Numbers 11.11, the “numerical sequence” of a group of 1,111 Guardian Spirits or Angels

  • 2017

11:11 has a special meaning, since both angels and spiritual guides usually communicate their love in different ways, this being one of them. The numerical sequence of 11:11 refers to a common sign not only of the Spirit, but also of the kingdom of angels. For example, do you often see the time on a clock and it's 11:11 ? Has this happened to you? Exactly at this moment it is happening to many people!

But what does it really mean when one of you sees the 11:11 sequence ? Regardless of whether it appears on the license plates of a vehicle, on a clock, at the doors of the apartments, in the number of comments on Facebook or the number of " likes " on YouTube, see the number 11:11 means a spiritual message

Seeing 11:11, they need to be aware that this number brings not only an amazing message but also an important reminder sent by the angels . Therefore, today we want to talk to you about 11:11, with the purpose of learning a little more about the meaning it has.

What does 11:11 mean? And is there a reason for this? There really is

The numbers deal with a universal language, so it is a powerful way through which the spirit can communicate with each of you within this physical world . We will tell you about the meanings that exist when you see 11:11, however, this sequence has a personal meaning for each person, taking into account that the specific message varies according to the place where they are at the moment of seeing it, what is happening in their lives and how much they have advanced on their paths to awakening.

Initially, seeing 11:11 may simply be a wake-up call that angels and higher beings make to you, through which they seek to say: “Hey, we are here and you should know that there is much more than this dimension physics they are in. ”

However, they should try to deepen the meaning of 11:11, since the more attention they pay to 11:11, it is possible to appreciate that this brings with it a message of unity which will allow them to appreciate, feel and, above all, experience the connection that Each of you possesses with the kingdom of angels. The more they advance on their path upon awakening, the more directly oriented they meet their Angels, who will help them stay positive, reminding them through this numerical sequence that they are at their side throughout the course of the path.

Through 11:11, the angels and the higher self of each one of you send you a powerful energy that guides you towards true awakening . The 11:11 code is a signal sent to human beings not only by their spirit and their angels, but also by their spiritual guides and their Ascended Masters, in which they are informed that even, if not you are aware of it, each one of you is guided, loved and supported by all beings that are in the spiritual realm.

Although these guardian spirits or angels are invisible to our eyes, they are very real

11:11 is a call through which you can tune in to your love and spiritual guidance . To see beyond what at first sight 11:11 implies, is to understand that it is a call to tune their codes, which will lead them towards awakening and ascension, allowing them to know how their DNA works in The kingdom of the spirit.

Currently, humanity, like Earth, is going through an ascension process, in which very high energy vibrations are available, apart from the fact that there is much more light than ever . Although to have access to this, everyone must choose it. They have to call their guides and open themselves to the light, while choosing to embody a much higher vibrational state. In this way, when you see 11:11, you will know that you are your spiritual guides and your angels are knocking at your door, saying, " We have a subtle package for you ."

So, would they open the door ? Would they receive the codes that would guide them towards waking up? Would you accept the gifts that the Universe transmits to you in this way? The decision is in each of you, remember that this is the opportunity to know and understand everything that includes 11:11.

When seeing 11:11 on a clock, instead of going to your mobile and looking for its meaning on the web, we invite you to find calm and perform a search inside, since there This is where each of you has the possibility of accessing a greater knowledge of the truth and the appropriate guidance. Inside is where they have the opportunity to receive the amazing frequency of light that constantly flows to the earth, but for this they must do the following:

Think or say out loud: Guides and angels, Ascended masters, I thank you . Thank you for sending me this signal as a reminder that in me there is what is necessary to embody my light, and experience my connection with the Universe and Life . Then take a moment to breathe deeply, as you become aware of what you are and tune in to your connection not only with the Light, but also with your planet and everything that exists inside and outside of this world.

A new era of Spiritual Elevation has begun on our planet

Then open your hearts as well as your minds in order to expand your consciousness a little more. Feel the presence of your higher Self, which is always around you, open your heart and allow your energy to shine as vibrantly as the Sun is. When you reach this point, you must invoke the codes that will guide you when you wake up, those frequencies of Love, Light, Guidance and Healing that are available to each of you right now, should only look within. This is the moment!

The truth is that 11:11 is subject to interpretation, since there are different levels and layers. The truth is that there are no right or wrong answers when asking what does 11:11 mean for each one? Since its exact meaning varies according to what is happening within their lives exactly at the time of 11:11.

However, there are several slightly common meanings, which could give you a clear idea of ​​the meaning 11:11 has for each of you, which are:

The increase of consciousness, since this sequence is usually shown as a sign of their angels and guides who invite them to be more aware and in many cases, 11:11 is an invitation to approach their spiritual awakening and experience everything the Universe has for you.

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