Horizon Project: Where are we located within our Galaxy and the Universe?

Several years ago in time, a group of scientists from the various branches of specialization and knowledge, gathered to try to reveal the unknowns that each of the branches of the science could not explain from its own view of life and the planet

Science generally excludes itself, is divided in such a way that it loses sight of the whole, is lost in analysis and budgets, which makes it difficult today scientific advance. If one had to include in the equation the economic factor, well, the thing becomes exponentially complicated.

Returning to our Horizon Project, these scientists decided to exchange and compare the knowledge that each one handled about life itself and its findings. After spending years studying and scrutinizing every scientific, historical, religious paper and document, etc. and using the highest technology resources to access information, they discovered an even greater puzzle and the answer to many of the unanswered questions ...


The human being has been on this planet much longer than science believed. Moreover, the human being and humanity as a whole, has been several thousand years ago, much more technologically advanced, than we are now. For example, the Mayan calendar and the mathematical knowledge that it implies, is much more precise than any mathematical knowledge we have today. That is to say, they were much more advanced in the knowledge of the terrestrial and celestial cycles, their duration from the beginning to the end

Another example may be the electric battery that was discovered buried under the ruins of Babylon (today Iraq), in 1937. That battery still had an electric charge (duracell?) And the curious thing is that it dated to 2200 years old.

We can also cite the submerged city of Japan. Near its underwater platform is a city over 200 miles long, completely submerged in the ocean, with intact buildings and even a couple of pyramids

The question is…. What happened that there are empty gaps in the technological evolution of humanity? What happened that we lost consciousness of how to store electricity for more than 2000 years?

Why is there a layer of cosmic dust in the ice strata of Antarctica? Some huge cosmic force must have pressed the Earth's atmosphere to allow that dust to merge into the ice so many thousands of years ago. Maybe a global change in the conditions of the planet ...

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is one of the many active galaxies in the known universe. As such, it has a massive black hole in its center. Black holes have a gravitational field so gigantic that they do not even allow light to escape, hence their name. They consume the matter that surrounds them, making it disappear as such and convert it into energy, that is the theory. It has just been discovered that the larger the black hole, increases its rotation speed and therefore swallows more matter by gravitational increase. This behavior creates a huge ring around the black hole and therefore the galaxies are flattened. They are flattened spirals that revolve around a huge gravitational center

Our solar system is in one of the extreme arms of the Milky Way. Our Sun is the eighth star of the star system called Pleiadas. This system moves through the galaxy in an undulating movement that crosses the plane of the galaxy, the galactic equator, cyclically every 120, 000 years or so. Coinciding with carbon dates of a time of violent changes on Earth; three that have been registered in the past

The Horizon Project combined the knowledge of geology, botany, astrophysics, physics, quantum physics, paleontology, mathematics, history, linguistics, etc. to determine that the Earth, as we know it, is about to end.

Our solar system is riding on the threshold of what the ancient Maya called "the dark crack." A place in our galaxy, between both hemispheres, of great gravitational force that makes it a very dense place in matter and stellar waste. The Mayans said that when the Earth entered that place, we would live 7 years of purification on Earth, through a series of global cataclysms. The Bible also speaks of a time of "tribulations" for humanity, before the arrival of the savior. That time is also expressed in the ancient Vedas and is also mentioned by Nostradamus in his quatrains. Most of the traditions and religions of the world predict a catastrophic end to our society, so that we can purify ourselves and be reborn in the light of a loving and compassionate society, a society with individuals aligned with the "sky" in all its expressions and descriptions.

According to the Horizon Project scientists, the years are numbered.

The great activity, somewhat rampant, of the Sun in recent months, confirms an increase in radiation and strong disturbances on the solar surface. Disturbances that can only be explained in the presence of a strong mass or gravitational source that interacts with the Sun's magnetic system, thereby affecting the climate on our planet. Global warming is a cyclical phenomenon of our solar system and this explains that the rest of the planets in our system also suffer from global warming in recent years. Saturn has increased by 13º several surface areas

There is also an increase in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that are becoming stronger and more frequent. This suggests that the entire earth's crust is under heavy stress, produced by the onslaught of solar ejections.

As we get closer to the galactic equator, the pressure will increase and the chances of a geographic change of the poles is very possible. That indicates a total interruption of the advancement and use of modern technology

Coastal areas submerged entirely under hundreds of meters of sea, would annihilate the majority of the world's population. This also includes the satellite system, electrical energy, communications, etc. The isolation of the survivors would create new forms of adaptation to the environment in this new era of stone. The little technological knowledge that the common of the people possess, would submerge in the forgetfulness the advance of our era. After a couple of generations, human beings would be reduced to only a scattered handful and mostly ignorant of scientific or technological knowledge.

Only such an event would curb the current madness.

On the monitors of the computers that ran the models designed and generated by the scientists of the Horizon Project, a line appears with the data of the calculation of the final moment:…. one day between 2010 and 2014


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