The born. Lecture by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2014
Table of contents hide 1 2 3 4 The born. Lecture by Master Beinsá Dunó

Sunday conference given by Master Beinsá Dunó, on November 2, 1924, in Sofia - Izgrev

"Those who were not of blood, nor of lust of flesh, nor of lust of man, but of God were born" (John 1:13 - ndt). We will take these words in contemporary cultural life in a broad sense - we will observe them as an effort of the human spirit to draw the human soul towards something better, more beautiful, higher. Contemporary culture, with all its efforts, has not given this what man desires. The contemporary world is amazed at contemporary culture. There is something beautiful in this culture, we do not deny this. This culture, with its science, with its art, with its music, with its inventions, has attributed something, but not what the man desires.

Now, we are going to reflect reasonably, that we see what the contradictions in life come from. The contradictions in life come either from that grammatical construction of our speech, either from that logical perception of our mind, or from those ethical measures with which we measure things, or from those pedagogical rules with which we serve in life. All these things lead us to erroneous conclusions. From the point of view of present life, contemporary culture has done much, but in reality, if we ask ourselves, how good has culture attributed? What will we answer?

I am going to make a small comparison on this what contemporary culture represents and what it has attributed to humanity. When the cultural father brings a pretty horse to his son, and he has fun with it, or a pretty big doll to his little daughter, and she has fun with it, I ask: what have the horse attributed to the little boy, and doll to the little girl? They have attributed something, of course - they have occupied their minds. Hey, imagine that this little girl, who deals with the doll, has her precepts about life, what will she do with it? First he will baptize her, he will give her a name with which he will call her; After this he will talk logically, reason with her, ask questions, where he came from, where he was born, etc. Then he will say: "Just as I take care of you, how I bathe you, I dress you, do you love me?" To all these questions the doll will answer silently, like some philosopher. The little girl says: "Very cautious is my doll, remain silent." Finally the little girl will give you all the pedagogical rules, guidelines, saying: “Listen, I will go a little to look at my work, and you will listen to me, you will not go anywhere. If you walk away a little, I don't know what I'm going to do with you. ” Imagine that I am an old philosopher, I come and break the legs of this doll. What concept is this little girl going to form about me? - He will say that I am a man without a heart. But, when this girl becomes a 21-year-old girl, what will she say about her pedagogical rules, about her moral codices - that's what I call them - will be valid for her life? Of course, we do not justify this philosopher. If he were prudent, he would not have to break the legs of this doll; but if he has done this carelessly, we will say: "Nothing happens!" However, in the one and in the other case he has broken the tranquility of this little girl. Here, however, there is no moral breakdown. I ask: Do we, the contemporary cultural people, as we live, do not we look like this little girl who looks after her doll, and this little boy who looks after her horse? Each of you will say: “How so, I know this! I know what life is, I understand this, I know and play and sing. ” You know but I don't call this knowledge.

Frequently, we find ourselves in the position of that Turk, who when he came to Bulgaria, constantly praised that when he was in Baghdad, he could jump pits 10 meters wide. One day, an old Turk tells him: “If you have been able to jump such graves in Baghdad, and we have such here, jump sometime. - No, here I cannot jump such graves, because the weather here is not as it was in Baghdad, here it is completely different.

Now, let's go back to verse 13 of the chapter read: Those who not of blood, nor of lust of flesh, nor of lust of man, but of God were born . It is a law: If you put a human germ in the womb of a monkey mother, she will not give birth to a genius. Or, if you put a human germ in the womb of a bear mother, or a wolf mother, they will not give the qualities of this germ. What will be born? What does carnal lust mean? This means: inferior life, unreasonable life. And of man's lust means from this lower mind.

We say: Hey, I believe in God. This faith is one of the ordinary faiths. Well, who doesn't believe in God? Who does not live in the world? We, the reasonable people, who want to insure our lives, what does this assurance consist of? Take for example, wherever you go, among the contemporary Christian world, in England, in America, everywhere you will find crosses. You will always see through the walls of all the churches. Thousands of volumes are always written on the cross: how Christ has suffered, how he taught this, that. Many things are written about the cross, but what is essential, what this means, not an author has stopped on that. No author has explained its practical application. There are golden crosses, crosses with diamonds there, different crosses of honor there are, crosses of different legions, but what does the cross mean? The cross is a direction that in a given case, in a certain dead-end situation in which man finds himself, indicates how he should act. When you find yourself in a dead-end situation, when your life is attached to a hair, the cross will show you how you have to act. In the most dangerous moments of your life, when you don't know how to act, the cross appears before you for help. She is the only straight rule. Someone will say: What straight measure is the cross? Cross suffering! "It has become heavy for my soul to carry these crosses!" It will be ridiculous if that Bulgarian tailor constantly carries his elbow and scissors without using them. If you carry them and nowhere you use them, they make no sense. Everywhere you have to use them! This elbow it is necessary to measure fabrics, and scissors to trim. The vertical line of the cross indicates that we have a cosmic current in the world that comes from the top down down an involutive path. This is a force that drags everything in the world, destroys everything without wanting to know, because it has its determined path. The horizontal line of the cross means the following: When this cosmic force descends before you, when you see that your life is in danger, you will not run in front of it, that is, , in the direction in which this cosmic force goes, nor against it, because and in both cases you will lose your life, but will run either to the left, or to the right There is your salvation. This means: fleeing to the world, or to God. You must deal with something to avoid this contradiction. This exists and in the world. I will give you an explanation. Suppose you have a man who is out of work, but full of energy, with a healthy body, with a healthy mind, with a healthy heart. This cosmic wave is coming, he is on his way. What do you have to do so you don't drag it? There are two ways: either to enter the spiritual world, that is, to take the right direction, towards something noble and superior, and to work there, or to enter the world to work. And the two directions are superior and noble. Or in the world, on the left, it's not bad and this, or towards God - on the right! No, and in the one and in the other case, you must work! The people who organize the world, those who work through the cross are reasonable, and those people who do not work through the cross, are people who like the changes. Hey, imagine that a merchant has opened a store there on some street, but no

he goes and says: "Wait, in this store I am not going, the street is not pretty, this one (the store - ndt) is not pretty, I'm going to move." Take another store, on another street - it doesn't go and there. Change 10-20 stores, it doesn't always work for you. I ask: Are the stores that make the merchant? - No, the merchant must have skill. Is it the school that makes the teacher, or does the teacher make the school? - It is not the school that makes the teacher, but the teacher makes the school.

I ask: What is our essential creed? So far we all talk about Love, we all talk about Wisdom, Truth, Justice, but where is the application of this Love, this Wisdom, this Truth, this Justice? - there is the whole philosophy of life. We walk down the street and see that some man tortures another, hits him. We immediately stop and say to ourselves: "This man acts very cruelly, his act is shameless." Very good reason this man. But, he returns home, his wife has not managed to cook on time, and he immediately falls on her, hits her, without it coming to mind that acts exactly like the one who judged on the street. This what you saw on the street, was the cross that appeared in front of you and prevented you: “You will return home, but your wife for some indisposition has not managed to cook, and you will immediately lie on it to hit her. To avoid this contradiction, take a direction either to the left, or to the right. ”

What does zurra consist of? Suppose now two things. I can hit someone directly two beatings, but it can and does happen so that someone else pushes me to you, so that your head is broken, and my head is broken. In the first case you consider me guilty that I have beaten two beatings, and in the second case you consider the one who has pushed me guilty, and you will report him. But, if I was not between him and you, your head would be healthy. Then you don't blame yourself on me, but on another cause. And so, in us there is a cause that pushes our mind, heart and will in a certain direction. We must see if this cause is reasonable.

The Scripture says: "Those who not of blood, nor of lust of flesh, nor of lust of man, but of God were born." Or, said in simple language: these words refer to those people in which animal life and animal mind predominate. Do you think the wolf has no mind? It has, how not! What is the wolf's mind like? - This is uniform. All wolves, however cultural they may be, have a certain way by which they eat sheep. They have a special way. The foxes also have a certain way by which hens begin to eat. These are quite noble, they pluck the chickens well and after this they start eating them. And the cat has rules by which the rat is eaten. He is fast, does not stop to remove his fur. Take the man when he is going to eat some chicken, or some pig, and he is like the fox, prudently, removes the feathers of the chicken and the hair of the pig. We say that man is cultural because he removes the feathers and hair of the animals he is going to eat. If it is from culture, in the same way and the fox is cultural. Culture does not consist of external manifestations. These are living, reasonable principles that act in us.

I am going to ask you a question: In which contemporary culture is higher than the last? In Roman times, the Romans had stretchers, and with these, four men carried one in their hands. And we today with horses move. We say: Reasonable people should carry their burden alone. This what the Romans did, indicated that the physical was above the reasonable, it oppressed the reasonable in man. This today is riding a horse, indicates that the reasonable is above, this oppresses the physical. So, there is a small success. In social life these are methods, ways in which we live.

In this verse it is said that only the born of God can understand things. So we have a measure. God is the only measure by which we can solve all important issues. A prominent adept of antiquity goes to a drinking fountain that had three faucets, three suppliers. The middle supplier was the largest, then the right and finally the left. The drinker told him: "The average supplier is the prettiest, and the left and right are not so pretty." But how? “Yes, you will notice that when you come here, during the different times of the year, the average supplier always stays the same, and the other two suffer some change. The middle supplier represents the Love of God, and the left and the right represent the love of the individual and the love of society. When we love ourselves, and when we love society, there is always a change in this love. Therefore, so far we have operated with two measures, and with these we wanted to solve one of the most difficult tasks. Only Love is the only stimulus that can give direction to each culture, here on Earth or in any Solar System. When you love someone, the law is such: you cannot doubt it, you have all the disposition to serve him as well as yourself; and when he loves you, he cannot doubt you and is ready to serve you as well as himself. Therefore, a contradiction between people who love each other can never stand out. If there is any contradiction in your mind, if you doubt the smallest thing, if all this is true, you have found a truth, you are saved. But, if you have found a thought that is not true, if you create a contradiction that stumbles, you become addicted. If you keep yourself and think that what you have found is true, I am glad, but if you notice that this is not right, you become addicted. Therefore, we will not think as we want, but we will think as we do not want. And I have told you many times that in the Divine world every thought, every feeling, every desire of man is exactly weighed, all these are determined measures. So I say: When we arrive at Divine Love, we must know that everything in it is exactly determined. They say: But how will this be

Divine love? - A Love that does not endure any changes in itself.

I ask one: What is the human soul? - This one looks like air. I say: No, I'm going to determine what a human soul is on a negative path. The soul: air is not, but it contains the air within itself. The soul: water is not, but it contains the water within itself. The soul: earth is not, but it contains the earth within itself. The soul: light is not, but it contains the light within itself. The soul: ether is not, but it contains the ether within itself. It contains everything within itself, and by itself it is an undetermined measure. Only the measures not determined are the true measures. All Divine things are not determined. Someone says, "Hey, determine yourself!" Well, I determine. How? - Like the one who asks for money on loan. I come to you, I ask you for money on loan and I tell you: How much will you give me? - You say how much you want. - Hey, give me 100, 000 cams. - No, you love so much, I can't give you that much. Determine yourself! - Hey, well, 50, 000 cams then. - You want so much. - Hey, twice I can't determine. Come on, then 10, 000 cams. - No, and this is a lot, and I can't give you so much. Look, 1000 cams I can give you. Do you finally agree? - I agree. Is this a determination? You determine yourself as 100, 000; you determine yourself as 50, 000; you determine yourself as 10, 000 and finally you determine yourself as 1000. We stop at 1000, there we determine ourselves, but this is no philosophical determination.

Such is our contemporary morals - very broad. If someone steals a bread from the bakery, they can put it in the prison for 4-5 months; If someone, then, kills someone for the good of the country, they can put a cross on his chest. Can a homeland rely on the killing and blood of the people? Come tell me, what people have achieved success with the killings? For these massacres many peoples have disappeared from the face of the Earth. God requires people who are not stained with any blood. I tell contemporary peoples that they will respond by this blood. Their

hands are stained only with blood of brothers, with blood of sisters, with blood of mothers, with the blood of many children, with the blood of servants, etc. And now, many priests say: "Slaughter can be applied, but for the good of the country." No, how do you think, this is another matter, however, in the Divine world they say: your hands will be absolutely pure! - nothing else. If you were born of blood, carnal lust and the mind of man, you will kill. It would be ridiculous to say to the wolf: you are not going to drown the sheep. He will say: “Well, I'm not going to drown them, but how will I feed? Any codex and any moral rules I give to the wolf, do you think he will listen to me? No, the wolf will do its job again. Do you think that if I give the spider some moral rules, that it will listen to me? This one will say: Well, I am not going to catch fish in my net, I am not so greedy; then, and sheep I will not catch, I do not want them anymore, and I will not catch you, I am noble. Why don't you take them? Because he is cowardly and small. If it were bigger, this one and sheep would have taken, and birds would have taken. And now he says: I take only these small mosquitoes. That you know that nobility is in me! . I say: S, very great nobility is in you! And these millions of mosquitoes tell me: They have eaten us!

John says: Only those who were born of God will understand these magnificent truths.

I am going to give you a small example. A Roman called Te filo falls in love with a noble Roman. But what a misfortune. He betrays his beloved, and she disappears, walks away. In him begins a regret of conscience. To reassure his conscience, he receives Christianity, he is going to live 20 years in the desert, making a vow with himself that from this moment on he will always walk with eyes closed and nobody will look, to rescue himself from his sins. He became famous under the name of the hermitage with eyes closed . They called him to confess people. And men, and women confessed, but always with eyes closed. One day he came to confess and his beloved, to see how holy he is.

When he heard his voice, he immediately opened his eyes. Everyone around him, when they saw this, they said to each other: What was this miraculous woman, who opened the eyes of our confessor! .

We, contemporary people, think with eyes closed. And with open eyes, and with closed eyes, we are always the same. We think that when we close our eyes, it will be better for us. Therefore, we close our eyes and say: I do not want to look at this world, I do not want to look at these people, these servants, this man, these children, nothing I want well, with eyes closed confess . They say to some woman: Do you know that your husband has taken a very nice furnished house? A s ! immediately opens his eyes. Someone says: I do not want a social position, this, that. They say: They called you a teacher in Bulgaria. How? immediately open your eyes. So, when it comes to what we like, the beautiful and the beautiful in life, we open our eyes. When we don't like something, we close our eyes, and then we go through philosophers, saints. It is not bad that we are with eyes closed. The occlusion of the eyes is a rest, the opening is activity, attitude. The occlusion of the eyes occurs when you want to check your accounts, rest, and the opening of the eyes means that you must do the most beautiful things. And so, the occlusion of the eyes is rest, the opening of the eyes is work.

Now, let's go back to the Love of God! This, the great, the sacred name of God must be found within our soul. This name, this word, is not pronounced. This is the only powerful word, omnifuerte in the world, which all Existence, all creation, all the great beings that have finished their evolution, keep. Everyone keeps this sacred name, and whoever reaches just to read it, his soul rises. In Scripture it is said: `` Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain. '' (Exodus 20: 7 ndt). We do not understand this ordinary name of God towards which we turn in our prayers: “Lord, our God, do you not hear me?” No, in the Scripture there is talk about this name

sacred of God. Why doesn't the Lord hear us? Until then, until we speak in this world, until then, until we wiggle, we are far from God, and He does not hear us. Go learn that true way of getting someone out of the water. He who drowns wiggles, moves, and he who saves him remains on his side and says: "He hopes he loses consciousness and then." Why? Then he has to get him out, because otherwise he who drowns will drag this one who saves him. When a doctor wants to perform a serious operation on a patient, he says: "That the patient loses his conscience, then I will operate on him." Here is why, in serious operations they are anesthetized. This law is true everywhere. Love requires absolute, complete tranquility. When God loves you, you will be completely calm until He finishes his work, and when he finishes his work, the Love of God will be expressed in you as a powerful, strong life, and after this you will begin to truly live. When you finish all the work, God will come to work again in you, but as Love, as Wisdom, and will introduce light and knowledge into you, and you will be silent and calm. You will start working as a man who loves science and studies. When this period ends, then God will come to work in you as Truth; you will love Truth, freedom, and in you the desire to work in the world, to be a philanthropist, to lead people on the straight path will appear.

Now, where does our salvation reside - left or right? The reasonable man may be on the left, may be already on the right - there is no sin in this. They say about someone: "He goes to the left." What about this? Here there is no philosophy. If by this straight, vertical line of the cross, from above descends a cosmic current and is inclined to drag me, what sin is there in this if I walk to the left, then to the right, again to the left, again to the right and finally up? - There is no sin in this. This is a law! It is not important if it is in the left or right direction, but always upwards, towards God! Because on the left, on the right, there is and an inverse direction - down, towards the center of the Earth. This leads to sin, to crime, and then neither the left direction nor the right direction save me. Then, deep in our conscience there must be only one thought: That we serve God alone! You, when you come to me, I must know that you are a soul that has come out of God, and that is ready to do for you what the sacred name of God requires of me. Each of you lives for himself, but he lives so much and for others. If we live for ourselves, for our ordinary self, and we die - and in this life has manifested itself. If we refuse to live for ourselves and die, and this again is a manifestation of life, however, true life is not self-determined in these two manifestations. If we live for our higher self, for our Divine soul, only then our life expands. This life

important if it is in the left or right direction, but always upwards, towards God! Because on the left, on the right, there is and an inverse direction - down, towards the center of the Earth. This leads to sin, to crime, and then neither the left direction nor the right direction save me. Then, deep in our conscience there must be only one thought: That we serve God alone! You, when you come to me, I must know that you are a soul that has come out of God, and that is ready to do for you what the sacred name of God requires of me. Each of you lives for himself, but he lives so much and for others. If we live for ourselves, for our ordinary self, and we die - and in this life has manifested itself. If we refuse to live for ourselves and die, and this again is a manifestation of life, however, true life is not self-determined in these two manifestations. If we live for our higher self, for our Divine soul, only then our life expands. This life includes the lives of all our neighbors. Therefore, our good is your good, and your good is and our good.

In Love, in the Divine world there are three methods. The first method I call "air method, or air", the second method is "water method, or aquatic", and the third is the hard method. In each method you must understand the laws. In the aerial method you must understand the laws of air, how to condense the gases. For example, you should know how to condense water vapors into water. In the aquatic method you must understand the laws of water - that you know how to convert, for example, water into a hard substance. In the third method you must understand the laws of hard substances, that you know how to turn them into liquids, and liquids into air. Therefore, we need a more rare environment and that is why we must know the laws of the transformation of matter.

Frequently, many of the believers stop over some specific facts. Do not be fooled by the external environment, by the acts of the people. Know that there is a moral law in the world, according to which when I make a mistake, whatever it may be, however small and invisible it may be, I feel it within me. There is an internal voice that weighs everything and tells me: "Your act is so lacking." I know every mistake of mine. Man must never justify himself for his mistakes, but must be judged. A crooked act taken before yourself, is equivalent to this, that before God you judge yourself, and not before people. Now, someone comes to you, asks you: "Do you think that I act straight?" There is no reason to put men as judges. We must find the judge within us, in our soul, and there judge ourselves - before God. When someone comes and tells me that I have acted very badly, I will say: In me there is a judge, much better than you are. What is my mistake? He says: "A brother came to your home last night and you didn't accept it." Yes, if I have not acted well this inner voice will tell me: "Last night a brother of yours came to you and you did not behave with him as he should." This inner voice, this the Divine constantly speaks in us. I have not accepted him, this is one of the sides; but if this brother, who comes from outside, constantly knocks on the windows and wants to be opened, do you think he is one of those Divine brothers who are sent by God? Well, if a brother comes in the name of Christ, he takes the key, opens the safe and constantly puts his hand in it, is he sent by God? Well, which Apache does not come today, does not open the safe and does not reach into it? No, for every traveler there is a law. This is the following: the traveler is allowed to touch only three times to the window, and when he touches the fourth time - he has no more right. Now, for his justification, you can say: "But we may not have heard this traveler, we may have been visiting." Hey, I take the fact like that, that you were at home. That you were visiting, this is an exclusion. You are free to receive this traveler, or not, and the traveler is allowed to play three times by three, then 9 times, and once more, but again by 3 strokes, then all 12 times. The number 12 is the entire circle of human life. This brother, who did not accept in this home, will go from house to house for all the brotherhood and will say: "Imagine, last night I went to such a brother, I played, but they did not receive me." And now, all the brothers and sisters for his side goes away and tells: "Imagine, this brother was not received!" Others: "Imagine!" - Hey, imagine! And all: "Imagine, imagine!" Eh, have we imagined what? But imagine now that this brother touches one of these who say "imagine." And everyone always in "Imagine" stay. Everyone judges very well, but when the application of the law arrives in them, they are not. Y dice entonces alguien: “Yo quiero 100, 000 levas. – ¡No puedo tanto, determínate! – Bien, quiero 50, 000 levas. – ¡No puedo y tanto, determínate! – Quiero 10, 000 levas. – ¡Determínate! – Eh, venga entonces, 1000 levas. – ¡Muy bien!” Nosotros somos siempre los de los mil levas. Yo no digo que vosotros no sois buenos. Mucho mejores sois que en el pasado, pero esto es una fase. ¿Acaso nosotros debemos detenernos? No, la vida desde ahora empieza. ¿Acaso aquella planta pequeña que ha crecido solo cuatro dedos por encima de la tierra, debe detenerse y decir: “yo he crecido ya cuatro dedos”? No, ella puede crecer y 10, y 15 dedos. ¡Muchas posibilidades para crecimiento hay en el alma humana! “¡Pero nosotros somos mejores que el mundo!” ¡No os comparéis con el mundo! Comparaos con el Amor Divino que debe expresarse en Su plenitud. Pero diréis: “Es imposible en nuestras condiciones”. No, en las condiciones presentes exactamente se puede aplicar esta ley. Esta ley no reside en esto, que vendas tu casa, que repartas tu dinero. Esta ley se entiende de otra manera. Si viene a mí un hermano extraño, le dejaré quedarse como huésped tres días y después de esto le diré: Hermano, tú eres sano como yo, te voy a dar un azadón e iremos los dos juntos al viñedo – bien conversaremos dulcemente, bien lo cavaremos. Regresamos en la noche, y él gana, y yo gano. Nos acostaremos juntos en una cama, y al otro día de nuevo tomaremos el azadón, conversaremos de filosofía, del Sol, de

las estrellas, pero y trabajaremos. Sin embargo, si él se queda 5-6 meses en mi casa y dice: “Yo he terminado mi evolución, por eso voy a descansar, y tú trabajarás para mí” – esto no es comprensión de la vida, de lo Divino en nosotros. No, este viajero debe decir: “Hermano, da ya mí el azadón, a mí me gusta trabajar”. Si él me ama, debe de venir a trabajar junto conmigo; si no viene, yo sé que él no tiene ningún amor. Esta es una regla. Alguien dice que ama a Dios. Si no vayamos a trabajar junto con Dios, nosotros no Le amamos. Where is God? – Nadie sabe. Dios está en un lugar sagrado. Dios es un lugar de trabajo. Dios trabaja ah donde se expresa el Amor de Dios. Ah est Su lugar. A l constantemente llevan muertos y l pregunta: Este porqu muri ? Por ociosidad, no trabaja. A s ? Ponedlo de lado. dice el Se or. Traen a otro muerto: Y este por qu muri ? Por comer en exceso. Ponedlo de lado! Traen a un tercero: Este por qu muri ? Por forzarse demasiado. l llevaba muchos bienes en su espalda, muchos campos, muchas casas tenia, as que le fue pesado. Ponedle de lado!

Ahora, todos trabajan, trabajan, pero todos se han mutilado. No, esto no es trabajo. Nosotros, los que caminamos en este camino Divino, nosotros, los que tenemos lo Divino dentro de nosotros, debemos trabajar con Dios, juntos. Esta, la Magna, la fuerza potente en nosotros debemos manifestarla, y este nombre sagrado de Dios debemos de encontrarlo. Os voy a dar una regla: acerca de vuestro amor, no habl is nunca nada! Cuando el hombre habla de su amor, l se pone sobre una base incorrecta. Ahora, llegar is a la otra regla: t expresar s tu amor as como Dios expresa Su Amor. C mo expresa Dios Su Amor? Dios ha creado todo el mundo, con esto expresa su amor, pero l mismo permanece en un plano trasero. Algunos preguntan: Qu cosa es el Amor de Dios? La vida que tienes, en esta Dios ha expresado Su Amor; la mente que llevas, en esta Dios ha expresado Su Amor; el coraz n que tienes, en este Dios ha expresado Su Amor; the

voluntad que tienes, en esta Dios ha expresado Su Amor. Qu tienes que preguntar m s? Utiliza tu vida, utiliza tu mente, utiliza tu coraz n, utiliza tu voluntad yt encontrar s lo que Dios ha dicho dentro de estos!

Ahora en qu debemos pensar? Vosotros, cuando os levant is por la ma ana, cu ntos minutos pens is en Dios?, venga decidme. Os levant is por la ma ana, r pidamente lav is vuestro rostro, algunos pasan r pidamente, por 5 minutos, Padre Nuestro y trabajo terminado! Agendas, dinero, cajas y todo lo dem s est en vuestras mentes, pero esto lo que introducir tranquilidad, fuerza y poder para nuestras almas, lo dejamos de lado. Nosotros pensamos en nuestras mujeres, en nuestros maridos, en nuestros hijos, en todo, pero no y en Dios. Debemos pensar en todo esto? Hasta el momento cuando Dios piensa en nosotros, nosotros vivimos, pero en el momento en que Dios deje de pensar en nosotros, nosotros desaparecemos del mundo. Hasta entonces, hasta que Dios piensa en ti, t vives; hasta entonces, hasta que Dios te ama, t vives, pero en el d a cuando t transgredes aquel nombre sagrado de Dios, este Amor de Dios se retira de ti yt dejas de vivir, y Dios te mostrar que t has abusado de Su Amor. Tu marido estar vivo solo si Dios le ama. Tu marido puede pensar solo si Dios piensa en l, si l le sostiene en Su Consciencia. Por eso, todos nosotros debemos procurar a trav s de nuestra vida expresar el Amor de Dios. Todos quieren que el Se or piense en ellos. Yo digo: qu hemos hecho por la Magna obra en el mundo? Qui n de vosotros hasta ahora ha volcado una alma hacia Dios y ha introducido esta paz interna de tranquilidad?, pero no aparentemente, porque yo puedo introducir en vosotros esta tranquilidad aparente, pero cuando os doy 1000-2000 levas. No de esta manera debe introducirse tranquilidad en el hombre. Hay otra virtud en el mundo que reside en esto, que mostremos a la gente c mo deben nacer de Dios. Esta cosa se logra mediante aquella consciencia superior en nosotros, la cual se manifestar cuando nos conectemos con Dios. Solo entonces nosotros sentiremos esta paz interna que nunca nos abandonar .

Ahora, os voy a transmitir otro ejemplo, que veáis qué cosa son las ideas constantes en el hombre. Un confesor viejo me contaba el siguiente hecho de la vida búlgara en la época turca. Un día, viene a él una vieja, de alrededor de 90 años, y dice: “Padre, quiero confesarte un pecado, no sé si el Señor me perdonará, pero es un pecado muy grande. No puedo liberarme de este pecado: y he pensado sobre este, y he orado delante de Dios, ojalá me perdone, pero este es más grande de lo que me lo puedo imaginar. Esto ocurrió en la región de Varna, en el pueblo de Kadarcha, o Nikolaevka (el pueblo natal del Maestro – ndt), hace 60 años. Era joven, bella, una muchacha guapa, y me enamoré del muchacho más bello, que tanto amaba, que no podía vivir sin él. Sin embargo, mi madre y mi padre no me dieron a él y me casaron con otro del cuál tuve cinco hijos y dos hijas. A estos hijos que nacieron de él, les odio, ya mi marido le odio, no quería vivir con él, ¿pero qué podía hacer? – Nada, no pude liberarme de él. ¡Un pecado grande tengo según esto! He aquí, anoche soñé incluso que comimos junto con mi bien amado”. Estas son ideas como les llamo yo. Esta vieja, y hasta su edad de 90 años no puede olvidar a su bien amado. Sin embargo, ¿quién hizo el pecado: ella o sus padres? Ella dice: “¡Y a mis hijos, ya mis hijas, ya mi marido les odio! Un pecado grande es este, no quiero odiarles, quiero vivir con ellos según Dios.” Aquí, en ella luchan dos sentimientos contradictorios. Nosotros muchas veces daremos a luz a cinco hijos ya dos hijas y les odiaremos. Why? – Este es un nacimiento por carne. Pero, en nosotros siempre quedará aquél ahínco interno, álmico, de algo magno, de algo ideal. Los demás dirán: “¿Cómo no se avergüenza esta vieja de pensar en un muchacho? ¡Un pecado es este!” ¿Por qué para una mujer vieja es pecaminoso que piense en un muchacho joven, y no es pecaminoso cuando alguna muchacha piensa en algún muchacho? Si es pecaminoso para la vieja, esto es pecaminoso y para la joven. ¿Qué es esta moral? En estas

comprensiones contemporáneas, esta abuela se encuentra en una contradicción. En tales contradicciones y nosotros nos encontramos. Nuestra vida es tan entretejida que alguna vez ocurre bifurcación de nuestra conciencia, y nosotros no sabemos qué debemos hacer.

What should we do? El hombre, en las condiciones presentes, debe ser duro en su conciencia, y cuando llegue a cumplir la voluntad de Dios, él debe o vivir, o morir – una de los dos. Cuando quieren a alguien cortarle el camino hacia aquella vida Divina, él debe preferir la muerte delante de la vida. Aquel muchacho que amaba a esta vieja, comprendía esta ley. Él no se casó, no entró en el mundo para vivir, para engendrar de ella cinco hijos y dos hijas, sino que muere, sacrifica su vida por ella, pero él se queda en su mente. Este muchacho joven de ninguna manera tuvo algún odio contra su marido, pero se decía: “¡Tal es la voluntad de Dios!” Ella concientiza que su amor es un amor verdadero. Esta ley es igual y para hombres y para mujeres.

Así que digo: cuando se manifiesta lo Divino en nosotros, nosotros debemos aceptarlo, pero cuando encontramos una contradicción debemos hacer cierto sacrificio en el mundo. Ahora nosotros queremos reconciliar lo Divino en el mundo. No, el mundo y lo Divino no pueden reconciliarse. Para que vivamos nosotros, para que nos elevemos, miles de seres tienen que morir por nosotros. Por lo tanto, ¿nos es permitido a nosotros, los seres razonables, en este Amor que se sacrifica por nosotros, errar? – No, no es permitido. Yo no voy a errar, ¿Por qué? – Puesto que ahí, en alguna parte, cuando balan aquellas ovejas, corderitos, cuando ga an aquellos cerditos, esto es porque les degollan. Y yo debo detenerme con un temblor sagrado y decirme: Por mí les están degollando. Ellos se sacrifican por mí, ¿debo yo errar, debe ser mi corazón cruel? ¡Estos animales mueren por mí, yo tengo que vivir, pero no tengo que errar! Este cerdo que gaña, por ti muere. Te vas a detener, te voltearás hacia Dios y orarás con la oración más afanosa. Cuando aquel cordero bala, orarás con la oración más afanosa, en la cual tomarán participación tu mente, corazón y alma. ¡Solo así éste será pagado! Dirás: “¡Señor, él por mí se sacrifica!” Así hace el hombre en el cual la conciencia superior está despierta; así hace el hombre que ha nacido de Dios. Así es y en la vida. Esta es una filosofía profunda. Cuando un hombre trabaja en la ciencia y sacrifica su vida, tú debes decir: “Este hombre sacrifica su vida por mí, para que (yo) adquiera conocimientos”. Este es un temblor sagrado del alma. Cada hombre que sacrifica su vida para dar impulso a la humanidad, dondequiera que él esté, sea en la religión, sea en la ciencia, sea en su familia, como madre o padre, como hijo o hija, estos son aquellos hermanos, aquellos corderitos o cerditos que han elevado a la humanidad.

Y así, digo: en la vida presente, que vuestro corazón sea tan tierno, tan delicado, que cuando oigáis a algún corderito balar, que os llenéis con un temblor sagrado, que regreséis a vuestro hogar con ojos entristecidos y que digáis: “Debemos nacer de Dios, para que comencemos a vivir en Su Amor”. Cuando en todos nosotros penetre este Amor, ésta será la única cosa delante de la cual todas estas guerras, todas estas discordias que ahora existen, se derretirán así, como el hielo. Eh, dicen ¿es posible esto? – Para nosotros ya es posible. Para nosotros, los primeros carbones que estamos encendidos, es posible. Y para vosotros es posible. Estos que son últimos, que están en la periferia, y para estos carbones llegará un día cuando se encenderán. Yo me alegro de todos estos carbones. En ellos hay fuerza, solo enciéndelos. Algunos dicen: “¡Eh, un carbón negro es él!” No, yo conozco a este hermano. Hoy él es negro, pero él puede flamear, en él hay tal energía, que un día, cuando se encienda, milagro hará. Así que, ahora todos somos carbones. Esto es solo una figura del hablar. Un día, cuando se enciendan estos carbones, éstos darán aquel calor Divino, y entonces nosotros comenzaremos a sentir el balar de estos corderitos. Éste va a producir el temblor más sagrado en nosotros, y cuando regresemos, habrá paz, alegría, oraciones y alabanzas, porque Dios es tan magno hacia nosotros como para derramar y la Vida, y Su Santidad, y Su Piedad, y todo lo que tiene en Sí.

¡Nosotros debemos nacer de nuevo! Esto es a lo que le llaman “nuevo nacimiento”, nacimiento de Dios, pero que no solo una vez nazcas y digas: “¡He nacido!” Este es un acto de constancia – constantemente debemos vivir en Dios y estar llenos de Su pensamiento, de Su corazón y sentimiento, y de Su acción. Esto es lo magno, lo potente en el mundo, que nos elevará como hombres. Ninguna otra cosa es tan magna, tan potente en el mundo, como la idea de Dios y de Su potencia, de Su Amor, de Su Sabiduría y de Su Verdad en el mundo.

Los nacidos. Conferencia del Maestro Beinsá Dunó

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