What is logosophy?

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Logosophy and the great concerns of the human being by Adriana Con and Atilio Pecorino 2 What does logosophy propose? 3 What do we mean or what are we saying when we talk about restlessness? 4 Well, what moves inside us? What is it? 5 Well, there seems to be a logical answer for a boy, this boy, but now comes question number two: “Mom and those things that men didn't do, who did them?” 6 Why? because they are showing us something, they are showing us that even at the earliest ages these internal movements are promoted, which are later concretized in a question and that what they mean is the need to learn. And that need to learn is one thing that is born with all of us. It is not induced by anyone in particular. 7 What is the meaning or foundation of things? What is the location, our location, in the creation? in short, it is a kind of mandate that is in nature, that distinguishes us all as intelligent beings. 8 For logosophy, the appearance of these great concerns within the internal life of each one, are promoted precisely by the individual spirit. 9 But I was wondering, will they be the only thing they have to tell me about those feelings I have, will there be anything related to that connection or disconnection with myself? 10 Well, with logosophy I saw that later, that those two feelings I had in the beginning, those as of dissatisfaction or as an indefinite anxiety, were not by chance and responded to concerns that perhaps I was not attending. An example could be this that appeared to me at night. Am I taking advantage of the time? I also recognized it as something that came from a deep place. 11 I bring it because perhaps many of us can be identified in this concern to transcend being someone, for whom they remind us. 12 For logosophy, fears, fears are linked to paralysis. And who has experienced even for a little while that feeling knows that it is not pleasant. 13 With logosof a what we are acquiring are tools and concepts that allow us to construct those answers with a practical sense. 14 Well, and now I do, I wondered what it is to deal with spiritual concerns? and summarizing suit, three points that seem fundamental to me. 15 But one of the things we learn from the beginning with logos is to observe the internal reactions a lot, and to be able to leave them a little in suspense so as not to lose the freedom to think broadly about what we have in hand. 16 Well, with logosof what I began to see then, it was how it was about serenity, how it was about bravery and starting to build them inside me, to be able to think, to be able to be more in touch with the dictates of my own sensibility, with learning to recognize my own measure, daring to expand it but always within the balance that made me feel good. 17 It is the greatest spiritual concern that each human spirit has. 18 Well for the logos, the next aspirations of the human being are three. 19 Now what happens to wisdom and why wisdom? 20 So how can we address, say, these issues that are a permanent concern in many beings? 21 Causal agents 22 And well, when one observes the movements that are taking place towards the changes, it is highly stimulating. 23 Throughout a whole process of transformations, which transforms us into what we really aspire to do, this is what the logosophy calls a process of conscious evolution. 24 Now hope has to be rational, it has to be based on certain things. It cannot be an irrational hope, because irrational hope is an illusion. 25 Well, he says like this “Man will never regret having provided his spirit, how much element of judgment requires the full development of his aptitudes and the exercise without limitations of his intelligence”

This article will consist of the concerns of human beings from a logosophical perspective based on the conference held by Adriana Con who began his studies of logosophy more than fifteen years ago. He works as a study and research teacher at the headquarters of the logosophical foundation in Buenos Aires. She has collaborated in books and magazines on logosophical pedagogy and works at the secondary level of our school as an English teacher. And also by Atilio Pecorino, who has been a member of the foundation for more than fifty years. Throughout these years he has given courses and conferences on logosophy in the country and abroad. He serves as director of the teaching area of ​​the institution. And it will be commented by GS

It is interesting to retake great themes from little-known perspectives, such as the logosophical one. That is why I invite you to read this article and I am sure that, several of the concerns presented in this article, will have arisen at some time in your life, or it is possible that at some time, you have been asked great questions, maybe your son, or some child close to you, whose answer you might not be able to give, because of the depth of it. If something similar happened to you, I invite you to read the following words that will surely resonate deep.

Logosophy and the great concerns of the human being by Adriana Con and Atilio Pecorino

For those who do not know the logosophical foundation of Buenos Aires, it is a non-profit, political or religious civil institution. It was created in 1930 by the Argentine educator and thinker Carlos Gonzalez Pecotche with the main objective of spreading the knowledge of philosophy. Science that he created.

What does logosophy propose?

This science proposes the integral overcoming of man, through knowledge, using an original and effective method that is his own. Currently, logosophy is studied and practiced in more than twenty-two countries in the world, in Brazil, Uruguay in Argentina there are logosophical schools in its three educational levels. In them, teaching is applied with a focus and pedagogy of this discipline, teaching children and young students a more human vision of the world, from the change of self.

What do we mean or what are we saying when we talk about restlessness?

If I had to look for another word, than names, I would say that restlessness is practically synonymous with movement, that is to say stillness, almost the same word says it, doesn't it?

When we say we have a concern, what we are saying is that something has moved within us, generating a certain internal state . I think we can all remember having felt that right?

A certain state that can be indefinite, that may be more intense and persistent, but which in any case almost always is configured with the appearance of some question we ask ourselves, and of which we do not immediately have the answer, right?

Well, what moves inside us? What is it?

To explain this we are going to appeal to a very interesting resource.

Sometimes when you want to know or understand some of the things that happen to adults, we have to look at the children because there we will find similarities that are amazing with what later happens in our adult life.

And surely all or most of them, once faced a question asked by a creature, a boy.

In general, I am referring to questions that are not simple, are those that sometimes put us in a hurry to answer them, makes us think good and now what do I say ? how do I explain?

Which also speaks of the fact that when we are in that situation , we realize that some of those things, which the boys ask, we still don't have too clear ourselves do we ?

Well I think those who are parents know what I am talking about . I say, in my own experience, I have three children and when they were little, this was a long time ago. The truth is that I lived a lot of these situations or I witnessed situations of this kind. For example, I tell you one.

Once, one of my children, was very small, and was playing lying on the ground with a car, very absorbed, very concentrated in his car world. And suddenly, without any special circumstances mediating, he looks up, looks at his mother and says: mam who did everything that exists? Well, the mother prepared to answer and said: Well, many of the things that he saw exist that were made by man, are manufactured by man but what were other things that man could not have done, such as the stars, the mountains, the rivers, the trees, which could not have been manufactured for the man.

Well, there seems to be a logical answer for a boy, this boy, but now comes question number two: "Mom and those things that men didn't do, who did them?"

Well here the answer comes a little more complicated because to think how the origin of creation is explained to a boy, practically that is it.

Well, my lady told him “that this was a question that many, many people asked and that not everyone had the answer and that some called, who had done everything that the man did not do, God, others spoke of a very Intelligence great, of nature, in the end answers to give neither fanciful questions nor answers nor that had a religious sense and with some words that he could understand r.

Well, with that it seemed that everything was back to normal until question number three came.

And how did he know that everything would work?

Well the answer in this case was: "I still don't know, " which was the most sincere thing he could have said and then returned to his world.

Well beyond the things that one responds, in these cases to the boys, what interests us, in this case that concerns us, are the questions themselves that they ask.

Why? because they are showing us something, they are showing us that even at the earliest ages these internal movements are promoted, which are later concretized in a question and that what they mean is the need to learn. And that need to learn is one thing that is born with all of us. It is not induced by anyone in particular.

In this case I told, in this anecdote, nobody had intervened so that he could think of that at that moment. Let's say this is something we bring from the factory, a brand we bring.

Well, these concerns, these questions are later presented throughout life many times, they appear throughout the different stages of life, for example in adolescence appears a lot because suddenly the teenager faces a world, is no longer a child, and faces a world that does not match what he had imagined when he was a child.

He begins to see that there are many things he does not understand, he does not understand himself, he wonders who I really am? Why am i the way i am? already in the different stages that are marking the life of all human beings

Well, now these big questions, these big concerns, have nothing to do with everything that is related to material or utilitarian issues, but they have to do with issues that make up the very essence of life, that is, our origin, to our destiny, that is to say, are those enigmas with which we often live together for a long time .

What is the meaning or foundation of things? What is the location, our location, in the creation? in short, it is a kind of mandate that is in nature, that distinguishes us all as intelligent beings.

Well, once these questions are presented, these concerns may have different paths, for example, sometimes they are presented simply as a curious question, which appears sporadically but since we do not have the answer quickly to satisfy it, it usually happens that, one leaves it a shortly, he forgets it, then reappears but in any case it is not a concern throughout life . In other cases, the concerns are presented with great intensity and persistence, so they also internally move the will to make the effort to try to satisfy them. Investigate and leave what answers that question that one asked.

Well, it seems to me that there are many beings in history who have committed their lives to satisfy that which has mobilized it internally and many of humanity's progress is due to the concerns that these people had and were able to carry forward.

Well, in another situation also those, these concerns can be something indefinite, that one can not specify too well, it is like a feeling, say of dissatisfaction even when one has all the material needs covered. It's like the feeling that something is missing to complete. Something we need for our life to be, or rather fully satisfy us.

Well I come back to the question , what moves within us?

Human beings, all of us, are conformed with two natures, one is the physical nature that includes the biological that has a very intimate correlation with the psychological and the other is the spiritual nature, which is really our true essence. It is what links us to everything that is beyond the physical reality that surrounds us.

For the logo, the appearance of these great concerns within the internal life of each one, are promoted precisely by the individual spirit.

That is something little known to all but that nevertheless represents what really animates our life and represents our true identity. So these concerns we are talking about represent a kind of call of an intelligent entity that belongs to us to know more, to know more about the creation, to know ourselves more, no?. This of the knowledge of oneself I leave to take it back later, because this is one of the concerns, has been and continues to be, one of the most pressing concerns for men and also more dodge to find your solution.

Well, we are going to try to show all this, not only from the conceptual point of view, but also from what happens in the life of each one of us in practice.

Well, one thing I wanted to share was just about the experiences of the day . Well, focusing on those experiences of the day, in my daily life, I wanted to tell you a way in which I saw that everyday life . I remember that I was wondering what activities we develop in our daily lives? and the truth is that I think we can all share an infinite number of activities during the day, both in quantity and variety. Now the interesting thing was that in addition to all those activities we need to remember to do that we do not have to forget about this, that, questions related to these tasks appear during the day. For example, will the collective arrive soon, today? Will I find a place to park? Do I need to buy a pet? How could I pay my taxes? How could I increase my income? But sometimes you can also ask yourself during the day, can I fix this computer or do I have to buy another one? Will I find that space of time to make that little call that I have to make? Or with what words I say to so and so of that I need to tell him ?. Well the questions are also very many and my perception was that between the activities that I have to develop during the day and that are my responsibilities, and those questions that are happening, I had very little space for a deeper contact with myself. Like that covered all my capacity.

When I began to apply some techniques of conscious life, I began to see where that new space was going, that space that I did not find. Then I began to have a more fluid, more constant dialogue with me. And well when I started to intervene in that inner world one of the first questions I asked, I remember, it was how I felt and I found two answers that were distinguished. One was as feeling as of indefinite anxiety, and another as of dissatisfaction, we could tell. I remember that at that moment I was good at associating them with issues that I was having to solve, so I had them.

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But I was wondering, will they be the only thing they have to tell me about those feelings I have? Is there something related to that connection or disconnection with myself?

I tell you, at a time when I was with a high level of activity in my life, and seeing it in hindsight perhaps with a little disconnection with myself, the following happened: I woke up at night with this question, am I taking advantage of the time ? So half asleep, in the dark. The question was really moving, am I taking advantage of the time? So what I did was to review my responsibilities and see if the day was there. If I was up to date, I slept but said good to myself, I will not delay, I will enjoy more and I went back to sleep.

But a few days later he asked me this question again, am I taking advantage of the time? Well it seems that this restlessness wanted to tell me: "since you don't listen to me during the day I have all your night and I have all your attention".

Well with logosophy I was seeing that later, that those two feelings that I had at first, those as of dissatisfaction or as an indefinite anxiety, were not by chance and responded to concerns that perhaps I was not attending. An example could be this that appeared to me at night. Am I taking advantage of the time? I also recognized it as something that came from a deep place.

Well then I decided to follow her to see where she was taking me. But we will see that in a little while.

We will continue to see now, other spiritual concerns that happen during the day. I remember, for example, an experience I had with my older, fifth-year students. I asked them if they could write. What questions did they ask themselves?

Then the most varied questions arose, from what will be rich at home today to eat? What will the next chapter of my favorite series be like? Why do I have to live with people? but one student said the following: "I only live my present, he didn't ask me anything, he tried to forget the bad things of my past thinking about a good future . " Maybe the question is why do I always regret my actions? When that question appears, I get stressed, I feel regretful and sad because I can't change what I did. Clearly there is a deep concern.

And well we all have spiritual concerns even if we have not specified them in a question, spiritual concerns about love, about life, about death about mistakes, about the decisions we have made or that others have made about the family.

I remember that at one time I had a rather big concern, about how to reverse a family trend and at another time I had one, also, a deep concern about how to reverse a concept that others had formed of me. And I remember now, once, my son woke up called me and said: "Mom when I'm not there, will you remember me?"

I bring it because maybe many of us can be identified in this concern to transcend being someone, for whom they remind us.

Well, the truth is that many of these concerns remain with us for a long time and sometimes we share them. Did you ever share some of those big questions with someone else?

I tell you something that happened to me I was doing a kinesiological rehabilitation and shared the room with another man and the doctor. And then on one of those afternoons, we started sharing these big questions. And also our answers. And in that the doctor says: Well, well, well what philosophies have been put today . Visibly uncomfortable, perhaps I say fearing that some of the questions were asked of her. I bring it because maybe they would have told me what philosophies they have put on today, some time before it might have inhibited me or made me feel uncomfortable and maybe I would not have insisted on dialogue with others to bring these questions that are great but that are also so human.

I think of that doctor and just as it happened to her from being involved in a conversation she didn't expect, how many unexpected circumstances also surprise us by facing or having to face those big questions?

For example, I thought in the face of a tragic event or in the face of an unexpected event. How many times do we connect to this concern about the meaning of life or about the sense of circumstance that we have to live? Be it as a protagonist or as a companion.

Well, I also saw the spiritual concerns in the deep longings, for example, the deep yearning to enjoy, enjoy what one does, what one has chosen, the deep yearning not to be wrong again in the same thing that I already come wrong, in the deep desire to be a good wife, to be a good mother. Several arise, the truth is that with these deep desires that each one is particular, I connect, for example, when I have to drive a long distance, sometimes there is music, but that does not distract me, or at some distance that I already know or the night when I go to sleep and I am trying to fall asleep or for example, on some weekend in the morning when I wake up.

The truth is that the place and the moment, when we connect with those big questions , can vary for each one. It can be very different, in fact, I remember a friend who told me the following. When she went to visit her parents, she went to the patio of the house, sat in a hammock and when she sat down, this question appeared, why do I exist? Then he tells me that he goes a second time, to the parents' house, to the patio sits in that hammock and again the question, why do I exist? Later, he told me that the next time and those that followed, every time he went to his parents' house and wanted to sit on the patio, he never sat in that hammock. It was funny to me, but beyond that, I thought , doesn't it happen to us sometimes that we avoid facing any of these big questions?

There are doubts, no doubt, that produce us as a certain fear such as not having an answer, a fear of a certain emptiness, or having to rethink things that we were assuming, to discover some question of prejudices, or beliefs that we can no longer sustain, in finish.

For logosophy, fears, fears are linked to paralysis. And who has experienced even for a little while that feeling knows that it is not pleasant.

Therefore it is natural until we move away from these big concerns, many times we also give a very simplified or theoretical answer or we are directly ignoring them .

I don't know if something like this ever happened to them, but what I say, I wonder many times is why do we move away? and without a doubt, for me, it has to do with the fact that many times we don't value or give importance to value, let's say what they represent for us and for those around us.

Well, in fact, you did not leave, because if you are here it is because reading this page is because something moved or the same concerns that you already had made you look and get to this.

With logosophy what we are acquiring are tools and concepts that allow us to build those answers with a practical sense.

For logosophy, spiritual concerns are the engine of evolution, they represent a force that we can and in a way we need to learn to channel . They are also a very unique stimulus in each one, but that is proper and positive for the search of what completes us, that complements us, that renews us from the deepest and makes us truly independent.

Well, when I became aware of all this, I wondered and told myself that I want to deal with spiritual concerns, but what is dealing with spiritual concerns?

Well, and now, I was wondering what it is to deal with spiritual concerns? and summarizing suit, three points that seem fundamental to me.

The first is that we need to identify them and although it seems super obvious, it is not so. We need to identify what are the spiritual concerns and to be able to transform or specify them in a question that allows us to investigate.

The second point is that they are not satisfied with an intellectual response or with a theoretical response, but that they just satisfy it have to do with action, with making overcoming changes. Do you remember the question that woke me up? of Am I taking advantage of the time?

Well one day I found, while studying, this phrase that says: "... What is least thought is that time is life and that by managing life, time is automatically managed."

So this question I had, am I taking advantage of the time? which was suddenly as more limited, linked to time, was now transformed for me. And it happens to be , am I taking advantage of life? This opened up an immense panorama because I began to make observations in my life, diverse, and realize how many of our decisions we make have to do precisely with the concept we have of life and what we have it for.

That led me to another phrase, I found studying, researching a phrase that says "... concentrate the desires of your will on the great goal of life ..." what is it? and I remember that I covered with my hand what I followed and said, what is the purpose of life for you?

Sure some have already done it, but hey, I remember that at that moment I said: love . When I uncovered and saw what it said: the knowledge applied to self-improvement I disagreed.

But one of the things we learn from the beginning with logos is to observe internal reactions a lot, and to be able to leave them a little in suspense so as not to lose the freedom to think broadly about what we have in hand.

So he asked me well, why had he chosen love? And making a retrospective look at my life, I saw that in the important moments, in the moments of difficulty, in the moments of options or decisions, moments of facing errors or facing unforeseen events, I had always had someone, with some family member, some friend, someone known to help me, for example, to calm my mood, to cheer me up if I was not very animated, to gather courage, what I needed was to set a limit or face something new. To look at my responsibilities with greater balance, anyway.

Well, there in the word love, it encompassed in some way, all these links . Now what happened to me at that time, too, was that I looked at my life and saw that I had chosen a career, which I liked, had received me. I was doing something nice at work level, I was dating a person that I liked, that seemed to me that the relationship had future visions, had friends, got along with my family . But, nevertheless, what happened to me was that internally I did not feel like a capable person. Able to manage myself. Let's see, I had always wanted to be a good person . I remember it since I was a child, and I had understood that being a good person was doing the right thing, doing things right. Now at that point, that doing things well had become a great pressure, a pressure to take care of all the details of anything he faced, so there would be no problems, so there would be no mistakes

And that great pressure, what I was doing about me was that I lost lucidity and not only that I lost lucidity to think, to see what was happening inside me about what I was doing it, but also, it also affected me . And in those conditions I went to my fellow men, to my friends, to some family member to help me, remember what I told you today?

Well, there I began to understand why for me the knowledge about managing myself had been so important how the links were, which seemed more important to me. So if I could solve my life with the help of others, I have to worry about solving them for myself. Now, I was solving my life, that is so, but I was not feeling more capable. Somehow, that pressure to do things right, to avoid mistakes at all costs, had been running the focus in my life of how important each circumstance I had to live was, which was the opportunity to learn. He had been replacing a little, that pressure to do things well, had been replacing that more evolutionary location of seeing the learnings and what they contain, which often contain errors, recalculating.

Bueno, con logosofía lo que empecé a ver entonces, es cómo era esto de la serenidad, como era esto de la valentía y empezar a construirlas dentro mio, para poder pensar, para poder estar más en contacto con los dictados de mi propia sensibilidad, con aprender a reconocer mi propia medida, osando ampliarla pero siempre dentro del equilibrio que me hacía sentir bien.

Fui construyendo, de alguna manera, esos conocimientos que yo usualmente iba a pedir que otros me los dieron . Esa construcción gradual generó en mí, muchísima confianza en mí misma, y eso fue muy liberador.

Y como aquel que va conociendo nuevas porciones de libertad, yo quería que otros también pudieran construir esa libertad en su vida. Recuerdo, por ejemplo, en los esfuerzos que hacía por compartir mis experiencias o mismo en los esfuerzos que hacía por ser consciente y estar atenta a practicar esos nuevos pensamientos, esas nuevas ubicaciones frente a la vida, o frente a mí misma, sentía frente a esos esfuerzos una gran satisfacción, una gran felicidad, interna, profunda. Y me permitió comprobar algo que dice González Pecotche que hacer el bien, primero a uno mismo, como forma de capacitación, para saber brindar ese mismo bien a otros.

Es la inquietud espiritual más grande que tiene cada espíritu humano.

Todas las inquietudes relatadas pertenecen a una persona en particular, pueden coincidir con las nuestras o no. Lo cierto es que todos nosotros vivimos distintas circunstancias, tenemos historias de vida distintas. En definitiva, somos todos distintos.

Ahora, yo pensaba, debe haber en algún punto en el cual podemos hacer alguna generalización . Es decir, debe haber algo, algunas cosas que todos quisiéramos conquistar, que quisiéramos tener, que quisiéramos lograr, que nos unifique a todos y no me estoy refiriendo a las cosas como cambiar el modelo del auto, viajar por el mundo, eso no. Estamos hablando de estas otras cosas más profundas, que podríamos llamar las grandes aspiraciones de los hombres, aquello que en general todos los hombres ponemos en una escala de prioridades en los primeros puestos.

¿Cuáles son las máximas aspiraciones del ser humano? se animan a nombrar algunas.

Por ejemplo, podría ser trascender, que la vida no se agote, la paz, ser valiente, para ponerlo en una palabra.

Bueno para la logosofía, las máximas aspiraciones del ser humano son tres.

Una es la paz, otra es la felicidad y creo que todos queremos ser felices de alguna manera y la otra sabiduría, y esto último unido con la salud, de todo tipo, porque sin ella todo es más difícil de lograr.

Pero bueno estas tres cosas están íntimamente vinculadas entre sí, no podrían vivir una sin la otra. Son absolutamente, están absolutamente conectadas. Sí no gozamos de paz y llamemos paz en lo externo pero sobre todo la paz interior, estamos en un estado de conflictividad y eso no permite que seamos felices, eso es indudable.

Bueno en sentido inverso, si uno vive momentos de infelicidad, de angustia, de ansiedad eso nos mantiene en una zozobra interna que no nos permite alcanzar la paz que todos queremos para la vida. De modo que, ahí se muestra cómo están relacionadas.

Ahora ¿qué pasa con la sabiduría y por qué la sabiduría?

En primer lugar, yo diría porque lo contrario la sabiduría que es la ignorancia nos vuelve a todos sumamente vulnerables. Y yo diría que hay un argumento, que alguna gente usa y dice qu e para ser feliz prefiero no saber . Esto es una falacia que en realidad lo que logra es que nos sumamos en una inconsciencia total, y la inconsciencia y la ignorancia son quizás dos de las cosas que m s afectan a los hombres.

Bueno cuando hablamos de sabidur a, hay que hacer una especie de distinci n. Distinguirla de lo que ser a, la acumulaci n de conocimiento, de cualquier tipo de conocimientos, que nos hagan ser digamos m s ilustrados, que nos den lustre intelectual. Por que eso en realidad no nos garantiza, la capacidad para lograr la felicidad y la paz, ese tipo de conocimiento. Porque bueno hay muchos ejemplos de personas que se las considera sabios, en alguna de las ramas del conocimiento, pero que no han podido, de todas maneras, sustraer sus vidas de la infelicidad, la angustia. Lo que est mostrando es que ser sabio, en realidad, la excepci nm s completa de la palabra, es poseer los conocimientos que no permitan alcanzar aquellas cosas que nos hemos propuesto como fundamentales para la vida.

Todos queremos poder conducir la vida con solvencia, poder solucionar todas las alternativas que la vida nos presenta, poder de alguna manera tener las riendas de nuestra vida, poder construir nuestro propio destino. De modo que, los conocimientos que nos permitir an hacer eso son precisamente los que forman la verdadera sabidur a . Adem s la sabidur a tiene otra condici n necesaria, que uno sea, haya sido capaz tambi n de lograr o poder transmitir lo que uno sabe a otros. En realidad sabio, es aquel que no solo que sabe sino que ense a lo que sabe a los dem s.

Bueno hay un aspecto de la sabidur a que es sumamente destacable que es la necesidad que el hombre mantiene, de siempre, desde que tiene uso de raz n, de conocerse a sí mismo. Lo decía yo al principio, sí vamos a tomar un poco aparte la cuestión del conocimiento del sí mismo porque en realidad si pensamos, los hombres en general, hemos adquirido a través de la historia una innumerable cantidad de conocimiento acerca de todo lo que nos rodea . Lo que nos ha permitido vivir en el mundo que vivimos. Pero no sabemos mucho, en la misma magnitud, acerca de como somos nosotros, al punto tal que muchas veces podríamos decir que somos casi perfectos desconocidos para nosotros mismos.

Entonces ¿cómo podemos encarar, digamos, estas cuestiones que son una inquietud permanente en muchos seres?

En el conocimiento de nosotros mismos, y la superación individual, o sea puesto en términos de interrogante bueno ¿como puedo hacer para conocerme integralmente tal como soy y como puedo hacer para superarme, para ser mejor de lo que soy?

Bueno conocerse o mejor dicho conocer como somos, implica penetrar en un mundo que no es el mundo que nos rodea, es dirigir la mirada esta vez hacia adentro y introducirnos en ese mundo individual que es nuestro mundo íntimo, nuestro mundo al cual solamente tenemos acceso nosotros, que llamamos mundo interno. Este mundo es en realidad es un mundo invisible para los ojos, los ojos físicos. En realidad es un mundo mental. Es el ámbito donde se generan y se gestan todas las cosas que después tienen su manifestación en lo externo, en el mundo que nos rodea . Podemos poner muchísimos ejemplos, todos los objetos que vemos, la silla, los micrófonos, lo que sea primero fueron una realidad en el mundo mental del que los creo, del que los invento, fue una idea, estaba allí. Primero fue la idea, después se tradujo en lo material. No se una caricia que le hacemos a un ser que queremos, es la manifestación externa de algo que está dentro, que es un sentimiento, que no es físico.

Un gesto o una palabra que pronunciamos, es también la expresión que sale de nosotros de un pensamiento que tenemos que luego se traduce en esa gestualidad, o en esa expresión oral que tenemos.

Bueno como esto podemos poner muchísimos ejemplos, quiere decir que ese mundo, que no es un mundo físico sino un mundo metafísico, está poblado de presencias, que son reales, que son pensamientos, que son sentimientos, que son sensaciones, que son recuerdos, que son conocimientos, bueno todo eso son los habitantes del mundo físico y que son los que generan, lo que después se va a traducir, en lo que vivimos fuera, es decir en nuestra conducta, en la forma en que nos movemos. Entonces a esos habitantes los llamamos agentes causales .

Entonces conocer esos agentes causales, pero conocerlos cabalmente para poder describirlos y hasta de alguna manera visualizarlos representa un avance tan extraordinario o comparable con lo que por ejemplo, para la biología, fue el descubrimiento de los elementos microscópicos que causaban las enfermedades. Todos sabemos que antes de Pasteur se desconocía la existencia de los microorganismos de modo que la existencia de las enfermedades se atribuían a causas espontáneas.

Cuando se pudo conocer cuál era la verdadera causa y atribuible a esos microorganismos, el avance que hubo para la salud fue extraordinario. Bueno no hace falta mencionarlo, ya que se pudieron curar enfermedades, prevenir otras, y eso generó una calidad de vida, para todos nosotros, de una categoría extraordinaria.

Bueno, en la vida interna ocurre lo mismo, e n general uno ve los efectos de las cosas que ocurren dentro pero no suele ver las causas que generaron esos efectos de modo que poder conocernos y para poder conocernos es necesario que tengamos una información de cómo estamos constituidos psicológicamente. Cómo funcionamos, c uáles son las entidades reales que se mueven dentro de ese mundo interior y que después tienen su consecuencia en la vida que vivimos.

Bueno si nosotros pudiéramos llegar a ese conocimiento, del mecanismo y de los agentes que se mueven en ese mundo, sí podríamos conformar ese grupo de conocimientos y además c ontaramos con un método que nos permita aplicar esos conocimientos a la vida, ya estaría configurada una ciencia . Que en realidad es una ciencia que la podríamos, para ponerle un nombre, la ciencia de la vida. No en el sentido biológico, que para eso ya esta la biología, digamos que sería la ciencia de la vida consciente.

Agentes causales

Cuando nosotros queremos estudia r cualquier ciencia, que nos decidamos hacerlo, sabemos a dónde tenemos que ir, existen las instituciones educativas donde se imparten los conocimientos que hacen a esa rama de la ciencia que queremos estudiar.

Pero sí quisiéramos estudiar, y ustedes habrá supuesto que esa ciencia de la vida existe ya, no se sí lo habrán supuesto o no, pero yo les digo que sí, existe, entonces la pregunta es ¿si uno quisiera estudiar esa ciencia de la vida a dónde tendríamos que ir? ¿a dónde vamos?

Bueno, para mí fue fundamental en todos los logros que fui teniendo en esta educación de mí misma la asistencia a la f undación logosófica que es una escuela para la evolución consciente.

Para resumir diría lo siguiente, en la fundación acá en la escuela, dí con recursos, con preguntas, con conclusiones, con reflexiones que por mi misma no hubiera llegado porque muchas veces estaban totalmente fuera de mi forma de ser. Entonces el tener una escuela ahorra mucho tiempo.

Adem s, en las reuniones de intercambio de conclusiones y de procedimientos cada estudiante de logosof a comparte sus ensayos con las ense anzas logos ficas. Lo cual beneficia a todos porque uno puede ver una variedad, que por s solo, a veces esos recursos son m s escasos y finalmente dir a que una de las condiciones que am me gust de esta escuela es que tiene un ambiente muy especial, basado en normas de camarader a, de respeto y de mucho afecto que nos permiten observarnos a nosotros mismos y observar a otros.

Y bueno cuando uno va observando los movimientos que se van produciendo hacia los cambios es altamente estimulante.

Bueno esta es la ltima parte, por lo que voy a hacer un breve resumen entonces y voy agregar alguna cosita.

S ustedes ven el cartel de fundaci n logos fica, abajo dice en letras m s chiquitas, en pro de la superaci n humana. Bueno de eso se trata, de la superaci n. A eso venimos, a buscar las formas de ser mejores, de superarnos.

Cualquier proyecto de superaci n individual incluye por lo menos alguna de estas cosas. Primero la natural aspiraci n de ser mejores, es decir eso es una condici n, que s alguien no quiere obviamente no lo necesita, pero la aspiraci n de ser mejores que nos lleve, que nos permita empe arnos en realizar todo un recorrido que va de lo que somos a lo que queremos ser .

A lo largo de todo un proceso de transformaciones, que nos transforme en aquello que aspiramos realmente hacer, a esto la logosof a lo llama un proceso de evoluci n consciente.

Otra cosa son las herramientas que necesitamos hacer para cumplir con ese proceso. Con estas herramientas son los conocimientos, conocimientos de un tipo muy especial que n o son los conocimientos comunes porque tienen la virtud que nos dan la posibilidad de transformarnos, son conocimientos transformadores. Se aplica a la propia vida y nos van permitiendo realizar los cambios que son necesarios para que pasemos de un estado a otro superior.

En este punto yo les sugiero a todos los que, para abreviar un poco, que investiguen un poco en la logosofía, sí tienen interés claro. Porque se van a encontrar seguramente con algunas cosas extraordinarias .

Esta exploración del mundo interno que uno empieza a hacer es como una especie de aventura que yo les aseguro que es tan atrapante como la mejor serie de Netflix. Con la ventaja de que además de ser espectadores, somos nosotros los protagonistas . Así que bueno.

Y por último un elemento más que hay que tener es la esperanza, la esperanza de conseguir lo que uno se propuso. P orque sin la esperanza nada tiene sentido, sin esperar que uno va alcanzar aquello que se propuso para su vida, no vale la pena hacer ningún esfuerzo, porque la esperanza es la que sostiene la voluntad y el esfuerzo por lograr lo que uno quiere.

Ahora la esperanza tiene que ser racional, tiene que fundarse en cosas ciertas. No puede ser una esperanza irracional, porque la esperanza irracional es una ilusión.

Suele pasar que cuando nos ilusionamos mucho terminamos desilusionados, de modo que la esperanza tiene que fundarse, no en creencias, no en los prejuicios, no en las suposiciones, sino en cosas ciertas y digo esto porque bueno nosotros en particular quienes pertenecemos a esta institución y bueno nos acompañamos en este camino que hemos emprendido de querer ser mejores, realmente alimentamos a la esperanza de lograr una vida mejor y también de un mundo mejor .

Porque pertenecemos todos a una gran red que es la humanidad, de la cual cada uno de nosotros forma un nudito de esa red que cuando ese nudito cambia ya la red en un punto ya es distinta.

De modo que, bueno como alimentamos esa esperanza fundados en comprobaciones que ya hemos teniendo el valor que tienen estos conocimientos y por esa razón, es que sentimos el deber moral de transmitírselo a quienes que como ustedes nos han leído.

Y terminamos con un ejercicio, vamos a poner una frase que encabeza un libro de González Petcoche que muestra el valor que le asignaba atender a las inquietudes espirituales.

De paso les digo que el autor de la logosofía, Gonzalez Petcoche, fue realmente un maestro de sabiduría de esos que hablábamos al principio porque a través de toda su vida con su conocimiento y con su ejemplo se constituyó y sigue constituyéndose en un guía para muchas generaciones.

Bueno dice así “Jamás se arrepentirá el hombre de haber proporcionado a su espíritu, cuanto elemento de juicio requieren el desarrollo pleno de sus aptitudes y el ejercicio sin limitaciones de sus inteligencia”

Author : GS, Editor and Translator of the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

Fuente y link: https://youtu.be/2dbUgCn3F_g

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