Do you know how to calculate Kabbalistic Number? Cabalistic Numerology, meanings of extraordinary power

  • 2019

Have you ever wondered about the numerology as the study of the numerical influence on human life? Do you know how to calculate a number ? If you definitely question yourself through these questions, you came to the right place, you are welcome!

Calculate Kabbalistic Number, Kabbalistic Numerology, meanings of extraordinary power!

Do you know how to calculate cabalistic number?

Numerology is a fascinating study, I am passionate, it teaches me more and more. Some people live their entire lives according to this doctrine, some claim that it is actually a science and others think it is a superstition.

However, most people have no idea what it is. I invite you to continue your reading to know what is numerology according to your beliefs, how it relates to Jewish Kabbalah, what the numbers say about you, and how to calculate Kabbalistic number .

You can also read: Meaning of the combinations of numbers that appear frequently according to angels and angelic numbers

The term "Numerology"

The word " Numerology " is constructed with the words "Number" and "Logic, " which very briefly means "science that studies."

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is said that this word was created in 1911. In addition, it indicates that its definition is not precise ("the study of the hidden meaning of numbers").

Numerology is "knowing the numbers" not in their mathematical meaning, but symbolic. Understanding the symbolic meaning of numbers or the way in which ideas are symbolized through numbers.

In numerology, it is a person who deals with this science, working as a researcher, creator and interpreter.

However, currently this doctrine has a bad reputation, this, because a lot of charlatans without knowledge or wisdom have been taken advantage of in order to scam people.

What is Numerology?

... know what is numerology according to your beliefs, how it relates to Jewish Kabbalah, what the numbers say about you, and how to calculate Kabbalistic number.

Numerology is an ancient, ancient doctrine, based on the analysis of the date of birth using specific formulas, bringing in response the energetic interpretation of these formulas.

Numerology offers a method to decipher energies and frequencies that are within the numbers that comprise your date of birth, and the formulas derived from it.

In fact, it allows you to interpret these frequencies to analyze your personal characteristics, skills, occupations, living environments, links, and the best time to take desirable measures.

The ancient philosopher and first pure mathematician of Pythagoras history, who lived in the sixth century BC. C., is considered the father of this doctrine.

Pythagoras assumed that everything can be translated as annomer, and basically everything is the epitome of a number or a numerical formula.

He attributed this to the forces of nature, various phenomena in the universe, etc. Many ancient philosophers used numerological doctrine to predict future trends and events.

There is a great debate whether numerology is a real science, as well as it was believed and lived by Pythagoras, or a mystical-spiritual doctrine as it is known today.

Most people believe that it is simply a superstition. However, the best believers argued that this magnificent Mathematical of Samos predicted many tendencies, events and disasters, faithfully based on firm mathematical formulas.

So, very broadly what is the numerology, from my personal experience and my studies in relation, I invite you to do personal research and learn more about this exciting topic .

If you wish, I leave you a series of very important Articles so that you can carry out your study and achieve better knowledge and personal wisdom. Click here.

Jewish or Kabbalistic Numerology

To calculate your Kabbalistic Number you do not need to know large, long and complex mathematical operations.

If you observe, read and study the Jewish Bible, you will realize that there the numbers have great meaning.

Every Jew is aware of the important power of numbers 7 and 13. An in-depth study of the numbers and their meaning can only be found in Jewish Kabbalah .

Kabbalah is an ancient system dating back to Babylon, started around 4, 000 years ago. It allows us to understand the purpose of man's existence, why it was created and where it came from.

All this can and should be revealed during the course of our lives in this world, here and now, not in another book or in another world that is disconnected from our reality.

" Kabbalistic Numerology " is a general name for many tools derived from Kabbalah and Jewish sources, such is the case of the book "Yezira" that translates creation, the Talmud and some others.

This method adapted the values ​​of Judaism and Kabbalah, adds the date of Hebrew birth to the person who reads and interprets, and addresses various issues in our lives in accordance with these principles.

However, Kabbalistic Numerology mainly attaches great importance to the person's name.

According to Judaism, the person's name is connected to the root of his soul . The name that our parents gave us represents, through letters and functions of power conversion, additional characteristics to those we obtain from our date of birth, reference points in our lives and our directed aspirations.

In addition, according to the person's name and the names of their parents, one can identify their destiny in this life and the amendment that they are supposed to have in this life. The designation and the amendment along with his destiny, derived from the birthday, direct him in life.

In another text I want to explain in detail about the importance of the person's name in Kabbalistic Numerology .

The meaning of Numbers in Kabbalistic Numerology

Kabbalistic Numerology is very complicated, so it is necessary to go to a Kabbalist who knows all the rules and can build a “map” with all your data and “read” your life.

However, it is possible to get an idea of ​​what this doctrine tells us with a simple measure, such as calculating your Kabbalistic number .

Surely you will be wondering, but, in short, how to calculate cabalistic number ? Don't worry, then I want to show you in detail.

How to calculate Kabbalistic Number?

To calculate your Kabbalistic Number you do not need to know large, long and complex mathematical operations.

I invite you to follow the instructions that I will give you below to find your destination number :

First, you must add your day, month and year of birth separately.

For example:


Second, add each of the numbers of your day, month and year of birth separately. For example:

0 + 4 = 40 + 9 = 91 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21

Then, add the results they gave on the day, month, and birth. So:


This sum results in = 34

Finally, add the 2 digits that comprise this result until it becomes a single number. Example. 3 + 4 = 7

7 is the destination number of our example.

Important! If your result of the sum of your day, month or birth date is 11 or 22 you will not have to decompose it more, these numbers are special at the time of calculating Cabal Number Static.

Now, I invite you to read what your destination number says about you according to the Kabbalistic Numerology . Remember that you are looking for the number that gave you as a result of your date of birth, this has only been an example for you to calculate Kabbalistic Number .

Number 1

On the first day, God created the light, and with that he also created the darkness.

People with the number 1 are people who are not afraid to start over and create new things from the beginning, even without existing tools.

They are pioneers of extraordinary initiative, great leadership and command capacity, have an executive spirit and an inventive mind.

These characteristics generate a being that normally succeeds and thrives in almost all the activities it performs.

He is generally a talented and resourceful being, they are active and productive people, with keen and insightful intelligence.

If this type of people is stimulated by a project that is considered worthwhile, it has the talent, vitality and ability to create extraordinary achievements.

They like to shine and succeed in everything in their life, and to do so, they do everything possible, without bothering to work exhaustively, thus achieving better positions, standing out for excellence in their area of ​​expertise.

He has firm ideals, concrete desires and an awake mind, he likes to perform his duties perfectly. He is an individual being, complete and honest in his purposes.

He always shows a cheerful, relaxed and, above all, very confident character in his achievements, even if all this is not true.

It is common for others to come to these people in order to receive guidance on something, this, because their gift of leadership attracts those who need support and advice, or simply because they seek a more experienced opinion.

Negative Aspects:

They have a tendency to arrogance, selfishness, excessive critical spirit and domination, sometimes they think that the success of the group depends solely on them.

This type of posture can make living with friends and co-workers difficult, and it damages their love relationships, really, because it is not easy to live with someone like that.

One of the obstacles to your personal fulfillment is the tendency to overwhelm your nervous system with a critical and overly concerned attitude.


As these people were born to lead, they must choose individual jobs or leadership positions, this, because they do not like to be ordered.

They must learn to be a pioneer, to work in groups and to be the leader, not the dictator.

They should learn to listen to advice, analyze situations and, only after meditating on the subject, make decisions, not act hastily or mistakenly.

The fate of the vast majority of these people tends to develop their individuality, independence and leadership skills.

If your Kabbalistic Number is 1, I invite you to pay attention to all your relationships and actions, it is definitely not easy to live with you thinking that you are always the owner of the truth, and that without you nothing can be achieved .

Number 2

On the second day of creation God separated the water to create the sea and the sky. This is also the only day that God did not end by saying that his work was "good." Therefore, this number represents separation and debates.

If calculating the Kabbalistic Number resulted in the number 2, I have to tell you that you are a great being endowed with great qualities for associations, unions, and collecting ideas that contribute to the achievement of any project.

You can easily assimilate the ideas of others, adding values ​​and putting them into practice in a totalitarian way, generating a sense of satisfaction in all involved.

You are a faithful friend and excellent father, you are looking at all times to protect your family, friends or coworkers.

By nature you are a diplomatic being and you can make others feel comfortable .

Usually, people are attracted to your kindness and refined manners and generally adapt well to joint work.

In general, you have a good relationship with everyone and it is easy to harmonize the intrigue or disagreement with others because, you know how to use your media and diplomatic gifts well.

Any work that requires a selfless conviction, personal fidelity, understanding of human nature and desire, will be carried out efficiently by those who have a destination number 2 .

When you can see people and situations from a higher perspective, you can give a lot of yourself while staying away, trusting that life will naturally solve things on time.

Negative Aspects:

Sometimes you prefer to wait for others to take the initiative, looking unpleasant. Since you are not a pioneer or decisive, when acting on your life projects, you lose excellent opportunities. You don't realize that time is passing and that projects and ideals are moving away more and more.

When you have a negative mood (which is not uncommon) you run the risk of sacrificing yourself or falling into self-pity or self-indulgence.


You should avoid self-complacency by pursuing your goals without expecting miracles or someone to help you with your difficulties.

Do not expect people to turn to you with the solutions you need. Learn to be patience, be willing to cooperate, be loyal to everyone and yourself .

As your main attribute is unity, you must learn to unite all those who desire this association, but do not interfere (what you usually do) with those who do not want it.

Let those involved make their decisions alone, and invest in the project when you realize that there is a will on both sides.

Learn to listen and follow the instructions of others, however, reflect very well on your decisions. Think of yourself and what you will do for everyone. Try to always work in society; If not, look for the way.

No. 3

On the third day of creation God created the grass, the trees and the fruits. This is also the only day that God said is good twice! Therefore, 3 represents the need for space, freedom and success (fruitfulness) at work.

If when calculating Kabbalistic Number is 3 your destination number, I want you to know that you are a sociable being, you are creative, versatile, dynamic, cheerful and talented .

You have the artistic gift in all its manifestations, whether speaking, writing, representing, painting, sculpting or in any other art form .

Throughout your existence, you should always seek to cultivate these gifts, creativity, social contacts and the expression of your ideas and feelings.

You have the gift of communication and you know how to express yourself very well through the word . You must take advantage of this gift of oratory to succeed, since, in addition to having the gift of communication, you can show your emotions and creativity through the word, expressing yourself easily, being this your main asset to be prosperous and happy.

It is easy to grow and multiply everything you do. Emotion and creativity are the reasons for your success because you have an extraordinary ease of expression.

You are a dynamic and versatile being, you have a charming personality and the ability to promote your ideas.

You can succeed in any area where you have contact with other people, since your communication is your strong point.

The more you work hard, the better the results and the rewards. You can succeed as a seller, teacher, public relations, in the fine arts, sciences or in contact with the public .

Negative Aspects:

You can be a person of excessive vanity, insecure, impatient, exaggerated, extravagant, wasteful that gets bored easily .

You don't like to comply with schedules, which makes you sometimes irresponsible, and you end up despising people below their level.

If your negative side is manifested, you become a completely isolated being from society, bored and scattered, which will lead you to nervous breakdowns preferring isolation .


As you were born with the gift of communication, you must use this intuitive gift to achieve success at work.

Although you are charming, artistic and with a good sense of humor, you need to develop your self-esteem and avoid tendencies to worry or feel emotionally insecure .

Being sociable, you should be more selective with your friends, looking for better friends instead of many.

Keep a record of your need to always be on the move and the excesses of everyday activities.

Number 4

The fourth day of creation was the day when God created the sun and the moon. Therefore, these people are spiritual people who are still very connected to the real world.

The Kabbalistic Number 4 is the destiny of achievement, if you are 4 know your reality below.

Your life in general is not easy, but if you work hard, with faith, focus, dedication and determination, you can keep your financial, emotional and social life stable . In this way, everything you will achieve will be solid and eternal.

If you dedicate time to yourself, your heart and your projects and goals, be assured that you will always have professional success, triumphing through your own efforts.

Sometimes you lack the confidence, patience and willingness to serve, and you must learn to cultivate it.

You are a sensitive person, full of creative ideas, you have a good sense of vision, you have the potential to express your original and inspired concepts.

Remember all this if you need to overcome possible concerns about any financial instability, or when you have to make important decisions.

You can provide security and stability to all who depend on you. You prefer quality over quantity, which makes you have few but sincere friends.

Negative Aspects:

Since 4 represents the conquest, any situation that gives you insecurity, uncertainty or possibilities of loss you should avoid automatically, if you do not, this will make you miss great opportunities .

Your inflexible and conservative side almost always rejects the new, this makes your group life extremely difficult, because your uncertainty conveys insecurity and can result in loss.

Your exaggerated perfectionism makes you lose many of those around you, whether family, friends or subordinates, which makes you bored and misunderstood.

Please! Avoid leading a negative life at all times, since you tend to lean towards fraudulent matters, conspiracies, too much pride or cunning and malicious plans to get rich quickly at the expense of the suffering of others, and this will surely bring you a debt Heavy and difficult karmic, bringing even more difficulties to your life.


Find out how to interact with intelligent people with whom you can share your interests.

To avoid ups and downs in your life, you must practice justice, be considerate and help others when the opportunity arises .

Seek to develop your sense of moral responsibility, maintain balance when you are in power and apply your knowledge to all your projects and achievements.

You must relate positively to everyone, respect your right to make mistakes, after all, nobody is perfect, nor are you!

Number 5

On this day God created the sea creatures. This is also the equivalent of numerology for the Hebrew word "home."

If when calculating Kabbalistic Number you realized that your destination number is 5, you should know that you are a traveler, always anxious for change and news.

This vibration indicates that you are versatile in the sense of changing and transforming. Always looking for news and knowledge, taste to learn and know new things, you are attracted to modern, different and innovative .

Although you are friendly and sociable, you like to do things alone, you face new challenges.

Your curiosity and insight lead you to constantly seek new knowledge, thus strengthening your intellectual side. This search also extends beyond the reach of learning and knowledge, much more than whim or pleasure. You are a curious, insightful person, you often seek to strengthen yourself through knowledge.

You are communicative, articulate, intelligent, receptive and cheerful, you are always welcome anywhere .

Being always well with life can be confused with an irresponsible being, a situation that is not real.

You also like to exercise your intelligence, you prefer to be with intelligent people, this, because you are mentally active, likewise, for this same reason, you like intellectual challenges, you test your own knowledge, but when you cannot succeed in these disputes, you get irritated easily and you get angry. It is important that you control yourself against these explosive realities.

Negative Aspects:

You feel sentimentally attracted to new and intriguing relationships, you end up engaging in emotional relationships, from which you cannot disconnect .

Usually, you buy more than you need and can afford, which causes you serious financial problems.

You are an outgoing being with a broad vision of everything and everyone, but volatile in your goals, which leads you to start many things and finish few.


To avoid negative aspects that are harmful to your personal development, learn to develop the power of selection and analysis, taking advantage of experiences to improve and elevate your character.

You must seek to be more human and selfless, avoiding personal, sexual or material interests.

As you live almost exclusively in the present, it is recommended that you work with a definite purpose, an altruistic purpose, and end it, no matter what .

You must avoid the disorder, and if you find it in your path, change it immediately, the disorder is not part of the universe.

Because you love to talk, you should prefer activities or professions where you can have contact with the public, such as a psychologist, historian, teacher, lawyer or teacher .

As you like to exercise your mental capacity, you prefer the company of intelligent people, you are an admirer of independent and powerful people, who confront you with their own ideas and opinions, without being intimidated by their vigorous personality.

No. 6

On this day God created animals, man and woman. Man and woman were created together (at the beginning) to rule the earth. Later, the woman separated from the man to be her companion for help, which means: help to raise her spiritual level.

The person with destination number 6 is usually hard, courteous, can not stand fights and disagreements and always wants to keep everything calm and quiet.

Compassion, idealism, kindness, care and love for nature are some of its qualities. It is the number of the perfectionist or universal friend and, in many cases, humanitarian, responsible and loving. Love children, plants and animals.

It becomes more attractive to others thanks to its charm, strong personality and kindness, so they generally succeed in their emotional relationships. He is ambitious, also understanding and encouraging, willing to do anything for the people he loves.

He likes to be good to himself and seeks a peaceful environment to feel that way. He does not like crowds or excessive and mass festivities.

Negative Aspects:

It is extremely sentimental and vulnerable. He believes in people too much, trusting them for their appearance and not for their attitudes (he doesn't analyze the facts coldly).

Generally accommodates, has a lack of interest in things. It is necessary to constantly encourage it, otherwise it tends to leave everything in half.

In an attempt to keep everything calm, sometimes it acts inappropriately, this, because docility is not always the best option in certain situations, a reality that makes you very upset, which causes it to be removed and installed elsewhere and appearance.


Being this the destiny of leadership and responsibility, and being you the person identified with this number, I invite you to learn to face unharmonious situations and / or conditions, defend your own ideas, serve with joy and assume the burdens of others .

Despite your high ideals, you must be determined, have patience and perseverance to achieve your goals .

Being kind and polite, you can work with the public, this will lead you to easily win over people, be respected and loved by everyone.

Number 7

On this day, the Creation of the world was completed in perfection. The seventh day was isolated from the rest and given a special meaning.

People under the Kabbalistic Number 7, are people are isolated people who need their "alone time" and their "quiet time."

At the same time, this number represents the most powerful day of the week and the power of prayer, the gift of being able to speak. Therefore, these people are quite charismatic and tend to dialogue, they have a surprising gift for the word, whether written or spoken.

It is the destiny of wisdom. They are people who seek understanding, a deeper and qualitative knowledge of life.

They will always strive to be efficient, intuitive, perfectionist, meticulous, rational, thoughtful, focused, reserved, understanding and loving, although they do not show any of these altruistic feelings.

They seek to know the essence of things, they are not satisfied with appearances, which leads them to always look for the hidden side of people and things.

They feel the constant need for self-awareness, they like to gather information, so they are interested in reading and writing about spiritual and / or metaphysical topics . The tendency to be enigmatic or reserved of these people can make them misunderstand certain realities.

Negative Aspects:

They tend to have a dominant spirit, be critical, demanding, perfectionist, distressed, impatient, proud and seemingly incredulous. Although pragmatic, they can reach unconventional ideas.

If you are number 7, you should be careful that this does not become an excuse to be alone against it, simply because you categorize it as difficult. Sometimes, you don't know how to value people as they are, that is, you must learn to respect the fact that each one is the result of your own observations, lessons and life lessons.


I invite you to develop your mental powers, study, meditate, seek the meaning of life. Anyway, become an expert, this, because you tend to be excellent at the things you do with determination and passion.

With your intelligence, leadership capacity and inherent power, you can have many professional opportunities and achieve success in any of them.

You can be a writer, lawyer, researcher, religious, or simply work to develop the planet spiritually .

Also, I invite you to be more tolerant, listen and accept adverse situations or contrary to your opinions from time to time.

Use your gifts only for good.

Attention! Please avoid using your skills in a destructive way and rebel against others, since your “action can be counterproductive” and you can be the most harmed in the end.

Number 8

This day is the first day after the completion of the creation of the world. It is once again the "first day" of the week. However, now everything is already created. Therefore, there are many common things between one and eight, only those people are already complete and ready for this world.

In addition, just as the child is ready on his eighth day to unite with holiness while having his circumcision, people represented by this number also like to combine strong elements of holiness in their lives.

This is the destination of financial and material gain. It is one that has the ability to plan, organize and carry out any type of business. He is intelligent, sensitive, individualistic, fair, disciplined, elegant, honest, friendly, a good distributor and has a demanding personality . He generally has no financial problems, because if he is not an heir, he is an entrepreneur. Objectivity is his motto.

They are also ambitious, vigorous, brave and loyal to their ideals, they are kind and generous with their loved ones.

They like to think big, this, due to their skills and need for growth. Curious and confident, they like to do their thing, and with the inclination to stubbornness they can become restless and impatient.

Negative Aspects:

As it is a materialistic destiny, it is common that they drive it all the time developing activities that generate income, and for this reason, they often forget the family, the sentimental, social side and, especially, themselves .

This materialistic side of these beings makes their relationships seem cold in general, they have difficulty expressing affection and feelings. In fact, they are highly emotional people, who need help and understanding from the closest people.


They must learn to manage money and understand how to properly use what they earn.

They must learn to use their inherent power, this, because they tend to have indecisions and uncertainty in their emotional relationships, they must learn to overcome this, taking better advantage of their sociable side, their need for expression and their intelligence.

They must learn to pay attention to people, especially those around them, and especially to themselves .

They should avoid flaunting what they have, avoid all misfortune and arrogance, either because of greed or because they believe they don't need anyone at all.

Pueden ser abogados, un ejecutivo corporativo, un vendedor (por su propia cuenta), un maestro, un pol tico, sirviendo en una misi n religiosa o como consejero .

N mero 9

Este es el n mero m s alto de un solo d gito. Este es tambi n el n mero de meses de embarazo.

Este n mero est altamente conectado tanto a los aspectos espirituales como materiales de la vida.

Estas personas son extremadamente generosas y dan mucho hasta que no les quede nada.

Pueden aparecer y desaparecer f cilmente, valientes, aprenden r pido, desean ayudar a los dem sy piensan mucho sobre el bienestar de otras personas . Al mismo tiempo, son perfeccionistas, se enojan r pidamente y con un temperamento ardiente.

Son el destino de la universalidad. Son personas ingeniosas, amorosas, divertidas, encantadoras, benevolentes, reflexivas y emocionalmente sensibles, tolerante y amable, y es en su mayor parte generosos y liberales.

Tienen una mezcla ideal de materialismo e idealismo, lo que hace que siempre quieran lograr xito. Su intuici ny poder ps quico indican una receptividad universal que, si se canaliza positivamente, puede inspirarlos a seguir el camino espiritual.

Poseen la necesidad de ayudar a todo ya todos sin hacer distinciones a este respecto. Son muy emocionales y sentimentales, y se preocupan por todos los que lo rodean, hacen todo lo posible para que todos est n bien. Esta necesidad de ayuda es para el todo, para la humanidad, no para una persona o caso especial.

Negative Aspects:

Pierden excelentes oportunidades en la vida, especialmente profesionales, porque viven para el mundo .

Son f cilmente frustrados, poco pr cticos, algo ego stas, tienen d as amargos, poseen complejo de inferioridad, temores, preocupaci n excesiva y una tendencia al aislamiento .

A veces pueden ser muy reservados, ocultando sentimientos profundos que pueden convertirse en resentimientos en el futuro, incluso si son personas generosas e idealistas.


Deben aprender a amar a su prójimo, ser generosos, tolerantes y comprender a sus semejantes.

También deben aprender a deshacerte de los prejuicios. Necesitan servir y divertirse. Indican la necesidad de superar los desafíos con una tendencia a ser demasiado sensibles y susceptibles, llegando hasta la inestabilidad emocional.

Deben buscar sueños realistas y dentro de su capacidad para lograrlos, evitando los sueños fuera de su realidad o inclinación a escapar .

Debido a que son seres universalistas, deben buscar el contacto con personas de diversos círculos sociales, beneficiarse del intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias, y también procurar viajes internacionales para este propósito.

Con la gran capacidad para adquirir conocimientos, estas personas puede lograr éxito en el campo académico o en los campos del derecho, la psicología, la medicina y la literatura, e incluso en bellas artes en general, específicamente en el entorno esotérico .

Número 11

Este es el destino de la inspiración. Son personas altamente sensibles e intuitivas, que poseen no solo la facilidad de ver la realidad actual, sino también sus consecuencias, ver a lo lejos.

Sensibles e idealistas, suelen ser personas enérgicas con un enorme potencial mental cuando están dispuestos a disciplinarse centrándose en sus objetivos .

Son versátiles e imaginativos, necesitan expresar su poder emocional y creativo. Son objetivos, enfocados, útiles, expansivos, intuitivos, espirituales, humanitarios, psíquicos y con habilidades curativas. La inspiración, el idealismo y la innovación son muy importantes para aquellos con número de destino 11.

La compostura y la perseverancia son a menudo la clave del éxito de estos seres, y pueden impresionar cuando se especializan en un área específica.

Una combinación de humildad y confianza lo desafían a trabajar hacia la independencia financiera y espiritual.

Negative Aspects:

Suelen ser impacientes y nerviosos . Son propensos a la adicción, se lastiman fácilmente, son hipersensibles, demasiado emocionales, tienen un complejo de superioridad, falta de propósito y, de alguna manera, egoístas, y pueden volverse deshonestos para obtener lo que quieren cuando las cosas no salen bien .

Debido a que son altamente sensibles, pueden capturar con mayor intensidad las imperfecciones de las personas y del mundo, lo que ocasiona que acumulen sufrimiento e insatisfacción, sin embargo, esto lo usan para mejorar sus conceptos sobre todo y todos.


Como la naturaleza les ha regalado ciertos atributos que no les ha dado a otros, deben usarlos para mejorar el planeta, los compañeros y la vida misma .

Deben aprender a exigir menos, las demás personas no tienen que hacer o entender todo exactamente como ellos lo entienden.

Deben evitar preocuparse exageradamente por si mismos, así mismo, han de aprender a trabajar con otros, incluso si necesitan la libertad de actuar de forma independiente.

Cuando combinan su habilidad, practicidad e imaginación, pueden lograr resultados extraordinarios .

Deben aprender a confiar en su propia intuición, tener fe e investigar el misticismo, manteniendo la humildad e inspirando a otros a través de su ejemplo.

Número 22

Es el número de la Sabiduría, el maestro constructor que se dedica desinteresadamente a la humanidad .

Es práctico, altamente intuitivo, orgulloso, honesto y trabajador. Tiene una capacidad natural de liderazgo, tiene carisma y entiende profundamente a las personas y sus motivaciones.

Son personas que generalmente son precoces (prodigio) en todas sus actividades, ya sean mentales, espirituales, sociales o materiales, conocen la vida superficial y profunda, e incluso la invisible, y sostienen una habilidad natural para enseñar.

A pesar de ser muy reservados, a menudo tiene una preocupación solidaria y protectora por el bienestar de las personas, pero nunca pierden de vista su posición realista y pragmática.

Generalmente son personas cultas y con muchos amigos y admiradores. Los que son más competitivos pueden lograr el éxito y la fortuna con la ayuda y el aliento de amigos y familiares.

También son seres diplomáticos, encantadores, talentosos, comunicativos y naturales, pueden seguir carreras que tengan que ver con las ventas, las promociones, agencias o relaciones públicas, y pueden dedicarse al mundo de las comunicaciones, editorial, política, educación, medicina y, especialmente, el área holística, les encanta ayudar a la humanidad .

Además de todos estos dones, a estas personas les es muy fácil entender y desarrollar procesos de alta evolución de conciencia, entendida como una fuerza extra-física y no como una forma racional.

Negative Aspects:

Tienden a ser arrogantes, egoístas, perezosos, nerviosos, auto-proclamados, menosprecian a los demás, y es posible que también tiendan a la traición. Si este es tu número, te invito a estar muy pendiente de estas realidades.


Las personas bajo este Número Cabalístico son destinados a ser grandes líderes, esto, por su capacidad ejecutiva que se extiende sobre un amplio campo, incluso llegando a las fronteras internacionales.

Debes aprender que la justicia, la cooperación y el servicio también son parte de la vida cotidiana.

Te invito para que aprendas a penetrar los problemas, hasta las últimas motivaciones de tus acciones y las verdaderas razones de su curso.

Aunque emocional y materialmente eres generoso, a veces puedes radicarte en una vida de lujo y glamour.

Si caes en el escapismo y te niegas a madurar, deberás aprender a ser responsable y tener una perspectiva más madura y responsable.

Claro está que cuando haces algo que realmente disfrutas, puedes trabajar duro, con dedicación y perseverancia puedes lograr y tener éxito. ¡Tu magia puede ser constructiva o destructiva, porque lo que siembras cosecharás!

¿Cómo te pareció este extraordinario Artículo sobre el significado de los números y la manera de calcular número cabalístico ?, ¡es asombroso!, ¿verdad? Te cuento que calculé mi número y el resultado fue una descripción completa y profunda de mí, ¿tu número que dice de ti?

Te invito para que estés muy pendiente de nuestras próximas publicaciones, soy testigo de asombrosos Textos se est n preparando para ti y los tuyos. Te deseo xitos y bendiciones abundantes. Un Abrazo de Luz!

Calcular N mero Cabal stico, Numerolog a Cabal stica, significados de extraordinario poder!

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor in the Great Family of

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