Balance of the Heart chakra with Shumann Resonance A528HZ (Binaural Rhythms)

Author: Jandy Rainbow

Shumann resonance meditation, based on the frequency of love - 528 Hz -, vibrational rate of binaural rhythm of 7.8 Hz.

This track has solfeggio frequencies of 63 Hz, 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz 852 Hz and 963 Hz.

The 528 Hz note is the frequency of love and is used as the main binaural melody at the speed of Shumann resonance for this meditation. This music has the power of throat singing or overtones at 63 and 147 Hz and is accompanied by the main tones of solfegio, the main focus being the alignment of the chakras. The atmospheric background sweeps gently like the sands of time and is being augmented by Tibetan sounds, pure tones of solfeggio, strings and synthesizer. To achieve additional therapeutic effects of binaural rhythm in unison with the dragging of Theta brain waves, please listen using headphones.


The Schumann Resonance (7.8 Hz) is known as the heartbeat of the Earth because every living being has developed with the pulse or tone that comes from that background. In fact, the lack of this heartbeat can cause physiological disorders, as confirmed by NASA when monitoring astronauts in orbit. Currently, there is a frequency generator in each spacecraft that simulates the heartbeat.

Shumann Resonances are a set of spectral peaks in the Extremely Low Frequency part of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by light discharges into the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.


Neuro-Auditory Aspects of Binaural Rhythms

Binaural Rhythms are a scientifically proven brain resonance process which have gradually begun to be recognized after the publication of an article entitled: Auditory Rhythms in the Brain, by Dr. Gerald Oster, published in October 1973, edited by Scientific America.

Binaural Rhythms work by sending two different hertzian frequencies to each of the ears causing the left and right cerebral hemispheres to work in unison to hear a ghostly third tone frequency, the hertzian difference centered between the two tones. The hertzian separations create a constant and smooth rhythm and their time and pulse correspond to the hertzian separation per second. The binaural rhythm process can be used to stimulate altered states of consciousness by selecting binaural rhythm patterns to achieve a desired brain wave. After a few minutes of listening and calculating, the brain begins to correspond to this binaural rhythm under a process called: frequency of follow-up response.

In reality, a binaural rhythm is not heard as a true sound in the atrial environment, it is rather a neurological signal perceived within the brain by the two cerebral hemispheres working in unison.

Neural synchrony stimulated by binaural rhythms is a major aspect that assists the brain to function at a higher level. The brain continuously forms new connections that are followed by new experiences. The quality and strength of neuronal connections may vary according to the stimulus received by the brain. Binaural rhythms in the Alpha, Teta and Delta range provide a continuous supply of relaxation and stimulate rewiring through the calculation of audio-neurological signal. These new auditory experiences in the brain produce an explosion of new connections between neurons and through repetition, these new neuronal pathways are adjusted: just like going to a gym where the strongest connections in our brain are those that survive.

The binaural rhythm process is faster, easier and more than just meditation and after several weeks, the brain becomes more lateral and begins to process, permanently, memories and relaxed memories in both hemispheres.

The brain does not create dependence on binaural rhythms to achieve relaxation; Over time, it really becomes more resilient towards stress and this process continues to develop faster, the more binaural stimuli are received by the brain.

In addition to greater synchronization of the hemispheres and development of neurons, greater awareness and personal vision, together with greater resistance to stress; What makes binaural rhythm therapy a valuable tool in counseling therapy and the like.

Binaural rhythms are excellent for developing higher states of consciousness and transcending meditation.

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

Taken from:

Tags: 528Hz, throat, throat, singing, overtones, frequencies, sulfur, waves.cerebral.Theta, resilience, resonance.Schumann, rhythms, cultural, healing



The nine frequencies of Solfegio are interpreted first separately and then all together.

This can be used as:


(2) Reference of Tones for the 9 old tones of Solfegio.

174Hz -285Hz-396Hz-417Hz-528Hz-639Hz-741Hz-852Hz-963 Hz

UT 396Hz related to the release of emotional patterns such as fear and guilt.

RE 417Hz related to the transmutation of crystallized emotional patterns break schemes and facilitate change.

MY 528Hz related to the coronary chakra, integration of DNA, transformation and miracles.

FA 639Hz related to the interconnection of all quadrants of the brain.

SOL 741Hz related to intuitive states, non-linear knowledge, expansion of intuition.

THE 852Hz related to a frequency of pure love: unconditional love and return to the Spiritual Order.

The Simephic Chakras / Chakras Scale is based on the original research conducted by Dr. Joseph Puleo on the sacred manuscripts of an original six-tone Solphegio scale used in the Gregorian sacred music.

This scale extends the original tones of -396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, using the same mathematical sequence and adding the following frequencies: -174, 285 and 963 of the original 18-tone matrix, m s extensions 1074, 1185, 1296, 1317 and 1428.

(These tones as they are are only for experimental use and at the user's discretion).

The 528Hz frequency is applied by some scientists to repair broken DNA. There are 5, 280 feet in a mile and 396 is 1/10 of the radius in miles of the Earth's equatorial radius. Numerically, all these numbers are reduced to 3, 6 or 9. (For example: 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 and 1 + 5 = 6). This is only part of the encoding n .

Audio: Jandy Decibel Jezebel

Translation: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.



Healing Overtone - Solphegio Arpeggio for DNA repair & binaural rhythms (means the simultaneous reproduction of a sound of a certain frequency in one ear, and another of a slightly different frequency in the other ear).

This piece of music incorporates tones from the entire frequency scale of 12 solfegios. The song performed with the throat or singing of overtones (reproduction of several notes at once), presented here is performed by Stian, known as stingndr on YouTube.

A brain wave resonance technology with Theta binaural rhythms is also demonstrated.

Solfeggio frequencies include from a musical scale used in ancient music, songs and religious ceremonies that were lost for many centuries. It was considered that when the scale, songs and frequencies / tones of solphege were interpreted and sang harmonically, spiritual blessings and transformation were obtained.

One of the most interesting solphege frequencies is 528Hz. According to Dr. Len Horowitz and Dr. Puleo, some renowned genetic biochemists suggest that the 528 Hz frequency is the frequency used to repair damaged DNA structures.

The 528 Hz frequency is one that we focus on the most here.

There are 9 main frequencies of solfegio and are the 6 initial tones that can have many suggested benefits. Regardless of individual beliefs, each of these notes has a different intonation based on the conventional musical scale. These tones can offer a new stimulus to the mind and the physical system. Recently, it has been accepted by scientists that it is very beneficial to provide new stimuli to the brain in relation to its plasticity, keeping the mind healthy and active. As the mind becomes healthy, the physical body also achieves its own reward.

This is a list of the 6 basic tones and their benefits:

UT - 396Hz - related to the release of emotional patterns such as fear and guilt.

RE - 417Hz - related to the transmutation of crystallized emotional patterns - breaking schemes and facilitating change.

MI - 528Hz - related to the coronary chakra, "DNA integration", transformation and miracles.

FA - 639Hz - related to the interconnection of all quadrants of the brain.

SOL - 741Hz - related to intuitive states, non-linear knowledge, expansion of intuition.

LA - 852Hz - related to a frequency of pure love: unconditional love and return to the Spiritual Order.

The 12 tones of solfegius follow a mathematical pattern. These are increasing by 111 Hz each note.

.. 63 Hz

.174 Hz

.285 Hz

.396 Hz

.417 Hz

.528 Hz

.639 Hz

.741 Hz

.852 Hz

.963 Hz

1174 Hz

1285 Hz

Translation: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.


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