Our Relationship With Our Own Female and Male Energy

  • 2015

In our civilization the power of the mind and rationality has undoubtedly prevailed, humanity began to believe in God as an eminently masculine and logical figure, and now I am no longer talking about the evident ancestral defenestration of women in society, but that in this mental / masculine paradigm, the internal feminine energy, so necessary for both sexes, was subordinated to the masculine not only socially as we all know, but also in the internal emotional worlds of both sexes, in our psyches, going to dominate the mind over the heart, the rational over the intuitive, that is why the traditional God of the Old Testament is a figure of patriarchal authority, dominating and even angry, no doubt only the product of a projection of the human mind and the reigning social paradigm, relegating feminine energy (not only to women but also to feminine energy), that is to say the necessary feminine aspect of creation, to a s second plane of lower category, when not to degradation and oblivion. This has undoubtedly created tremendous imbalances in human consciousness and of course in the emotional baggage of both men and women, and even the planet that has suffered it in the same amount.

Perhaps the most sensible thing is first to try to analyze what the masculine energy consists of and what the feminine one consists of, so that we do not confuse things and women also learn to recognize our masculine energy and power without falling into the stereotypes that each one has attributed to us Once a woman had character, calling her "hombruna" and "dominant." On the contrary, the same thing has happened to men who need to start losing their ancestral fear of looking like “weak men, ” which in many cases has simply led to emotionally castrated men, and unpopulated women, or at their opposite pole. authentic “sergeants of sticks”, causing an unbalanced society where both women and the vital feminine energy have been seen as something of lesser rank, and where people feel incomplete, trying to find out what really only belongs to one area of internal intention, since all beings possess and also need to integrate both energies for our fullness and happiness, in a society in which women know how to use our masculine energy feminine, and men in turn know how to use masculine feminine energy.

The masculine polarity favors everything that is "active", and the feminine everything that is "receptive", the masculine energy opens the groove and gives the potential force to the seed that the feminine energy will transform into the fruit. The masculine energy possesses the power of action and the feminine one of transformation. The masculine energy is the force of the intellect, and the feminine of the intuition that knows how to find the way and see beyond, the masculine has the overwhelming force of the direct, and the feminine the deep force of the subtle that penetrates without violence. The feminine has dreams, and the masculine materializes them, it is the intuition of our feminine energy that helps our masculine part to recognize the yearnings that make us vibrate, and the one that knows how to recognize the “not yet manifested” so that our energy masculine back it up with its energy of action.

The feminine energy is the inspiration behind the creation, which is the mission of the masculine to shape the action, the feminine energy is the flexibility that nourishes the masculine energy by providing the ingredient so that it is not lost in stiffness and excessive resistance that would lead to fragility.

It is essential that we restore the balance of the two energies in all fields, starting with the policy that is predominantly impregnated by the aggressive male mental energy whose main goal is to gain power to manipulate reality, and the same goes for Western religion, that in many cases it has become a bastion of lonely frustrated masculine energy, and in many cases degenerate, which has not only denied its position to women and sexuality, considering both in some sinful ways, or at best cases as a necessary evil and of secondary rank, but also banishing from their paradigms and mental processes everything that smells of warm feminine energy, clinging to their stiff and stifling dogmas that both suffering and imbalances have created and continue to create both in men and in women.

The same happens with science that despite their historical confrontation with religion, they are united in one thing, and it is in their mutual dislike for everything that smells of intuition or cannot be explained by rational thinking, costing them much to know open to the intuitive and fluid aspect of the feminine energy that comes with the inspiration to know how to imagine the not yet manifested, the not yet demonstrable, the immense power of emotion and intuition as fundamental transforming aspects of matter.

We also need, once and for all, to banish the archaic archetypes of " sweet but incapable woman" and "strong but insensitive man", because they have put us in the labyrinth in which we are immersed in the imbalance of both energies, considering the energy Feminine as weak and masculine as the strong, when that is only absolutely myopic and clumsy versions of all the incredible splendor of each one of them, because the authentic sensitivity inherent in feminine energy has nothing to do with the weakness of the In the same way that strength has nothing to do with hardness, because authentic strength is sensitive and protective since it has no need to attack or control.

So, it seems that if we want not only to survive, but to live fully, both, as many men as women, we need what we could call "the energy of the power of the heart", which of course does not refer at all to tenderness or pink meringue, we speak of "energy of coherence", coherence between our reason and our intuition, between the heart and the head, means that we have enough strength and courage to put our mind at the service of our heart instead of being at the service of fear, knowing how to think with the heart, so that our mind helps us achieve the dreams that come from our heart, (not from our ego always in need of insatiable security), so that our masculine energy of action is put at the service of our feminine energy of intuition that knows the path to authentic fullness. We urgently need to learn to “listen” to our heart, and in its next step, in addition to being faithful to what we hear, making it happen, so that every time we make a choice, it is decided by what we love and not by fleeing from what that we fear, in short, it is about choosing between love or fear, because both are not compatible, and having the courage to choose love is true freedom and authentic strength, that is the energy of the heart and coherence to which I refer, the balance between our feminine and masculine energy. This is not only a pretty but utopian idea, scientists, following the famous September 9, realized that the energy of coherence between the heart and the brain can be measured, and measures 0.10 Hertz. This radical and revolutionary discovery explains that when there is coherence between what we feel and what we think, that is, when we have thoughts that are consistent with our intuition and feel deep, we generate heart-based emotions, such as gratitude, appreciation, love, care, and these emotions, as physicist Gregg Braden explains, generate a magnetic field within us that triggers about 1, 400 biochemical changes that promote rejuvenation processes, and the elevation of the level of the endogenous life-giving hormone that strengthens our immune systems and it helps to think more clearly, becoming less aggressive etc. ... frequency, which when shared by a large number of people, also connects with the earth's magnetic field, which in turn undergoes a change, which depending on the type of thoughts Consistent or incoherent will be positive or negative in nature, as we all know.

So, it seems that it is better for us to really commit ourselves to this noble task that only leads us to our own personal fulfillment, but that implies a scope that affects us all.

Our predominantly patriarchal society, dominated above all by masculine energy, does not need to be replaced by feminine energy, but rather penetrated and fertilized by it, as well as by the direct influence of women and the kind of wisdom That we can contribute to the world, and that it is so urgently needed. I do not know who said that there is nothing more powerful than an idea that has reached its historical moment, and now is undoubtedly the time for both polarities, finally look at each other with mutual recognition of equal rank, both at a personal level and at a social level, since one energy without the other loses its complement. We need to make their powerful and different qualities align, giving rise to the powerful synergy that has always been their common destiny, and to all the magic that their union will bring. to our personal worlds, and to the outside world, a world in which we will know, when it is time to wait and when to act, when to say is enough without violence, in which we will never lower our eyes to intimidation, but neither will we forget tolerance, in which we will know when it is time to caress and when to be firm, how to be realistic without losing sight of our dreams, how to know how to hold the horses without losing hope, entrusting to the mind what is of their competition and to the heart what is yours, when to tolerate and when to set limits, when to be active and when receptive, when it's time to pick up the pick and shovel and when it's time to sit and know how to receive, we'll know how to find the necessary balance between knowing how to give and knowing receive, between the sword and the compassion, between the rebellion and the sweetness, in a word, again the firm softness and the soft firmness that the energy of the heart teaches us, knowing how to keep our convictions and be independent without losing softness, because softness is the final strength, stiffness and hardness makes us fragile, however the softest and most flexible things in the world manage to penetrate and pray what is propose. The real force is always accompanied by compassion, knowing perfectly when it is time to use each one. The real force is never needed to use any kind of violence, knowing how to ask without imploring, deciding with the heart and carrying it forward with the head, having the courage to be strong and at the same time vulnerable, ending an ancient struggle between man and woman, enters the masculine and feminine energy, finally achieving a reconciliation that both polarities want and need, celebrating and honoring the power of each energy a, to finally unite in the incredible dance of joy and creativity, giving rise to a unique power and unlimited gifts that can only be achieved in harmonious union.

The more people we seek this balance in our interior, the more complete we will feel and the more capable we will be to live harmonious relationships, and of course we will also transpolate it to society, when a time will come when the critical mass, by its own weight will be freed from the old patterns of domination, possession and predation in search of an illusory security that will never be enough, as the historical moment we are living shows us, since authentic victories, like authentic security can only be won in the heart. This is not just a beautiful phrase, but a true reality, and as Bécquer said “who tasted it knows it”, and everything else, is to continue on the ancient path of primordial ignorance, which causes us so much fear, so much need for control, so much greed, so obsessed with getting security and power like a monkey with his banana.

Authentic security, as we said, can only be achieved in the heart, in our intimate feeling and inner certainty resulting from the recognition, reconciliation, union, and harmony of both energies in ourselves, giving rise to a new social paradigm. whose historical moment has come, that of the powerful energy of coherence and reconciliation of both energies and both sexes.

And to also describe it in a clear and plain way, as we said in the previous chapter, it is very clear that the time has come for men to have the courage to finally dare to feel, and we have the courage to finally access everything our power, in all its soft and firm feminine fullness. This, both men and women, can only be achieved by becoming aware of the need to achieve it, and with total perseverance and confidence in the incredible and powerful intelligence of our heart, which is the one who will mark the way.

Author: María Magdalena Vázquez Excerpt from the book: A mi Amada

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