kingdoms that inhabit the Earth, the vegetable, the animal and the human, have the capacity for growth and development by themselves. These have been provided with a specific assimilation and digestion system, so that each one needs a specific type of food and is consistent with their digestion system, in order to grow, maintain and develop healthily, to the extent that it maintains and respects its own balance and that of the rest of the kingdoms.

The mineral kingdom is very slow in development and its main nutrition was acquired in its formative origin. This happens because it is the holder of the other three kingdoms and the Earth as such.

The vegetable kingdom, while remaining aesthetic, requires the nutrients that its holders provide, that is, the mineral kingdom and its supplements: water, air and sun. The inorganic and subtle nutrients found in them pass into the plant kingdom, which is perfectly designed to assimilate and transform them into organic and other more subtle nutrients, such as phytonutrients and bionutrients. This happens because the vegetable kingdom is the one that is offered to a greater or lesser extent, to nourish the animal and human kingdoms.

The animal kingdom has the quality of being able to move from one place to another and is what the movement offers. Within the animal kingdom there are two groups; one is the great regulator of the vegetable kingdom and the other is the great regulator of the animal kingdom itself. Hence the herbivores, carnivores and other mixed-feeding animals or specialists in very prolific species. These specialist balancers are by types of plants or varieties and by groups of animals. Another group are the fruit growers, who simply enjoy the fruits and fruits offered by the vegetable kingdom. The fruit precedes the flower and is the maximum expression of that kingdom, so that the animals take the fruit and release their seed so that the species proliferates everywhere in a perfect balance.

Given this great diversity, each type of animal has an apparatus and a specific digestive system for its regulatory-food function and with it it can process and obtain the nutrients it requires for its perfect functioning, without this I caused no negative consequences. The animal kingdom has the quality of being instinctively governed, so that in its free state it knows perfectly what food to eat and with them it stays healthy; but, when in captivity or in imbalanced environments, it feeds only to quench its hunger, now with negative consequences that can degenerate into disease.

Next to the realms mentioned mineral, vegetal, animal and human are the complements: water and air, next to the great regulator, the sun; these are bearers of all kingdoms and of the land itself. All of them, in addition to supporting the forms, carry material and subtle nutrients that are necessary for life and for the functioning and balance of the earth.

So far we can see that the regulatory balance between these kingdoms is perfectly designed and interacts with each other and even with itself.

The role of the human kingdom

The human kingdom was created to enjoy all this magnificent fabric and, thanks to this support, it could progress in its personal evolution as a being until its complete realization, since it is the only kingdom that its state and position allows it to do an evolutionary work subtle. Thus, it acquires the quality of discernment with the ability of balanced reasoning, since it is endowed with a powerful tool with respect to the rest of the realms, free will, that is, the freedom to decide what he considers and when he considers it.

The human being, with these tools, can decide between the two aspects of the duality on Earth: good-bad, right-wrong, adequate-inappropriate, and, thus, decide the actions to be undertaken and locate in one or the other duality side. That will bring consequences that no one else will assume, suffer or enjoy, since only he has decided.

The human, unlike its very close and similar animal kingdom, has a unique type of apparatus and digestive system, and this is practically the same as that of any of the species of its animal relatives, the fruit-eating. Among them, the most prominent are the bonobos, which are totally frugivorous. The organic construction of your digestive system is the same as that of human beings, chance or causality?

The human being is frugivorous, his digestive system is designed to feed on fruit and fruits, as well as bonobos, and, thus, obtain all the nutrients he needs to enjoy physical and evolutionary well-being. Anthropologists, paleontologists, as well as comparative anatomy and ancient writings, confirm it.

What happened?

The human kingdom was designed to live in the so-called paradise, that is, in the places closest to the tropics, where the fruits and fruits that are born for its perfect nutrition abound throughout the year, in addition to the abundant and warm sun and constant flow of pure water, nourished by the mineral kingdom. And it is that the human being, like his animal relatives, is born without clothes and matches and his first food is the mother's nutritional flow, pure milk, until he adapts to the outside environment and has the fruit mana and fruits, which the vegetable kingdom generously offers and are cooked by the sun, watered by water and nourished by the earth, full of all the variety of more solid, sensitive and subtle nutrients.

So, dear reader, you as a human have been born with a generous nutrition of a nutritionally healthy mother and father and enjoy the wealth that the whole vegetable kingdom brings you, with its fruits and fruits, so your physical, mental and evolutionary health is Guaranteed, and this is the balanced paradise.

Over thousands of years, the curiosity of the human being led him to explore other habitats; habitats that were part of the regulation of the balance of the Earth and, this distance from its comfort zone, led him to have to find another type of food to avoid starving. He obtained this food by observing what his close relatives, the animals, did. Thus, when the fruits and fruits ran out, by mimicry, he began to ingest and experiment with plants and leaves, with greater or lesser success, with deficiencies or dissatisfactions, which led him to continue observing how the animals were fed with others animals. Thus, he assumed in some way the role of regulator or imbalance, of the animal, vegetable and his own kingdom.

What has the change brought about: evolution or adaptation?

Evolution involves important and certainly irreversible structural changes; on the other hand, adaptation means adapting to specific circumstances in a timely manner, without structural consolidation, waiting for those circumstances to change to revert to the origin. The human being has evolved in his physical aspect and can evolve in the mental and subtle aspect; but, as far as your digestive system is concerned, you have simply made a chemical-chemical adaptation without substantial structural changes. The general structure of the human digestive system remains the same from its origin.

The reason why he has adopted the formula of adaptation rather than evolution is very simple. The type of physical food is a fundamental part when activating the change of consciousness and with it the mental and subtle evolution. The physical and the mental influence each other in such a way that without a clear mind and a healthy body, evolutionary changes densify. Inadequate, denatured and adulterated foods nourish dense consciousness, cloud the mind and condition reasoning, thus forming an endless addictive circle. On the other hand, fresh fruits and fruits bring life, clarify the mind, nourish the subtle consciousness and open the infallible intuition.

The evolution, only, physical material of human consciousness, has densified and unbalanced all life on Earth. Although the idea of ​​well-being is promulgated and bets in pursuit of prosperity or evolutionary advancement, sooner or later one realizes that such prosperity has nothing to do with what we eagerly crave, which is to be truly happy, to enjoy what we do and live, that is, of paradise. We want to be happy at all hours, every day, beyond the deceptive emotional states that bring punctual and perishable happiness, followed by uneasiness and altered states.

This lack of human being has led to the weak evolution of the subtlest consciousness, which is part of our reality as beings, for the sake of a denser and more material consciousness. This state feeds on itself, hence the powerful willpower must be activated to change the powerful addictive habit it entails. Initiating the recovery of healthy habits will lead to rebalancing free will, which, together with a new reasoning power, will allow each of us to accept the progressive change in the way of relating to the rest of the beings, the kingdoms and the Earth itself.

External and internal consequences of adaptation

The human being has almost lost the privileged role he occupied in the balance of the Earth. This voluntary modification of the human being due to lack of awareness is causing changes in the external and internal balances

EXTERNAL: A dense consciousness has caused that the human being has assumed part of the role of the animal kingdom, to which it belongs regularly, in a balanced way, to the vegetable kingdom and to its own. The main difference with respect to human intervention is that the animal kingdom does it instinctively, that is, in a way pre-established by creation. The human being, on the other hand, does so from free will, reasoning and a materialized consciousness, which means that the current situation has been reached, disharmonized and degenerated, with abuse, overexploitation, vexation, selectivization, adulteration, manipulation and, in short, without a profound change of consciousness, so that this loop is fed back by a drug addiction process.

INTERNAL: The human body has to obtain nutrients from foods that are alien to its design and the digestive system adapts by sacrificing partially enzymatic digestions, with harmless residues, in exchange for making bacterial, fermentative or putrefactive and incomplete digestions, the which leave a trace of intoxicating and saturating residues, which cause some nutritive destruction, especially of the most sensitive nutrients, in addition to requiring excessive energy expenditure, both in quantity and time. Even, sometimes, the exchange between the energy provided by the food and the necessary to digest it in its entirety, is negative, so you have to get more energy from the body's reserve.

Another important consequence is the premature organic wear that is caused by overwork and that, together with repeated saturation and intoxication, are the beginning of the gestation of what we call disease. All this has been greatly aggravated in recent times by the way in which food is obtained, its manipulation, denaturation and poisoning with a quantity of substances that are foreign to any nutritional and organic process.

The last created from the dense consciousness is already taking its first steps. It consists of obtaining food synthetically, in order that the earth is already insufficient to feed humanity. But with a change of consciousness, it would simply be necessary to reverse the food processes, to go step by step towards our base and nutritional origin, with what would be more than enough to nourish all human beings healthily. Offering this synthetic food with the guarantee that it contains everything we need, but in an inharmonious way and that it lacks the most sensitive and subtle nutrients, which are those that bring life, that only life can give you, is to offer useful food only to fill the stomachs, calm the addictions, appease the emotions and placate the conscience; but, thus, we will obtain a synthetic and inert consciousness.

These are the direct consequences of the adaptation process that the human organism has undergone. To continue being inconsistent with the creative harmony and to aggravate it through a deficient, dense, unbalanced and sickly nutrition seems to have no limits. The increasingly serious breakdown of the initially created harmony will arrive sooner or later at a point of inflection, which will be followed by the breakage and then the natural restructuring. The instinct, which is the one that guides the rest of the kingdoms, is free of dense and self-justifying conditioning and reasoning and, by pure logic, is the one that will prevail and restore balance and harmony in matter.

Steps to change to your origin

We have played creators with a densified and material consciousness and we have altered and redesigned what the perfect creation offers us for our enjoyment. And it is that being creators belongs to us, but, from the dense material consciousness, it is carrying results that are aggravated exponentially: diseases at an early age, rare or chronic diseases, youth with a multitude of syndromes, old age with disabilities, disconnection from life, lack of mobility, alteration of mental states, does all this come from the supposed state of well-being ?, for whom ?, and, above all, for what ?, when the human being simply aspires to be happy and enjoy what created.

Therefore, once the step for the change of consciousness has been accepted, the densest, refined, denatured foods must be gradually postponed and replaced by those more similar and healthy to our original constitution. Also recover the old and original varieties, less adulterated and much more nutritious, so that the balances return and Nature can offer us the manna that I design for our privileged position in paradise. Without obsessions or radicalisms and adapting to what we have created at the present time. Thus we will make a correct transition, but with the clear objective of reversing that process and the goal to be achieved: health and well-being.

The human being can choose to practice step by step the reversal towards a less aggressive system, more respectful and according to the original design, but, at the same time, conserving the most respectful part and balanced that has also created with its evolution in this earthly paradise, with the right and balanced degree of comfort.

The keys to change and success

Reflect, park the stereotypes created, set aside the acquired habits, question the actions carried out by the great mass, the dogmas of blind faith, stop being carried away by the currents, fashions, novelties This deep reflection It will only be possible if you allow yourself to stop along the way and meditate deeply from physical and mental detoxification.

Only by initiating a process of change of consciousness towards a purer and more subtle, that is, getting closer to your reality, to what you really are and possess, can you overcome the multiple layers that separate the densified and material current consciousness, which causes suffering to other species, to their own and to be trapped in an addictive vicious circle.

You can read, listen, inform yourself; savor the writings, the videos, the talks, the workshops; Hear great and beautiful words, how beautiful everything! But this is only the first step and, if you stay in that initial stage, you will only savor the theory that will absorb you Like a drug and you will be anchored in the good and wonderful words, in the fascinating truths, you will hear great words and say how much reason you are! Wonder, but are you going to do something? Do you get going? Are you willing to contribute your share of the work, leaving aside great speeches and beautiful words? Forget about whether it is coming now, if it comes or will come, put your well-being in your hands at once, because only you and only you, is the key to your personal success and Most importantly, your collective contribution. Change you and thousands will change, an infallible truth, you just have to activate your powerful will and start the path, that is, put into practice.

Thus, as the adaptive process of the human has been gestated for long periods of time, the return will have to be progressive and its speed will be greater or lesser depending on the state of consciousness and the willpower that accompanies it; taking into account, in addition, the organic state in which one is and that can pose some difficulty. The reversal of the chemical-bacterial digestive processes, require their time and form to recover the closest possible state to the original. Internal chemistry, enzymatic and bacterial production of different food groups is different and needs to be replenished. For all this, it is lawful to help with specific natural supplements to speed up the process.

The most adequate food transition process will go by leaving the foods that we classify as more dense and remote to our digestive system and, at the same time, incorporate their substitutes, those that we classify as transition, composed of first and second transition. At the same time, and from the beginning, the foods we classify as healthy and very healthy will be incorporated. Another fundamental aspect is how to combine them properly, according to the chemical compatibility of food, avoiding mixtures that lead to poor digestion and nutritional loss.

The groups that we classify as healthy and very healthy are the closest to our nutritional origin and the most appropriate to our digestive constitution, but taking into account that the majority of fruits, fruits and vegetables have been altered to a greater or lesser extent with respect to how they were originally, it is lawful, as we said before, to resort to the invaluable help of supplements and other tools that concentrate the nutritional power of these foods.

With these food groups, and once the food transition is advanced, all the necessary nutrients will be obtained, even some of them can be made by the body itself, when it is in a proper state of organic and functional health.

Progressively, we can guide our daily food to transition foods until the day that, not feeling any repression, we can enjoy them sporadically or even remove them from our consumption and prioritize, thus, healthy and very healthy foods. There are people who decide to feed only on the very healthy ones, which are the closest to our origin; that is, fruits and fruits. This may be possible depending on the evolutionary changes in consciousness and that is where another superior path can begin, the path to pranic feeding, detailed in the article with the same title.

The important thing is to acquire the healthy habit and what you do, whether sporadically or punctually, is part of the process of desadiction. Gradually, the difficulties will dissolve, but remember that the important thing is not to repress, since this force would slow down the natural process of desadiction.

Act and walk without obsessions, without radicalisms, with attentive awareness and open intuition, all governed by the powerful willpower you possess when opening subtle consciousness. Take the necessary time until you reach the goal you have set for yourself; and remember that the important thing, more than time, is to reverse the process, that is to follow the right direction.


You have the great gift of free will, that is, only you decide what you want to do and how far you want to go; In addition, the greatest force that exists in matter is within you: the most powerful willpower, the one that initiates the change and that, once activated, nothing can stop. Simply identify unhealthy habits through the correct information, which will lead you to initiate the change of consciousness. All this will make you a new person.

Only in your hands is the decision to start the path back to your nutritional origin and enjoy its great benefits: health, happiness and well-being.

«What is imposed or copied never produces development; but freedom added to the will accelerates evolution » « If you take density you will create density, if you take life, you will create life »

Author: Josep María Montserrat Vila - Cellular Nutritionist

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