The Akashic Awakening "The Arcane Matrix

  • 2014

One of the most notable influences, which the process of collective awakening has displayed exponentially, has been the hypersensitivity to the astral fields that has resulted in a psychic reconnection with patterns and ancestral models of ritual performance.

The powerful development of the communication channels that through personal vibratory frequencies has managed to open paths, visions and ethereal fields that have long been almost imperceptible, puts humanity conscious before a Endless powerful tools, which emerged from the dark custodians of time, must now be understood and harmonized in their global potential.

The different models of Akashic manifestation that many can perceive at their different levels, manifest themselves by overlapping reality and the Maya, insufflating flashes of multidimensional paths, which are expressed at times on the same frequency, revealing that the vida is expressed in unison.

On a conscious level, we receive that sensory awakening to the abstract world, through arcana or personal myth-symbology. Our Being, tries to immerse us in the ascending dynamics by revealing passages of the akasha, that through a magnetic and emotional connection, inspire and direct our search, causing a strong impulse towards intuitive self-knowledge, the ethers and their fields of manifestation.

Thus, our internal call, the Voice of our Soul that in its effort to express itself and unfold its kingdom in a dynamic and harmonic dynamic, sends us symbolic flashes of synchronicity and attunement to evolutionary techniques, which give us a high level of understanding through vibratory resonance.

The psychic activity becomes receptive, to the breath of the immaterial, and the different reasonings, become increasingly complex and impossible, delineating us that a new path of universal language, must be developed assuming a new way of communication and relationship with the internal kingdom and all those whose reflection dwells equally in our Being.

Thus the call, the awakening of our Soul, occurs through its vehicle of physical and ethereal expression (heart-astral) causing hyperactivity. of the chakra (hypersensitivity) and of the 7 astral levels and their connections, present, past and a-temporal.

The frequency dynamics of our astral field will lead us to "perceive" different realities in order to develop our psychic abilities or gifts of the Soul.

The patterns of manifestation and interpretation will belong completely to our social, moral or religious conscious, and it will be the closest symbolism to our becoming that which will try to go "calling our attention" towards different aspects of the creative and ritual manifestation of humanity.

The development of astral sensibility, slowly reveals the great network of currents that from the ethers and behind the veil weave endless collective life, still little known.

Expressions of all kinds are mixed and expressed through emotional fields, and personal symbols, logic or what is accepted by the mind, are its expressive principles.

Thus, the psychic myth-symbology begins its journey in our conscious becoming, and our emotion summons or attracts towards perception, a tonic and personal dynamics, where many of the secrets of evolutionary power can be found and directed towards knowledge and The ancestral wisdom.

In the same way as dense reality, the astral world intimately linked to physical emotion is subject to mental interpretation, and the different symbols and dynamics must always be interpreted, from a state of “non-implication” and silent observation, thus preventing Involving sensory "addiction", which will only lead us to develop a lower psyche, instead of discovering the wonderful gifts of the Soul.



Akashic awakening "The Arcane Matrix"

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