Understanding the causes, we begin to heal - by Dr. Jorge Carvajal

  • 2013
Dr. Jorge Carvajal

Man is miraculous in that he can transform his past. Some say "do not deal with the past that the past no longer exists", but the past is alive, present, painful, in each of our cells, often causing diseases. The problem of the past is simply that it has happened, that we leave it behind as a frozen statue.

But in the past we must make it present alive to transform its history, to read it in another code, to interpret it in the code of love, and when we interpret the past in the code of love, our childhood wounds heal. And there we are psychologists, psychiatrists, we can heal our life; We are all full of pains, and sometimes absurd pains, that we carry in life without even acknowledging that they exist.

Respiratory technique is very important, especially the respiratory pause phase, why? Because when you breathe slowly and pause the inspiration, the energy of the unconscious and the subconscious comes to the surface, that is, it wonders what happens here that they are not breathing. At that moment the unconscious brings out a part of consciousness. which we had not had access, of which we were victims but that we had never recognized in life, and at that time we can talk with the subconscious and we can get our deepest wounds.

Understanding the causes

When we do that we can go further, this is how we act for self-healing. I can tell myself, for example, where does this allergy come from? If I have an allergy and want to get rid of it. Allergy is something I reject, a virus, a bacterium, a fungus, cold, heat, but that is not entirely true. That is very short. There are no people who are allergic only to cold. People allergic to cold are also afraid of loneliness, they are afraid of the cold of the soul, the cold in feelings, the coldness of the father or mother, the disaffection, that is, the cold is simply a symbol. When I am allergic to something, there is something I reject or fear. So if I want to change my allergies, I recognize my allergy.

If I know that I don't recognize my allergy because it makes me feel ashamed, then I work with shame: what things in life evoke shame? Then I experience the feeling of shame and see how I experience shame. Sometimes I get pale and cold, other times I get red like a tomato, other I experience it as a vacuum or as a hollow at the level of the solar plexus. I can experience it in many ways. Where and as I experience the allergy, it gives me an idea of ​​the part of my energy that is compromised.

Let's see another feeling, fear. I would say that half of our lumbagos are out of fear. Fear causes more lumbago than all herniated discs, all joint problems, all spinal problems, because fear causes us to literally stick the tail between the legs, close the internal anal sphincter. At that level, there is a very important energy center and we close to life, we contract all the lumbo-sacral muscles. That part is badly irrigated and they give us terrible lumbagos and that lumbago is the clinical name of fear.

If I can recognize the core of fear, if I can observe my body and see that I have the buttocks and all this part contracted, if I manage to breathe into that area and release the feeling of fear, and call fear and say “you are the best part of myself, when you ascend and reveal yourself, you are my prudence, you are no longer fear, but you are prudence, you are part of my love too. ”

When I, through breathing, manage to ascend that energy of fear and transmute it to the altar of the heart, which is where the man who can heal and can heal life really is born, then the lumbago disappears.

My resentment, my hate, is often anchored in my joints. I am thus totally rigid. Sometimes, with a clenched fist in the night, unconsciously, willing to hit and attack. Well, that joint pain is frozen resentment in that part of the body. If I manage to experience that pain and associate it with my feeling of anger and my resentment, and I understand that my resentment is something that is built in the solar plexus, which blocks the energy here and does not allow energy to access my heart, or to My immune system, I can do much more than the rheumatologist, or I can help a lot, to cure and heal my arthritis, and I am responsible, I do not have to wait for the rheumatologist to solve my problem.

The disease is my problem, it is not the doctor's problem, it is my responsibility, I also have to do with it. Medicine cannot be the art of passing the ball to the doctor, because we pay him. The new medicine of consciousness is the art of taking responsibility for our life and discovering that we can really do a lot for our life.

Frequently, we see that a person with a cancer has had a shock, or a very large emotional loss. If an affective loss produces an existential void of such dimension that it becomes an energy vacuum, and allows degenerated cells to invade it, it is because it was attached, that is the problem of attachment that I must recognize. If someone leaves and I live it from love, from detachment, I know that their consciousness is with me, I let it go, I don't tie it. Many times, we see someone whose father or mother dies but does not let him leave, that is literally true, he is left with part of his energy anchored to the solar plexus. That energy anchor can create panic attacks, hypertension, violent things in the clinic. If we get the person to heal, it is his soul that heals him.

The healer does not do it for the patient. As a healer I am a magnet that I give him the burden his soul needs. Actually, healing is rescuing the autonomy, self-management and freedom of the other to heal. The true healing is to give you the tools so that you, from your consciousness, heal you, not from your rational consciousness, but from your feeling, from your love, from your affection.

Alternatives to heal

Frequently when one is doing a healing, he sees that the person, although he has not said a word, begins to cry and get his resentment, and then feels a sense of peace, which is not my peace, is his peace, is the peace of Christ who also dwells in the person who is being healed.

Peace is there, it has always been there, it is part of our essence. It is simply to remove all those attachments, aversions, feelings, separatisms, all that layer of ignorance, so that peace is revealed as it is. When peace is revealed, love germinates and when love germinates healing is possible, even if what you have is cancer or lupus.

But don't blame yourself if you don't succeed, because you also participate in the genetic problems of inheritance, of humanity as a group. This is not to be believed Superman. One can be very proud and say “I am sad because I was not cured of cancer. That is not a failure. Cancer is a teacher. Sometimes we learn the lesson on one occasion, other times we need ten opportunities and sometimes we need a hundred lives maybe, but the important thing is to learn the lesson. One does not learn medicine from one day to another. There are supremely complicated and difficult lessons. We also graduate or specialize in the soul. The larger the challenge, the greater the opportunity for growth. I have just given you an example of how we can retake our emotions, identify our emotions, accept them, not keep running away from them, and thus be able to transmute them.

Diseases and emotions

But once we feel the emotion, there is a fundamental question: What is the lesson underneath this negative emotion? What was the message, what did this attitude and illness mean?

When I don't say NO in life, I end up resentful and angry, but anger is not the problem, anger is telling me that you have to learn to reaffirm by saying NO. Anger is the best self-affirmation strategy.

When I manifest anger and transmute it, that anger becomes healing. It is the best of my strength. My anger sweeps and cleans the house and does things faster. You have seen a housewife who flutters in her anger and lunch is made at ten in the morning. I knew when my mom was angry, because at ten in the morning my house was like a mirror.

Thus, anger is a form of energy that can be physically transmuted. The fact that we physically transmute it does not resolve the source of anger. The source of anger is the need for self-affirmation and the need for self-affirmation is the need to renounce false complacency.

To grow spiritually is not to say yes to everyone. Spiritual growth has nothing to do with silly, forgive me the expression, but being spiritual is not being stupid, and being tolerant is not being stupid. Tolerance does not exclude self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is a condition of spiritual growth. So I have to discover the lesson, below the negative event, because the negative event is nothing but the appearance, the shadow. But that shadow when I remove it, opens a door of light, a lesson that I can learn in my life.

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