The Main Occult and Esoteric Symbols I

  • 2019

Today, there are many symbols and signs that the vast majority of people do not know, today we bring you the main occult and esoteric symbols I, so you can increase your awareness about Occultism and its philosophical secrets.

Human beings since the dawn of civilization have designed signs and symbols to represent natural phenomena, even to denote hermetic philosophical principles.

“We must not believe that information and wisdom are the same thing. Knowledge helps us to generate money; wisdom helps us to live. ”Sorcha Carey

Main Occult and Esoteric Symbols

When we think of a symbol, many thoughts come to us, from images, representations, gestures, objects, drawings ... and each of the symbols we see every day evokes an emotion, a belief, a value or a power.

For example, humanity has used " the heart " as a symbol of love, in almost all parts of the world a drawn heart represents: love, passion or the affective desire between two people .

The heart is used as an expression of love, and also to designate the value and strength of love. It has become a universal symbol that represents every idea or emotion related to love.

Usually, the heart symbol comes in red or pink, which transforms these colors into symbols of love, as they relate to the heart.

However, there are symbols that, depending on the culture or place, completely change their meaning, and this must be taken into consideration in order to understand the main occult and esoteric symbols.

From witchcraft to the arcane Tarot, they use occult and esoteric symbols that represent or even evoke magical powers, occult and esoteric symbols have so much power and presence in human life, that they have remained alive for thousands of years.

We have for example the Masonic squad, which for hundreds of years has remained one of the most important occult and esoteric symbols within Freemasonry.

It is both the power of an occult and esoteric symbol and that of the Masonic squad, that if we realize, many of the most important characters in history such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Simon Bolivar, San Martin , Mozart, and other great Historical figures have been influenced by this occult symbol during their lives.

Therefore, if we want to know the mysteries of life, and the secrets of ancient and hermetic civilizations such as The Society of the Golden Dawn, the Masons, the Rosicrucians or the Skulls and Bones, it is necessary to recognize and understand the Main Occult and Esoteric Symbols .

The Pentagram

`` Wisdom is a mere accessory in times of prosperity and a valuable tool in times of adversity. '' -Arist te them.

Within the occult and esoteric symbols the Pentagram could not be missing. It is one of the most emblematic and well-known symbols within the occult world , its importance in the esoteric pagan currents is of vital importance, as well as its relationship n with characters like the magician Merl n .

It is an ancient occult symbol whose meaning dates back to a long chain of esoteric civilizations such as the Gnostics, the Druids, the ancient Egyptians, or the ancient Israelites.

The pentagram encloses a large number of mysteries in a simple five-pointed star. When the five-pointed star is surrounded by a circle, it becomes a pentacle.

The five points of the star represent natural elements such as Earth, Air, Fire, Water, but also make a visual allegory to the cardinal directions: East, South, West, North, the Remaining tip can represent the human being or nature itself. An occult and esoteric symbol that represents the ALL, in its five points .

When the pentacle's occult symbol has a circle around it, it represents the eternal cycle of life and nature, as well as the union of the different elements, in a universal integrity.

For the Celts, the pentagram was a symbol of personal protection, it was used in necklaces or bracelets to scare away bad energies and prevent or protect against magical or psychic attacks by black magicians, likewise, the ancient Celts, placed it in their homes or temples to protect them from witchcraft and attacks of evil spells.

Today, to those who use this occult symbol as mere decoration, but without really knowing its importance in ancient civilizations, where the pentagram had an important function as: pagan symbol, nature symbol (especially of the Earth element) and protective symbol .

See also: "Does the apple keep a magic staff in your heart?"

The Occultist Cross of the Hermetic Alba Dorada Society

One of the most influential secret societies in the history of occult and esoteric symbols It was without a doubt, the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn. The impressive thing about this society was its short period of time, it lasted only 16 years (1887 to 1903).

Its influence encompassed both the fields of Western and Eastern Occultism, the hermetic society of the Golden Dawn, influenced most of the occult hermetic schools of the 21st century, achieved through its wise members, a gigantic synthesis of unusual teachings that had great importance in the esoteric world of English and French speaking.

For many Masons or Rosicrucians, the written texts of the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn are considered as words of an esoteric gospel.

“A powerful symbol is one that reflects in its figure an unquestionable Truth” - Lucía Blaga.

The Ouroboros

The Ouroboros is one of the most important hermetic symbols, it represents the eternal cycles of nature and of all physical, spiritual and mental forms. Its symbolism is very similar to that of the phoenix, which is constantly reborn from its ashes.

This among the oldest occult and esoteric symbols that exists, since the times of ancient Mesopotamia used it, it was mostly used by the Sumerians and other cultures of the Far East. It can be associated with Eternity, Continuity of life, the entire Universe, the Wheel.

There are several theories that point out that the word "Ouroboros" comes from the ancient Hebrew, where " Ouro " means to devour and " Boros " means to devour, in this case this occult and esoteric symbol can be interpreted as " the viper that devours its own tail".

The ancient sages of the world, did not conceive of time in a linear manner (that is, with a beginning and an end), but rather, as a cyclic phenomenon. In prehistory and then in ancient times, events related to cyclical time (birth-death-rebirth) were perceived or imagined with symbols very similar to the Ouroboros.

In such a way that in ancient times, it was believed that human beings arrived in this world, and then when they died, return to that place where they came from, to regenerate and be reborn, and so on. The snake in the Ouroboros symbol can be associated with the figure of the Chtonian Goddess, who was the mother of the living and the dead.

If we see it from an astronomical point of view, the Ouroboros can become the Esoteric Symbol of the eternal cycle of the Moon and the Sun in relation to the earth.

The Ouroboros contains the whole secret of the Universe Carl Gustav Jung.

The sun rises in the East, moves in a circular arc to the West where it dies (disappears beneath the surface of the earth, or the sea, that is, in the depths of the unconscious, to be regenerated by the Great Mother), then resurrects on the next sunrise, in the East.

The earth managed to make a complete circle in twenty-four hours. This cycle is represented by the Ouroboros, the symbol of the snake that bites its tail.

Above all, the Ouroboros had a strong relationship with ancient Egypt, this symbol of power caused the Egyptians to adopt it as an image of the cosmic movement, the movement of stars in space and, consequently, the course of time and the uninterrupted succession of its phases.

Today, the Ouroboros as one of the most important occult and esoteric symbols has been used in various modern music album albums, as well as n in Tattoos and Clothing.

Few know the philosophical and esoteric depth that the Ouroboros contains in its figure, its antiquity and of course its deepest secrets.

The flower of Life

“A transcendental or Universal symbol, has a sublime connection between its forms and the concept it represents.” Eric Fromm

We continue with another of the occult and esoteric symbols of considerable importance for antiquity, the flower of life.

This enigmatic symbol combines the mystery of Civilizations such as Celtic with Pythagorean mathematical perfection, its geometric figure encloses esoteric and philosophical concepts that transcend any physical plane.

It is impressive how since ancient times, civilizations such as the Celts had such a high knowledge of the Universe and its geometric proportions.

Proof of the foregoing is the symbol of The Flower of Life, whose figure is consistent with mathematical and biological principles, which are barely being recognized today.

When you begin to study about the Flower of Life symbol and its relation to sacred geometry, you will travel to a world where the infinite forms and models of the universe are intertwined.

The flower of life is closely related to perfect mathematical proportions such as The Golden Number or the Fibonacci sequel, just to name the most important ones.

This enigmatic esoteric symbol transports us to the base and the science of sacred geometry, and puts us face to face with its deepest secrets.

This symbol even, has been used by numerous architects and artists throughout history, had its peak in the Italian Renaissance.

The starting point of the Flower of Life is the central circle. From its center or core, a geometric structure of great beauty and harmony develops.

This symbol clearly illustrates the philosophical concept that all life forms unfold from a single source, much like the biological process of cell division, which develops until each life form reaches the ideal harmonic figure.

The golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence is found in all dimensions and parts of this tremendous occult and esoteric symbol .

One of the most outstanding features of the flower of life, is that its image as the main symbol of sacred geometry, fits perfectly with the Microcosm and Macrocosm.

The flower of life has had multiple variants throughout the history of ancient civilizations, and it is curious as from ancient times, here are some of them:

  1. The seed of life: This symbol was mainly used to represent fertility, it is made up of 7 outer rings, which correspond to the 7 days of the creation of the world.
  2. Egg of life: The ancient sages observed nature in detail, the egg of life was considered the symbol of creativity, since of course, it represented the biological process of the multicellular embryo.
  3. Fruit of Life: Those enlightened masters who designed this occult and esoteric symbol , knew in depth the atom and the different molecular structures, this wonderful symbol is made up of 13 star-shaped circles, and represents the energy and protection of nature .
  4. The Tree of Life: Arcane occult symbol and of great importance for antiquity, especially for the Celts, Kabbalists and Alchemists. This symbol represents the source of Life, Vitality and the origin of all existing forms of Life.

See also: “The magic of the flower of life by Andromedans”

In the image above you can see a model of the Celtic Tree of Life

Among the attributes we can find in the Flower of Life, there is one that attracts the attention of mathematicians and astrologers, the 13 spheres of the occult symbol.

These spheres contain several mathematical and geometric laws. These laws represent the entire universe.

Today the Flower of Life is an occult symbol that can be found in the main religions of the world. For example in Ancient Egypt, the Flower of Life, can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos .

Also, it is regularly seen in countries like Israel, in the ancient synagogues of Galilee and Masada. It can also be found in India, Europe, Africa, Latin America or Asia.

According to people from all over the world, the Flower of life has the special attribute of changing moods and even some claim to improve physical health conditions.

Others say, that it has the capacity to improve the psychic harmony of the places where it is present, that is, to fill those sites that have bad vibrations with positive energy.

Usually, the Flower of Life is used in sessions of spiritual cleansing and energy management, other people instead use it as decoration, in bracelets, shirts, as posters for walls And it is Of course, the harmony and beauty generated by the Flower of Life is transcendental.

Author: Andrea Mora, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of


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