How to promote health from gastronomy

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE. Unit 4: The mental. Learning Object 1: Vitality

We have seen how the antagonistic forces present the problem of dualism - a dualism of the superior and the inferior in many differentiated and varied stages. The final phase of the conflict is fought when the Shadow of Appearance and the Angel of Presence face each other. In this culminating event appears the attraction or conflict between the involutive and evolutionary lives, between the incipient and magnetic will of the elemental forces (inherent in the atoms from which the three personality bodies are built) and the will of the spiritual man, on the verge of getting rid of the magnetic control of the substance. The atomic substance, impregnated with the life of the spirit of the earth and with the driving force of its incipient will, manifests itself as magnetic power, and is constantly in conflict, within the body of manifestation of the animating soul, with the life of the soul. This conflict or friction is the main cause of what is called disease. The disease is disharmony.

The disease, therefore, is not caused by the wrong thinking, as I have often said, or by not affirming divinity. It is inherent in the nature of the form, indicating the imperfections suffered by the spirit of the earth; it is the method par excellence with which this elementary life maintains the integrity and capacity to reabsorb what is its own, but which was put under another direction by the attractive power of life of what conforms to each kingdom of nature during a cycle of incarnation. We have also learned, thanks to the Laws and Rules, that fundamentally sickness and death are due to the withdrawal of solar life, the energy of the soul from either a particular area of ​​the physical body or from the whole body. This fact should remind students of the need to distinguish between the life of the body (lunar lords), inherent in each atom from which all organs and forms are made, and the energy of the soul (solar lord) that binds the entire body As an integrating factor.


  • Determine the causes in cases of diseases, type, III.
  • Establish differences between digestion, congestion and co-management.
  • Define promotion and prevention actions against gastrointestinal diseases.


Disease and death are the result of two active forces. One is the will of the soul that says to its instrument: I withdraw the essence . The other is the magnetic power of planetary life that tells life within the atomic structure: “ The time for resorption has arrived. Return am “. Thus, all forms acted according to the cyclic law.

INITIAL ACTIVITY: Of defenders and defenders.

Anna is a 10-year-old girl who is suffering from intestinal pseudo-obstruction and cannot eat, using feeding tubes for nutrition, a disease that has no cure. One day, she has a near-death experience after falling from a tree. Later, he attends with his mother again at the Children's Hospital of Boston, where he was receiving treatment to improve his quality of life, the surprised doctor confirms the inexplicable remission of his disease. It's a 2016 American movie.

Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage team up to form a team that defends New York City and especially the Devil's Kitchen neighborhood, and fights against a common enemy: The Hand. Long ago the elders of K'un-Lun met to study the healing powers of vital energy (chi, prana), but five of them wished to use this power to live forever and were expelled. They became the five fingers of the Hand, a cult of evil mystic ninjas strongly involved in organized crime and in particular in organ trafficking. The four defenders - Iron Fist, Reckless, Jewel and Powerful - must join forces to end the plan of such an organization. The Defenders is a 2017 television series included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

  • After watching the movie and the series, answer the following questions: What is the relationship between nutrient assimilation and knowledge assimilation? How is teamwork done between organs and between people? How is the concept of synergy applied between organs and between people?

Synergy means that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Synergy is in all places of nature. If two vegetables are planted together, the roots intermingle and improve soil quality, so that the two plants grow better than if they were separated. The challenge is to apply in our social interactions the principles of creative cooperation that nature teaches us.

ACTIVITY ONE: Management centers.

Many of the true difficulties of the organism can be attributed to congestion or lack of free play of forces. In this relationship it could be pointed out that the energy body is an open, input and output system. There is consequently a curious and intimate relationship between it and certain organs such as the lungs, stomach and kidneys. Such interrelation demonstrates that there is a deep cyber relationship between:

1. The mind and lungs. The breathing process with its stages of inhalation, interval and exhalation act in connection with the two aspects of strength, mental and physical.

2. The emotion and the stomach. The process of digestion, assimilation and elimination.

3. The energy body and the kidneys, with the processes of filtration, reabsorption and secretion.

There is no such comparatively accurate model of the creative process as the organism.

The congestion of the energy body, which causes much discomfort in the physical body, can therefore be found at the point of entry of the emotional body or at the point of exit, in relation to the center towards which a particular type of force Energy can flow more easily and also pass more easily. Where there is no free play between the energy body and the emotional body there will be difficulties. When there is no free play between the energy body and the physical body, also involving the ganglia, nerves and the endocrine system, there will also be difficulties.

Perhaps I could better define the word congestion, saying that it is what prevents the free influx of force through the centers or center, and throughout the body. It is of two types:

One is congestion that has an effect within the center itself, and therefore and as a consequence, on the gland. It stops either when entering the center (when it does not affect the gland, except in a negative sense), or when leaving (when its effect is positive in one way or another).

The other takes place when the energy or force of life flows throughout the physical body, and as it flows it encounters certain types of weakness, some diseased areas and regions where its influx is obstructed or circulates too quickly.

The metabolism is more than a combustion process: it is an intelligent act. The human body obtains its primary energy by burning sugar, which is transported to the cells in the form of glucose or glycemia. There are three metabolic principles that shape everything living: bile, air and phlegm, these are in relation to the three principles of matter: inertia, rhythm and movement. Gastrointestinal motility is the physiological action of the digestive system responsible for displacing the contents of the mouth towards the anus. The co-management of the organs of the system facilitates its operation in a synergistic and neguentropic manner.

  • Establish relationships between power centers and management bodies.

ACTIVITY TWO: Of the organism, organs and viscera.

As living beings that we are, humans can be studied at eight different levels: chemical, cellular, tissue, individual, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere. Biolements form molecules, molecules form cells, cells form tissues and tissues form organs.

Because an organism is a system that has a functional division of labor, it is also said to be "organized." Its functionally distinct parts are called "organs." Its operation is necessary but not sufficient to realize the purpose of the organism. They require the brain-mind to self-regulate. In an organism only the whole can manifest will; neither party can do it. An organization is an intentional system that contains at least two intentional elements with a common purpose.

For Chinese medicine there is a marked difference between organs and viscera. While the organs have yin polarity, the viscera have yang polarity. The organs are liver, heart, pancreas, lung, kidney; The viscera are the gallbladder, the stomach, the large and small intestines and the bladder. The viscera are internal organs that derive embryologically from the mesoderm or endoderm. The six acupuncture points to the right of the radial artery are: Stomach, large intestine, gonads, spleen, pancreas and lungs. The six points to the left are: Bladder, gallbladder, small intestine, liver, heart and kidneys.

All species in the animal kingdom need a constant supply of raw materials to cover biochemical processes and build, or replace, the body's cells. The energy has to be continuously renewed, while the chemical substances used in the construction of the biological molecules can be recycled and in fact they are.

The food bolus reaches the stomach, which secretes the potent gastric juice and the food is stirred until it becomes the chyme. The bile helps to emulsify fats and thus facilitate their absorption in the small intestine, where the chyme is in turn mixed with the biliary and pancreatic secretions, the chyme is transformed into chyl and the absorption of the substances is carried out Useful. The large intestine is limited to absorbing minerals, water and vitamins (K and B12) that are released by the bacteria that inhabit the colon. Here, methane is released in gaseous form when it converts starch and its derivatives into glucose to be absorbed.

While the bacteria are essential for the recycling of the elements, the viruses are microscopic infectious agents that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.

  • Establish differences between organisms and organizations, microorganisms and microenterprises.


All cells contain completely unique forms of intelligence, but basically there is only one intelligence shared by the whole body. It is the flow of that intelligence that keeps us alive. In India, the flow of intelligence is called Prana, and in China it is called Chi. It is the vital force that can increase and decrease at will, move from side to side and manipulate in order to maintain order and youth in the physical body. Therefore, a healthy life, evaluated by the conservation of prana requires the following: fresh food, pure air and water, sunlight, moderate exercise, balanced and refined breathing, harmless behavior and revered for life, positive and loving emotions.

Prana works through blood and nerves, because the force of life uses the bloodstream, and the physical force acts through the nervous system. The love aspect manifests itself through the heart, the circulatory system and the nervous system. For many reasons it is very important that this is understood, since it predominantly controls the energy body and its assimilation of prana or vitality. When you have an energy body that does not work properly or transmits enough prana and an astral or emotional body, which is not properly and properly controlled, we have both the origin of most diseases and diseases. nervous and mental conditions that increase annually. The reflex action of inadequate circulation over the physical brain (also due to the energy body), leads to mental tension and eventually to collapse. From the above, the importance of the energy vehicle can be seen.

The Spleen is the receiver of energy and therefore the expression in the physical plane of the center that receives this energy, is the analogy of the energetic spirit. The spleen is the organ of prana or the physical vitality that comes from the sun. The spleen is part of the lymphatic system, which fights infections and maintains the balance of body fluids. It contains the white blood cells that fight germs. The spleen also helps control the amount of blood in the body and destroys the aged and damaged cells.

The solar Plexus is the place of distribution and reorientation of the vital force in the personality. At that point the mind begins to function definitively, albeit dimly. It is the exit of the emotional body into the external world, and the instrument through which the emotional energy flows. It is the organ of desire, being of supreme importance in the life of the average man, and getting to control it is the vital goal of the aspirant, who must transmute the desire into aspiration. The dense physical exteriorization of this center is the pancreas, with a secondary exteriorization in the stomach, which together with the liver form an energy triangle.

  • Establish relationships between the solar plexus, the liver, the pancreas and the spleen.


RULE FOUR: The careful diagnosis of the disease, based on the verified external symptoms, will be simplified to such an extent that, when the organ involved is known and isolated, the center in the energy body in closer relationship with it will be subjected to the "Alternative medicine", although common, palliative, medical or surgical methods will not be rejected.

While the gastroenterologist is the specialist in the digestive system, the gourmet is a professional who sees food as an art. Some of the disorders studied in the field of gastroenterology are colorectal cancer, viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, biliary lithiasis, pancreatic cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, celiac disease, stomach cancer, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux and hiatal hernia.

When talking about gastronomy, reference is being made to the laws that govern the digestive system, to digestion, metabolism and nutrition. These laws are known as the three qualities of matter: rhythm, mobility and inertia, which in turn relate to the three metabolic principles: bile, blood and phlegm and that gave rise to the four temperaments proposed by Hippocrates by including the black bile (spleen): the melancholic. The phlegmatic is in relation to the thick and heavy, the bilious with the medium, irritability, gastritis and allergies; the blood with the thin and light, anxiety, constipation and insomnia. When prana is unbalanced there is a general disturbance in the whole organism. As body wind is cold, dry and penetrating.

Because the third ray energy is the energy of the substance itself, its imperfections are profusely demonstrated in the human tendency to disease. The illusion is the result of the mirage for the excessive use of third-ray energy for selfish and personal purposes and manifests primarily in the sixth or astral plane. As a result of this manipulation of desire and uncontrolled maneuvers to satisfy it in material lines, there are ailments such as gastric and intestinal disorder and the various stomach disorders that devastate civilized humanity, much more than wild races. Certain brain disorders and poor vitality are also their effects.

Active intelligence is present in both organisms and organizations, and while in an organism that intelligence radiates from the solar plexus, in a human being it is projected from the brain. In education, learning is strengthened thanks to geometry and geography.

  • Pose actions of promotion and prevention against gastrointestinal disorders.


It should be remembered that the human being is a spiritual entity that conforms to a dense physical vehicle. The dense physical body is part of the general structure of the entire planet, composed of living atoms, controlled by the planetary entity and forming part of its life. This dense physical vehicle is released to enjoy temporary freedom and directed by the will of the animating soul, but it is at the same time an intrinsic part of the total sum of the atomic substance. This physical vehicle - having its own life and a certain measure of intelligence that we call its instinctive nature - is called by the esoterics the physical elemental.

Planetary physical prana (the lowest type of pranic energy) is the life of all atoms (of which all external forms are composed) when they are placed in relation to the independent atomic structure of the dense physical body of an animating soul individual in any realm of nature, particularly, from the point of view of our study, the human kingdom. Therefore, three types of life affect the dense appearance of a human being during its restricted manifestation or incarnation:

1. The life of the spiritual man, transmitted from the Spirit, through the soul, during most of the manifested existence.

2. The elementary life of the fourth kingdom of nature, the human; This life is still an aspect of the life of the spirit of the earth.

3. The life of the atomic substance, substance with which all forms are made. This is the life of the spirit of the earth.

We are not referring here to the soul of an atom or the soul in any way, large or small, but exclusively to life or first aspect, which is expressed as the will to be; It is only active, although always present, during the life of the form or the manifestation phase created. Here the will factor appears and we have the relationship between will, form and incarnation.

The Gaia hypothesis is an interpretive model of the Earth that affirms that Life, transforming the Biosphere, fosters and maintains adequate conditions for itself, affecting the environment.According to the Gaia hypothesis, the atmosphere and the superficial part of the planet Earth is they behave as a coherent whole where life, its characteristic component, is responsible for self-regulating its essential conditions such as temperature, chemical composition and salinity in the case of the oceans. Gaia would behave as a self-regulating system (which tends to balance).

Soon intelligence began to be used in the service of the military (Mercury-Mars) and thus arose the ministries of defense in the States. But the problem that humanity has to overcome is that of harmony in the conflict and begin to work on unity in diversity: biological diversity and cultural diversity, the human being in relation to his environment. The environment refers to the set of external physical, chemical and biological components with which living things interact. Regarding the human being, it includes the set of natural, social and cultural factors existing in a place and at a specific time, which influence his life and will affect future generations. That is to say, it is not only about the space in which life unfolds, but also includes living beings, objects, water, soil, air and the relationships between them, as well as elements as intangible as some of the culture.

What is true in connection with the individual or man, the microcosm, is also true of the planet, which - like the human being - is a coherent whole. This coherent totality is due to the relationship of the two aspects of life: the life of the planetary Being and the life of the spirit of the earth, which is the life of all the atoms that make up all forms. This total sum of living substance, of elementary life, forms the dense physical body of man, therefore being the symbol. Both lives, acting microcosmic and also macrocosmically, create that pranic living energy that circulates throughout the energy body of each form, producing coherence or a synthetic union that can be perceived when the densest aspect of the energy body is seen, thus creating the aura of health of plants, trees, marine fauna, animals and men.

The work of planet Earth consists in receiving the garbage and transforming it to the point that the One Being can digest and nourish it. The real job of planet Earth is to eliminate as little as possible of the trash; We mean that, if he has the ability to transform it, then even the unusable will become serviceable to the universe.

  • Make a comparison between the centers of the human being and the centers of the planet, between the microcosm and the macrocosm.

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